# escape all characters that need escaping
regex_escape <- function(string,n = 1) {
for(i in seq_len(n)){
string <- gsub("([][{}().+*^$|\\?])", "\\\\\\1", string)
pattern_match <- function(x,patterns){
# build a boolean matrix with patterns as columns and x elements as rows
# lapply + do.call + cbind guarantee that we get a matrix output
m <- do.call(cbind,lapply(patterns, grepl, x))
# get indices of 1st relevant pattern
i <- apply(m, 1, which.max)
# but which.max returns 1 on a vector of FALSE so need to adjust
i[!rowSums(m)] <- NA
# return pattern indices
# simulate bind_rows to spare a dependency
# bind_rows2(list(mtcars[1:2, 1:3], mtcars[1:2, 2:4]))
bind_rows2 <- function(x){
# rbind of several df without columns outputs 0 row df so need special case
if(all(sapply(x,ncol)==0)) return(data.frame(row.names = seq_along(x)))
# all names found in all data frames
nms <- unique(unlist(c(sapply(x, names))))
# add NA columns so we can rbind them
x[] <- lapply(x,function(x) {x[nms[!nms %in% names(x)]] <- NA; x})
setNames <-function (object = nm, nm) {
names(object) <- nm
# converts a list to a data frame without creating new columns, trying to unnest etc
as.data.frame2 <- function(l){
nrows <- unique(lengths(l))
if(length(nrows) !=1) {
stop("list elements should have the same length to be converted")
structure(l, class ="data.frame", row.names = seq.int(nrows))
parse_brackets <- function(patterns, matched, use_multiple, named_capture = FALSE) {
# loop on patterns and matched in parallel to get a list containing for
# each pattern a vector of bracket content
bracket_content <-
Map(function(x,y) substring(x, y+1, y + attr(y, "match.length") - 2),
patterns, matched)
# parse these bracket contents into names (sometime "") and subpatterns
# (the actual regex)
L <- lapply(bracket_content, parse_bracket, use_multiple = use_multiple, named_capture = named_capture)
parse_bracket <- function(x, use_multiple, named_capture = FALSE){
# wether bracket content contains "="
eq <- grepl("=", x)
# names are either the lhs if `=` is found, otherwise bracket content itself
nms <- x
nms[eq] <- gsub("^(.*?)\\=.*","\\1", nms[eq])
empty_nms_lgl <- nms ==""
# subpattern is either the rhs if `=` is found, otherwise "(.*?)"
subpat <- rep.int("(.*?)", length(x))
# if names were given we put the pattern inside a group (unsing parentheses)
if(named_capture) {
subpat[eq & !empty_nms_lgl] <- gsub("^(.*?)\\=(.*)", "(?<\\1>\\2)", x[eq & nms!=""])
subpat[!eq & !empty_nms_lgl] <- paste0("(?<",x[!eq & nms!=""],">.*?)")
} else
subpat[eq & !empty_nms_lgl] <- gsub("^.*?\\=(.*)","(\\1)", x[eq & nms!=""])
# if names are not given we omit parens so the value will be matched but
# won't be extracted
subpat[eq & empty_nms_lgl] <- gsub("^.*?\\=(.*)", "\\1", x[eq & nms==""])
nms <- nms[!empty_nms_lgl]
# this should be only in the default case,
# subpat should be altered for the cases where we have duplicate names
if(!use_multiple) {
dupes_lgl <- duplicated(nms)
subpat[dupes_lgl] <- ""
n_unescaped_parens <- nchar(gsub("[^(]|\\\\\\(", "", subpat))
group_indices <- cumsum(c(1,n_unescaped_parens))
group_indices <- group_indices[-length(group_indices)]
for (dupe in unique(nms[dupes_lgl])){
i_first <- which.max(nms == dupe)
i_dupes <- setdiff(which(nms == dupe), i_first)
if(!identical(x[i_dupes], nms[i_dupes]))
"'%s' name is repeated, regex can only be defined for the first instance",
subpat[i_dupes] <- paste0("\\",group_indices[i_first])
nms <- nms[-i_dupes]
group_indices <- group_indices[!empty_nms_lgl][!dupes_lgl]
} else {
n_unescaped_parens <- nchar(gsub("[^(]|\\\\\\(", "", subpat))
group_indices <- cumsum(c(1,n_unescaped_parens))
group_indices <- group_indices[-length(group_indices)]
group_indices <- group_indices[!empty_nms_lgl]
list(names = nms, subpatterns= subpat, group_indices = group_indices)
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