
Defines functions WhichCells Version VariableFeatures Tool Theta SVFInfo StitchMatrix Stdev StashIdent SplitLayers SpatiallyVariableFeatures Simplify SetIdent SetAssayData S4ToList ReorderIdent RenameIdents RenameCells Radius Project Molecules Misc MatchCells Loadings Layers LayerData Keys Key JS JoinLayers IsMatrixEmpty IsGlobal Indices Index Idents HVFInfo GetTissueCoordinates GetImage GetAssayData Features FetchData Embeddings Distances DefaultLayer DefaultFOV DefaultBoundary DefaultAssay Crop CreateSeuratObject CreateSegmentation CreateMolecules CreateFOV CreateCentroids Command CheckMatrix Cells CastAssay Boundaries Assays as.sparse as.Seurat as.Segmentation as.Neighbor as.Centroids as.Graph AddMetaData .SelectFeatures .MARGIN .FilePath .DiskLoad .CreateStdAssay .ClassPkg .CalcN .AssayClass

Documented in AddMetaData as.Centroids as.Graph as.Neighbor .AssayClass Assays as.Segmentation as.Seurat as.sparse Boundaries .CalcN CastAssay Cells CheckMatrix .ClassPkg Command CreateCentroids CreateFOV CreateMolecules CreateSegmentation CreateSeuratObject .CreateStdAssay Crop DefaultAssay DefaultBoundary DefaultFOV DefaultLayer .DiskLoad Distances Embeddings Features FetchData .FilePath GetImage GetTissueCoordinates Idents Index Indices IsGlobal IsMatrixEmpty JoinLayers JS Key Keys Loadings .MARGIN MatchCells Misc Molecules Project Radius RenameCells RenameIdents ReorderIdent S4ToList .SelectFeatures SetIdent Simplify StashIdent Stdev StitchMatrix Theta Tool Version WhichCells

#' @include zzz.R

#' Assay Class Label
#' @param object A \code{\link{StdAssay}} object
#' @return The assay class label for \code{object}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export .AssayClass
.AssayClass <- function(object) {
  UseMethod(generic = '.AssayClass', object = object)

#' Calculate nCount and nFeature
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An assay-like object
#' @return A named list with ...
#' @keywords internal
#' @export .CalcN
#' @examples
#' calcn <- .CalcN(pbmc_small[["RNA"]])
#' head(as.data.frame(calcn))
.CalcN <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = '.CalcN', object = object)

#' Get the Package that Defines a Class
#' @param object An object
#' @return The package that defines the class of \code{object}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export .ClassPkg
#' @examples
#' .ClassPkg(pbmc_small)
.ClassPkg <- function(object) {
  UseMethod(generic = '.ClassPkg', object = object)

#' Generic Assay Creation
#' Create an assay object; runs a standardized filtering scheme that
#' works regardless of the direction of the data (eg. cells as columns
#' and features as rows or vice versa) and creates an assay object based
#' on the  initialization scheme defined for \code{\link{StdAssay}}-derived
#' class \code{type}
#' @param counts A two-dimensional expression matrix
#' @param min.cells Include features detected in at least this many cells;
#' will subset the counts matrix as well. To reintroduce excluded features,
#' create a new object with a lower cutoff
#' @param min.features Include cells where at least this many features
#' are detected
#' @param cells Vector of cell names
#' @param features Vector of feature names
#' @param type Type of assay object to create; must be the name of a class
#' that's derived from \code{\link{StdAssay}}
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link[methods]{new}} for
#' assay creation; used to set slots not defined by \code{\link{StdAssay}}
#' @return An object of class \code{type} with a layer named \code{layer}
#' containing the data found in \code{counts}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export .CreateStdAssay
#' @concept assay
.CreateStdAssay <- function(
  min.cells = 0,
  min.features = 0,
  cells = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  transpose = FALSE,
  type = 'Assay5',
) {
  UseMethod(generic = '.CreateStdAssay', object = counts)

#' Disk Loading Function
#' Generate a function to load a matrix from an on-disk file
#' @inheritParams .FilePath
#' @return A one-length character that defines a function to load a matrix from
#' a file
#' @keywords internal
#' @export .DiskLoad
.DiskLoad <- function(x) {
  UseMethod(generic = '.DiskLoad', object = x)

#' Find a File Path
#' @param x A file-backed object
#' @return The path to the file that backs \code{x}; if \code{x} is not a
#' file-backed object, returns \code{NULL}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export .FilePath
.FilePath <- function(x) {
  UseMethod(generic = '.FilePath', object = x)

