Man pages for mkajano/HDXBoxeR
Analysis of Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass-Spectrometry Data

all_summaryReturns full summary table.
arg_dfReturns initially processed data.frame from the export from...
arguments_call1Returns default arguments for the output_tp functions. States
arguments_call2Returns default arguments for the output_tp functions....
arguments_call3Returns default arguments for the output_tp functions. #...
arg_UN_FDReturns initially processed data.frame from the export from...
average_timecourseCalculates average for time course data.
ave_timepointReturns average value for either uptake of procent data.
av_tcPreparatory function for average plot for timecourses
av_tpPreparatory function for average plot
backHX_calculationsSummary of backexchange summary
boxplot_tpPlots boxplots for all the averages in the set
CI_2ptsGlobal confidence interval treshold from experimental...
CI_singleGlobal confidence interval treshold from experimental...
CI_tcCritial interval calculation two sets of timecourses
CI_tpGlobal confidence interval treshold from experimental...
color_ranges_Blue_Red_heat_mapReturns color pallete from red to blue with number of colors...
color_ranges_SpectralReturns Spectral pallette with colors matching defined ranges
coverage_residueReturns coverage per residue
deuteration_woods_timecourseReturn woods plots for the timecourse
deuteration_woods_timepointsReturn woods plots for the timepoints
dif_aveReturns data frame with difference of averages between State1...
dif_tpPreparatory function for difference plot
dif_tp_procPreparatory function for difference plot
duplicate_setsDuplicate set function
extreme_input_gapMakes input for Extreme for bimodal analysis.
extreme_input_undeutMakes input for Extreme for bimodal analysis.
general_infoProvides summary table for all data.sets.
getCoords1function from plotfunctions package
heat_map_tcPlots heat maps for time courses.
heat_map_tpPreparatory function for heat map
heat_map_tp_maxuptakePreparatory function for heat map of maximum uptake per...
heat_map_tp_maxuptake_procPreparatory function for heat map of maximum procent...
heat_map_tp_procPreparatory function for heat map for procent deuteration for NaN is data.frame
lab_difLegend for difference in averages plot.
lab_dif_procPreparatory function for difference plot for procent...
lab_volPreparatory function for volcano plot legends
legend_heat_mapLegend for the heatmaps prep function.
legend_heat_map_tcLegend for the heatmaps for timecourses.
legend_heat_map_timecourseLegend for the heatmaps prep function for timecourses.
legend_heat_map_tpLegend for the heatmaps.Extracts names from data.frame
legend_heat_map_tp_procLegend for the heatmaps percent.Extracts names from...
legend_nm_bottomLegend, bottom of the plots
legend_raw_aveLegend for average plot.
legend_raw_ave_procPreparatory function to draw legends for average procent
legend_raw_ave_tcLegend for average deuteration plot for timecourse.
legend_sig_peptidesLegend for the significant peptides
legend_states_PerD_bottomLegend, bottom of the plots
legend_tc_bottomPreparatory function returns legends for the timecourses.
nb_exch_deutNumber of exchangeable protons
nm_statesLists names of states in data sets
output_FDPrepares output for HDX-MS Full deuteration data
output_FD_procPrepares output for HDX-MS Full deuteration data for procent...
output_prepPrepares output with HDX-MS data for publications
output_tcPrepares output for HDX-MS for the deuteration uptake or...
output_tpPrepares output for HDX-MS for the deuteration uptake or...
output_UDPrepares output for HDX-MS Undeuterated sample data.
output_UD_procPrepares output for HDX-MS Undeuterated data for procent...
pallette_legendColor scheme using heatmap. Legend Extracts names from...
pallette_llColor scheme using heatmap. Legend extracts names from data...
peptide_pv_tpPreparatory function for significant peptide plots
peptide_pv_tp_procPreparatory function for showing peptides with significant...
pl_gen_ch2Prepares the plot window for the woods functions
pl_gen_uptakePrepares the plot window for the woods functions
plot_heat_map_max_uptake_tpPlots heat maps for maximum uptake per residue.
plot_heat_map_max_uptake_tp_procPlots heat maps for maximum procent deuteration per residue.
plot_heat_map_tcPlots heat maps for time courses.
plot_heat_map_tpPlots heat maps for significant peptides.
plot_heat_map_tp_procPlots heat maps for significant peptides.
plot_peptide_sig_tpSignificant peptide plots.
plot_peptide_sig_tp_procDraws peptides with significant difefrences between sets.
plots_av_tcourseGenerates average deuteration plot for the time-course.
plots_av_tpReturns average deuteration plot for timepoints in the data...
plots_av_tp_procReturns average procent deuteration plot for time points
plots_diff_tpReturns difference in average plot for timepoints in the data...
plots_diff_tp_procReturns difference in average procent deuteration plot for...
plots_vol_tpReturns volcano plots for timepoints in the data frame
pparPreparation of figure window.
ppar_bottom_legendPreparation of figure window with area for figure at the...
pparLMPreparation of figure window. small margins
ppar_widerPreparation of figure window with more area on west side of...
prep_timecourse_plot_avePrepares function for plotting averages in timecourse
prep_timecourse_plot_sdPrepares function for Critical interval for timecourses
pv_timecoursepvalue calculation between two sets of the data at certain...
pv_timepointCalculation of pvalue between first protein state and any...
pymol_script_average_residueWrites a text files with pymol scripts to list significant...
pymol_script_significant_peptideWrites a text files with pymol scripts to list significant...
pymol_script_significant_peptide_procWrites a text files with pymol scripts to list significant...
pymol_script_significant_residueWrites a text files with pymol scripts to list significant...
pymol_script_significant_residue_procWrites a text files with pymol scripts to list significant...
pymol_strPreparatory function writing pymol scripts
qpcr.cbind.naHidden function from qpcR package, typical usage as...
ranges_functionGives ranges for the averages
ranges_function_tcGives ranges for the averages for time course analysis
rbind_nabind non equal row
reset_parReset plotting window parameters to default
robot_2states_indexesReturns a robot plot for selected peptides for 2 protein...
robot_indexesReturns indexes for peptides with significant difference...
robot_indexes_dfReturns dataframe with peptides which exhibit significant...
robot_plot_AllReturns a robot plot for comparisons of the timepoints...
sd_timecourseReturns standard deviation for uptake data for timecourses.
sd_timecourse_procReturns standard deviation for percent deuteration data for...
sd_timepointReturns standard deviation for dataframe.
select_indicesAllows for selecting some peptide from input data
significant_peptide_uptakeFunction returns which peptides are significantly based of...
summary_sd_CIProvides summary table with Critical interval and standard...
uptake_plotsUptake plots
verbose_timecourse_outputReturns csv with averages from analysis for procent...
verbose_timepoint_outputReturns csv with averages from analysis for uptake file,...
vol_tpPreparatory function for volcano plot
woods_CI_plotReturns a woods plot for comparisons of the timepoints...
mkajano/HDXBoxeR documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 9:12 a.m.