#' Set's up a `nn_module` to use with luz
#' The setup function is used to set important attributes and method for `nn_modules`
#' to be used with luz.
#' It makes sure the module have all the necessary ingredients in order to be fitted.
#' @param module (`nn_module`) The `nn_module` that you want set up.
#' @param loss (`function`, optional) An optional function with the signature
#' `function(input, target)`. It's only requires if your `nn_module` doesn't
#' implement a method called `loss`.
#' @param optimizer (`torch_optimizer`, optional) A function with the signature
#' `function(parameters, ...)` that is used to initialize an optimizer given
#' the model parameters.
#' @param metrics (`list`, optional) A list of metrics to be tracked during
#' the training procedure. Sometimes, you want some metrics to be evaluated
#' only during training or validation, in this case you can pass a [luz_metric_set()]
#' object to specify metrics used in each stage.
#' @param backward (`function`) A functions that takes the loss scalar values as
#' it's parameter. It must call `$backward()` or [torch::autograd_backward()].
#' In general you don't need to set this parameter unless you need to customize
#' how luz calls the `backward()`, for example, if you need to add additional
#' arguments to the backward call. Note that this becomes a method of the `nn_module`
#' thus can be used by your custom `step()` if you override it.
#' @note
#' It also adds a `device` active field that can be used to query the current
#' module `device` within methods, with eg `self$device`. This is useful when
#' [ctx()] is not available, eg, when calling methods from outside the `luz`
#' wrappers. Users can override the default by implementing a `device` active
#' method in the input `module`.
#' @returns
#' A luz module that can be trained with [fit()].
#' @family training
#' @import torch
#' @export
setup <- function(module, loss = NULL, optimizer = NULL, metrics = NULL,
backward = NULL) {
methods <- list()
if (!is.null(loss))
methods$loss <- function(input, target) {
loss(input, target)
else if (!has_method(module, "loss") && !has_method(module, "step"))
rlang::abort(c("No loss function has been provided.",
"Use the `loss` argument or,",
"Implement the `loss` method in the `nn_module` or,",
"Implement a custom `step` method that manually optimized the parameters."))
if (!is.null(optimizer))
methods$set_optimizers <- function(...) {
optimizer(self$parameters, ...)
else if (!has_method(module, "set_optimizers"))
rlang::abort(c("No optimizer definition has been provided.",
"Use the optimizer argument or,",
"Implement the `set_optimizers` method in the `nn_module`."))
if (!is.null(backward)) {
if(!rlang::is_function(backward)) {
rlang::abort(c("backward should be a function with a single argument"))
methods$backward <- backward
} else {
methods$backward <- function(x) {
methods$metrics <- if (is_luz_metric_set(metrics)) {
} else {
# adds a device method, allowing users to quickly query the current
# model device. this returns the device of the first parameter. should
# be OK to do it, as users there's current no support for multi-gpu
# training. users can override by implementing their own device method.
if (is.null(get_method(module, "device"))) {
methods$active <- list(
device = function() {
if (!has_forward_method(module))
methods$forward <- identity
mod <- do.call(
append(methods, list(name = "luz_module", inherit = module))
class(mod) <- c("luz_module_generator")
#' Set hyper-parameter of a module
#' @description
#' This function is used to define hyper-parameters before calling `fit` for
#' `luz_modules`.
#' @param module An `nn_module` that has been [setup()].
#' @param ... The parameters set here will be used to initialize the `nn_module`, ie they
#' are passed unchanged to the `initialize` method of the base `nn_module`.
#' @family set_hparam
#' @returns
#' The same luz module
#' @export
set_hparams <- function(module, ...) {
hparams <- rlang::list2(...)
attr(module, "hparams") <- hparams
#' Set optimizer hyper-parameters
#' @description
#' This function is used to define hyper-parameters for the optimizer initialization
#' method.
#' @inheritParams set_hparams
#' @param ... The parameters passed here will be used to initialize the optimizers.
