
Defines functions computeAccuracy evalAccuracy.BBackTesting evalAccuracy.BackTesting evalAccuracy

Documented in computeAccuracy evalAccuracy evalAccuracy.BackTesting evalAccuracy.BBackTesting

# --------------------------------------------------- #
# Author: Marius D. Pascariu
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0
# Last update: Fri Nov 30 10:24:59 2018
# --------------------------------------------------- #

#' Generic for Computing Accuracy Measure from the \code{BackTesting} and 
#' \code{BBackTesting} objects;
#' @param object An object of the class \code{BackTesting} or 
#' \code{BBackTesting};
#' @inheritParams do.MortalityModels
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Marius D. Pascariu
#' @examples 
#' # For examples go to ?do.BackTesting and ?do.BBackTesting
#' @export
evalAccuracy = function(object, ...)

#' Get Accuracy Measures from \code{BackTesting}
#' @param object An object of class \code{BackTesting}.
#' @param data.out Specify the type of data to be returned in output. 
#' Various life table indices are accepted: 
#' \code{"qx", "mx", "dx", "lx", "Lx", "Tx", "ex"}.
#' @inheritParams do.MortalityModels
#' @inheritParams computeAccuracy
#' @inherit computeAccuracy details references
#' @seealso \code{\link{do.BackTesting}}
#' @author Marius D. Pascariu
#' @examples 
#' # For examples go to ?do.BackTesting
#' @export
evalAccuracy.BackTesting <- function(object, 
                                     data.out = c("qx", "mx", "dx", "lx", 
                                                  "Lx", "Tx", "ex"),
                                     measures = NULL,
                                     ...) {
  # Data
  x <- object$input$x
  data.in  <- object$input$data.in
  data.out <- match.arg(data.out)
  validation.set <- object$Datasets$validation.set
  # Get the observed data in the required format (e.g. e[x], q[x] etc)
  O  <- convertFx(x = x, 
                  data = validation.set, 
                  from = data.in, 
                  to = data.out, 
                  lx0 = 1)
  # Get the forecast results in the same format
  # H is a list of matrices, each matrix corresponding to 1 model
  H  <- get.Forecasts(object$Forecast, data.out) # forecast data
  B  <- H[[1]]                                   # Benchmark model
  Mn <- object$input$models                      # Model names
  # Compute the accuracy measures for all models/forecasts
  fn <- function(X) computeAccuracy(u = O, 
                                    u.hat = X, 
                                    b = B, 
                                    measures = measures, 
  # Table accuracy measures
  A <- do.call("rbind", lapply(H, fn))  
  # Create a tibble and exit
  z  <- add_column(as.tibble(A), Scenario = "Total", Model = Mn, 
                   LifeTableIndex = data.out, .before = TRUE)

#' Get Accuracy Measures from a \code{BBackTesting} object
#' @param object An object of class \code{BBackTesting}.
#' @inheritParams evalAccuracy.BackTesting
#' @inherit evalAccuracy.BackTesting details references
#' @seealso \code{\link{do.BBackTesting}}
#' @author Marius D. Pascariu
#' @examples 
#' # For examples go to ?do.BBackTesting
#' @export
evalAccuracy.BBackTesting <- function(object,
                                      data.out = c("qx", "mx", "dx", "lx", 
                                                   "Lx", "Tx", "ex"),
                                      measures = NULL,
                                      ...) {
  data.out <- match.arg(data.out)
  ns <- nrow(object$scenarios)  # no. of scenarios
  A  <- tibble()
  AA <- 0
  N  <- -c(1:3)
  for (s in 1:ns) {
    As <- evalAccuracy(object = object$results[[s]], 
                       data.out = data.out, 
                       measures = measures, 
    As$Scenario <- s
    A  <- rbind(A, As)
    AA <- AA + As[, N]/ns  # compute mean values over all scenarios
  As[, N] <- AA
  As$Scenario <- "Total"
  out <- rbind(As, A)

