
paths <- commandArgs(TRUE)

extension <- tail(strsplit(paths[1], '_')[[1]], n=1)
metric <- strsplit(extension, '[.]')[[1]][[1]]
df <- read.csv(paths[1])
id <- 'method'
if ('fold' %in% names(df)) {
  id <- c(id, 'fold')
df <- melt(df, id=id)
for (path in paths[-1]) {
  new_df <- read.csv(path)
  new_df <- melt(new_df, id=id)
  df <- rbind(df, new_df)

plot_scores <- function(df, fname) {
  weighted_df <- filter(df, grepl('weighted', variable))
  weighted_fname <- paste(fname, '_weighted', '.pdf', sep='')
  plot_scores_(weighted_df, weighted_fname)
  panel_df <- filter(df, grepl('panel', variable))
  panel_fname <- paste(fname, '_panel', '.pdf', sep='')
  plot_scores_(panel_df, panel_fname)
  df <- filter(df, !grepl('panel', variable) & !grepl('weighted', variable))
  fname <- paste(fname, '.pdf', sep='')
  plot_scores_(df, fname)

plot_scores_ <- function(df, fname) {
  df$method <- as.factor(as.character(df$method))
  ols_names <- c('least_squares')
  reg_names <- c("stepwise","stepwise_15", "lasso", "lasso_15", "ridge", "least_squares_pc")
  nonlin_names <- c("pca_knn","pca_knn_all","forest","btree","btree_laplace", "rtree", "spline")
  class_names <- c("logistic_40","logistic_lasso_40","ctree_40","cforest_40", "cbtree_40")
  ensemble_names <- c("ensemble", "ensemble_all")
  all_names <- c(ols_names, reg_names, nonlin_names, class_names, ensemble_names)
  df <- filter(df, method %in% all_names)
  add_prefix <- function(df, names, prefix) {
    names_logical <- levels(df$method) %in% names
    if (!any(names_logical)) {
    levels(df$method)[names_logical] <- sapply(
      function(response) {paste(prefix, response, sep=" -- ")})
  df <- add_prefix(df, ols_names, "0. OLS")
  df <- add_prefix(df, reg_names, "1. Linear regularized")
  df <- add_prefix(df, nonlin_names, "2. Non-linear regression")
  df <- add_prefix(df, class_names, "3. Classification")
  df <- add_prefix(df, ensemble_names, "4. Ensemble")
  df$method <- as.factor(as.character(df$method))
  p <- ggplot(df, aes(y=value, x=method, color=variable, alpha=alpha)) + 
    geom_point(position=position_dodge(width=0.5)) +
    scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
    scale_alpha_continuous(range=c(0.3, 1), guide=FALSE)
  if (metric == 'bttp') {
    p <- p + labs(y = 'budget to the true poor (over ols)')
  else {
    p <- p + labs(y = paste(metric, "- lms", metric) )
  methods <- unique(df$method)
  linear_count <- sum(grepl('0. OLS', methods)) + sum(grepl('1. Linear', methods))
  non_linear_count <- sum(grepl('2. Non-linear', methods))
  classification_count <- sum(grepl('3. Class', methods))
  p <- p +
    geom_vline(xintercept = .5 + linear_count) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = .5 + linear_count + non_linear_count) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = .5 + linear_count + non_linear_count + classification_count)
  ggsave(fname, p, width=12, height=8)
df$alpha <- 1
plot_scores(df, paste('results/', metric, '_all', sep=''))
if (metric == "reach" | metric == "unnormalized" | metric == "bttp") {
  df_avg <- group_by(df, method, variable) %>% summarize(value=mean(value))
  df_avg$alpha <- 2
  plot_scores(df_avg, paste('results/', metric, '_avg', sep=''))
  df$fold <- NULL
  df <- rbind(df, df_avg)
  plot_scores(df, paste('results/', metric, sep=''))
  write.csv(cast(df, method ~ variable, mean),  paste('results/', metric, '.csv', sep=''), row.names=FALSE)
ml-e/ML-library documentation built on May 23, 2019, 2:03 a.m.