#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# Copyright 2013 - 2022 Michael K. Schuster
# Biomedical Sequencing Facility (BSF), part of the genomics core facility of
# the Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) of the Austrian Academy of
# Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna (MUW).
# This file is part of BSF R.
# BSF R is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# (at your option) any later version.
# BSF R is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with BSF R. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Description -------------------------------------------------------------
# BSF R Script to import a GenomicRanges::GRanges object.
# The --drop-variables option allows for specifying metadata variables
# that should be dropped from the GenomicRanges::GRanges object.
# Since Ensembl provides multiple "tag" attributes per GTF line, the value of
# only one of them can be included in the meta data DataFrame. Since a single
# "tag" value renders the annotation misleading, the "tag" variable can be
# dropped.
# Please note that Ensembl provides a singe tag attribute in GFF3 files with one
# or more comma-separated tag values, which can be parsed into
# IRanges::CharacterList objects.
# Output file:
# - <output_directory>/<transcriptome_version>_granges.rds
# - <output_directory>/<transcriptome_version>.bed
# Option Parsing ----------------------------------------------------------
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "optparse"))
argument_list <-
optparse::parse_args(object = optparse::OptionParser(
option_list = list(
opt_str = "--verbose",
action = "store_true",
default = TRUE,
help = "Print extra output [default]",
type = "logical"
opt_str = "--quiet",
action = "store_false",
default = FALSE,
dest = "verbose",
help = "Print little output",
type = "logical"
opt_str = "--transcriptome-path",
dest = "transcriptome_path",
help = "Transcriptome (GTF) path",
type = "character"
opt_str = "--transcriptome-version",
dest = "transcriptome_version",
help = "Transcriptome version",
type = "character"
opt_str = "--seqinfo-path",
dest = "seqinfo_path",
help = "GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo path (preferred over --genome-version)",
type = "character"
opt_str = "--genome-version",
dest = "genome_version",
help = "Genome version (--seqinfo-path is preferred)",
type = "character"
opt_str = "--drop-variables",
dest = "drop_variables",
help = "A comma-separated list of meta data variables to drop",
type = "character"
opt_str = "--complete-hierarchy",
action = "store_true",
default = TRUE,
dest = "complete_hierarchy",
help = "Complete the exon, transcript, gene feature hierarchy [TRUE]",
type = "logical"
opt_str = "--incomplete-hierarchy",
action = "store_false",
default = FALSE,
dest = "complete_hierarchy",
help = "Leave only exon features [FALSE]",
type = "logical"
opt_str = "--output-directory",
default = ".",
dest = "output_directory",
help = "Output directory path [.]",
type = "character"
if (is.null(x = argument_list$transcriptome_path)) {
stop("Missing --transcriptome-path option")
if (is.null(x = argument_list$transcriptome_version)) {
stop("Missing --transcriptome-version option")
if (is.null(x = argument_list$genome_version) &&
is.null(x = argument_list$seqinfo_path)) {
"Either the --genome-version or the --seqinfo-path option ",
"is required for output file naming."
# Library Import ----------------------------------------------------------
# CRAN r-lib
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "sessioninfo"))
# CRAN Tidyverse
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "readr"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "stringr"))
# Bioconductor
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "BiocVersion"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "rtracklayer"))
seqinfo_object <-
if (is.null(x = argument_list$seqinfo_path)) {
GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(genome = argument_list$genome_version)
} else {
readr::read_rds(file = argument_list$seqinfo_path)
if (is.null(x = seqinfo_object)) {
stop("Could not retrieve a GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo object")
granges_object <-
rtracklayer::import(con = argument_list$transcriptome_path,
genome = seqinfo_object)
# Drop metadata variables if requested and present.
if (!is.null(argument_list$drop_variables)) {
# Split on "," characters.
drop_variables_character <-
stringr::str_split_1(string = argument_list$drop_variables,
pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = ","))
# Trim remaining white space around "," characters.
drop_variables_character <-
stringr::str_trim(string = drop_variables_character)
