
#' HTML slideshow presentation
#' Renders rmarkdown as an HTML slideshow.
#' @param incremental Logical indicating whether to render bullet points incrementally. Defaults to FALSE. To reverse-order, precede item with `>`
#' @param fig_width Default figure width, in inches.
#' @param fig_height Default figure height, in inches.
#' @param fig_caption Logical indicating whether to render figure captions.
#' @param self_contained Logical indicating whether to package presentation as single html file.
#' @param highlight Highlight style, if "default" then "haddock" is used.
#' @param css Optional, additional css file(s) to include
#' @param includes Optional, additional content to include.
#' @param keep_md Logical indicating whether to keep .md version of file.
#' @param lib_dir If not self contained, name for directory containing presentation files. If NULL (default) then "_files" is added to document name.
#' @param pandoc_args Optional, additional args to pass on to pandoc.
#' @export
uslides_html <- function(incremental = FALSE,
                         fig_width = 7.50,
                         fig_height = 4.75,
                         fig_caption = FALSE,
                         self_contained = FALSE,
                         highlight = "default",
                         css = NULL,
                         includes = NULL,
                         keep_md = FALSE,
                         lib_dir = NULL,
                         pandoc_args = NULL) {
  katex = TRUE
  fig_retina = 2
  template = "default"
  smart = TRUE
  theme = "ribbon"
  ratio = "16x10"

  css <- add_logos_html(css)

  theme_url <-   system.file(
    "rmarkdown/templates/uslides_html/resources", package = "uslides")

  ## put common pandoc options here
  args <- c()

  if (identical(template, "default")) {
    default_template <- system.file(
      package = "uslides"
    args <- c(args, "--template",

  } else if (!is.null(template)) {
    args <- c(args, "--template",

  if (incremental)
    args <- c(args, "--incremental")

  # slide level
  args <- c(args, "--slide-level", "2")

  # aspect ratio
  args <- c(args, paste0("--variable=ratio:", ratio))

  # KaTeX?
  args <- c(args, if (katex) paste0("--variable=katex:yes"))

  # content includes
  args <- c(args, rmarkdown::includes_to_pandoc_args(includes))

  # additional css
  for (css_file in css) {
    args <- c(args, "--css", rmarkdown::pandoc_path_arg(css_file))

  pre_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, runtime, knit_meta, files_dir,
                            output_dir) {

    ## we don't work with runtime shiny
    if (identical(runtime, "shiny")) {
      stop("shower is not compatible with runtime 'shiny'",
           call. = FALSE)

    ## use files_dir as lib_dir if not explicitly specified
    if (is.null(lib_dir)) lib_dir <- files_dir

    ## extra args
    args <- c()

    shower_path <- system.file("rmarkdown/templates/uslides_html/resources", package = "uslides")
    if (!self_contained || identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")) {
      shower_path <- rmarkdown::relative_to(
        output_dir, rmarkdown::render_supporting_files(shower_path, lib_dir)
    args <- c(

    ## theme
    args <- c(args, paste0("--variable=theme:", theme))
    if (!self_contained || identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")) {
      theme_url <- rmarkdown::relative_to(
        output_dir, rmarkdown::render_supporting_files(theme_url, lib_dir)
    args <- c(args, paste0("--variable=shower-theme-url:", theme_url))

    ## highlight
    args <- c(args,
                highlight, default = "haddock"))

    ## return additional args

  post_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, output_file, clean,
                             verbose) {

    ## Get lines from output file
    con <- file(output_file)
    lines <- readLines(con)

    ## Change <li class="fragment"> elements, add a "next" class.
    ## Shower needs this for incremental lists
    lines <- sub(
      "<li class=\"fragment\"",
      "<li class=\"fragment next\"",
      fixed = TRUE

    ## Everything should be H2 for shower
    lines <- sub(
      perl = TRUE

    ## Title slides are H2, too, but have a special class
    lines <- sub(
      "(class=\"titleslide slide level1\">)<h1>(.*)</h1>",
      "\\1<h2 class=\"shout\">\\2</h2>",
      perl = TRUE

