
Defines functions autoplot_custom_cv autoplot_spatiotemp autoplot_spatial plot.ResamplingCustomCV plot.ResamplingRepeatedCV plot.ResamplingCV autoplot.ResamplingCustomCV autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedCV autoplot.ResamplingCV plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVKnndm plot.ResamplingSpCVKnndm autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVKnndm autoplot.ResamplingSpCVKnndm plot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVTiles plot.ResamplingSpCVTiles autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVTiles autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVDisc plot.ResamplingSpCVDisc autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVDisc autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVCoords plot.ResamplingSpCVCoords autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVCoords autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVEnv plot.ResamplingSpCVEnv autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVEnv autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVBlock plot.ResamplingSpCVBlock autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVBlock autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock

Documented in autoplot.ResamplingCustomCV autoplot.ResamplingCV autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedCV autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVBlock autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVCoords autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVDisc autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVEnv autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVKnndm autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVTiles autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv autoplot.ResamplingSpCVKnndm autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles plot.ResamplingCustomCV plot.ResamplingCV plot.ResamplingRepeatedCV plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVBlock plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVCoords plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVDisc plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVEnv plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVKnndm plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVTiles plot.ResamplingSpCVBlock plot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer plot.ResamplingSpCVCoords plot.ResamplingSpCVDisc plot.ResamplingSpCVEnv plot.ResamplingSpCVKnndm plot.ResamplingSpCVTiles

# SpCV Block -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Visualization Functions for SpCV Block Methods.
#' @description Generic S3 `plot()` and `autoplot()` (ggplot2) methods to
#'   visualize mlr3 spatiotemporal resampling objects.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @param object `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingSpCVBlock] or
#'   [ResamplingRepeatedSpCVBlock].
#' @param task `[TaskClassifST]/[TaskRegrST]`\cr
#'   mlr3 task object.
#' @param x `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingSpCVBlock] or
#'   [ResamplingRepeatedSpCVBlock].
#'   mlr3 task object.
#' @param fold_id `[numeric]`\cr
#'   Fold IDs to plot.
#' @param repeats_id `[numeric]`\cr
#'   Repetition ID to plot.
#' @param plot_as_grid `[logical(1)]`\cr
#'   Should a gridded plot using via \CRANpkg{patchwork} be created? If `FALSE`
#'   a list with of \CRANpkg{ggplot2} objects is returned.
#'   Only applies if a numeric vector is passed to argument `fold_id`.
#' @param train_color `[character(1)]`\cr
#'   The color to use for the training set observations.
#' @param test_color `[character(1)]`\cr
#'   The color to use for the test set observations.
#' @param show_blocks `[logical(1)]`\cr
#'   Whether to show an overlay of the spatial blocks polygons.
#' @param show_labels `[logical(1)]`\cr
#'   Whether to show an overlay of the spatial block IDs.
#' @param label_size `[numeric(1)]`\cr
#'   Label size of block labels. Only applies for `show_labels = TRUE`.
#' @param ... Passed to `geom_sf()`. Helpful for adjusting point sizes and
#'   shapes.
#' @param sample_fold_n `[integer]`\cr
#'   Number of points in a random sample stratified over partitions.
#'   This argument aims to keep file sizes of resulting plots reasonable and
#'   reduce overplotting in dense datasets.
#' @details
#' By default a plot is returned; if `fold_id` is set, a gridded plot is
#' created. If `plot_as_grid = FALSE`, a list of plot objects is returned.
#' This can be used to align the plots individually.
#' When no single fold is selected, the [ggsci::scale_color_ucscgb()] palette
#' is used to display all partitions.
#' If you want to change the colors, call `<plot> + <color-palette>()`.
#' @return [ggplot()] or list of ggplot2 objects.
#' @name autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @seealso
#'   - mlr3book chapter on ["Spatial Analysis"](https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/chapters/chapter13/beyond_regression_and_classification.html#sec-spatiotemporal)
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingCV()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSptCVCstf()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "blockCV"), quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(mlr3)
#'   library(mlr3spatiotempcv)
#'   task = tsk("ecuador")
#'   resampling = rsmp("spcv_block", range = 1000L)
#'   resampling$instantiate(task)
#'   ## list of ggplot2 resamplings
#'   plot_list = autoplot(resampling, task,
#'     crs = 4326,
#'     fold_id = c(1, 2), plot_as_grid = FALSE)
#'   ## Visualize all partitions
#'   autoplot(resampling, task) +
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#'   ## Visualize the train/test split of a single fold
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = 1) +
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#'   ## Visualize train/test splits of multiple folds
#'   autoplot(resampling, task,
#'     fold_id = c(1, 2),
#'     show_blocks = TRUE) *
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#' }
#' }
autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  show_blocks = FALSE,
  show_labels = FALSE,
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  label_size = 2,
  ...) {