#' Get the Margin of an Object
#' @param x An object
#' @return The margin, eg. \code{1} for rows or \code{2} for columns
#' @keywords internal
#' @export .MARGIN
.MARGIN <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = '.MARGIN', object = x)

#' Combine and Select Features
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return A vector of features selected
#' @keywords internal
#' @export .SelectFeatures
.SelectFeatures <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = '.SelectFeatures', object = object)

#' Add in metadata associated with either cells or features.
#' Adds additional data to the object. Can be any piece of information
#' associated with a cell (examples include read depth, alignment rate,
#' experimental batch, or subpopulation identity) or feature (ENSG name,
#' variance). To add cell level information, add to the Seurat object. If adding
#' feature-level metadata, add to the Assay object (e.g. \code{object[["RNA"]]})
#' @param object An object
#' @param metadata A vector, list, or data.frame with metadata to add
#' @param col.name A name for meta data if not a named list or data.frame
#' @return \code{object} with metadata added
#' @rdname AddMetaData
#' @export AddMetaData
#' @aliases SeuratAccess
#' @concept seurat
#' @examples
#' cluster_letters <- LETTERS[Idents(object = pbmc_small)]
#' names(cluster_letters) <- colnames(x = pbmc_small)
#' pbmc_small <- AddMetaData(
#'   object = pbmc_small,
#'   metadata = cluster_letters,
#'   col.name = 'letter.idents'
#' )
#' head(x = pbmc_small[[]])
AddMetaData <- function(object, metadata, col.name = NULL) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'AddMetaData', object = object)

#' Coerce to a \code{Graph} Object
#' Convert a \code{\link[base]{matrix}} (or \code{\link[Matrix]{Matrix}}) to
#' a \code{\link{Graph}} object
#' @template param-dots-ignored
#' @param x The matrix to convert
#' @return A \code{\link{Graph}} object
#' @rdname as.Graph
#' @export as.Graph
#' @family graph
as.Graph <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = "as.Graph", object = x)

#' Convert Segmentation Layers
#' @inheritParams CreateCentroids
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param x An object
#' @return \code{as.Centroids}: A
#' \code{\link[SeuratObject:Centroids-class]{Centroids}} object
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
as.Centroids <- function(x, nsides = NULL, radius = NULL, theta = NULL, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = "as.Centroids", object = x)

#' Coerce to a \code{Neighbor} Object
#' Convert objects to \code{\link{Neighbor}} objects
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param x An object to convert to \code{\link{Neighbor}}
#' @return A \code{\link{Neighbor}} object
#' @rdname as.Neighbor
#' @export as.Neighbor
#' @concept neighbor
as.Neighbor <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'as.Neighbor', object = x)

#' @return \code{as.Segmentation}: A
#' \code{\link[SeuratObject:Segmentation-class]{Segmentation}} object
#' @rdname as.Centroids
#' @export
as.Segmentation <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'as.Segmentation', object = x)

#' Coerce to a \code{Seurat} Object
#' Convert objects to Seurat objects
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param x An object to convert to class \code{Seurat}
#' @return A \code{\link{Seurat}} object generated from \code{x}
#' @rdname as.Seurat
#' @export as.Seurat
#' @concept seurat
as.Seurat <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'as.Seurat', object = x)

#' Cast to Sparse
#' Convert dense objects to sparse representations
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param x An object
#' @return A sparse representation of the input data
#' @rdname as.sparse
#' @export as.sparse
#' @concept utils
as.sparse <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'as.sparse', object = x)

#' Query Specific Object Types
#' List the names of \code{\link{Assay}}, \code{\link{DimReduc}},
#' \code{\link{Graph}}, \code{\link{Neighbor}} objects
#' @template param-dots-ignored
#' @param object A \code{\link{Seurat}} object
#' @param slot Name of component object to return
#' @return If \code{slot} is \code{NULL}, the names of all component objects
#' in this \code{Seurat} object. Otherwise, the specific object specified
#' @rdname ObjectAccess
#' @export
#' @concept data-access
#' @examples
#' Assays(pbmc_small)
Assays <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = "Assays", object = object)

#' Get, Set, and Query Segmentation Boundaries
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @name Boundaries
#' @return \code{Boundaries}: The names of all segmentation boundaries present
#' within \code{object}
#' @rdname Boundaries
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
Boundaries <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Boundaries', object = object)

#' Cast Assay Layers
#' Cast layers in v5 assays to other classes
#' @param object An object
#' @param to Either a class name or a function that takes a layer and returns
#' the same layer as a new class
#' @param ... If \code{to} is a function, arguments passed to \code{to}
#' @return \code{object} with the layers cast to class specified by \code{to}
#' @export
#' @concept assay5
CastAssay <- function(object, to, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'CastAssay', object = object)

