Single Cell TK

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Devel Version

You can download the development version of the Single Cell Toolkit from this repository:

# install.packages("devtools")

SCTK is compatible with R/3.6 and above and now works with R/4.x.x

Develop singleCellTK

To contribute to singleCellTK, follow these steps:

Note: Development of the singleCellTK is done using the latest version of R.

  1. Fork the repo using the "Fork" button above.
  2. Download a local copy of your forked repository "git clone{username}/singleCellTK.git"
  3. Open Rstudio
  4. Go to "File" -> "New Project" -> "Existing Directory" and select your git repository directory

You can then make your changes and test your code using the Rstudio build tools. There is a lot of information about building packages available here:

Information about building shiny packages is available here:

When you are ready to upload your changes, commit them locally, push them to your forked repo, and make a pull request to the compbiomed repository.

Report bugs and request features on our GitHub issue tracker.

Join us on slack!

mmkhan19/singleCellTK documentation built on March 22, 2022, 7:43 a.m.