    resampling = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    train_color = train_color,
    test_color = test_color,
    show_blocks = show_blocks,
    show_labels = show_labels,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    label_size = label_size,
    ... = ...

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @export
autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVBlock = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  repeats_id = 1,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  show_blocks = FALSE,
  show_labels = FALSE,
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  label_size = 2,
  ...) {

    object = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    train_color = train_color,
    test_color = test_color,
    show_blocks = show_blocks,
    show_labels = show_labels,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    label_size = label_size,
    ... = ...,
    # ellipsis
    repeats_id = repeats_id

#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @param x `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object. One of class [ResamplingSpCVBuffer],
#'   [ResamplingSpCVBlock], [ResamplingSpCVCoords], [ResamplingSpCVEnv].
#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @export
plot.ResamplingSpCVBlock = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @export
plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVBlock = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

# SpCV Env ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Visualization Functions for SpCV Env Methods.
#' @description Generic S3 `plot()` and `autoplot()` (ggplot2) methods.
#' @inheritParams autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @param object `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingSpCVEnv] or
#'   [ResamplingRepeatedSpCVEnv].
#' @param x `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingSpCVEnv] or
#'   [ResamplingRepeatedSpCVEnv].
#' @export
#' @seealso
#'   - mlr3book chapter on ["Spatial Analysis"](https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/chapters/chapter13/beyond_regression_and_classification.html#sec-spatiotemporal)
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingCV()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSptCVCstf()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "blockCV"), quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(mlr3)
#'   library(mlr3spatiotempcv)
#'   task = tsk("ecuador")
#'   resampling = rsmp("spcv_env", folds = 4, features = "dem")
#'   resampling$instantiate(task)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task) +
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = 1)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = c(1, 2)) *
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#' }
#' }
autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {
    resampling = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    ... = ...

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv
#' @export
autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVEnv = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  repeats_id = 1,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

    object = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    train_color = train_color,
    test_color = test_color,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    ... = ...,
    # ellipsis
    repeats_id = repeats_id

#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv
#' @export
plot.ResamplingSpCVEnv = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv
#' @export
plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVEnv = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

# SpCV Coords ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Visualization Functions for SpCV Coords Methods.
#' @description Generic S3 `plot()` and `autoplot()` (ggplot2) methods.
#' @inheritParams autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @name autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords
#' @param object `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingSpCVCoords] or
#'   [ResamplingRepeatedSpCVCoords].
#' @param x `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingSpCVCoords] or
#'   [ResamplingRepeatedSpCVCoords].
#' @export
#' @seealso
#'   - mlr3book chapter on ["Spatial Analysis"](https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/chapters/chapter13/beyond_regression_and_classification.html#sec-spatiotemporal)
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingCV()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSptCVCstf()]
#' @examples
#' if (mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf"), quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(mlr3)
#'   library(mlr3spatiotempcv)
#'   task = tsk("ecuador")
#'   resampling = rsmp("spcv_coords")
#'   resampling$instantiate(task)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task) +
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = 1)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = c(1, 2)) *
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#' }
autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {
    resampling = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    ... = ...

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords
#' @export
autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVCoords = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  repeats_id = 1,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

    object = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    train_color = train_color,
    test_color = test_color,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    ... = ...,
    # ellipsis
    repeats_id = repeats_id

#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords
#' @export
plot.ResamplingSpCVCoords = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...))