    ## No embedded sections, please
    lines <- sub("^<section><section", "<section", lines)
    lines <- sub("^</section></section>", "</section>", lines)

    ## Write it out
    con <- file(output_file)
    writeLines(lines, con)


  knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE)

    knitr = rmarkdown::knitr_options_html(
      fig_width, fig_height, fig_retina, keep_md),
    pandoc = rmarkdown::pandoc_options(
      to = "revealjs",
      from = rmarkdown::rmarkdown_format(
        if (fig_caption) "" else "-implicit_figures"),
      args = args
    keep_md = keep_md,
    clean_supporting = self_contained,
    pre_processor = pre_processor,
    post_processor = post_processor,
    base_format = rmarkdown::html_document_base(
      smart = smart,
      lib_dir = lib_dir,
      self_contained = self_contained,
      mathjax = if (katex) "default" else NULL,
      pandoc_args = pandoc_args


add_logos_html <- function(css = NULL) {
  if (is.null(css)) {
    css <- system.file(
      package = "uslides"
  con <- file(css)
  x <- readLines(con, warn = FALSE)

  bl <- Sys.getenv("USLIDES_BOTTOMLEFT")
  ## if not set then ask and set
  if (identical(bl, "")) {
    if (interactive()) {
      ## if env var not set, then ask user and set it for future sessions
      bl <- readline_("What is the full path for BOTTOMLEFT image?")
      if (nchar(bl) > 0L) {
          paste0("USLIDES_BOTTOMLEFT=", bl),
          file = .Renviron(),
          append = TRUE, fill = TRUE
    } else {
      ## if not interactive then guess the path
      bl <- path.expand("~/Dropbox/uslidelogos/bl.jpg")

  br <- Sys.getenv("USLIDES_BOTTOMRIGHT")
  if (identical(br, "")) {
    if (interactive()) {
      br <- readline_("What is the full path for BOTTOMRIGHT image?")
      if (nchar(br) > 0L) {
          paste0("USLIDES_BOTTOMRIGHT=", br),
          file = .Renviron(),
          append = TRUE, fill = TRUE
    } else {
      ## if not interactive then guess the path
      br <- path.expand("~/Dropbox/uslidelogos/br.jpg")
  if (file.exists(bl) || file.exists(br)) {
    x <- gsub("BOTTOMLEFT", bl, x)
    x <- gsub("BOTTOMRIGHT", br, x)
  } else {
    x <- grep("BOTTOMLEFT", x, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
    x <- grep("BOTTOMRIGHT", x, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)

  bn <- Sys.getenv("USLIDES_BANNER")
  if (identical(bn, "")) {
    if (interactive()) {
      bn <- readline_("What is the full path for BANNER image?")
      if (nchar(bn) > 0L) {
          paste0("USLIDES_BANNER=", bn),
          file = .Renviron(),
          append = TRUE, fill = TRUE
    } else {
      ## if not interactive then guess the path
      bn <- path.expand("~/Dropbox/uslidelogos/bn.jpg")
  if (file.exists(bn)) {
    x <- gsub("BANNER", bn, x)
  } else {
    x <- grep("BANNER", x, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)

  bg <- Sys.getenv("USLIDES_BACKGROUND")
  if (identical(bg, "")) {
    if (interactive()) {
      ## if env var not set, then ask user and set it for future sessions
      bg <- readline_("What is the full path for BACKGROUND image?")
      if (nchar(bg) > 0L) {
          paste0("USLIDES_BACKGROUND=", bg),
          file = .Renviron(),
          append = TRUE, fill = TRUE
    } else {
      ## if not interactive then guess
      bg <- path.expand("~/Dropbox/uslidelogos/bg.jpg")
  if (file.exists(bg)) {
    x <- gsub("BACKGROUND", bg, x)
  } else {
    x <- grep("BACKGROUND", x, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)

  ## save as temp file
  ##tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".tex")
  out <- system.file(
    package = "uslides")
  out <- file.path(out, "style-ribbon.css")
  writeLines(x, out)
mkearney/uslides documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:11 p.m.