#' Cell and Feature Names
#' Get the cell and feature names of an object
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param x An object
#' @return \code{Cell}: A vector of cell names
#' @rdname Cells
#' @export Cells
#' @concept data-access
#' @family dimnames
#' @examples
#' Cells(x = pbmc_small)
Cells <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Cells', object = x)

#' Check Matrix Validity
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object A matrix
#' @param checks Type of checks to perform, choose one or more from:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \dQuote{\code{infinite}}: Emit a warning if any value is infinite
#'  \item \dQuote{\code{logical}}: Emit a warning if any value is a logical
#'  \item \dQuote{\code{integer}}: Emit a warning if any value is \emph{not}
#'   an integer
#'  \item \dQuote{\code{na}}: Emit a warning if any value is an \code{NA}
#'   or \code{NaN}
#' }
#' @return Emits warnings for each test and invisibly returns \code{NULL}
#' @name CheckMatrix
#' @rdname CheckMatrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @concept utils
CheckMatrix <- function(object, checks, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'CheckMatrix', object = object)

#' Get SeuratCommands
#' Pull information on previously run commands in the Seurat object.
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return Either a SeuratCommand object or the requested parameter value
#' @rdname Command
#' @export Command
#' @concept data-access
Command <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Command', object = object)

#' Create a \code{\link[SeuratObject:Centroids-class]{Centroids}} Objects
#' @param coords The coordinates of cell/spot centroids
#' @param nsides The number of sides to represent cells/spots; pass
#' \code{\link[base]{Inf}} to plot as circles
#' @param radius Radius of shapes when plotting
#' @param theta Angle to adjust shapes when plotting
#' @return A \code{\link[SeuratObject:Centroids-class]{Centroids}} object
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
CreateCentroids <- function(coords, nsides, radius, theta) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'CreateCentroids', object = coords)

#' Create Spatial Coordinates
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param coords Spatial coordinates
#' @return A \code{\link{FOV}} object
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
#' @seealso \code{\link{FOV-class}}
CreateFOV <- function(coords, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'CreateFOV', object = coords)

#' Create a \code{\link{Molecules}} Object
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param coords Spatial coordinates for molecules; should be a data frame
#' with three columns:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \dQuote{\code{x}}: x-coordinates for each molecule
#'  \item \dQuote{\code{y}}: y-coordinates for each molecule
#'  \item \dQuote{\code{gene}}: gene name for each molecule
#' }
#' @return A \code{\link{Molecules}} object
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
CreateMolecules <- function(coords, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'CreateMolecules', object = coords)

#' Create a \code{\link[SeuratObject:Segmentation-class]{Segmentation}} Objects
#' @param coords The coordinates of cell segmentations
#' @return A \code{\link[SeuratObject:Segmentation-class]{Segmentation}} object
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
CreateSegmentation <- function(coords) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'CreateSegmentation', object = coords)

#' Create a \code{Seurat} object
#' Create a \code{Seurat} object from raw data
#' @inheritParams CreateAssayObject
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param counts Either a \code{\link[base]{matrix}}-like object with
#' unnormalized data with cells as columns and features as rows or an
#' \code{\link{Assay}}-derived object
#' @param project \link{Project} name for the \code{Seurat} object
#' @param assay Name of the initial assay
#' @param names.field For the initial identity class for each cell, choose this
#' field from the cell's name. E.g. If your cells are named as
#' BARCODE_CLUSTER_CELLTYPE in the input matrix, set \code{names.field} to 3 to
#' set the initial identities to CELLTYPE.
#' @param names.delim For the initial identity class for each cell, choose this
#' delimiter from the cell's column name. E.g. If your cells are named as
#' BARCODE-CLUSTER-CELLTYPE, set this to \dQuote{-} to separate the cell name
#' into its component parts for picking the relevant field.
#' @param meta.data Additional cell-level metadata to add to the Seurat object.
#' Should be a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} where the rows are cell names and
#' the columns are additional metadata fields. Row names in the metadata need
#' to match the column names of the counts matrix.
#' @note In previous versions (<3.0), this function also accepted a parameter to
#' set the expression threshold for a \sQuote{detected} feature (gene). This
#' functionality has been removed to simplify the initialization
#' process/assumptions. If you would still like to impose this threshold for
#' your particular dataset, simply filter the input expression matrix before
#' calling this function.
#' @return A \code{\link{Seurat}} object
#' @rdname CreateSeuratObject
#' @export
#' @concept seurat
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pbmc_raw <- read.table(
#'   file = system.file('extdata', 'pbmc_raw.txt', package = 'Seurat'),
#'   as.is = TRUE
#' )
#' pbmc_small <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pbmc_raw)
#' pbmc_small
#' }
CreateSeuratObject <- function(
  assay = 'RNA',
  names.field = 1,
  names.delim = '_',
  meta.data = NULL,
  project = 'CreateSeuratObject',
) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'CreateSeuratObject', object = counts)