#' For example, if your optimizer is `optim_adam` and you pass `lr=0.1`, then the
#' `optim_adam` function is called with `optim_adam(parameters, lr=0.1)` when fitting
#' the model.
#' @returns
#' The same luz module
#' @family set_hparam
#' @export
set_opt_hparams <- function(module, ...) {
hparams <- rlang::list2(...)
attr(module, "opt_hparams") <- hparams
get_hparams <- function(module) {
attr(module, "hparams")
get_opt_hparams <- function(module) {
attr(module, "opt_hparams")
#' Fit a `nn_module`
#' @param object An `nn_module` that has been [setup()].
#' @param data (dataloader, dataset or list) A dataloader created with
#' [torch::dataloader()] used for training the model, or a dataset created
#' with [torch::dataset()] or a list. Dataloaders and datasets must return a
#' list with at most 2 items. The first item will be used as input for the
#' module and the second will be used as a target for the loss function.
#' @param epochs (int) The maximum number of epochs for training the model. If a
#' single value is provided, this is taken to be the `max_epochs` and
#' `min_epochs` is set to 0. If a vector of two numbers is provided, the first
#' value is `min_epochs` and the second value is `max_epochs`. The minimum and
#' maximum number of epochs are included in the context object as
#' `ctx$min_epochs` and `ctx$max_epochs`, respectively.
#' @param callbacks (list, optional) A list of callbacks defined with
#' [luz_callback()] that will be called during the training procedure. The
#' callbacks [luz_callback_metrics()], [luz_callback_progress()] and
#' [luz_callback_train_valid()] are always added by default.
#' @param valid_data (dataloader, dataset, list or scalar value; optional) A
#' dataloader created with [torch::dataloader()] or a dataset created with
#' [torch::dataset()] that will be used during the validation procedure. They
#' must return a list with (input, target). If `data` is a torch dataset or a
#' list, then you can also supply a numeric value between 0 and 1 - and in
#' this case a random sample with size corresponding to that proportion from
#' `data` will be used for validation.
#' @param accelerator (accelerator, optional) An optional [accelerator()] object
#' used to configure device placement of the components like [nn_module]s,
#' optimizers and batches of data.
#' @param verbose (logical, optional) An optional boolean value indicating if
#' the fitting procedure should emit output to the console during training.
#' By default, it will produce output if [interactive()] is `TRUE`, otherwise
#' it won't print to the console.
#' @param ... Currently unused.
#' @param dataloader_options Options used when creating a dataloader. See
#' [torch::dataloader()]. `shuffle=TRUE` by default for the training data and
#' `batch_size=32` by default. It will error if not `NULL` and `data` is
#' already a dataloader.
#' @returns A fitted object that can be saved with [luz_save()] and can be
#' printed with [print()] and plotted with [plot()].
#' @seealso [predict.luz_module_fitted()] for how to create predictions.
#' [setup()] to find out how to create modules that can be trained with `fit`.
#' @family training
#' @importFrom generics fit
#' @importFrom coro is_exhausted
#' @export
fit.luz_module_generator <- function(
epochs = 10,
callbacks = NULL,
valid_data = NULL,
accelerator = NULL,
verbose = NULL,
dataloader_options = NULL
) {
module <- object
# Initialize context:
ctx <- fit_context$new(
verbose = verbose,
accelerator = accelerator,
module = module,
data = data,
valid_data = valid_data,
epochs = epochs,
callbacks = callbacks,
dataloader_options = dataloader_options
step <- get_step(ctx)
# The environment of this function is leaking due to a bug
# see https://github.com/mlverse/luz/issues/74
# Until its fixed we clean up its environment so we don't keep
# large objects here more than necessary.
e <- rlang::current_env()
rm(list = rlang::env_names(e), envir = e)
}, add = TRUE)
!!! ctx$handlers,
.expr = {
for (epoch in seq_len(ctx$max_epochs)) {
!!! ctx$epoch_handlers,
.expr = {
ctx$epoch <- epoch
ctx$iter <- 0L
ctx$data <- ctx$train_data
# this helps making sure the dataloader workers can be cleaned up
# before the validation loop even starts.
next_batch <- as_iterator(ctx$data)
while(!is_exhausted(batch <- next_batch())) {
ctx$batch<- batch
ctx$iter <- ctx$iter + 1L
if (!is.null(ctx$valid_data)) {
ctx$data <- ctx$valid_data
valid_loop(ctx, step)
class = "luz_module_fitted"
#' Evaluates a fitted model on a dataset
#' @param object A fitted model to evaluate.
