#' Cifar datasets
#' [CIFAR10](https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html) Dataset.
#' @param root (string): Root directory of dataset where directory
#' `cifar-10-batches-bin` exists or will be saved to if download is set to TRUE.
#' @param train (bool, optional): If TRUE, creates dataset from training set, otherwise
#' creates from test set.
#' @param transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in an PIL image
#' and returns a transformed version. E.g, [transform_random_crop()]
#' @param target_transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in the
#' target and transforms it.
#' @param download (bool, optional): If true, downloads the dataset from the internet and
#' puts it in root directory. If dataset is already downloaded, it is not
#' downloaded again.
#' @export
cifar10_dataset <- torch::dataset(
name = "cifar10_dataset",
url = "https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-10-binary.tar.gz",
md5 = "c32a1d4ab5d03f1284b67883e8d87530",
fname = "cifar-10-batches-bin",
type = 10,
label_fname = "batches.meta.txt",
initialize = function(root, train = TRUE, transform = NULL, target_transform = NULL,
download = FALSE) {
self$root <- root
self$transform <- transform
self$target_transform <- target_transform
if (download)
check <- self$check_files()
if (!check)
runtime_error("Files not found. Use download = TRUE")
if (train) {
files <- self$get_files()$train
} else {
files <- self$get_files()$test
batches <- lapply(files, function(x) read_batch(x, self$type))
if (self$type == 10)
data <- combine_batches(batches)
data <- batches[[1]]
self$x <- data$imgs
self$y <- data$labels + 1L
.load_meta = function() {
cl <- readLines(fs::path(self$root, self$fname, self$label_fname))
self$class_to_idx <- setNames(seq_along(cl), cl)
self$classes <- cl
.getitem = function(i) {
x <- self$x[i,,,]
y <- self$y[i]
if (!is.null(self$transform))
x <- self$transform(x)
if (!is.null(self$target_transform))
y <- self$target_transform(y)
list(x = x, y = y)
.length = function() {
download = function() {
p <- download_and_cache(self$url)
if (!tools::md5sum(p) == self$md5)
runtime_error("Corrupt file! Delete the file in {p} and try again.")
utils::untar(p, exdir = self$root)
check_files = function() {
if (!fs::dir_exists(self$root))
p <- fs::path(self$root, self$fname)
if (!fs::dir_exists(p))
f <- self$get_files()
if (!length(f$train) == 5 && self$type == 10)
if (!length(f$train) == 1 && self$type == 100)
if (!length(f$test) == 1)
get_files = function() {
p <- fs::path(self$root, self$fname)
if (self$type == 10) {
train = fs::dir_ls(p, regexp = "data_batch"),
test = fs::dir_ls(p, regexp = "test_batch")
} else {
train = fs::dir_ls(p, regexp = "train"),
test = fs::dir_ls(p, regexp = "test")
#' Cifar 100 dataset
#' Downloads and prepares the CIFAR100 dataset.
#' @rdname cifar10_dataset
#' @export
cifar100_dataset <- torch::dataset(
name = "cifar100_dataset",
inherit = cifar10_dataset,
url = "https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-100-binary.tar.gz",
md5 = "03b5dce01913d631647c71ecec9e9cb8",
fname = "cifar-100-binary",
type = 100,
label_fname = "fine_label_names.txt"
read_batch <- function(path, type = 10) {
if (type == 10)
n <- 10000
else if (type == 100 && grepl("test", path))
n <- 10000
n <- 50000
imgs <- array(dim = c(n, 32, 32, 3))
labels <- integer(length = n)
if (type == 100)
fine_labels <- integer(length = n)
con <- file(path, open = "rb")
on.exit({close(con)}, add = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
labels[i] <- readBin(con, integer(), size=1, n=1, endian="big")
if (type == 100) {
fine_labels[i] <- readBin(con, integer(), size=1, n=1, endian="big")
r <- as.integer(readBin(con, raw(), size=1, n=1024, endian="big"))
g <- as.integer(readBin(con, raw(), size=1, n=1024, endian="big"))
b <- as.integer(readBin(con, raw(), size=1, n=1024, endian="big"))
imgs[i,,,1] <- matrix(r, ncol = 32, byrow = TRUE)
imgs[i,,,2] <- matrix(g, ncol = 32, byrow = TRUE)
imgs[i,,,3] <- matrix(b, ncol = 32, byrow = TRUE)
if (type == 100)
list(imgs = imgs, labels = fine_labels)
list(imgs = imgs, labels = labels)
combine_batches <- function(batches) {
n <- 10000
imgs <- array(dim = c(length(batches)* n, 32, 32, 3))
labels <- integer(length = length(batches)* n)
for (i in seq_along(batches)) {
imgs[((i-1)*n + 1):(i*n),,,] <- batches[[i]]$imgs
labels[((i-1)*n + 1):(i*n)] <- batches[[i]]$labels
list(imgs = imgs, labels = labels)
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