

reg = loadRegistry("mco_bench-files", work.dir = ".")

# exclude GOMOP_2D5M for now - ref.front too big
prob.ids = setdiff(getProblemIds(reg), c("dtlz1_5D5M"))

job.ids = getJobIds(reg)
# exclude the rs and nsga2 10-fold
exactFront.ids = findExperiments(reg, algo.pattern = "nsga2-ref")
nsga2.ids  = setdiff(findExperiments(reg, algo.pattern = "nsga2"), exactFront.ids)
nsga2.10fold.ids = findExperiments(reg, ids = nsga2.ids, algo.pattern = "nsga2", = budget == "10fold")
rs.10fold.ids = findExperiments(reg, algo.pattern = "randomSearch", = budget == "10fold")
job.ids = setdiff(job.ids, union(nsga2.10fold.ids, rs.10fold.ids))
job.ids = setdiff(job.ids, findExperiments(reg, prob.pattern = "dtlz1_5D5M"))

# we don't want to use the nsga2-ref in the refFront due to computation limits
parallelStartBatchJobs(bj.resources = list(memory = 4000))
parallelLibrary("BatchExperiments", "emoa", "ParamHelpers")
merged.fronts = parallelMap(function(pid, reg, job.ids) {
  messagef("Merging front: %s", pid)
  ids = findExperiments(reg, ids = job.ids, prob.pattern = pid, match.substring = FALSE)
  xs = loadResults(reg, ids)
  fronts = lapply(xs, function(x) getOptPathParetoFront(x$opt.path))
  merged =, fronts)
  list(merged.front = merged, ref.front = t(nondominated_points(t(merged))))
}, prob.ids, use.names = TRUE, more.args = list(reg = reg, job.ids = setdiff(job.ids, exactFront.ids)))

merged.fronts.min = sapply(merged.fronts, function(y) apply(y$merged.front, 2, min), simplify = FALSE)
merged.fronts.max = sapply(merged.fronts, function(y) apply(y$merged.front, 2, max), simplify = FALSE)

## This is to expensive!
# Pre-Calc Referenz Front HV and R2 to save some time
# parallelStartBatchJobs(bj.resources = list(memory = 20000))
# parallelLibrary("BatchExperiments", "emoa", "ParamHelpers")
# referenz.front.hvr2 = parallelMap(function(merged.front, y.min, y.max) {
#   myscale = function(y) {
#     t(apply(y, 1, function(r) {
#       1 + (r - y.min) / (y.max - y.min)
#     }))
#   }
#   merged.front = myscale(merged.front)
#   dimy = ncol(merged.front)
#   ref = rep(2.1, dimy)
#   ideal = rep(1, dimy)
#   s = switch(dimy, 1L, 100000L, 450L, 75L, 37L)
#   weight.vectors = mlrMBO:::combWithSum(s, dimy) / s
#   list(
#     ref.hv = dominated_hypervolume(t(merged.front), ref),
#     ref.r2 = unary_r2_indicator(t(merged.front), t(weight.vectors), ideal = ideal)
#   )
# }, merged.front = merged.fronts, y.min = merged.fronts.min,
#   y.max = merged.fronts.max, use.names = TRUE)
# parallelStop()
# names(referenz.front.hvr2) = prob.ids

res = reduceResultsExperimentsParallel(reg, job.ids, njobs = 50L,
  fun = function(job, res, merged.fronts, merged.fronts.min, merged.fronts.max#, referenz.front.hvr2
    ) {
    op =$opt.path)
    p = getOptPathParetoFront(res$opt.path)
    dimy = ncol(p)
    n.front = nrow(p)
    # scale front + merged front. NB: apply transposes....
    y.min = merged.fronts.min[[job$]]
    y.max = merged.fronts.max[[job$]]
    #hv.r2 = referenz.front.hvr2[[job$]]
    myscale = function(y) {
      t(apply(y, 1, function(r) {
        1 + (r - y.min) / (y.max - y.min)
    p = myscale(p)
    refset = merged.fronts[[job$]]$ref.front
    refset = myscale(refset)
    ref = rep(2.1, dimy)
    ideal = rep(1, dimy)
    s = switch(dimy, 1L, 100000L, 450L, 75L, 37L)
    weight.vectors = mlrMBO:::combWithSum(s, dimy) / s
    sumCounter = function(counter)
      if (job$ %nin% c("randomSearch", "nsga2")) sum(counter) else 0
    p.hv = dominated_hypervolume(t(p), ref)
    p.r2 = unary_r2_indicator(t(p), t(weight.vectors), ideal = ideal)
      front.size = n.front,
      errmod = sumCounter($error.model)),
      filter = sumCounter(op$filter.proposed),
      random = sumCounter(!$error.model) | isTRUE(op$filter.proposed)),
      hv = p.hv, #hv.r2$ref.hv - p.hv,
      eps = epsilon_indicator(t(p), t(refset)),
      r2 = p.r2 #- hv.r2$ref.r2
  merged.fronts = merged.fronts, merged.fronts.min = merged.fronts.min,
  merged.fronts.max = merged.fronts.max)#, referenz.front.hvr2 = referenz.front.hvr2)

aggr = ddply(res, getResultVars(res), summarise,
  front.size = mean(front.size),
  errmod = mean(errmod),
  filter = mean(filter),
  random = mean(random),
  hv = mean(hv),
  eps = mean(eps),
  r2 = mean(r2)

save2(file = "results.RData", res, aggr, merged.fronts, merged.fronts.min, merged.fronts.max)
mlr-org/mlrMBO documentation built on Oct. 13, 2022, 2:39 p.m.