#' Crop Coordinates
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @param x,y Range to crop x/y limits to; if \code{NULL}, uses full range of
#' \code{x}/\code{y}
#' @param coords Coordinate system to execute crop; choose from:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \dQuote{\code{plot}}: Coordinates as shown when plotting
#'  \item \dQuote{\code{tissue}}: Coordinates from
#'   \code{\link{GetTissueCoordinates}}
#' }
#' @return \code{object} cropped to the region specified by \code{x}
#' and \code{y}
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
Crop <- function(object, x = NULL, y = NULL, coords = c('plot', 'tissue'), ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Crop', object = object)

#' Default Assay
#' Get and set the default assay
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return \code{DefaultAssay}: The name of the default assay
#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export DefaultAssay
#' @concept data-access
DefaultAssay <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'DefaultAssay', object = object)

#' @param value Name of assay to set as default
#' @return \code{DefaultAssay<-}: An object with the default assay updated
#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export DefaultAssay<-
"DefaultAssay<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'DefaultAssay<-', object = object)

#' @return \code{DefaultBoundary}: The name of the default
#' segmentation boundary
#' @rdname Boundaries
#' @export
DefaultBoundary <- function(object) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'DefaultBoundary', object = object)

#' @param value The name of a segmentation boundary to set as default
#' @return \code{DefaultBoundary<-}: \code{object} with the default
#' segmentation boundary set to \code{value}
#' @rdname Boundaries
#' @export
"DefaultBoundary<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'DefaultBoundary<-', object = object)

#' Get and Set the Default FOV
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object A \code{\link{Seurat}} Object
#' @return \code{DefaultFOV}: The name of the default \code{\link{FOV}}
#' @name DefaultFOV
#' @rdname DefaultFOV
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
DefaultFOV <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'DefaultFOV', object = object)

#' @param value The name of the \code{\link{FOV}} to set as the default
#' @return \code{DefaultFOV<-}: \code{object} with the default FOV set
#' to \code{value}
#' @rdname DefaultFOV
#' @export
"DefaultFOV<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'DefaultFOV<-', object = object)

#' Default Layer
#' Get and set the default layer
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return \code{DefaultLayer}: The name of the default layer
#' @rdname DefaultLayer
#' @export DefaultLayer
#' @concept assay5
DefaultLayer <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'DefaultLayer', object = object)

#' @param value Name of layer to set as default
#' @return \code{DefaultLayer<-}: An object with the default layer updated
#' @rdname DefaultLayer
#' @export DefaultLayer<-
"DefaultLayer<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'DefaultLayer<-', object = object)

#' Get the Neighbor nearest neighbors distance matrix
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return The distance matrix
#' @rdname Distances
#' @export Distances
#' @concept data-access
Distances <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Distances', object = object)

#' Get Cell Embeddings
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return The embeddings matrix
#' @rdname Embeddings
#' @export Embeddings
#' @concept data-access
Embeddings <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Embeddings', object = object)

#' Access cellular data
#' Retrieves data (feature expression, PCA scores, metrics, etc.) for a set
#' of cells in a Seurat object
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @export FetchData
#' @concept data-access
FetchData <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'FetchData', object = object)

#' @return \code{Features}: A vector of feature names
#' @rdname Cells
#' @export Features
Features <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Features', object = x)

#' Get and Set Assay Data
#' General accessor and setter functions for \code{\link{Assay}} objects.
#' \code{GetAssayData} can be used to pull information from any of the
#' expression matrices (eg. \dQuote{counts}, \dQuote{data}, or
#' \dQuote{scale.data}). \code{SetAssayData} can be used to replace one of these
#' expression matrices
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @param layer Name of layer to get or set
#' @param slot \Sexpr[stage=build,results=rd]{lifecycle::badge("deprecated")} Specific assay data to get or set
#' @return \code{GetAssayData}: returns the specified assay data
#' @template lifecycle-superseded
#' @section Lifecycle:
#' \code{GetAssayData} and \code{SetAssayData} have been superseded. To fetch
#' expression matrices, use \code{\link{LayerData}}; to set expression data,
#' use \code{\link{LayerData<-}}
#' @name AssayData
#' @rdname AssayData
#' @export GetAssayData
#' @order 1
#' @concept data-access
GetAssayData <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'GetAssayData', object = object)