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords
#' @export
plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVCoords = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

# SpCVDisc ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Visualization Functions for SpCV Disc Method.
#' @description Generic S3 `plot()` and `autoplot()` (ggplot2) methods to
#'   visualize mlr3 spatiotemporal resampling objects.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @details
#' This method requires to set argument `fold_id` and no plot containing all
#' partitions can be created. This is because the method does not make use of
#' all observations but only a subset of them (many observations are left out).
#' Hence, train and test sets of one fold are not re-used in other folds as in
#' other methods and plotting these without a train/test indicator would not
#' make sense.
#' @section 2D vs 3D plotting:
#' This method has both a 2D and a 3D plotting method.
#' The 2D method returns a \pkg{ggplot} with x and y axes representing the spatial
#' coordinates.
#' The 3D method uses \pkg{plotly} to create an interactive 3D plot.
#' Set `plot3D = TRUE` to use the 3D method.
#' Note that spatiotemporal datasets usually suffer from overplotting in 2D
#' mode.
#' @name autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc
#' @inheritParams autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @param show_omitted `[logical]`\cr
#'   Whether to show points not used in train or test set for the current fold.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#'   - mlr3book chapter on ["Spatial Analysis"](https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/chapters/chapter13/beyond_regression_and_classification.html#sec-spatiotemporal)
#'   - Vignette [Spatiotemporal Visualization](https://mlr3spatiotempcv.mlr-org.com/articles/spatiotemp-viz.html).
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingCV()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (mlr3misc::require_namespaces("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(mlr3)
#'   library(mlr3spatiotempcv)
#'   task = tsk("ecuador")
#'   resampling = rsmp("spcv_disc",
#'     folds = 5, radius = 200L, buffer = 200L)
#'   resampling$instantiate(task)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task,
#'     fold_id = 1,
#'     show_omitted = TRUE, size = 0.7) *
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#' }
#' }
autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  repeats_id = NULL,
  show_omitted = FALSE,
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

  resampling = object
  coords = task$coordinates()
  coords$row_id = task$row_ids
  mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "patchwork", "ggtext"))

  resampling = assert_autoplot(resampling, fold_id, task)

  if (is.null(repeats_id)) {
    repeats_id = 1
  } else {
    repeats_id = repeats_id
    # otherwise it gets passed to geom_sf() down below
    # dots$repeats_id = NULL

  resampling_sub = resampling$clone()

  if (any(grepl("ResamplingRepeated", class(resampling)))) {
    resampling_sub$instance = resampling_sub$instance[[repeats_id]]

  if (!is.null(fold_id)) {
    ### Multiplot of single folds with train and test
    plot = autoplot_multi_fold_list(task, resampling_sub, sample_fold_n,
      fold_id, repeats_id, plot_as_grid, show_omitted, ...)
  } else {
    ### One plot showing all test folds
    plot = autoplot_all_folds_list(task, resampling_sub, sample_fold_n,
      fold_id, repeats_id, ...)

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc
#' @export
autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVDisc = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  repeats_id = 1,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  show_omitted = FALSE,
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

    object = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    train_color = train_color,
    test_color = test_color,
    show_omitted = show_omitted,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    ... = ...,
    # ellipsis
    repeats_id = repeats_id

#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc
#' @export
plot.ResamplingSpCVDisc = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc
#' @export
plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVDisc = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

# SpCVTiles --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Visualization Functions for SpCV Tiles Method.
#' @description Generic S3 `plot()` and `autoplot()` (ggplot2) methods to
#'   visualize mlr3 spatiotemporal resampling objects.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @details
#' Specific combinations of arguments of `"spcv_tiles"` remove some
#' observations, hence `show_omitted` has an effect in some cases.
#' @name autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles
#' @inheritParams autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @param show_omitted `[logical]`\cr
#'   Whether to show points not used in train or test set for the current fold.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#'   - mlr3book chapter on ["Spatial Analysis"](https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/chapters/chapter13/beyond_regression_and_classification.html#sec-spatiotemporal)
#'   - Vignette [Spatiotemporal Visualization](https://mlr3spatiotempcv.mlr-org.com/articles/spatiotemp-viz.html).
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingCV()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "sperrorest"), quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(mlr3)
#'   library(mlr3spatiotempcv)
#'   task = tsk("ecuador")
#'   resampling = rsmp("spcv_tiles",
#'     nsplit = c(4L, 3L), reassign = FALSE)
#'   resampling$instantiate(task)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task,
#'     fold_id = 1,
#'     show_omitted = TRUE, size = 0.7) *
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#' }
#' }
autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  repeats_id = NULL,
  show_omitted = FALSE,
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

