
Defines functions findTagged .findExpired findExpired findQueued findRunning .findOnSystem findOnSystem .findTerminated .findErrors findErrors .findNotDone findNotDone .findDone findDone .findNotStarted findNotStarted .findStarted findStarted .findNotSubmitted findNotSubmitted .findSubmitted findSubmitted findExperiments findJobs

Documented in findDone findErrors findExperiments findExpired findJobs findNotDone findNotStarted findNotSubmitted findOnSystem findQueued findRunning findStarted findSubmitted findTagged

#' @title Find and Filter Jobs
#' @description
#' These functions are used to find and filter jobs, depending on either their parameters (\code{findJobs} and
#' \code{findExperiments}), their tags (\code{findTagged}), or their computational status (all other functions,
#' see \code{\link{getStatus}} for an overview).
#' Note that \code{findQueued}, \code{findRunning}, \code{findOnSystem} and \code{findExpired} are somewhat heuristic
#' and may report misleading results, depending on the state of the system and the \code{\link{ClusterFunctions}} implementation.
#' See \code{\link{JoinTables}} for convenient set operations (unions, intersects, differences) on tables with job ids.
#' @param expr [\code{expression}]\cr
#'   Predicate expression evaluated in the job parameters.
#'   Jobs for which \code{expr} evaluates to \code{TRUE} are returned.
#' @templateVar ids.default all
#' @template ids
#' @template reg
#' @return [\code{\link{data.table}}] with column \dQuote{job.id} containing matched jobs.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getStatus}} \code{\link{JoinTables}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ batchtools:::example_push_temp(1) }
#' tmp = makeRegistry(file.dir = NA, make.default = FALSE)
#' batchMap(identity, i = 1:3, reg = tmp)
#' ids = findNotSubmitted(reg = tmp)
#' # get all jobs:
#' findJobs(reg = tmp)
#' # filter for jobs with parameter i >= 2
#' findJobs(i >= 2, reg = tmp)
#' # filter on the computational status
#' findSubmitted(reg = tmp)
#' findNotDone(reg = tmp)
#' # filter on tags
#' addJobTags(2:3, "my_tag", reg = tmp)
#' findTagged(tags = "my_tag", reg = tmp)
#' # combine filter functions using joins
#' # -> jobs which are not done and not tagged (using an anti-join):
#' ajoin(findNotDone(reg = tmp), findTagged("my_tag", reg = tmp))
findJobs = function(expr, ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  ids = convertIds(reg, ids)
  if (missing(expr))
    return(ids %??% allIds(reg))

  expr = substitute(expr)
  ee = parent.frame()
  fun = function(pars) eval(expr, pars, enclos = ee)
  job.pars = NULL
  setkeyv(mergedJobs(reg, ids, c("job.id", "job.pars"))[vlapply(job.pars, fun), "job.id"], "job.id")

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
#' @param prob.name [\code{character}]\cr
#'   Exact name of the problem (no substring matching).
#'   If not provided, all problems are matched.
#' @param prob.pattern [\code{character}]\cr
#'   Regular expression pattern to match problem names.
#'   If not provided, all problems are matched.
#' @param algo.name [\code{character}]\cr
#'   Exact name of the problem (no substring matching).
#'   If not provided, all algorithms are matched.
#' @param algo.pattern [\code{character}]\cr
#'   Regular expression pattern to match algorithm names.
#'   If not provided, all algorithms are matched.
#' @param prob.pars [\code{expression}]\cr
#'   Predicate expression evaluated in the problem parameters.
#' @param algo.pars [\code{expression}]\cr
#'   Predicate expression evaluated in the algorithm parameters.
#' @param repls [\code{integer}]\cr
#'   Whitelist of replication numbers. If not provided, all replications are matched.
findExperiments = function(ids = NULL, prob.name = NA_character_, prob.pattern = NA_character_, algo.name = NA_character_, algo.pattern = NA_character_, prob.pars, algo.pars, repls = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, class = "ExperimentRegistry", sync = TRUE)
  assertString(prob.name, na.ok = TRUE, min.chars = 1L)
  assertString(prob.pattern, na.ok = TRUE, min.chars = 1L)
  assertString(algo.name, na.ok = TRUE, min.chars = 1L)
  assertString(algo.pattern, na.ok = TRUE, min.chars = 1L)
  ee = parent.frame()
  tab = mergedJobs(reg, convertIds(reg, ids), c("job.id", "problem", "algorithm", "prob.pars", "algo.pars", "repl"))

  if (!is.na(prob.name)) {
    problem = NULL
    tab = tab[problem == prob.name]

  if (!is.na(prob.pattern)) {
    problem = NULL
    tab = tab[stri_detect_regex(problem, prob.pattern)]