#' Get image data
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @param mode How to return the image; should accept one of \dQuote{grob},
#' \dQuote{raster}, \dQuote{plotly}, or \dQuote{raw}
#' @return Image data, varying depending on the value of \code{mode}:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\dQuote{grob}}{
#'   An object representing image data inheriting from \code{grob} objects
#'   (eg. \code{rastergrob})
#'  }
#'  \item{\dQuote{raster}}{An object of class \code{raster}}
#'  \item{\dQuote{plotly}}{
#'   A list with image data suitable for Plotly rendering, see
#'   \code{\link[plotly:layout]{plotly::layout}} for more details
#'  }
#'  \item{\dQuote{raw}}{The raw image data as stored in the object}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[plotly]{layout}}
#' @rdname GetImage
#' @export GetImage
#' @concept data-access
GetImage <- function(object, mode = c('grob', 'raster', 'plotly', 'raw'), ...) {
  mode <- mode[1]
  mode <- match.arg(arg = mode)
  UseMethod(generic = 'GetImage', object = object)

#' Get tissue coordinates
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return A data frame with tissue coordinates
#' @rdname GetTissueCoordinates
#' @export GetTissueCoordinates
#' @concept data-access
GetTissueCoordinates <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'GetTissueCoordinates', object = object)

#' Highly Variable Features
#' Get and set variable feature information for an \code{\link{Assay}} object.
#' \code{HVFInfo} and \code{VariableFeatures} utilize generally variable
#' features, while \code{SVFInfo} and \code{SpatiallyVariableFeatures} are
#' restricted to spatially variable features
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @param method Which method to pull. For \code{HVFInfo} and
#' \code{VariableFeatures}, choose one from one of the
#' following:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \dQuote{vst}
#'  \item \dQuote{sctransform} or \dQuote{sct}
#'  \item \dQuote{mean.var.plot}, \dQuote{dispersion}, \dQuote{mvp}, or
#'   \dQuote{disp}
#' }
#' For \code{SVFInfo} and \code{SpatiallyVariableFeatures}, choose from:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \dQuote{markvariogram}
#'  \item \dQuote{moransi}
#' }
#' @param status Add variable status to the resulting data frame
#' @param selection.method \Sexpr[stage=build,results=rd]{lifecycle::badge("deprecated")}
#' @return \code{HVFInfo}: A data frame with feature means, dispersion, and
#' scaled dispersion
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export HVFInfo
#' @order 1
#' @concept data-access
HVFInfo <- function(object, method, status = FALSE, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'HVFInfo', object = object)

#' Get, set, and manipulate an object's identity classes
#' @param x,object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods; for \code{RenameIdents}: named
#' arguments as \code{old.ident = new.ident}; for \code{ReorderIdent}: arguments
#' passed on to \code{\link{FetchData}}
#' @return \code{Idents}: The cell identities
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export Idents
#' @concept seurat
#' @examples
#' # Get cell identity classes
#' Idents(pbmc_small)
Idents <- function(object, ... ) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Idents', object = object)

#' @param value The name of the identities to pull from object metadata or the
#' identities themselves
#' @return \code{Idents<-}: \code{object} with the cell identities changed
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export Idents<-
#' @examples
#' # Set cell identity classes
#' # Can be used to set identities for specific cells to a new level
#' Idents(pbmc_small, cells = 1:4) <- 'a'
#' head(Idents(pbmc_small))
#' # Can also set idents from a value in object metadata
#' colnames(pbmc_small[[]])
#' Idents(pbmc_small) <- 'RNA_snn_res.1'
#' levels(pbmc_small)
"Idents<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Idents<-', object = object)

#' Get Neighbor algorithm index
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return Returns the value in the alg.idx slot of the Neighbor object
#' @rdname NNIndex
#' @export Index
#' @concept data-access
Index <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = "Index", object = object)

#' @param value The index to store
#' @return \code{Idents<-}: A Neighbor object with the index stored
#' @rdname NNIndex
#' @export Index<-
"Index<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Index<-', object = object)

#' Get Neighbor nearest neighbor index matrices
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return A matrix with the nearest neighbor indices
#' @rdname Indices
#' @export Indices
#' @concept data-access
Indices <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = "Indices", object = object)