#' @inheritParams fit.luz_module_generator
#' @param metrics A list of luz metrics to be tracked during evaluation. If `NULL`
#' (default) then the same metrics that were used during training are tracked.
#' @includeRmd man/rmd/evaluate.Rmd details
#' @family training
#' @export
evaluate <- function(
metrics = NULL,
callbacks = list(),
accelerator = NULL,
verbose = NULL,
dataloader_options = NULL
) {
# replace metrics for evaluate. metrics are attributes of luz modules.
# after evaluation, metrics are replaced back for their original values.
if (!is.null(metrics)) {
model_metrics <- object$model$metrics
object$model$metrics <- model_metrics
}, add = TRUE)
object$model$metrics <- if (is_luz_metric_set(metrics)) {
} else {
ctx <- evaluate_context$new(
model = object$model,
newdata = data,
callbacks = callbacks,
accelerator = accelerator,
verbose = verbose,
dataloader_options = dataloader_options,
callbacks_default = default_evaluate_callbacks,
opt_hparams = object$ctx$opt_hparams
e <- rlang::current_env()
rm(list = rlang::env_names(e), envir = e)
}, add = TRUE)
valid_loop(ctx, get_step(ctx))
class = "luz_module_evaluation"
#' Create predictions for a fitted model
#' @param object (fitted model) the fitted model object returned from [fit.luz_module_generator()]
#' @param newdata (dataloader, dataset, list or array) returning a list with at
#' least 1 element. The other elements aren't used.
#' @inheritParams fit.luz_module_generator
#' @param ... Currently unused.
#' @family training
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
predict.luz_module_fitted <- function(object, newdata, ..., callbacks = list(),
accelerator = NULL, verbose = NULL,
dataloader_options = NULL) {
ctx <- predict_context$new(
model = object$model,
newdata = newdata,
callbacks = callbacks,
accelerator = accelerator,
verbose = verbose,
dataloader_options = dataloader_options,
callbacks_default = default_predict_callbacks
pars <- rlang::list2(...)
if (is.null(pars$stack))
stack <- TRUE
stack <- pars$stack
predict_fn <- if (is.null(ctx$model$predict)) ctx$model else ctx$model$predict
e <- rlang::current_env()
rm(list = rlang::env_names(e), envir = e)
}, add = TRUE)
!!! ctx$handlers,
.expr = {
coro::loop(for(batch in ctx$data) {
ctx$batch <- batch
ctx$pred[[length(ctx$pred) + 1]] <- do.call(predict_fn, list(ctx$input))
if (stack) {
ctx$pred <- torch::torch_cat(ctx$pred)
get_step <- function(ctx) {
if (is.null(ctx$model$step))
function() default_step(ctx)
valid_loop <- function(ctx, step) {
torch::local_no_grad() # the whole validation loop has no grad enabled
ctx$iter <- 0L
# helps making sure the dataloader workers are quickly deleted after the
# evaluation loop
next_batch <- as_iterator(ctx$data)
while(!is_exhausted(batch <- next_batch())) {
ctx$batch <- batch
ctx$iter <- ctx$iter + 1L
default_step <- function(ctx) {
if (ctx$training)
fit_one_batch <-function(ctx) {
for (nm in names(ctx$optimizers)) {
ctx$pred <- do.call(ctx$model, list(ctx$input))
ctx$opt <- ctx$optimizers[[nm]]
ctx$opt_name <- nm
ctx$loss_grad <- ctx$loss_fn(ctx$pred, ctx$target)
ctx$loss[[ctx$opt_name]] <- ctx$loss_grad$detach()
valid_one_batch <- function(ctx) {
for (nm in names(ctx$optimizers)) {
ctx$opt_name <- nm
ctx$pred <- do.call(ctx$model, list(ctx$input))
ctx$loss[[ctx$opt_name]] <- ctx$loss_fn(ctx$pred, ctx$target)
initialize_callbacks <- function(callbacks, ctx) {
cbs <- lapply(callbacks, function(cb) {
bind_context(cb, ctx)
# reorder callbacks according to their weights
weights <- sapply(cbs, function(x) x$weight %||% 0)
