
Defines functions f.robftest

Documented in f.robftest

##- From: Werner Stahel <stahel@stat.math.ethz.ch>
##- To: holzer@stat.math.ethz.ch, maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch
##- Subject: robuster F-test
##- Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 17:01:55 +0200 (CEST)

f.robftest <- function(object, var = -1)
    ## Purpose:   robust F-test: Wald test for several coefficients of
    ##            an rlm object
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments:
    ##   object   result of rlm(...)
    ##   var      variables. Either their names or their indices
    ##		  Default: all *but* the intercept
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 14 Jul 2000;  MM, 2000-07-14

    if (!inherits(object, "rlm"))
        stop("f.robftest() only works for 'rlm' objects")

    ## determine and check coefficients to be tested
    cf <- object$coef
    iind <- if(is.character(var)) match(var,names(cf)) else seq(length(cf))[var]
    wrong <- is.na(iind) | iind > length(cf) | iind < 1
    if (any(wrong))
        stop(paste("variable ",var[wrong]," not found"))
    cf <- cf[iind]
    if (0 == (t.nv <- length(cf)))
        stop("no variables to be tested")
    ## covariance matrix of estimated coefficients: calls summary.rlm():
    t.r <- summary(object, method="XtWX")
    ## Nota BENE: vcov() calls vcov.lm() which uses $sigma instead of $stddev !
    t.cov <- t.r$cov.unscaled[iind,iind] * t.r$stddev ^ 2

    ## Instead of   c(cf %*% solve(t.cov) %*% cf)/t.nv
    ## quite a bit more efficient (for larger p):  x' A^-1 x :
    t.f <- sum(cf * solve(t.cov, cf))/t.nv
    df <- c(t.nv, t.r$df[2])

    ## MM: Return an object of class "htest"  ---> nice print.*() method !
    struct(list(statistic = c(F = t.f), df = df,
                   data.name = paste("from", deparse(object$call)),
                   method = "robust F-test (as if non-random weights)",
                   alternative = "two.sided",
                   null.value = {c0 <- cf; c0[] <- 0; c0},
                   p.value = pf(t.f, df[1], df[2], lower.tail = FALSE)),
           class = "htest")
mmaechler/sfsmisc documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 5:04 a.m.