
authBaseURL <- "https://utslogin.nlm.nih.gov"
authEndpoint <- "/cas/v1/tickets"

umls_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

#' Get a TGT token from the UMLS API.
#' TGT tokens are used to generate service tickets that allow for requests to be ran against the UMLS API.
#' @param name The UMLS username.
#' @param pass The UMLS password.
#' @return Returns nothing, adding the TGT token to the environment.
get_TGT <- function(name = NULL, pass = NULL) {
    TGT <- umls_env$TGT
    if (is.null(TGT) && !is.null(name) && !is.null(pass)) {
        params <- list(username = name, password = pass)
        authURL <- paste0(authBaseURL, authEndpoint)
        r <- POST(url = authURL, body = params, encode = "form")
        if (status_code(r) == 201) {
            htmlResponse <- read_html(r)
            TGT <- html_attr(html_nodes(htmlResponse, "form"), "action")
        } else {
            stop("Error authenticating.")
    } else if (is.null(TGT) && (is.null(name) | !is.null(pass))) {
        stop("No username/password provided.")


#' @rdname get_TGT
set_TGT <- function(value) {
    umls_env$TGT <- value

#' @rdname get_TGT
reset_TGT <- function() {

#' Get a service ticket.
#' @param TGT The TGT token for the current session.
#' @return Returns nothing, adding the service token to the environment.
get_service_ticket <- function(TGT) {
    r <- POST(url = TGT, body = list(service = "http://umlsks.nlm.nih.gov"), encode = "form")
    htmlResponse <- read_html(r)
    ticketValue <- html_text(html_nodes(htmlResponse, "body"))

#' @rdname get_service_ticket
set_service_ticket <- function(value) {
    umls_env$service_ticket <- value

#' Authenticate against UMLS.
#' @export
auth_UMLS <- function() {
    creds <- UMLS_creds()
    invisible(get_TGT(creds$user, creds$pass))

#' Get or set UMLS credentials.
#' \code{UMLS_creds} sets or gets the UMLS credentials for the current session.
#' If the environment vars \code{UMLS_USER, UMLS_PASS} have been set in \code{.Renviron}, they will be loaded. Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter a username/password.
#' @export
UMLS_creds <- function(force = FALSE) {
    user <- Sys.getenv("UMLS_USER")
    pass <- Sys.getenv("UMLS_PASS")
    if (!identical(user, "") && !identical(pass, "") && !force)
        return(list(user = user, pass = pass))

    if (!interactive()) {
        stop("Please set env vars UMLS_USER, UMLS_PASS to your UMLS username/password respectively.", call. = FALSE)

    message("Couldn't find env vars UMLS_USER, UMLS_PASS. See ?UMLS_creds for more details.")
    message("Please enter your username and press enter:")
    user <- readline(": ")
    message("Please enter your password and press enter:")
    pass <- readline(": ")
    if (identical(user, "") | identical(pass, "")) {
        stop("User/password entry failed", call. = FALSE)

    message("Updating env vars.")
    Sys.setenv(UMLS_USER = user, UMLS_PASS = pass)

    list(user = user, pass = pass)
mpancia/rUMLS documentation built on May 23, 2019, 6:26 a.m.