#' Is an object global/persistent?
#' Typically, when removing \code{Assay} objects from an \code{Seurat} object,
#' all associated objects (eg. \code{DimReduc}, \code{Graph}, and
#' \code{SeuratCommand} objects)
#' are removed as well. If an associated object is marked as global/persistent,
#' the associated object will remain even if its original assay was deleted
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is global/persistent otherwise \code{FALSE}
#' @rdname IsGlobal
#' @export IsGlobal
#' @concept data-access
#' @examples
#' IsGlobal(pbmc_small[['pca']])
IsGlobal <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'IsGlobal', object = object)

#' Check if a matrix is empty
#' Takes a matrix and asks if it's empty (either 0x0 or 1x1 with a value of NA)
#' @param x A matrix
#' @return Whether or not \code{x} is empty
#' @rdname IsMatrixEmpty
#' @export IsMatrixEmpty
#' @concept utils
#' @seealso \code{\link{EmptyMatrix}()}
#' @examples
#' IsMatrixEmpty(new("matrix"))
#' IsMatrixEmpty(matrix())
#' IsMatrixEmpty(matrix(1:3))
IsMatrixEmpty <- function(x) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'IsMatrixEmpty', object = x)

#' Split and Join Layers Together
#' @param object An object
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @return \code{object} with the layers specified joined
#' @rdname SplitLayers
#' @export JoinLayers
#' @concept assay5
JoinLayers <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'JoinLayers', object = object)

#' Get and set JackStraw information
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return \code{JS}: either a \code{\link{JackStrawData}} object or the
#' specified jackstraw data
#' @rdname JS
#' @export JS
#' @concept jackstraw
JS <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'JS', object = object)

#' @param value JackStraw information
#' @return \code{JS<-}: \code{object} with the update jackstraw information
#' @rdname JS
#' @export JS<-
"JS<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'JS<-', object = object)

#' Get and set object keys
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return \code{Key}: the object key
#' @rdname Key
#' @export Key
#' @concept data-access
Key <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Key', object = object)

#' @return \code{Keys}: a named vector of keys of sub-objects
#' @rdname Key
#' @export
Keys <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Keys', object = object)

#' @param value Key value
#' @return \code{Key<-}: \code{object} with an updated key
#' @rdname Key
#' @export Key<-
#' @concept data-access
"Key<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Key<-', object = object)

#' Query and Manipulate Assay Layers
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @param layer Name of layer to fetch or set
#' @param slot \Sexpr[stage=build,results=rd]{lifecycle::badge("deprecated")}
#' @return \code{LayerData}: the layer data for \code{layer} from \code{object}
#' @rdname Layers
#' @export LayerData
LayerData <- function(object, layer, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'LayerData', object = object)

#' @param value New two-dimensional data to be added as a layer
#' @return \code{Layer<-}: \code{object} with \code{value} added as a layer
#' named \code{layer}
#' @rdname Layers
#' @export LayerData<-
"LayerData<-" <- function(object, layer, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'LayerData<-', object = object)

#' @return \code{Layers}: the names of the layers present in \code{object}
#' @rdname Layers
#' @export Layers
#' @concept data-access
Layers <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Layers', object = object)

#' Get and set feature loadings
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return \code{Loadings}: the feature loadings for \code{object}
#' @rdname Loadings
#' @export Loadings
#' @concept data-access
Loadings <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Loadings', object = object)

#' @param value Feature loadings to add
#' @return \code{Loadings<-}: \code{object} with the updated loadings
#' @rdname Loadings
#' @export Loadings<-
"Loadings<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Loadings<-', object = object)

#' Match Cells
#' @param new A vector of new cells
#' @param orig A vector of existing cells
#' @param ordered Sort the result to the same order as \code{orig}
#' @return A numeric vector with new cells in order of the original cells; if
#' no match can be found, returns \code{NULL}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @concept utils
MatchCells <- function(new, orig, ordered = FALSE) {
  if (!is.character(x = orig)) {
    stop("'orig' must be a character vector")
  UseMethod(generic = 'MatchCells', object = new)

#' Get and set miscellaneous data
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Miscellaneous data
#' @rdname Misc
#' @export Misc
#' @concept data-access
Misc <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Misc', object = object)

#' @param value Data to add
#' @return An object with miscellaneous data added
#' @rdname Misc
#' @export Misc<-
"Misc<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Misc<-', object = object)

#' @return \code{Molecules}: The names of all molecule sets present within
#' \code{object}
#' @rdname Boundaries
#' @export
Molecules <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Molecules', object = object)

