#' Builds a TideTable model
#' @description Builds a TideTable model of class "tidetable".
#' @references \url{https://www.bsh.de/DE/PUBLIKATIONEN/_Anlagen/Downloads/Meer_und_Umwelt/Berichte-des-BSH/Berichte-des-BSH_50_de.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=13/}
#' @references \url{https://doi.org/10.5194/os-15-1363-2019}
#' @param dataInput the data frame with observation date, observation time and height.
#' @param otz time zone of the observations. Default is 1 (UTC + 1)
#' @param asdate The start date. Format: "yyyy/mm/dd"
#' @param astime The start time. Format: "hh:mm:ss"
#' @param aedate The end date. Format: "yyyy/mm/dd"
#' @param aetime The end time. Format: "hh:mm:ss"
#' @param hwi The high water interval. Format: "hh::mm"
#' @param sharp_hwi should the hwi computation be sharp? Default is TRUE
#' @return Returns a object of class "tidetable" which contains following elements:
#' \item{fitting.coeff}{Coefficients for the eight fitted linear models used in the synthesis}
#' \item{diff.analyse}{Time in days spanning the analysis}
#' \item{omega_t}{Return value of FindOmega()}
#' \item{tm24}{Internal constant}
#' \item{tplus}{Internal constant}
#' \item{tmhwi}{Mean high water interval}
#' @examples
#' BuildTT(dataInput = observation, asdate = "1991/01/01",
#' astime ="12:00:00", aedate = "1992/01/01", aetime = "12:00:00")
#' @export
BuildTT <- function(dataInput, otz = 1, asdate, astime, aedate, aetime, hwi = "99:99", sharp_hwi = TRUE) {
chron.origin <- chron(dates. = "1900/01/01",
times. = "00:00:00",
format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"))
tmoon.0 <- chron(dates. = "1949/12/31",
times. = "21:08:00",
format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s")) - chron.origin
tplus <- as.numeric(tmoon.0 + 24.2491 / 1440.00)
tperiode.m2 <- 360 / 28.9841042
tmean.moon <- tperiode.m2 * 2
tm24 <- tmean.moon / 24
numm <- NULL
k <- NULL
#Reading the data
chron.beob <- chron(dates. = as.character(dataInput[["observation_date"]]),
times. = as.character(dataInput[["observation_time"]]),
format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"))
diff.days <- as.numeric((chron.beob - chron.origin) - otz / 24 )
high.low <- dataInput[["high_or_low_water"]]
#Analysis date and times as chron
asdate.time <- chron(dates. = asdate,
times. = astime,
format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s")) - chron.origin
aedate.time <- chron(dates. = aedate,
times. = aetime,
format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s")) - chron.origin
#Computation of tmhwi, when not supplied by user
mhist.table <- data.table(d_days = diff.days,
high_low = high.low,
height = dataInput[["height"]])
if (unlist(strsplit(hwi, ":"))[1] == "99") {
#Compute tmhwi here
tmhwi <- EstimateTmhwi(input = mhist.table, strict = sharp_hwi) / 24
} else {
tmhwi <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(hwi, ":"))[1]) / 24 + as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(hwi, ":"))[2]) / 1440
nummk4 <- NumCulm(t = diff.days, tmhwi = tmhwi)
tmmt.numm <- nummk4[["numm"]] * tm24 + tplus
stunden.transit <- (diff.days - tmmt.numm) * 24
design.frame <- data.table(numm = nummk4[["numm"]],
k = nummk4[["k4"]],
stunden.transit = stunden.transit,
height = dataInput[["height"]],
high.low = high.low)
#removing rows where k+high.low is odd
design.frame <- design.frame[((k + high.low) %% 2) != 1]
#Dropping the high.low column
design.frame[, high.low := NULL]
#NumCulm Analysis
astart.nummculm <- NumCulm(t = asdate.time, tmhwi = tmhwi)
aend.nummculm <- NumCulm(t = aedate.time, tmhwi = tmhwi)
#Computing Funcs for all cases
tdiff.analyse <- aend.nummculm[["numm"]] - astart.nummculm[["numm"]] + 1
#Compute Funcs for theoretical xi to get the length of the column vector
omega_t <- FindOmega(tdiff = tdiff.analyse)
func_t <- ComputeAfunc(omega = omega_t, xi = aend.nummculm[["numm"]])
matrix.cols <- length(func_t[[3]])
design.frame <- design.frame[(numm >= astart.nummculm[["numm"]]) & (numm <= aend.nummculm[["numm"]])]
lm.fitting <- list()
lm.fits <- list()
fitting.coef <- list()
i.analyse <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 2)
colnames(i.analyse) <- c("stunden.transit", "height")
rownames(i.analyse) <- 1 : 4
temp.design <- list()
design.list <- list()
for(k4 in 1 : 4) {
predictor <- design.frame[k == k4, numm]
design.matrix <- matrix(nrow = length(predictor), ncol = matrix.cols)
for(i in 1 : nrow(design.matrix)) {
design.matrix[i, 1 : matrix.cols] <- ComputeAfunc(xi = predictor[i], omega = omega_t)[[3]]
for(l in c("stunden.transit", "height")) {
# predictant <- design.frame[k == k4, ..l]
predictant <- design.frame[k == k4, .SD, .SDcols = l]
mean_p <- predictant[, mean(get(l))]
sd_p <- predictant[, 3 * sd(get(l))]
temp.design[[l]] <- data.table(design.matrix, predictant, predictor)
temp.design[[l]] <- temp.design[[l]][(get(l) >= mean_p - sd_p) & (get(l) <= mean_p + sd_p)]
# lm.fitting[[l]] <- lm.fit(x = as.matrix(temp.design[[l]][, !c(..l, "predictor")]),
# y = temp.design[[l]][, get(l)])
lm.fitting[[l]] <- lm.fit(x = as.matrix(temp.design[[l]][, .SD, .SDcols = !c(l, "predictor")]),
y = temp.design[[l]][, get(l)])
i.analyse[k4, l] <- nrow(temp.design[[l]])
lm.fits[[k4]] <- lm.fitting
#design.list[[k4]] <- temp.design
fitting.coef[[k4]] <- lapply(lm.fitting, function(x) {
c_o <- as.vector(coef(x))
c_o[is.na(c_o)] <- 0
#return object and class setting
tt_object <- list("diff.analyse" = tdiff.analyse,
"omega_t" = omega_t,
"tm24" = tm24,
"tplus" = tplus,
"tmhwi" = tmhwi,
"fitting.coef" = fitting.coef,
"otz" = otz)
class(tt_object) <- "tidetable"
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