#' @importFrom knitr kable
# leg1p
# Class
#' @export leg1p
#' @exportClass leg1p
leg1p <- setClass(
slots = list(
id = "character",
player = "character",
start = "numeric",
win = "numeric",
dartsScoresCh = "character"
# Methods
# getPlayers
#' @export
# getID
#' @export
# getWin
#' @export
# getDate
#' @export
id <- getID(object)
datetime <- unlist(
unlist(strsplit(id, "s"))[1],
date <- paste(substr(datetime, 1, 4),
substr(datetime, 5, 6),
substr(datetime, 7, 8),
sep = "-")
# getStats
#' @export
# default values
scoreOv <- 501
nMiss <- nBust <- nHit <- plus100 <- plus140 <- plus180 <- plus60 <-
n20 <- n19 <- n18 <- n60 <- n57 <- n54 <- closingDouble <- 0
missedDoubles <- dartsScoresVal <- NULL
doubles <- c((1:20)*2, 50)
# prendo 3 alla volta
for (i in seq(1, length(object@dartsScoresCh)-3+1, 3)) {
handScoresCh <- object@dartsScoresCh[i:(i+2)]
# converto
handScoresVal <- chr2val(handScoresCh)
# valuto se in chiusura e missed doubles
scorePar <- scoreOv
bust <- F
for (j in seq_along(handScoresVal)){
if (scorePar %in% doubles & (scorePar - handScoresVal[j]) !=0 ) {
nMiss <- nMiss + 1
missedDoubles <- c(missedDoubles, paste("d", scorePar/2, sep = ""))
scorePar <- scorePar - handScoresVal[j]
} else if ((scorePar %in% doubles & (scorePar - handScoresVal[j]) ==0 ) &
!(handScoresCh)[j] %in% c(paste0("d", c(1:20)), "d25")) {
nMiss <- nMiss + 1
bust <- T
missedDoubles <- c(missedDoubles, paste("d", scorePar/2, sep = ""))
} else {scorePar <- scorePar - handScoresVal[j]}
# valuto se bust
if (((scoreOv - sum(handScoresVal) != 1 &
(scoreOv - sum(handScoresVal)) >= 0)) & !bust) {
if (sum(handScoresVal) == 180){
plus180 <- plus180 + 1
} else if (sum(handScoresVal) >= 140){
plus140 <- plus140 + 1
} else if (sum(handScoresVal) >= 100){
plus100 <- plus100 + 1
} else if (sum(handScoresVal) >= 60){
plus60 <- plus60 + 1
} else {
nBust <- nBust + 1
handScoresVal <- c(0, 0, 0)
# sottraggo e aggiungo dartscoresval
scoreOv <- scoreOv - sum(handScoresVal)
dartsScoresVal <- c(dartsScoresVal, handScoresVal)
# tengo i valori ch buoni
dartsScoresCh <- object@dartsScoresCh
dartsScoresCh[which(dartsScoresVal == 0)] <- 0
# calcolo power scoring
n18 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "18")
n19 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "19")
n20 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "20")
n60 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "t20")
n57 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "t19")
n54 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "t18")
# tolgo eventuali 0 dopo chiusura e aggiungo valori chiusura
if (sum(dartsScoresVal) == 501) {
for (i in 1:2) {
if (dartsScoresVal[length(dartsScoresVal)] == 0) {
dartsScoresVal <- dartsScoresVal[-c(length(dartsScoresVal))]
nHit <- 1
closingDouble <- paste0("d", dartsScoresVal[length(dartsScoresVal)]/2)
# creo df
# mean
handDartsNum <- rep(c(1, 2, 3), ceiling(length(dartsScoresVal)/3))[1:length(dartsScoresVal)]
darts.df <- data.frame("dart.hand" = handDartsNum,
"score" = dartsScoresVal)
means <- darts.df %>%
group_by(dart.hand) %>%
summarize(mean = round(mean(score), 2))
mean.1 <- means$mean[means$dart.hand == 1]
mean.2 <- means$mean[means$dart.hand == 2]
mean.3 <- means$mean[means$dart.hand == 3]
meanOv <- round(sum(dartsScoresVal) / length(dartsScoresVal) * 3, 2)
mean9 <- round(sum(dartsScoresVal[1:9]) / 3, 2)
meanDf <- data.frame(
mean = c("3 darts", "Firts 9", "1st dart", "2nd dart", "3rd dart"),
score = c(meanOv, mean9, mean.1, mean.2, mean.3)
