
#' @title Probability Encoding
#' @template cpo_doc_intro
#' @description
#' Converts factor columns into columns giving the probability
#' for each target class to have this target, given the column value.
#' @section CPOTrained State:
#' The state's \code{$control} slot is a list of matrices for each
#' factorial data column. Each of these matrices has rows for each of
#' the data column's levels, and columns for each
#' of the target factor levels, and gives the empirical marginal conditional
#' probabilities for each target value given the column value.
#' @template cpo_doc_outro
#' @export
cpoProbEncode = makeCPO("prob.encode",  # nolint
  dataformat = "factor",
  properties.adding = c("factors", "ordered"),
  properties.needed = "numerics",
  properties.target = c("twoclass", "multiclass", "classif"),
  fix.factors = TRUE,
  cpo.train = {
    lapply(data, function(col)
      sapply(levels(target[[1]]), function(tl)
        vnapply(c(levels(col), NA), function(cl)
          mean(target[[1]][is.na(cl) | col == cl] == tl, na.rm = TRUE))))
  cpo.retrafo = {
    if (!ncol(data)) {
    ret = do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_along(data), function(idx) {
      curdat = data[[idx]]
      levels(curdat) = c(levels(curdat), ".TEMP.MISSING")
      curdat[is.na(curdat)] = ".TEMP.MISSING"
      dummyenc = sapply(levels(curdat), function(lvl) as.integer(curdat == lvl))
      ret = dummyenc %*% control[[idx]]
      colnames(ret) = paste(colnames(data)[idx], colnames(ret), sep = ".")
registerCPO(cpoProbEncode, "data", "feature conversion", "Convert factorial columns in classification tasks to numeric columns by probability encoding them")

#' @title Impact Encoding
#' @template cpo_doc_intro
#' @description
#' Impact coding converts factor levels of each (factorial) column
#' to the difference between each target level's conditional log-likelihood
#' given this level, and the target level's global log-likelihood.
#' @section CPOTrained State:
#' The state's \code{$control} slot is a list of matrices for each
#' factorial data column. Each of these matrices has rows for each of
#' the data column's levels, and columns for each
#' of the target factor levels, and gives the respective impact values.
#' @param smoothing [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#'   A finite positive value used for smoothing. Mostly relevant if
#'   a factor does not coincide with a target factor level (and
#'   would otherwise give an infinite logit value).
#'   Default is \code{1e-4}.
#' @template cpo_doc_outro
#' @export
cpoImpactEncodeClassif = makeCPO("impact.encode.classif",  # nolint
  pSS(smoothing = 1e-4: numeric[~0, ~.]),
  dataformat = "factor",
  properties.adding = c("factors", "ordered"),
  properties.needed = "numerics",
  properties.target = c("twoclass", "multiclass", "classif"),
  fix.factors = TRUE,
  cpo.train = {
    lapply(data, function(col)
      sapply(levels(target[[1]]), function(tl) {
        tprop = mean(target[[1]] == tl)
        tplogit = log(tprop / (1 - tprop))
        vnapply(c(levels(col), NA), function(cl) {
          condprob = (sum(target[[1]][is.na(cl) | col == cl] == tl, na.rm = TRUE) + smoothing) /
            (sum(is.na(cl) | col == cl, na.rm = TRUE) + 2 * smoothing)
          cplogit = log(condprob / (1 - condprob))
          cplogit - tplogit
  cpo.retrafo = {
    if (!ncol(data)) {
    ret = do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_along(data), function(idx) {
      curdat = data[[idx]]
      levels(curdat) = c(levels(curdat), ".TEMP.MISSING")
      curdat[is.na(curdat)] = ".TEMP.MISSING"
      dummyenc = sapply(levels(curdat), function(lvl) as.integer(curdat == lvl))
      ret = dummyenc %*% control[[idx]]
      colnames(ret) = paste(colnames(data)[idx], colnames(ret), sep = ".")
registerCPO(cpoImpactEncodeClassif, "data", "feature conversion", "Convert factorial columns in classification tasks to numeric columns by impact encoding them")