  resampling = object
  coords = task$coordinates()
  coords$row_id = task$row_ids
  mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "patchwork", "ggtext"))

  resampling = assert_autoplot(resampling, fold_id, task)

  if (is.null(repeats_id)) {
    repeats_id = 1
  } else {
    repeats_id = repeats_id
    # otherwise it gets passed to geom_sf() down below
    # dots$repeats_id = NULL

  resampling_sub = resampling$clone(deep = TRUE)

  if (any(grepl("ResamplingRepeated", class(resampling)))) {
    resampling_sub$instance = resampling_sub$instance[[repeats_id]]

  if (!is.null(fold_id)) {
    ### Multiplot of single folds with train and test
    plot = autoplot_multi_fold_list(task, resampling_sub, sample_fold_n,
      fold_id, repeats_id, plot_as_grid, show_omitted, ...)
  } else {
    ### One plot showing all test folds
    plot = autoplot_all_folds_list(task, resampling_sub, sample_fold_n,
      fold_id, repeats_id, ...)

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles
#' @export
autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVTiles = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  repeats_id = 1,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  show_omitted = FALSE,
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

    object = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    train_color = train_color,
    test_color = test_color,
    show_omitted = show_omitted,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    ... = ...,
    # ellipsis
    repeats_id = repeats_id

#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles
#' @export
plot.ResamplingSpCVTiles = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles
#' @export
plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVTiles = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

# SpCVBuffer -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Visualization Functions for SpCV Buffer Methods.
#' @description Generic S3 `plot()` and `autoplot()` (ggplot2) methods to
#'   visualize mlr3 spatiotemporal resampling objects.
#' @name autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer
#' @inheritParams autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @param object `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingSpCVBuffer].
#' @param x `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingSpCVBuffer].
#' @param show_omitted `[logical]`\cr
#'   Whether to show points not used in train or test set for the current fold.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#'   - mlr3book chapter on ["Spatial Analysis"](https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/chapters/chapter13/beyond_regression_and_classification.html#sec-spatiotemporal)
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingCV()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSptCVCstf()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "blockCV"), quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(mlr3)
#'   library(mlr3spatiotempcv)
#'   task = tsk("ecuador")
#'   resampling = rsmp("spcv_buffer", theRange = 1000)
#'   resampling$instantiate(task)
#'   ## single fold
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = 1) +
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#'   ## multiple folds
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = c(1, 2)) *
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#' }
#' }
autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  show_omitted = FALSE,
  ...) {

  mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "patchwork", "ggtext"))
  resampling = object

  resampling = assert_autoplot(resampling, fold_id, task)
  resampling_sub = resampling$clone(deep = TRUE)

  # add the row_ids of the task to the coordinates
  coords = task$coordinates()
  coords$row_id = task$row_ids

  if (is.null(fold_id)) {
    stopf("Please provide a fold ID.
      Plotting all folds of a LOOCV instance is not supported", wrap = TRUE)

  # Multiplot of single folds with train and test
  plot = autoplot_multi_fold_list(task, resampling_sub,
    sample_fold_n = NULL, show_omitted = show_omitted,
    fold_id, repeats_id = 1, ...)

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer
#' @export
plot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