# Only subset if the variable is not just a single empty string.
if ((length(x = drop_variables_character) > 1) ||
(drop_variables_character[1L] != "")) {
if (argument_list$verbose) {
message("Removing metadata variables: ",
paste(drop_variables_character, collapse = " "))
mcols_dframe <- S4Vectors::mcols(x = granges_object)
mcols_dframe <- S4Vectors::subset(
x = mcols_dframe,
select = base::setdiff(x = S4Vectors::colnames(x = mcols_dframe),
y = drop_variables_character),
drop = FALSE
S4Vectors::mcols(x = granges_object) <- mcols_dframe
if (argument_list$complete_hierarchy) {
# Complete the exon -> transcript -> gene hierarchy, by adding missing
# transcript or gene features.
mcols_dframe <- S4Vectors::mcols(x = granges_object)
if ("type" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = mcols_dframe)) {
# Check if the GTF file has only "exon" features. If so, create also
# "transcript" and "gene" features.
if (sum(mcols_dframe$type == "exon") == S4Vectors::nrow(x = mcols_dframe)) {
# Only "exon records are available.
transcript_granges <-
transcript_mcols_dframe <-
S4Vectors::mcols(x = transcript_granges)
transcript_mcols_dframe$type <- "transcript"
if ("exon_id" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = transcript_mcols_dframe)) {
transcript_mcols_dframe$exon_id <- NA_character_
S4Vectors::mcols(x = transcript_granges) <-
gene_granges <- transcript_granges
gene_mcols_dframe <- S4Vectors::mcols(x = gene_granges)
gene_mcols_dframe$type <- "gene"
if ("transcript_id" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = gene_mcols_dframe)) {
gene_mcols_dframe$transcript_id <- NA_character_
S4Vectors::mcols(x = gene_granges) <- gene_mcols_dframe
# Merge "exon", "transcript" and "gene" GRanges.
granges_object <-
c(granges_object, transcript_granges, gene_granges)
rm(transcript_granges, gene_granges)
granges_object <- GenomicRanges::sort(x = granges_object)
# Add names to the GenomicRanges::GRanges object.
mcols_dframe <- S4Vectors::mcols(x = granges_object)
if ("type" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = mcols_dframe)) {
row_names <- base::names(x = granges_object)
if (is.null(x = row_names)) {
row_names <- S4Vectors::rownames(x = mcols_dframe)
if (is.null(x = row_names)) {
row_names <-
as.character(x = base::seq_len(length.out = base::length(x = granges_object)))
# Since exon features are not unique, because the same exon can be part of
# more than one transcript, row names can not be assigned in a simple loop
# over feature types.
if ("gene" %in% mcols_dframe$type &&
"gene_id" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = mcols_dframe)) {
row_index <- mcols_dframe$type == "gene"
row_names[row_index] <-
mcols_dframe[row_index, "gene_id", drop = TRUE]
if ("transcript" %in% mcols_dframe$type &&
"transcript_id" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = mcols_dframe)) {
row_index <- mcols_dframe$type == "transcript"
row_names[row_index] <-
mcols_dframe[row_index, "transcript_id", drop = TRUE]
rm (row_index)
if ("exon" %in% mcols_dframe$type &&
"exon_id" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = mcols_dframe)) {
row_index <- mcols_dframe$type == "exon"
row_names[row_index] <-
paste(mcols_dframe[row_index, "transcript_id", drop = TRUE],
mcols_dframe[row_index, "exon_id", drop = TRUE],
sep = "_")
# Assign to the DataFrame object.
S4Vectors::rownames(x = mcols_dframe) <- row_names
# Assign to the GRanges object.
S4Vectors::mcols(x = granges_object) <- mcols_dframe
base::names(x = granges_object) <- row_names
x = granges_object,
file = file.path(argument_list$output_directory,
paste(argument_list$transcriptome_version, "granges", sep = "_"),
sep = "."
compress = "gz"
# Re-export the merged GenomicRanges::GRanges objects in GTF format.
# Since the rtracklayer::export() function checks for a single genome, multiple
# ones need collapsing.
merged_seqinfo_object <- GenomicRanges::seqinfo(x = granges_object)
GenomeInfoDb::genome(x = merged_seqinfo_object) <-
paste(base::unique(x = GenomeInfoDb::genome(x = merged_seqinfo_object)), collapse = "_")
GenomicRanges::seqinfo(x = granges_object) <- merged_seqinfo_object
rtracklayer::export(object = granges_object,
con = file.path(
sep = ".")
rm(granges_object, seqinfo_object, argument_list)
message("All done")
# Finally, print all objects that have not been removed from the environment.
if (length(x = ls())) {
print(x = "Remaining objects:")
print(x = ls())
print(x = sessioninfo::session_info())
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.