#' Context object
#' Context objects used in luz to share information between model methods,
#' metrics and callbacks.
#' @includeRmd man/rmd/ctx.Rmd details
#' @rdname ctx
#' @name ctx
#' @seealso Context object: [context]
#' Context object
#' @description
#' Context object storing information about the model training context.
#' See also [ctx].
#' @param name name of the metric
#' @param what (string) What you are logging.
#' @param set (string) Usually 'train' or 'valid' indicating the set you want
#' to log to. But can be arbitrary info.
#' @param value Arbitrary value to log.
#' @param index Index that this value should be logged. If `NULL` the value
#' is added to the end of list, otherwise the index is used.
#' @param append If `TRUE` and a value in the corresponding index already
#' exists, then value is appended to the current value. If `FALSE` value
#' is overwritten in favor of the new value.
#' @param epoch The epoch you want to extract metrics from.
#' @param verbose Whether the context should be in verbose mode or not.
#' @param accelerator A luz [accelerator()] that configures device placement and
#' others.
#' @param callbacks A list of callbacks used by the model. See [luz_callback()].
#' @param training A boolean that indicates if the context is in training mode or not.
#' @param records New set of records to be set.
context <- R6::R6Class(
lock_objects = TRUE,
public = list(
#' @description
#' Initializes the context object with minimal necessary information.
initialize = function(verbose, accelerator, callbacks, training) {
self$accelerator <- accelerator %||% accelerator()
self$callbacks <- initialize_callbacks(callbacks, self)
self$training <- training
#' @field buffers This is a list of buffers that callbacks can use to write temporary
#' information into `ctx`.
buffers = list(),
#' @description
#' Allows logging arbitrary information in the `ctx`.
log = function(what, set, value, index = NULL, append = TRUE) {
if (is.null(index)) {
index <- length(private$.records[[what]][[set]]) + 1L
current <- if (append) {
if (length(private$.records[[what]][[set]]) < index) {
} else {
} else {
value <- append(current, value)
if (is.null(private$.records[[what]]))
private$.records[[what]][[set]] <- list()
private$.records[[what]][[set]][[index]] <- value
#' @description
#' Log a metric by its name and value.
#' Metric values are indexed by epoch.
log_metric = function(name, value) {
set <- if (self$training) "train" else "valid"
value <- list(value)
names(value) <- name
self$log("metrics", set, value, index = self$epoch)
#' @description
#' Get a specific value from the log.
get_log = function(what, set, index = NULL) {
get_log(self, what = what, set = set, index = index)
#' @description
#' Get all metric given an epoch and set.
get_metrics = function(set, epoch = NULL) {
get_all_metrics(self, set = set, epoch = epoch)
#' @description
#' Get the value of a metric given its name, epoch and set.
get_metric = function(name, set, epoch= NULL) {
get_metric(self, name = name, set = set, epoch = epoch)
#' @description
#' Get formatted metrics values
get_formatted_metrics = function(set, epoch = NULL) {
get_formatted_metrics(self, set = set, epoch = epoch)
#' @description
#' Get a data.frame containing all metrics.
get_metrics_df = function() {
#' @description Allows setting the `verbose` attribute.
#' @param verbose boolean. If `TRUE` verbose mode is used. If `FALSE` non verbose.
#' if `NULL` we use the result of [interactive()].
set_verbose = function(verbose = NULL) {
if (is.null(verbose)) {
private$.verbose <- interactive()
} else {
private$.verbose <- verbose
#' @description Removes unnecessary information from the context object.
clean = function() {
lapply(FUN = function(x) private[[x]] <- NULL, c(
self$buffers <- NULL
#' @description
#' Call the selected callbacks. Where `name` is the callback types to call, eg
#' 'on_epoch_begin'.
call_callbacks = function(name) {
call_all_callbacks(self$callbacks, name)
#' @description
#' Returns a list containing minimal information from the context. Used to
#' create the returned values.
state_dict = function() {
output <- list(
model = self$model,
records = self$records,
ctx = list(
hparams = self$hparams,
opt_hparams = self$opt_hparams
# Remove the context reference so the context can be correctly
# deleted.
bind_context(output$model, NULL)
#' @description
#' Are you sure you know what you are doing?
unsafe_set_records = function(records) {
if (!length(private$.records$metrics$train) == 0) {
rlang::warn("You are unsafe setting records and it's overriding current data.")
private$.records <- records
active = list(
#' @field records stores information about values logged with `self$log`.
records = function(x) {
if (!missing(x))
rlang::abort("Not allowed to modify records manually. Use ctx$log() or ctx$log_metric()")
#' @field device allows querying the current accelerator device
device = function(x) {
if (!missing(x))
rlang::abort("Not allowed to modify the device manually. Modify the ctx$accelerator")
if (is.null(self$accelerator))
rlang::abort("Context doesn't have an accelerator attached.")