# SpCVKnndm ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Visualization Functions for SpCV knndm Method.
#' @description Generic S3 `plot()` and `autoplot()` (ggplot2) methods to
#'   visualize mlr3 spatiotemporal resampling objects.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @details
#' This method requires to set argument `fold_id` and no plot containing all
#' partitions can be created. This is because the method does not make use of
#' all observations but only a subset of them (many observations are left out).
#' Hence, train and test sets of one fold are not re-used in other folds as in
#' other methods and plotting these without a train/test indicator would not
#' make sense.
#' @section 2D vs 3D plotting:
#' This method has both a 2D and a 3D plotting method.
#' The 2D method returns a \pkg{ggplot} with x and y axes representing the spatial
#' coordinates.
#' The 3D method uses \pkg{plotly} to create an interactive 3D plot.
#' Set `plot3D = TRUE` to use the 3D method.
#' Note that spatiotemporal datasets usually suffer from overplotting in 2D
#' mode.
#' @name autoplot.ResamplingSpCVKnndm
#' @inheritParams autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @export
#' @seealso
#'   - mlr3book chapter on ["Spatial Analysis"](https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/chapters/chapter13/beyond_regression_and_classification.html#sec-spatiotemporal)
#'   - Vignette [Spatiotemporal Visualization](https://mlr3spatiotempcv.mlr-org.com/articles/spatiotemp-viz.html).
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingCV()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("CAST", "sf"), quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(mlr3)
#'   library(mlr3spatiotempcv)
#'   task = tsk("ecuador")
#'   points = sf::st_as_sf(task$coordinates(), crs = task$crs, coords = c("x", "y"))
#'   modeldomain = sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(points))
#'   resampling = rsmp("spcv_knndm",
#'     folds = 5, modeldomain = modeldomain)
#'   resampling$instantiate(task)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task,
#'     fold_id = 1, size = 0.7) *
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#' }
#' }
autoplot.ResamplingSpCVKnndm = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  repeats_id = NULL,
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

  resampling = object
  coords = task$coordinates()
  coords$row_id = task$row_ids
  mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "patchwork", "ggtext"))

  resampling = assert_autoplot(resampling, fold_id, task)

  if (is.null(repeats_id)) {
    repeats_id = 1
  } else {
    repeats_id = repeats_id
    # otherwise it gets passed to geom_sf() down below
    # dots$repeats_id = NULL

  resampling_sub = resampling$clone()

  if (any(grepl("ResamplingRepeated", class(resampling)))) {
    resampling_sub$instance = resampling_sub$instance[[repeats_id]]

  if (!is.null(fold_id)) {
    ### Multiplot of single folds with train and test
    plot = autoplot_multi_fold_list(task, resampling_sub, sample_fold_n,
      fold_id, repeats_id, plot_as_grid)
  } else {
    ### One plot showing all test folds
    plot = autoplot_all_folds_list(task, resampling_sub, sample_fold_n,
      fold_id, repeats_id)

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVKnndm
#' @export
autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVKnndm = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  repeats_id = 1,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

    object = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    train_color = train_color,
    test_color = test_color,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    ... = ...,
    # ellipsis
    repeats_id = repeats_id

#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVKnndm
#' @export
plot.ResamplingSpCVKnndm = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingSpCVKnndm
#' @export
plot.ResamplingRepeatedSpCVKnndm = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

# CV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Visualization Functions for Non-Spatial CV Methods.
#' @description Generic S3 `plot()` and `autoplot()` (ggplot2) methods.
#' @name autoplot.ResamplingCV
#' @param object `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingCV] or
#'   [ResamplingRepeatedCV].
#' @param x `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingCV] or
#'   [ResamplingRepeatedCV].
#' @inheritParams autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @export
#' @seealso
#'   - mlr3book chapter on ["Spatial Analysis"](https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/chapters/chapter13/beyond_regression_and_classification.html#sec-spatiotemporal)
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSptCVCstf()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "patchwork", "ggtext", "ggsci"), quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(mlr3)
#'   library(mlr3spatiotempcv)
#'   task = tsk("ecuador")
#'   resampling = rsmp("cv")
#'   resampling$instantiate(task)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task) +
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = 1)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = c(1, 2)) *
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#' }
#' }
autoplot.ResamplingCV = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {
    resampling = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    ... = ...

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingCV
#' @export
autoplot.ResamplingRepeatedCV = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  repeats_id = 1,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

    object = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    train_color = train_color,
    test_color = test_color,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    ... = ...,
    # ellipsis
    repeats_id = repeats_id

