
#' uslides_pdf
#' Document template for uslide beamer presentation.
#' @inheritParams rmarkdown::beamer_presentation
#' @export
uslides_pdf <- function(toc = FALSE,
                        incremental = FALSE,
                        fig_width = 9,
                        fig_height = 6,
                        fig_crop = TRUE,
                        fig_caption = TRUE,
                        keep_tex = FALSE,
                        pandoc_args = NULL,
                        highlight = "haddock",
                        latex_engine = "xelatex") {
  template_path <- system.file(
    "rmarkdown", "templates", "uslides_pdf", package = "uslides"
  ## set locations of doc pre/suf fixes
  doc_prefix <- file.path(
    template_path, "resources", "uslides_pdf_prefix.tex"
  doc_prefix <- add_logos(doc_prefix)
  doc_afterbody <- file.path(
    template_path, "resources", "uslides_pdf_afterbody.tex"
  doc_prebody <- file.path(
    template_path, "resources", "uslides_pdf_beforebody.tex"
  knitr::knit_hooks$set(mysize = function(before, options, envir) if (before) return(options$size))
  knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, mysize = TRUE, size = "\\scriptsize")
  #rm_dbl_quotes <- function(x) gsub("\"", "'", x)
  #knit_print.character = function(x, ...) {
  #  sQuote(noquote(x))
  ## call the base html_document function
    toc = toc,
    incremental = incremental,
    theme = "boxes",
    colortheme = "structure",
    latex_engine = latex_engine,
    df_print = "tibble",
    fig_crop = fig_crop,
    fig_width = fig_width,
    fig_height = fig_height,
    fig_caption = fig_caption,
    highlight = highlight,
    keep_tex = keep_tex,
    includes = rmarkdown::includes(
      in_header = doc_prefix,
      before_body = doc_prebody,
      after_body = doc_afterbody
    pandoc_args = pandoc_args

#' add_logos
#' Set logos as environment variables for uslides design
#' @param doc_prefix Path to uslides_pdf_prefix. Default (NULL) will
#'   look up where package is located for default document.
#' @export
add_logos <- function(doc_prefix = NULL) {
  if (is.null(doc_prefix)) {
    template_path <- system.file(
      "rmarkdown", "templates", "uslides_pdf", package = "uslides"
    ## set locations of css and doc pre/suf fixes
    doc_prefix <- file.path(
      template_path, "resources", "uslides_pdf_prefix.tex"
  con <- file(doc_prefix)
  x <- readLines(con, warn = FALSE)

  bl <- Sys.getenv("USLIDES_BOTTOMLEFT")
  ## if not set then ask and set
  if (identical(bl, "")) {
    if (interactive()) {
      ## if env var not set, then ask user and set it for future sessions
      bl <- readline_("What is the full path for BOTTOMLEFT image?")
      if (nchar(bl) > 0L) {
          paste0("USLIDES_BOTTOMLEFT=", bl),
          file = .Renviron(),
          append = TRUE, fill = TRUE
    } else {
      ## if not interactive then guess the path
      bl <- path.expand("~/Dropbox/uslidelogos/bl.jpg")

  br <- Sys.getenv("USLIDES_BOTTOMRIGHT")
  if (identical(br, "")) {
    if (interactive()) {
      br <- readline_("What is the full path for BOTTOMRIGHT image?")
      if (nchar(br) > 0L) {
          paste0("USLIDES_BOTTOMRIGHT=", br),
          file = .Renviron(),
          append = TRUE, fill = TRUE
    } else {
      ## if not interactive then guess the path
      br <- path.expand("~/Dropbox/uslidelogos/br.jpg")
  if (file.exists(bl) || file.exists(br)) {
    x <- gsub("BOTTOMLEFT", bl, x)
    x <- gsub("BOTTOMRIGHT", br, x)
  } else {
    x <- grep("BOTTOMLEFT", x, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
    x <- grep("BOTTOMRIGHT", x, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)

  bn <- Sys.getenv("USLIDES_BANNER")
  if (identical(bn, "")) {
    if (interactive()) {
      bn <- readline_("What is the full path for BANNER image?")
      if (nchar(bn) > 0L) {
          paste0("USLIDES_BANNER=", bn),
          file = .Renviron(),
          append = TRUE, fill = TRUE
    } else {
      ## if not interactive then guess the path
      bn <- path.expand("~/Dropbox/uslidelogos/bn.jpg")
  if (file.exists(bn)) {
    x <- gsub("BANNER", bn, x)
  } else {
    x <- grep("BANNER", x, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)

  bg <- Sys.getenv("USLIDES_BACKGROUND")
  if (identical(bg, "")) {
    if (interactive()) {
      ## if env var not set, then ask user and set it for future sessions
      bg <- readline_("What is the full path for BACKGROUND image?")
      if (nchar(bg) > 0L) {
          paste0("USLIDES_BACKGROUND=", bg),
          file = .Renviron(),
          append = TRUE, fill = TRUE
    } else {
      ## if not interactive then guess
      bg <- path.expand("~/Dropbox/uslidelogos/bg.jpg")
  if (file.exists(bg)) {
    x <- gsub("BACKGROUND", bg, x)
  } else {
    x <- grep("BACKGROUND", x, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)

  ## save as temp file
  tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".tex")
  writeLines(x, tmp)

readline_ <- function(...) {
  input <- readline(paste(unlist(c(...)), collapse = ""))
  gsub("^\"|^'|\"$|'$", "", input)

.Renviron <- function() {
  if (file.exists(".Renviron")) {
  } else if (!identical(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "")) {
    file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Renviron")
  } else {
    file.path(normalizePath("~"), ".Renviron")
mkearney/uslides documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:11 p.m.