  if (!is.na(algo.name)) {
    algorithm = NULL
    tab = tab[algorithm == algo.name]

  if (!is.na(algo.pattern)) {
    algorithm = NULL
    tab = tab[stri_detect_regex(algorithm, algo.pattern)]

  if (!is.null(repls)) {
    repls = asInteger(repls, any.missing = FALSE)
    repl = NULL
    tab = tab[repl %in% repls]

  if (!missing(prob.pars)) {
    expr = substitute(prob.pars)
    fun = function(pars) eval(expr, pars, enclos = ee)
    prob.pars = NULL
    tab = tab[vlapply(prob.pars, fun)]

  if (!missing(algo.pars)) {
    expr = substitute(algo.pars)
    fun = function(pars) eval(expr, pars, enclos = ee)
    algo.pars = NULL
    tab = tab[vlapply(algo.pars, fun)]

  setkeyv(tab[, "job.id"], "job.id")[]

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findSubmitted = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findSubmitted(reg, convertIds(reg, ids))

.findSubmitted = function(reg, ids = NULL) {
  submitted = NULL
  filter(reg$status, ids, c("job.id", "submitted"))[!is.na(submitted), "job.id"]

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findNotSubmitted = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findNotSubmitted(reg, convertIds(reg, ids))

.findNotSubmitted = function(reg, ids = NULL) {
  submitted = NULL
  filter(reg$status, ids, c("job.id", "submitted"))[is.na(submitted), "job.id"]

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findStarted = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findStarted(reg, convertIds(reg, ids))

.findStarted = function(reg, ids = NULL, batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg, status = "running")) {
  started = batch.id = status = NULL
  bids = batch.ids[status == "running"]$batch.id
  filter(reg$status, ids, c("job.id", "started", "batch.id"))[!is.na(started) | batch.id %in% bids, "job.id"]

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findNotStarted = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findNotStarted(reg, convertIds(reg, ids))

.findNotStarted = function(reg, ids = NULL, batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg, status = "running")) {
  started = batch.id = status = NULL
  bids = batch.ids[status == "running"]$batch.id
  filter(reg$status, ids, c("job.id", "started", "batch.id"))[is.na(started) & ! batch.id %chin% bids, "job.id"]

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findDone = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findDone(reg, convertIds(reg, ids))

.findDone = function(reg, ids = NULL) {
  done = error = NULL
  filter(reg$status, ids, c("job.id", "done", "error"))[!is.na(done) & is.na(error), "job.id"]

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findNotDone = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findNotDone(reg, convertIds(reg, ids))

.findNotDone = function(reg, ids = NULL) {
  done = error = NULL
  filter(reg$status, ids, c("job.id", "done", "error"))[is.na(done) | !is.na(error), "job.id"]

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findErrors = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findErrors(reg, convertIds(reg, ids))

.findErrors = function(reg, ids = NULL) {
  error = NULL
  filter(reg$status, ids, c("job.id", "error"))[!is.na(error), "job.id"]

# used in waitForJobs: find jobs which are done or error
.findTerminated = function(reg, ids = NULL) {
  done = NULL
  filter(reg$status, ids, c("job.id", "done"))[!is.na(done), "job.id"]

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findOnSystem = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findOnSystem(reg, convertIds(reg, ids))

.findOnSystem = function(reg, ids = NULL, cols = "job.id", batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg, status = "all")) {
  if (length(batch.ids) == 0L)
  submitted = done = batch.id = NULL
  filter(reg$status, ids, c("job.id", "submitted", "done", "batch.id"))[!is.na(submitted) & is.na(done) & batch.id %in% batch.ids$batch.id, cols, with = FALSE]

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findRunning = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findOnSystem(reg, convertIds(reg, ids), batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg, status = "running"))

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findQueued = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findOnSystem(reg, convertIds(reg, ids), batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg, status = "queued"))

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
findExpired = function(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
  .findExpired(reg, convertIds(reg, ids))

.findExpired = function(reg, ids = NULL, batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg)) {
  submitted = done = batch.id = NULL
  filter(reg$status, ids, c("job.id", "submitted", "done", "batch.id"))[!is.na(submitted) & is.na(done) & batch.id %chnin% batch.ids$batch.id, "job.id"]

#' @export
#' @rdname findJobs
#' @param tags [\code{character}]\cr
#'   Return jobs which are tagged with any of the tags provided.
findTagged = function(tags = character(0L), ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  ids = convertIds(reg, ids, default = allIds(reg))
  assertCharacter(tags, any.missing = FALSE, pattern = "^[[:alnum:]_.]+$", min.len = 1L)
  tag = NULL

  ids[unique(reg$tags[tag %chin% tags, "job.id"], by = "job.id")]
mllg/batchtools documentation built on April 21, 2023, 11:49 a.m.