#' @title Impact Encoding
#' @template cpo_doc_intro
#' @description
#' Impact coding converts factor levels of each (factorial) column
#' to the difference between the target's conditional mean given
#' this level, and the target's global mean.
#' @section CPOTrained State:
#' The state's \code{$control} slot is a list of vectors for each
#' factorial data column. Each of these vectors has an entry for each of the
#' the data column's levels, and gives the respective impact value.
#' @param smoothing [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#'   A finite positive value used for smoothing.
#'   Default is \code{1e-4}.
#' @template cpo_doc_outro
#' @export
cpoImpactEncodeRegr = makeCPO("impact.encode.regr",  # nolint
  pSS(smoothing = 1e-4: numeric[~0, ~.]),
  dataformat = "factor",
  properties.adding = c("factors", "ordered"),
  properties.needed = "numerics",
  properties.target = "regr",  # TODO: multiclass?
  fix.factors = TRUE,
  cpo.train = {
    meanimp = mean(target[[1]])
    lapply(data, function(col)
      c(vnapply(levels(col), function(lvl) {
        (sum(target[[1]][col == lvl], na.rm = TRUE) + smoothing * meanimp) / (sum(col == lvl, na.rm = TRUE) + smoothing) - meanimp
      }), .TEMP.MISSING = 0))
  }, cpo.retrafo = {
    if (!ncol(data)) {
    ret = do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_along(data), function(idx) {
      curdat = data[[idx]]
      levels(curdat) = c(levels(curdat), ".TEMP.MISSING")
      curdat[is.na(curdat)] = ".TEMP.MISSING"
    colnames(ret) = colnames(data)
    rownames(ret) = rownames(data)
registerCPO(cpoImpactEncodeRegr, "data", "feature conversion", "Convert factorial columns in regression tasks to numeric columns by impact encoding them")

#' @title CPO Dummy Encoder
#' @template cpo_doc_intro
#' @param reference.cat [\code{logical}]\cr
#'   If \dQuote{reference.cat} is \code{TRUE}, the first level of every factor column
#'   is taken as the reference category and the encoding is \code{c(0, 0, 0, ...)}.
#'   If this is \code{FALSE}, the encoding is always one-hot-encoding. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param infixdot [\code{logical}]\cr
#'   Whether to add an infix dot when creating names. This is nicer in some ways, but is
#'   not compatible with model.matrix.
#' @template cpo_doc_outro
#' @export
cpoDummyEncode = makeCPO("dummyencode",  # nolint
  pSS(reference.cat = FALSE: logical, infixdot = FALSE: logical),
  dataformat = "df.features",
  properties.needed = "numerics",
  properties.adding = c("factors", "ordered"),
  cpo.train = {
    lapply(data, levels)
  cpo.retrafo = {
    if (!length(data)) {
    if (infixdot) {
      idot = "."
    } else {
      idot = ""
    lvls = control
    datas = lapply(names(data), function(d) {
      if (is.factor(data[[d]])) {
        df = do.call(data.frame, lapply(lvls[[d]], function(l)
          as.integer(data[[d]] == l)))
        names(df) = paste0(d, idot, lvls[[d]])
        if (reference.cat) {
          # check that no unknown factors occurred
          cleand = data[[d]][!is.na(data[[d]])]
          if (!all(cleand %in% lvls[[d]])) {
            stopf("dummyencode retrafo encountered factor level that wasn't seen before. Try using cpoFixFactors.")
        } else {
          # unseen factors are ok here.
      } else {
    do.call(cbind, datas)
registerCPO(cpoDummyEncode, "data", "feature conversion", "Convert factorial columns to numeric columns by dummy encoding them")
mlr-org/mlrCPO documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 11:25 p.m.