# Custom CV --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Visualization Functions for Non-Spatial CV Methods.
#' @description Generic S3 `plot()` and `autoplot()` (ggplot2) methods.
#' @name autoplot.ResamplingCustomCV
#' @param object `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingCustomCV].
#' @param x `[Resampling]`\cr
#'   mlr3 spatial resampling object of class [ResamplingCustomCV].
#' @inheritParams autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock
#' @export
#' @seealso
#'   - mlr3book chapter on ["Spatial Analysis"](https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/chapters/chapter13/beyond_regression_and_classification.html#sec-spatiotemporal)
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBlock()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVBuffer()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVCoords()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVEnv()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVDisc()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSpCVTiles()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingCV()]
#'   - [autoplot.ResamplingSptCVCstf()]
#' @examples
#' if (mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "patchwork"), quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(mlr3)
#'   library(mlr3spatiotempcv)
#'   task = tsk("ecuador")
#'   breaks = quantile(task$data()$dem, seq(0, 1, length = 6))
#'   zclass = cut(task$data()$dem, breaks, include.lowest = TRUE)
#'   resampling = rsmp("custom_cv")
#'   resampling$instantiate(task, f = zclass)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task) +
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = 1)
#'   autoplot(resampling, task, fold_id = c(1, 2)) *
#'     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-79.085, -79.055, 0.01))
#' }
autoplot.ResamplingCustomCV = function( # nolint
  fold_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = TRUE,
  train_color = "#0072B5",
  test_color = "#E18727",
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {
    resampling = object,
    task = task,
    fold_id = fold_id,
    plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
    sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n,
    ... = ...

#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingCV
#' @export
plot.ResamplingCV = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingCV
#' @export
plot.ResamplingRepeatedCV = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

#' @rdname autoplot.ResamplingCustomCV
#' @export
plot.ResamplingCustomCV = function(x, ...) {
  print(autoplot(x, ...)) # nocov

# autoplot_spatial -------------------------------------------------------------

autoplot_spatial = function(
  resampling = NULL,
  task = NULL,
  fold_id = NULL,
  repeats_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = NULL,
  train_color = NULL,
  test_color = NULL,
  show_blocks = FALSE,
  show_labels = FALSE,
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  label_size = NULL,
  ...) {

  mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "patchwork", "ggtext"))

  # we need to work with a clone, otherwise the object modifications
  # will create issues in future calls usings the same object
  rsmp_autopl = resampling$clone()

  rsmp_autopl = assert_autoplot(rsmp_autopl, fold_id, task)

  # add the row_ids of the task to the coordinates
  coords = task$coordinates()
  coords$row_id = task$row_ids

  if (is.null(repeats_id)) {
    repeats_id = 1

  if (!is.null(task$groups)) {
    coords_resamp = merge(coords, task$groups, by = "row_id")
    rsmp_autopl$instance$row_id = as.character(rsmp_autopl$instance$row_id)
    rsmp_autopl$instance$group = rsmp_autopl$instance$row_id
    rsmp_autopl$instance$row_id = NULL
    coords_resamp$group = as.character(coords_resamp$group)
    coords_resamp = merge(coords_resamp, rsmp_autopl$instance, by = "group",
      all = TRUE)
    setorder(coords_resamp, "row_id")
    coords_resamp$group = NULL
  } else {
    coords_resamp = merge(coords, rsmp_autopl$instance, by = "row_id")

  if (any(grepl("ResamplingRepeated", class(rsmp_autopl)))) {
    coords_resamp = coords_resamp[rep == repeats_id, ]

  if (!is.null(fold_id)) {
    ### Multiplot of single folds with train and test --------------------------
    plot = autoplot_multi_fold_dt(task = task, resampling = rsmp_autopl,
      resampling_mod = coords_resamp,
      sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n, fold_id = fold_id,
      repeats_id = repeats_id, plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
      show_blocks = show_blocks, show_labels = show_labels,
      label_size = label_size, ...)
  } else {
    ### One plot showing all test folds ----------------------------------------
    plot = autoplot_all_folds_dt(task = task, resampling = coords_resamp,
      sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n, fold_id = fold_id,
      repeats_id = repeats_id, plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid,
      show_blocks = show_blocks, show_labels = show_labels, ...)

# autoplot_spatiotemp ----------------------------------------------------------

autoplot_spatiotemp = function(
  resampling = NULL,
  task = NULL,
  fold_id = NULL,
  repeats_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = NULL,
  train_color = NULL,
  test_color = NULL,
  tickformat_date = NULL,
  nticks_x = NULL,
  nticks_y = NULL,
  point_size = NULL,
  axis_label_fontsize = NULL,
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

  resampling = assert_autoplot(resampling, fold_id, task)