#' Overlay \code{Spatial} Objects Over One Another
#' Create an overlay of some query spatial object (\code{x}) against some
#' target object (\code{y}). Basically, find all components of a query that
#' fall within the bounds of a target spatial region
#' @template param-dots-ignored
#' @param x Query \code{Spatial} object
#' @param y Target \code{Spatial} object
#' @param invert Invert the overlay and return only the components of \code{x}
#' that fall \emph{outside} the bounds of \code{y}
#' @return \code{x} with only the components that fall within the
#' bounds of \code{y}
#' @templateVar pkg sf
#' @template note-reqdpkg
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
  name = 'Overlay',
  def = function(x, y, invert = FALSE, ...) {
    standardGeneric(f = 'Overlay')
  signature = c('x', 'y')

#' Get and set project information
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return Project information
#' @rdname Project
#' @export Project
#' @concept seurat
Project <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Project', object = object)

#' @param value Project information to set
#' @return An object with project information added
#' @rdname Project
#' @export Project<-
"Project<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Project<-', object = object)

#' Get the spot radius from an image
#' @param object An image object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return The radius size
#' @rdname Radius
#' @export Radius
#' @concept spatialimage
Radius <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Radius', object = object)

#' Rename cells
#' Change the cell names in all the different parts of an object. Can be useful
#' before combining multiple objects.
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return An object with new cell names
#' @rdname RenameCells
#' @export RenameCells
#' @concept seurat
RenameCells <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'RenameCells', object = object)

#' @return \code{RenameIdents}: An object with selected identity classes renamed
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export RenameIdents
#' @aliases RenameIdent
#' @examples
#' # Rename cell identity classes
#' # Can provide an arbitrary amount of idents to rename
#' levels(pbmc_small)
#' pbmc_small <- RenameIdents(pbmc_small, '0' = 'A', '2' = 'C')
#' levels(pbmc_small)
RenameIdents <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'RenameIdents', object = object)

#' @param var Feature or variable to order on
#' @return \code{ReorderIdent}: An object with
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export ReorderIdent
#' @aliases ReorderIdent
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' head(Idents(pbmc_small))
#' pbmc_small <- ReorderIdent(pbmc_small, var = 'PC_1')
#' head(Idents(pbmc_small))
#' }
ReorderIdent <- function(object, var, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'ReorderIdent', object = object)

#' S4/List Conversion
#' Convert S4 objects to lists and vice versa. Useful for declassing an S4
#' object while keeping track of it's class using attributes (see section
#' \strong{S4 Class Definition Attributes} below for more details). Both
#' \code{ListToS4} and \code{S4ToList} are recursive functions, affecting
#' all lists/S4 objects contained as sub-lists/sub-objects
#' @param object An S4 object
#' @param x A list with an S4 class definition
#' (\dQuote{\code{classDef}}) attribute
#' @return \code{S4ToList}: A list with an S4 class definition attribute
#' @section S4 Class Definition Attributes:
#' S4 classes are scoped to the package and class name. In order to properly
#' track which class a list is generated from in order to build a new one,
#' these function use an \code{\link[base:attr]{attribute}} to denote the
#' class name and package of origin. This attribute is stored as 1-length
#' character vector named \dQuote{\code{classDef}} and takes the form
#' of \dQuote{\code{package:class}}
#' @name s4list
#' @rdname s4list
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @concept utils
#' @family s4list
#' @examples
#' # Turn an S4 object into a list
#' pbmc.list <- S4ToList(pbmc_small)
#' class(pbmc.list)
#' attributes(pbmc.list)
#' str(pbmc.list$reductions)
S4ToList <- function(object) {
  if (!(isS4(object) || is_bare_list(x = object))) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'S4ToList', object = object)

#' @param new.data New assay data to add
#' @return \code{SetAssayData}: \code{object} with the assay data set
#' @rdname AssayData
#' @export SetAssayData
#' @order 2
SetAssayData <- function(object, layer, new.data, slot = deprecated(), ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'SetAssayData', object = object)

#' @return \code{SetIdent}: An object with new identity classes set
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export SetIdent
#' @examples
#' # Set cell identity classes using SetIdent
#' cells.use <- WhichCells(pbmc_small, idents = '1')
#' pbmc_small <- SetIdent(pbmc_small, cells = cells.use, value = 'B')
SetIdent <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'SetIdent', object = object)

#' Simplify Geometry
#' @param coords ...
#' @return A simplified version of \code{coords}
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
Simplify <- function(coords, tol, topologyPreserve = TRUE) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Simplify', object = coords)

#' @return \code{SpatiallyVariableFeatures}: a character vector of the spatially
#' variable features
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export SpatiallyVariableFeatures
#' @order 5
SpatiallyVariableFeatures <- function(object, method, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'SpatiallyVariableFeatures', object = object)