# checkout
if (nHit == 0) {rate <- 0} else if (nMiss + nBust == 0) {rate <- 1} else {rate <- round(nHit/(nMiss+1), 2)}
checkoutDf <- data.frame(
what = c("Missed", "Busted", "Hit", "Rate"),
value = c(nMiss, nBust, nHit, rate)
# doubles
if (!is.null(missedDoubles)){
doublesDf <- data.frame(double = missedDoubles) %>%
group_by(double) %>%
summarise(miss = n()) %>%
mutate(hit = 0)
if (closingDouble != 0) {
if (closingDouble %in% missedDoubles) {
doublesDf$hit[which(doublesDf$double == closingDouble)] <- doublesDf$hit[which(doublesDf$double == closingDouble)] + 1
} else {
tmpdf <- data.frame(double = closingDouble, miss = 0, hit = 1)
doublesDf <- rbind(doublesDf, tmpdf)
} else {
if (closingDouble != 0) {
doublesDf <- data.frame(double = closingDouble, miss = 0, hit = 1)
} else {
doublesDf <- data.frame(double = character(), miss = numeric(), hit = numeric())
doublesDf$double <- factor(doublesDf$double, levels = c(paste("d", c(1:20), sep = "")), ordered = T)
doublesDf <- doublesDf %>%
attr(doublesDf, "class") <- c("data.frame")
# power scoring
powerDf <- data.frame(
what = c("18", "19", "20", "54", "57", "60", "60+", "100+", "140+", "180 "),
n = c(n18, n19, n20, n54, n57, n60, plus60, plus100, plus140, plus180)
# final list
stats = list(
mean = meanDf,
checkout = checkoutDf,
doubles = doublesDf,
power = powerDf,
dartsNum = length(dartsScoresVal)
# show
#' @export
cat("Date:", getDate(object), "\n")
cat("Player:", getPlayers(object), "\n", "\n")
if (object@win == 1) {
cat("Leg closed in", getStats(object)$dartsNum, "darts \n")
} else {
cat("Leg lost")
# summary
#' @export
# creazione vettori chr
meansCh <- c("3 darts ", "First 9 ", "1st dart", "2nd dart", "3rd dart")
checkoutCh <- c("Missed", "Busted", "Hit " , "Rate ")
powerCh <- c("54 ", "57 ", "60 ", "60+ " , "100+", "140+", "180 ")
# creazione vettori valori
stats <- getStats(object)
meansVa <- stats$mean$score
meansVa <- as.character(format(round(meansVa, 2), nsmall = 2))
checkoutVa <- stats$checkout$value
checkoutVa <- as.character(format(round(checkoutVa, 2), nsmall = 2))
powerVa <- stats$power$n[4:10]
powerVa <- as.character(format(round(powerVa, 2), nsmall = 0))
# unione vettori
meansTot <- c(paste(paste(meansCh, meansVa, sep = ": "), ""), NA, NA)
checkoutTot <- c(paste(paste(checkoutCh, checkoutVa, sep = ": "),""), NA, NA, NA)
powerTot <- paste(powerCh, powerVa, sep = ": ")
# creazione matrice
matr <- matrix(c(meansTot, checkoutTot, powerTot), ncol = 3, byrow = F)
# conversione in table
attr(matr, "class") <- c("table")
# set dimnames
attr(matr, "dimnames") <- list(rep("", 7), c(" Means ", " Checkout ", "Power Scoring"))
# print out
cat("Player:", getPlayers(object), "\n")
if (object@win == 1) {
cat("Winner: yes", "\nClosing double:", object@dartsScoresCh[stats$dartsNum], "\n", "\n")
} else {
cat("Winner: no", "\n", "\n")
# ------------------------------------------------- leg2p
# leg2p
# class
#' @export leg2p
#' @exportClass leg2p
leg2p <- setClass(
slots = list(
p1leg = "leg1p",
p2leg = "leg1p"
# Methods
# getPlayers
#' @export
players <- c(getPlayers(object@p1leg), getPlayers(object@p2leg))
# getDate
#' @export
# getID
#' @export
# getWinner
#' @export
if (getWin(object@p1leg) == 1) {winner <- getPlayers(object@p1leg)} else {winner <- getPlayers(object@p2leg)}
# show
#' @export
if (getWin(object@p1leg) == 1) {ndarts <- getStats(object@p1leg)$dartsNum} else {ndarts <- getStats(object@p1leg)$dartsNum}
cat("Date:", getDate(object), "\n")