#' @field callbacks list of callbacks that will be called.
callbacks = function(new) {
private$.callbacks <- ctx_check_callbacks(new)
#' @field iter current iteration
iter = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.iter <- ctx_check_iter(new)
#' @field batch the current batch data. a list with input data and targets.
batch = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.batch <- new
#' @field input a shortcut for `ctx$batch[[1]]`
input = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.batch[[1]] <- new
#' @field target a shortcut for `ctx$batch[[2]]`
target = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.batch[[2]] <- new
#' @field min_epochs the minimum number of epochs that the model will run on.
min_epochs = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
ctx_check_epochs(new, self$max_epochs)
private$.epochs$min_epochs <- new
#' @field max_epochs the maximum number of epochs that the model will run.
max_epochs = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
ctx_check_epochs(self$min_epochs, new)
private$.epochs$max_epochs <- new
#' @field hparams a list of hyperparameters that were used to initialize `ctx$model`.
hparams = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.hparams <- new
#' @field opt_hparams a list of hyperparameters used to initialize the `ctx$optimizers`.
opt_hparams = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.opt_hparams <- new
#' @field train_data a dataloader that is used for training the model
train_data = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.train_data <- new
#' @field valid_data a dataloader using during model validation
valid_data = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.valid_data <- new
#' @field accelerator an [accelerator()] used to move data, model and etc the the correct
#' device.
accelerator = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.accelerator <- new
#' @field optimizers a named list of optimizers that will be used during model training.
optimizers = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.optimizers <- ctx_check_optimizers(new)
#' @field verbose bool wether the process is in verbose mode or not.
verbose = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
#' @field handlers List of error handlers that can be used. See [rlang::try_fetch()]
#' for more info.
handlers = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.handlers <- new
#' @field epoch_handlers List of error handlers that can be used. See [rlang::try_fetch()]
#' for more info.
epoch_handlers = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.epoch_handlers <- new
#' @field training A bool indicating if the model is in training or validation mode.
training = function(new){
if (missing(new))
private$.training <- new
#' @field model The model being trained.
model = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.model <- new
bind_context(private$.model, self)
#' @field pred Last predicted values.
pred = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.pred <- new
#' @field opt Current optimizer.
opt = function(new) {
if (missing(new)) {
if (!is.null(private$.opt)) {
} else {
if (length(self$optimizers) == 1) {
cli::cli_abort("{.var ctx$opt} not set.")
private$.opt <- new
#' @field opt_name Current optimizer name.
opt_name = function(new) {
if (missing(new)) {
if (!is.null(private$.opt_name)) {
} else {
if (length(self$optimizers) == 1) {
cli::cli_abort("{.var ctx$opt_name} not set.")
private$.opt_name <- new
#' @field data Current dataloader in use.
data = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.data <- new
#' @field loss_fn Loss function used to train the model
loss_fn = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.loss_fn <- new
#' @field loss Last computed loss values. Detached from the graph.
loss = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.loss <- new
#' @field loss_grad Last computed loss value, not detached, so you can do additional
#' tranformation.
loss_grad = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.loss_grad <- new
#' @field epoch Current epoch.
epoch = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.epoch <- new
#' @field metrics List of metrics that are tracked by the process.
metrics = function(new) {
if (missing(new))
private$.metrics <- new
#' @field step_opt Defines how step is called for the optimizer. It must be a function
#' taking an optimizer as argument.