  # add the row_ids of the task to the coordinates
  coords = task$coordinates()
  coords$row_id = task$row_ids

  data = task$data()
  data$row_id = task$row_ids

  coords_resamp = merge(coords, resampling$instance, by = "row_id")
  task_resamp_ids = merge(data, coords_resamp, by = "row_id")

  if (is.null(repeats_id)) {
    repeats_id = 1

  # set some required defaults
  if (any(grepl("ResamplingRepeated", class(resampling)))) {
    task_resamp_ids = task_resamp_ids[rep == repeats_id, ]

  coords = sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_as_sf(task$coordinates(),
    coords = task$coordinate_names,
    crs = task$crs))
  task_resamp_ids$x = coords[, 1]
  task_resamp_ids$y = coords[, 2]

  # Create one plot with all (test)-folds
  task_resamp_ids = task_resamp_ids[order(task_resamp_ids$fold, decreasing = FALSE), ]
  task_resamp_ids$fold = as.factor(as.character(task_resamp_ids$fold))
  task_resamp_ids$fold = factor(task_resamp_ids$fold,
    levels = unique(as.character(task_resamp_ids$fold))

  # plot train and test of a specific fold?
  if (!is.null(fold_id)) {

    # suppress undefined global variables note
    indicator = NULL
    fold = NULL

    task_resamp_ids$indicator = as.factor(as.character(task_resamp_ids$indicator))

    # reorder factor levels so that "train" comes first
    task_resamp_ids$indicator = ordered(task_resamp_ids$indicator,
      levels = c("Train", "Test")

    if (length(fold_id) == 1) {
      # suppress undefined global variables note
      indicator = NULL
      fold = NULL

      # add time col role back to `task_resamp_ids` as its needed for plotting
      task_resamp_ids$Date = task$data(cols = task$col_roles$time)[[task$col_roles$time]]

      task_resamp_ids$indicator = as.factor(as.character(task_resamp_ids$indicator))
      task_resamp_ids[, indicator := ifelse(fold == fold_id, "Test", "Train")]

      # take stratified random sample from folds
      if (!is.null(sample_fold_n)) {
        task_resamp_ids = strat_sample_folds(task_resamp_ids, test, sample_fold_n)

      plot_single_plotly = plotly::plot_ly(task_resamp_ids,
        x = ~x, y = ~y, z = ~Date,
        color = ~indicator, colors = c(
          "#0072B5", "#E18727"
        sizes = c(20, 100)

      plot_single_plotly = plotly::add_markers(plot_single_plotly,
        marker = list(size = point_size))
      plot_single_plotly = plotly::layout(plot_single_plotly,
        title = sprintf("Partition #, Rep %s", repeats_id),
        autosize = TRUE,
        scene = list(
          xaxis = list(title = "Lat", nticks = nticks_x),
          yaxis = list(title = "Lon", nticks = nticks_y),
          zaxis = list(
            title = "Time",
            type = "date",
            tickformat = tickformat_date,
            tickfont = list(size = axis_label_fontsize)
          camera = list(eye = list(z = 1.50))
    } else {
      # Multiplot across multiple folds with train and test set

      task_resamp_ids$Date = task$data(cols = task$col_roles$time)[[task$col_roles$time]]

      task_resamp_ids$indicator = as.factor(as.character(task_resamp_ids$indicator))

      # take stratified random sample from folds
      if (!is.null(sample_fold_n)) {
        task_resamp_ids = strat_sample_folds(task_resamp_ids, test, sample_fold_n)

      plot_list = mlr3misc::map(fold_id, function(.x) {

        dt = task_resamp_ids
        dt[, indicator := ifelse(fold == .x, "Test", "Train")]

        dt$Date = as.Date(dt$Date)

        pl = plotly::plot_ly(task_resamp_ids,
          x = ~x, y = ~y, z = ~Date,
          color = ~indicator, colors = c(
            "#0072B5", "#E18727"
          # this is needed for later when doing 3D subplots
          scene = paste0("scene", .x),
          showlegend = ifelse(.x == 1, TRUE, FALSE)

