
Defines functions convert guess_format is_url url2url url2pth url2arr url2mat url2rst url2lng pth2pth pth2url pth2arr pth2mat pth2rst pth2lng arr2url arr2pth arr2mat arr2rst arr2lng mat2url mat2pth mat2arr mat2lng rst2url rst2pth rst2arr rst2lng lng2url lng2pth lng2arr lng2mat lng2rst

Documented in convert

#' Convert one type of image to another
#' Types are "raster","url","path","array3","matrix","long". See details
#' @param img object to convert
#' @param to  type of output, defaults to raster
#' @param from type of input, guessed by default
#' @param path for to = "path"
#' @details
#' raster is a two dimensional raster object,
#' the format of the output of most tweak functions.
#' url is the url to fetch, png, tif, jpg, webp and svg are supported.
#' Converting to url means uploading to imgur as PNG. To upload you'll need
#' an account, follow instructions when trying for the first time.
#' You can convert url to url, it's not a real copy though as it will
#' convert to png.
#' path is the path to fetch, converting to path means saving.
#' By default you save to a temp file.
#' You can convert path to path
#' array3 is a numeric three dimensional raster object,
#' that we get when importing the files
#' matrix is a character two dimensional matrix containing rgba colors in hex
#' long is a numeric matrix with 4 columns (rgba) and a DIM attribute
#' @export
convert <- function(img,
                    to   = c("raster","url","path","array3","matrix","long"),
                    from = c("auto","raster","url","path","array3","matrix","long"),
                    path = NULL){
  to  <-match.arg(to)
  from  <-match.arg(from)
  types <- c("url","path","array3","raster","matrix","long")
  if(from == "auto") from <- guess_format(img)
  from = match(from,types)
  to   = match(to  ,types)
  funs <- list(
    url2url , url2pth , url2arr , url2rst  , url2mat  ,url2lng,
    pth2url , pth2pth , pth2arr , pth2rst  , pth2mat  ,pth2lng,
    arr2url , arr2pth , identity, arr2rst  , arr2mat  ,arr2lng,
    rst2url , rst2pth , rst2arr , identity , as.matrix,rst2lng,
    mat2url , mat2pth , mat2arr , as.raster, identity ,mat2lng,
    lng2url , lng2pth , lng2arr , lng2rst  , lng2mat  ,identity)
  fun <- funs[[(from-1)*length(types)+to]]
  if (to == "path") fun(img,path) else fun(img)

guess_format <- function(x){
  if(is.character(x) && length(x) == 1)
  {if(is_url(x)) "url" else           "path"}  else
    if(length(dim(x))==3)             "array3" else
      if(is.raster(x))                "raster" else
        if(!is.null(attr(x,"DIM"))) "long"   else
        if(is.matrix(x))              "matrix" else
            stop("Couldn't detect format")

is_url <- function(x){
  if(!is.character(x) || length(x) != 1) return(FALSE)
  if(substr(x,1,7) == "http://") TRUE else
    if(substr(x,1,8) == "https://") TRUE else
      if(substr(x,1,6) == "ftp://") TRUE else
        if(substr(x,1,7) == "file://") TRUE else

#### url ####
url2url <- function(url){
  if(tolower(tools::file_ext(url)) == "png")
    pth2url(url2pth(url)) else
url2pth <- function(url,pth=NULL){
  if(is.null(pth)) pth <- tempfile(fileext = paste0(".",tools::file_ext(url)))
  download.file(url,pth,mode = "wb")
url2arr <- function(url) pth2arr(url2pth(url))
url2mat <- function(url) lng2mat(url2lng(url))
url2rst <- function(url) as.raster(lng2mat(url2lng(url)))
url2lng <- function(url) pth2lng(url2pth(url))

#### path ####
pth2pth <-function(pth,pth2=NULL){
  if(is.null(pth2)) return(pth)
pth2url <- function(pth){
  if(tolower(tools::file_ext(pth)) == "svg")
    pth <- pth2pth(pth,gsub(".svg",".png",pth))
  token = imguR::imgur_login()
  url <- imguR::upload_image(token=token,file = pth)$link

pth2arr <- function(pth) {
  if(tolower(tools::file_ext(pth)) == "webp")
  if(tolower(tools::file_ext(pth)) == "svg"){
    new_pth <- gsub(".svg",".png",pth)
    pth <- new_pth

pth2mat <- function(pth) lng2mat(pth2lng(pth))
pth2rst <- function(pth) as.raster(lng2mat(pth2lng(pth)))
pth2lng <- function(pth) arr2lng(pth2arr(pth))

#### array3 ####
arr2url <- function(arr) pth2url(arr2pth(arr))
arr2pth <- function(arr,pth=NULL){
  if(is.null(pth)) pth <- tempfile(fileext = ".PNG")
arr2mat <- function(arr) lng2mat(arr2lng(arr))
arr2rst <- function(arr) lng2rst(arr2lng(arr))
arr2lng <- function(arr){
  lng <- apply(arr,3,c)
  if(ncol(lng)==3) lng <- cbind(lng,1)
  attr(lng,"DIM") <- c(dim(arr)[1],dim(arr)[2])

#### matrix ####
mat2url <- function(mat) pth2url(mat2pth(mat))
mat2pth <- function(mat,pth=NULL) arr2pth(mat2arr(mat),pth)
mat2arr <- function(mat) lng2arr(mat2lng(mat))
mat2lng <- function(mat){
  lng <- c(as.matrix(mat))
  lng <- cbind(as.numeric(as.hexmode(substr(lng,2,3)))/255,
  attr(lng,"DIM") <- c(dim(mat)[1],dim(mat)[2])

#### raster ####
rst2url <- function(rst) pth2url(rst2pth(rst))
rst2pth <- function(rst,pth=NULL) arr2pth(rst2arr(rst),pth)
rst2arr <- function(rst) lng2arr(rst2lng(rst))
rst2lng <- function(rst) mat2lng(as.matrix(rst))

#### long matrix ####
lng2url <- function(lng) pth2url(lng2pth(lng))
lng2pth <- function(lng,pth=NULL) arr2pth(lng2arr(lng),pth)
lng2arr <- function(lng) array(lng,dim=c(attr(lng,"DIM")[1],attr(lng,"DIM")[1],4))
lng2mat <- function(lng){
  mat <- matrix(rgb(lng[,1],lng[,2],lng[,3],lng[,4], maxColorValue=1),
lng2rst <- function(lng) as.raster(lng2mat(lng))
moodymudskipper/tweak documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:49 a.m.