cat("Players:", paste(getPlayers(object), collapse = ", "), "\n", "\n")
cat("Leg won by", getWinner(object), "in", ndarts, "darts")
# summary
#' @export
p1stats <- getStats(object@p1leg)
p2stats <- getStats(object@p2leg)
# creo vettore centrale
center <- c("MEAN", p1stats$mean[,1], "CHECKOUT", p1stats$checkout[,1], "POWER SCORING", p1stats$power[,1])
p1v <- c("", as.character(p1stats$mean[,2]),
"", as.character(p1stats$checkout[,2]),
"", as.character(p1stats$power[,2]))
p2v <- c("", as.character(p2stats$mean[,2]),
"", as.character(p2stats$checkout[,2]),
"", as.character(p2stats$power[,2]))
df <- data.frame(p1v, center, p2v)
colnames(df) <- c(getPlayers(object@p1leg), "", getPlayers(object@p2leg))
name.width <- max(sapply(names(df), nchar))
names(df) <- format(names(df), width = name.width, justify = "centre")
a <- format(df, justify = "centre")
print(a, row.names = F)
# ----------------------- legtr
# Class
#' @export legtr
#' @exportClass legtr
legtr <- setClass(
slots = list(
id = "character",
player = "character",
dartsScoresCh = "character"
# Methods
# getPlayers
#' @export
# getID
#' @export
# getDate
#' @export
id <- getID(object)
date <- paste(substr(id, 1, 4),
substr(id, 5, 6),
substr(id, 7, 8),
sep = "-")
# getStats
#' @export
# default values
scoreOv <- 501
nMiss <- nBust <- nHit <- plus100 <- plus140 <- plus180 <- plus60 <-
n20 <- n19 <- n18 <- n60 <- n57 <- n54 <- closingDouble <- 0
missedDoubles <- dartsScoresVal <- NULL
doubles <- c((1:20)*2, 50)
# prendo 3 alla volta
for (i in seq(1, length(object@dartsScoresCh)-3+1, 3)) {
handScoresCh <- object@dartsScoresCh[i:(i+2)]
# converto
handScoresVal <- chr2val(handScoresCh)
# valuto se in chiusura e missed doubles
scorePar <- scoreOv
bust <- F
for (j in seq_along(handScoresVal)){
if (scorePar %in% doubles & (scorePar - handScoresVal[j]) !=0 ) {
nMiss <- nMiss + 1
missedDoubles <- c(missedDoubles, paste("d", scorePar/2, sep = ""))
scorePar <- scorePar - handScoresVal[j]
} else if ((scorePar %in% doubles & (scorePar - handScoresVal[j]) ==0 ) &
!(handScoresCh)[j] %in% c(paste0("d", c(1:20)), "d25")) {
nMiss <- nMiss + 1
bust <- T
missedDoubles <- c(missedDoubles, paste("d", scorePar/2, sep = ""))
} else {scorePar <- scorePar - handScoresVal[j]}
# valuto se bust
if (((scoreOv - sum(handScoresVal) != 1 &
(scoreOv - sum(handScoresVal)) >= 0)) & !bust) {
if (sum(handScoresVal) == 180){
plus180 <- plus180 + 1
} else if (sum(handScoresVal) >= 140){
plus140 <- plus140 + 1
} else if (sum(handScoresVal) >= 100){
plus100 <- plus100 + 1
} else if (sum(handScoresVal) >= 60){
plus60 <- plus60 + 1
} else {
nBust <- nBust + 1
handScoresVal <- c(0, 0, 0)
# sottraggo e aggiungo dartscoresval
scoreOv <- scoreOv - sum(handScoresVal)
dartsScoresVal <- c(dartsScoresVal, handScoresVal)
# tengo i valori ch buoni
dartsScoresCh <- object@dartsScoresCh
dartsScoresCh[which(dartsScoresVal == 0)] <- 0
# calcolo power scoring
n18 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "18")
n19 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "19")
n20 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "20")
n60 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "t20")
n57 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "t19")
n54 <- sum(dartsScoresCh == "t18")
# tolgo eventuali 0 dopo chiusura e aggiungo valori chiusura
if (sum(dartsScoresVal) == 501) {
for (i in 1:2) {
if (dartsScoresVal[length(dartsScoresVal)] == 0) {
dartsScoresVal <- dartsScoresVal[-c(length(dartsScoresVal))]