create_valid_data <- function(data, valid_data) {
if (valid_data >= 1 || valid_data < 0)
rlang::abort(sprintf("valid_data must be a value between 0 and 1, got %f", valid_data),
class = "value_error")
if (torch::is_dataloader(data))
rlang::abort(c("Can't create a validation set from the training dataloader.",
"Supply a torch dataset instead."), class = "value_error")
data <- as_dataset(data)
l <- length(data)
id_valid <- sample.int(l, size = l*valid_data)
id_train <- seq_len(length.out = l)[-id_valid]
valid_data <- torch::dataset_subset(data, id_valid)
data <- torch::dataset_subset(data, id_train)
list(data, valid_data)
apply_dataloader_options <- function(data, valid_data, dataloader_options) {
if (torch::is_dataloader(data) && !is.null(dataloader_options))
rlang::abort("`dataloader_options` won't be used because `data` is already a dataloader.")
if (torch::is_dataloader(valid_data) && !is.null(dataloader_options))
rlang::warn("`dataloader_options` will be ignored for `valid_data` since it's already a dataloader")
dataloader_options <- dataloader_options %||% list()
if (is.null(dataloader_options$batch_size))
dataloader_options$batch_size <- 32L
if (!torch::is_dataloader(data)) {
train_dl_options <- dataloader_options
if (is.null(train_dl_options$shuffle))
train_dl_options$shuffle <- TRUE
# It's usually better to drop the last batch if its not the same size as the
# other as it can have a large effect on results but based on very few obs.
if (is.null(train_dl_options$drop_last))
train_dl_options$drop_last <- TRUE
data <- rlang::exec(as_dataloader, x = data, !!!train_dl_options)
if (!torch::is_dataloader(valid_data)) {
valid_dl_options <- dataloader_options
# probably on `predict`.
if (is.null(data) && isTRUE(valid_dl_options$shuffle))
rlang::warn("`shuffle=TRUE` will be ignored for predictions.")
valid_dl_options$shuffle <- FALSE
valid_data <- rlang::exec(as_dataloader, x = valid_data, !!!valid_dl_options)
list(data, valid_data)
#' Get metrics from the object
#' @param object The object to query for metrics.
#' @param ... Currently unused.
#' @returns A data.frame containing the metric values.
#' @export
get_metrics <- function(object, ...) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn get_metrics Extract metrics from a luz fitted model.
get_metrics.luz_module_fitted <- function(object, ...) {
purrr::imap_dfr(object$records$metrics, make_metrics_df)
#' @export
get_metrics.luz_context <- get_metrics.luz_module_fitted
#' @export
get_metrics.luz_module_evaluation <- function(object, ...) {
res <- get_metrics.luz_module_fitted(object)
res[, c("metric", "value")]
can_use_mps <- function() {
arch <- Sys.info()["machine"]
"arm64" %in% arch && torch::backends_mps_is_available()
enable_mps_fallback <- function() {
if (!can_use_mps())
fallback <- Sys.getenv("PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK", unset = "")
if (fallback == "") {
if (!identical(Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT"), "true")) {
"Some torch operators might not yet be implemented for the MPS device. ",
"A temporary fix is to set the {.var PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK=1} to ",
"use the CPU as a fall back for those operators:"),
i = paste0(
"Add {.var PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK=1} to your {.var .Renviron} file, ",
"for example use {.fn usethis::edit_r_environ}."),
x = paste0(
"Using {.var Sys.setenv()} doesn't work because the env var must be ",
"set before R starts.")
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