step_opt = function(new) {
if (missing(new)) return(private$.step_opt)
private$.step_opt <- new
private = list(
# Fields that make sense to be kept after the model has been trained.
.records = list(metrics = list(
train = list(),
valid = list()
.hparams = NULL,
.opt_hparams = NULL,
.epochs = list(min_epochs = 0, max_epochs = 999999999),
.model = NULL,
# These fields are used during training, prediction or evaluation, but they
# are not important after the process has finished. They are likely to be
# recreated for each process that happen on the model.
.callbacks = NULL,
.train_data = NULL,
.valid_data = NULL,
.accelerator = NULL,
.optimizers = NULL,
.verbose = NULL,
.handlers = list(),
.epoch_handlers = list(),
.metrics = NULL,
.step_opt = NULL,
# Fields that are overwritten during model training. They are more or
# less transient, and their values don't make sense after the model
# has been trained.
.training = NULL,
.batch = NULL,
.iter = NULL,
.pred = list(),
.opt = NULL,
.opt_name = NULL,
.data = NULL,
.loss_fn = NULL,
.loss = NULL,
.loss_grad = NULL,
.epoch = NULL
fit_context <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "luz_fit_context",
inherit = context,
public = list(
initialize = function (verbose, accelerator, callbacks, module, hparams,
opt_hparams, data, valid_data, epochs, dataloader_options) {
verbose = verbose,
accelerator = accelerator,
callbacks = append(default_callbacks(), callbacks),
training = TRUE
self$hparams <- get_hparams(module) %||% list()
self$opt_hparams <- get_opt_hparams(module) %||% list()
self$model <- do.call(module, self$hparams)
self$optimizers <- do.call(self$model$set_optimizers, self$opt_hparams)
self$loss_fn <- self$model$loss
self$step_opt <- default_step_opt
if (rlang::is_scalar_double(valid_data)) {
c(data, valid_data) %<-% create_valid_data(data, valid_data)
c(data, valid_data) %<-% apply_dataloader_options(data, valid_data, dataloader_options)
c(model, optimizers, data, valid_data) %<-%
self$model <- model
self$optimizers <- optimizers
self$data <- data
self$train_data <- data
self$valid_data <- valid_data
if (length(epochs) == 1) epochs <- c(0, epochs)
self$min_epochs <- epochs[[1]]
self$max_epochs <- epochs[[2]]
predict_context <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "luz_predict_context",
inherit = context,
public = list(
initialize = function(model, newdata, callbacks, accelerator, verbose,
dataloader_options, callbacks_default) {
verbose = verbose,
accelerator = accelerator,
callbacks = c(callbacks_default(), callbacks),
training = FALSE
c(., newdata) %<-% apply_dataloader_options(NULL, newdata, dataloader_options)
c(model, data) %<-% self$accelerator$prepare(model, newdata)
self$model <- model
self$data <- data
evaluate_context <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "luz_evaluate_context",
inherit = predict_context,
public = list(
initialize = function(..., opt_hparams) {
self$epoch <- 1L
self$opt_hparams <- opt_hparams
# we actually only use the optimizer names ...
self$optimizers <- do.call(self$model$set_optimizers, self$opt_hparams)
# evaluate computes the loss function, and it's better to refer to it from
# the context.
self$loss_fn <- self$model$loss
make_metrics_df <- function(metrics_list, set) {
purrr::imap_dfr(metrics_list, function(x, epoch) {
purrr::imap_dfr(x, function(value, metric_name) {
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
set = set,
metric = metric_name,
epoch = epoch,
value = value
ctx_check_callbacks <- function(x) {
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
cb <- x[[i]]
if (!inherits(cb, "LuzCallback")) {
message <- "Expected a LuzCallback but got an object with class '{class(cb)[1]}' at index {i}."
ctx_check_iter <- function(x) {
if (!rlang::is_scalar_integerish(x)) {
message <- "Expected iter to be a scalar integer. Got {str(x)}."
ctx_check_epochs <- function(min, max) {
if (!rlang::is_scalar_integerish(min))
rlang::abort("Expected `min_epochs` to be a scalar integer, got {str(min)}.")
if (!rlang::is_scalar_integerish(max))
rlang::abort("Expected `max_epochs` to be a scalar integer, got {str(max)}.")
if (min > max)
rlang::abort("`min_epochs` is higher than `max_epochs` and that's not allowed.")
invisible(list(min, max))
ctx_check_optimizers <- function(new) {
if (!is.list(new)) {
new <- list(opt = new)
if (!rlang::is_named(new)) {
rlang::abort(c("List of optimizers is not named.",
"When returning a list of optimizers, the list must be named."))
for (i in new) {
if (!torch::is_optimizer(i))
rlang::abort("Expected a torch optimizer but got an object with class '{class(i)[1]}'.")
default_step_opt <- function(opt) {
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