nHit <- 1
closingDouble <- paste0("d", dartsScoresVal[length(dartsScoresVal)]/2)
# creo df
# mean
handDartsNum <- rep(c(1, 2, 3), ceiling(length(dartsScoresVal)/3))[1:length(dartsScoresVal)]
darts.df <- data.frame("dart.hand" = handDartsNum,
"score" = dartsScoresVal)
means <- darts.df %>%
group_by(dart.hand) %>%
summarize(mean = round(mean(score), 2))
mean.1 <- means$mean[means$dart.hand == 1]
mean.2 <- means$mean[means$dart.hand == 2]
mean.3 <- means$mean[means$dart.hand == 3]
meanOv <- round(sum(dartsScoresVal) / length(dartsScoresVal) * 3, 2)
mean9 <- round(sum(dartsScoresVal[1:9]) / 3, 2)
meanDf <- data.frame(
mean = c("3 darts", "Firts 9", "1st dart", "2nd dart", "3rd dart"),
score = c(meanOv, mean9, mean.1, mean.2, mean.3)
# checkout
if (nHit == 0) {rate <- 0} else if (nMiss + nBust == 0) {rate <- 1} else {rate <- round(nHit/(nMiss+1), 2)}
checkoutDf <- data.frame(
what = c("Missed", "Busted", "Hit", "Rate"),
value = c(nMiss, nBust, nHit, rate)
# doubles
if (!is.null(missedDoubles)){
doublesDf <- data.frame(double = missedDoubles) %>%
group_by(double) %>%
summarise(miss = n()) %>%
mutate(hit = 0)
if (closingDouble != 0) {
if (closingDouble %in% missedDoubles) {
doublesDf$hit[which(doublesDf$double == closingDouble)] <- doublesDf$hit[which(doublesDf$double == closingDouble)] + 1
} else {
tmpdf <- data.frame(double = closingDouble, miss = 0, hit = 1)
doublesDf <- rbind(doublesDf, tmpdf)
} else {
if (closingDouble != 0) {
doublesDf <- data.frame(double = closingDouble, miss = 0, hit = 1)
} else {
doublesDf <- data.frame(double = character(), miss = numeric(), hit = numeric())
doublesDf$double <- factor(doublesDf$double, levels = c(paste("d", c(1:20), sep = "")), ordered = T)
doublesDf <- doublesDf %>%
attr(doublesDf, "class") <- c("data.frame")
# power scoring
powerDf <- data.frame(
what = c("18", "19", "20", "54", "57", "60", "60+", "100+", "140+", "180 "),
n = c(n18, n19, n20, n54, n57, n60, plus60, plus100, plus140, plus180)
# final list
stats = list(
mean = meanDf,
checkout = checkoutDf,
doubles = doublesDf,
power = powerDf,
dartsNum = length(dartsScoresVal)
# show
#' @export
cat("Date:", getDate(object), "\n")
cat("Player:", getPlayers(object), "\n", "\n")
cat("Leg closed in", getStats(object)$dartsNum, "darts \n")
# summary
#' @export
# creazione vettori chr
meansCh <- c("3 darts ", "First 9 ", "1st dart", "2nd dart", "3rd dart")
checkoutCh <- c("Missed", "Busted", "Hit " , "Rate ")
powerCh <- c("54 ", "57 ", "60 ", "60+ " , "100+", "140+", "180 ")
# creazione vettori valori
stats <- getStats(object)
meansVa <- stats$mean$score
meansVa <- as.character(format(round(meansVa, 2), nsmall = 2))
checkoutVa <- stats$checkout$value
checkoutVa <- as.character(format(round(checkoutVa, 2), nsmall = 2))
powerVa <- stats$power$n[4:10]
powerVa <- as.character(format(round(powerVa, 2), nsmall = 0))
# unione vettori
meansTot <- c(paste(paste(meansCh, meansVa, sep = ": "), ""), NA, NA)
checkoutTot <- c(paste(paste(checkoutCh, checkoutVa, sep = ": "),""), NA, NA, NA)
powerTot <- paste(powerCh, powerVa, sep = ": ")
# creazione matrice
matr <- matrix(c(meansTot, checkoutTot, powerTot), ncol = 3, byrow = F)
# conversione in table
attr(matr, "class") <- c("table")
# set dimnames
attr(matr, "dimnames") <- list(rep("", 7), c(" Means ", " Checkout ", "Power Scoring"))
# print out
cat("Player:", getPlayers(object), "\nClosing double:", object@dartsScoresCh[stats$dartsNum], "\n\n")
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