        # create plots for each fold
        pl = plotly::plot_ly(task_resamp_ids,
          x = ~x, y = ~y, z = ~Date,
          color = ~indicator, colors = c(
            "#0072B5", "#E18727"
          # this is needed for later when doing 3D subplots
          scene = paste0("scene", .x),
          showlegend = ifelse(.x == 1, TRUE, FALSE)
        pl = plotly::add_markers(pl, marker = list(size = point_size))
        layout_args = list(pl,
          "title" = sprintf("Fold #%s", .x),
            xaxis = list(
              title = "Lat",
              nticks = nticks_x,
              tickfont = list(size = axis_label_fontsize)),
            yaxis = list(
              title = "Lon",
              nticks = nticks_y,
              tickfont = list(size = axis_label_fontsize)),
            zaxis = list(
              title = "Time",
              type = "date",
              tickformat = tickformat_date,
              tickfont = list(size = axis_label_fontsize)
            camera = list(eye = list(z = 1.50))
        # -`p` is the name of the plotly object.
        # - title sets the title of the plot
        # - the "scene" name is dynamically generated and refers to the scene
        #   name in the `plot_ly()` call
        names(layout_args) = c(
          paste0("scene", .x)

        pl = mlr3misc::invoke(plotly::layout, .args = layout_args)

    # is a grid requested?
    if (!plot_as_grid) {
    } else {
      lg$warn("Unfortunately plotly does not support a dynamic arrangement of multiple subplots.
       See article 'Visualization of spatiotemporal clusters' (https://mlr3spatiotempcv.mlr-org.com/articles/spatiotemp-viz) for a manual workaround.
       Use the objects in the returned list to arrange a custom grid.")

  } else {
    # add time col role back to `task_resamp_ids` as its needed for plotting
    task_resamp_ids$Date = task$data(cols = task$col_roles$time)[[task$col_roles$time]]

    pl = plotly::plot_ly(task_resamp_ids,
      x = ~x, y = ~y, z = ~Date,
      color = ~fold, colors = ggsci::pal_ucscgb("default")(26),
      sizes = c(20, 100)
    pl = plotly::add_markers(pl, marker = list(size = point_size))
      title = sprintf("Partition #, Rep %s", repeats_id),
      margin = list(
        l = 10,
        r = 10,
        t = 40,
        b = 10
      scene = list(
        xaxis = list(
          title = "Lat",
          nticks = nticks_x),
        yaxis = list(
          title = "Lon",
          nticks = nticks_y),
        zaxis = list(
          title = "Time",
          type = "date",
          tickformat = tickformat_date,
          tickfont = list(size = axis_label_fontsize)
        legend = list(
          margin = list(
            l = 5
        camera = list(eye = list(z = 1.50))

# autoplot_custom_cv -----------------------------------------------------------

autoplot_custom_cv = function(
  resampling = NULL,
  task = NULL,
  fold_id = NULL,
  repeats_id = NULL,
  plot_as_grid = NULL,
  train_color = NULL,
  test_color = NULL,
  sample_fold_n = NULL,
  ...) {

  mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("sf", "patchwork", "ggtext"))

  # we need to work with a clone, otherwise the object modifications
  # will create issues in future calls usings the same object
  rsmp_autopl = resampling$clone()

  rsmp_autopl = assert_autoplot(rsmp_autopl, fold_id, task)

  # add the row_ids of the task to the coordinates
  coords = task$coordinates()
  coords$row_id = task$row_ids

  # bring into correct format (complicated alternative to reshape::melt)
  rsmp_autopl$instance = data.table::rbindlist(
    lapply(rsmp_autopl$instance, as.data.table),
    idcol = "fold")
  setnames(rsmp_autopl$instance, c("fold", "row_id"))

  coords_resamp = merge(coords, rsmp_autopl$instance, by = "row_id")
  # we need integers and not characters for the upcoming map() calls
  coords_resamp$fold = as.integer(as.factor(coords_resamp$fold))

  if (is.null(repeats_id)) {
    repeats_id = 1

  if (!is.null(fold_id)) {
    ### Multiplot of single folds with train and test --------------------------
    plot = autoplot_multi_fold_dt(task = task, resampling = rsmp_autopl,
      resampling_mod = coords_resamp, show_blocks = FALSE,
      sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n, fold_id = fold_id,
      repeats_id = repeats_id, plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid, ...)
  } else {
    ### One plot showing all test folds ----------------------------------------
    plot = autoplot_all_folds_dt(task = task, resampling = coords_resamp,
      sample_fold_n = sample_fold_n, fold_id = fold_id,
      repeats_id = repeats_id, plot_as_grid = plot_as_grid, ...)
mlr-org/mlr3spatiotempcv documentation built on April 18, 2024, 12:24 a.m.