# @rdname SplitLayers
# @export SplitLayers
# @order 1
SplitLayers <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'SplitLayers', object = object)

#' @return \code{StashIdent}: An object with the identities stashed
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export StashIdent
#' @examples
#' head(pbmc_small[[]])
#' pbmc_small <- StashIdent(pbmc_small, save.name = 'idents')
#' head(pbmc_small[[]])
StashIdent <- function(object, save.name, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'StashIdent', object = object)

#' Get the standard deviations for an object
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return The standard deviations
#' @rdname Stdev
#' @export Stdev
#' @concept data-access
Stdev <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Stdev', object = object)

#' Stitch Matrices Together
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param x A matrix
#' @param y One or more matrices of the same class or coercible to the
#' same class as \code{x}
#' @param rowmap,colmap \code{\link{LogMap}s} describing the row and cell
#' membership of each matrix; the \code{LogMap} entries are assumed to be in
#' the order of \code{c(x, y)}
#' @return A single matrix of type \code{class(x)} consisting of all values
#' in component matrices
#' @export
#' @concept utils
StitchMatrix <- function(x, y, rowmap, colmap, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x = rowmap, what = 'LogMap')) {
    abort(message = "'rowmap' must be a 'LogMap'")
  } else if (!inherits(x = colmap, what = 'LogMap')) {
    abort(message = "'colmap' must be a 'LogMap'")
  UseMethod(generic = 'StitchMatrix', object = x)

#' @return \code{SVFInfo}: a data frame with the spatially variable features
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export SVFInfo
#' @order 4
SVFInfo <- function(object, method, status, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'SVFInfo', object = object)

#' Get the offset angle
#' @param object An object
#' @rdname Theta
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
Theta <- function(object) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Theta', object = object)

#' Get and Set Additional Tool Data
#' Use \code{Tool} to get tool data. If no additional arguments are provided,
#' will return a vector with the names of tools in the object.
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return If no additional arguments, returns the names of the tools in the
#' object; otherwise returns the data placed by the tool requested
#'@note For developers: set tool data using \code{Tool<-}. \code{Tool<-} will
#'automatically set the name of the tool to the function that called
#'\code{Tool<-}, so each function gets one entry in the tools list and cannot
#'overwrite another function's entry. The automatic naming will also remove any
#'method identifiers (eg. \code{RunPCA.Seurat} will become \code{RunPCA});
#'please plan accordingly
#' @rdname Tool
#' @export Tool
#' @aliases Tools
#' @concept data-access
#' @examples
#' # Example function that adds unstructured data to tools
#' MyTool <- function(object) {
#'   sample.tool.output <- matrix(rnorm(n = 16), nrow = 4)
#'   # Note: `Tool<-` must be called from within a function
#'   # and the name of the tool will be generated from the function name
#'   Tool(object) <- sample.tool.output
#'   return(object)
#' }
#' # Run our tool
#' set.seed(42L)
#' pbmc_small <- MyTool(pbmc_small)
#' # Get a list of tools run
#' Tool(pbmc_small)
#' # Access specific tool data
#' Tool(pbmc_small, slot = "MyTool")
Tool <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Tool', object = object)

#' @param value Information to be added to tool list
#' @rdname Tool
#' @export Tool<-
"Tool<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Tool<-', object = object)

#' @return \code{VariableFeatures}: a vector of the variable features
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export VariableFeatures
#' @order 2
VariableFeatures <- function(object, method = NULL, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'VariableFeatures', object = object)

#' @param value A character vector of variable features
#' @order 3
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export VariableFeatures<-
"VariableFeatures<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'VariableFeatures<-', object = object)

#' Get Version Information
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @rdname Version
#' @export Version
#' @concept data-access
#' @examples
#' Version(pbmc_small)
Version <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = "Version", object = object)

#' Identify cells matching certain criteria
#' Returns a list of cells that match a particular set of criteria such as
#' identity class, high/low values for particular PCs, etc.
#' @template param-dots-method
#' @param object An object
#' @return A vector of cell names
#' @rdname WhichCells
#' @export WhichCells
#' @concept data-access
#' @seealso \code{\link{FetchData}}
#' @examples
#' WhichCells(pbmc_small, idents = 2)
#' WhichCells(pbmc_small, expression = MS4A1 > 3)
#' levels(pbmc_small)
#' WhichCells(pbmc_small, idents = c(1, 2), invert = TRUE)
WhichCells <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'WhichCells', object = object)
mojaveazure/seurat-object documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 4:59 p.m.