# #' Print evalAccuracy
# #' @param x An object of the class \code{evalAccuracy}
# #' @inheritParams summary.get.Residuals
# #' @keywords internal
# #' @export
# print.evalAccuracy <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), 
#                               ...) {
#   cat("\nForecasting Accuracy Measures")
#   cat("\nLife Table Index:", x$index, "\n\n")
#   print(round(x$results, digits))
#   cat("\nRanks - Best performing models in each category:\n")
#   print(x$rank)
#   cat("\nGeneral Classification:\n")
#   # res <- t(data.frame(MeanRank = x$rankMean, MedianRank = x$rankMedian))
#   print(x$GC)
# }

#' Get Measures of Forecast Accuracy
#' @param u Validation dataset.
#' @param u.hat Out-sample forecast data.
#' @param b Benchmark forecast data. Usually a naive or Random-Walk w drift forecast.
#' @param measures What accuracy measure to compute? Various alternatives are 
#' available, \itemize{
#'  \item{Mean error measures: } \code{"ME", "MAE", "MAPE", "sMAPE", "sMRAE", "MASE"};
#'  \item{Median error measures: } \code{"MdE", "MdAE", "MdAPE", "sMdAPE", "sMdRAE", "MdASE"};
#'  \item{Squared error measures: } \code{"MSE", "RMSE", "RMSPE", "RMdSPE"};
#'  \item{Geometric mean measure for positive errors: } \code{"GMRAE"}.}
#'  If \code{measures = NULL} all the measures will be computed.
#' @param xa Ages to be considered in model accuracy evaluation. It can be used 
#' to calculate the measures on a subset of the results. If \code{xa = NULL} 
#' (default) the entire age-range in input is considered.
#' @param ya Years to be considered in accuracy computation. Default: \code{ya = NULL}.
#' @param na.rm A logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped 
#' before the computation proceeds.
#' @details See \insertCite{hyndman2006;textual}{MortalityForecast} for a 
#' comprehensive discussion of the accuracy measures.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Marius D. Pascariu
#' @keywords internal
computeAccuracy <- function(u, 
                            measures = NULL, 
                            xa = NULL, 
                            ya = NULL, 
                            na.rm = TRUE){
  if (is.null(xa)) xa <- rownames(u)
  if (is.null(ya)) ya <- colnames(u)
  L1 <- rownames(u) %in% xa
  L2 <- colnames(u) %in% ya
  u.hat <- as.matrix(u.hat[L1, L2])
  u <- as.matrix(u[L1, L2])
  b <- as.matrix(b[L1, L2])
  N <- na.rm
  M <- measures
  M <- M %||% c("ME","MAE", "MAPE","sMAPE","sMRAE","MASE",
  ME = MAE = MAPE = sMAPE = sMRAE = MASE <- NA
  MdE = MdAE = MdAPE = sMdAPE = sMdRAE = MdASE <- NA
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------
  # Element wise errors
  E  <- u - u.hat         # errors
  AE <- abs(E)            # absolute errors
  if (any(c("RMSPE", "RMdSPE", "MAPE", "MdAPE") %in% M)) {
    PE  <- E[u > 0]/u[u > 0] # Percentage error
    PEs <- (100 * PE)^2      # Square Percentage Errors
    APE <- abs(PE)           # Absolute percentage errors
  if (any(c("sMAPE", "sMdAPE") %in% M)) {
    sAPE <- 200 * AE/(u + u.hat) # symmetric absolute percentage errors
  if (any(c("sMRAE", "sMdRAE") %in% M)) {
    bE  <- u - b                 # benchmark errors
    bAE <- abs(bE)               # absolute benchmark errors
    sRAE <- 200 * AE/(AE + bAE)  # symmetric relative absolute errors.
  # I. Scale-dependent measures
  # 1.Mean Error
  if ("ME" %in% M) ME <- mean(E, na.rm = N)
  # 2.Median Error
  if ("MdE" %in% M) MdE <- median(E, na.rm = N)
  # 3.Mean Square Error
  if (any(c("RMSE","MSE") %in% M)) MSE <- mean(E^2, na.rm = N)
  # 4.Root Mean Square Error
  if ("RMSE" %in% M) RMSE <- sqrt(MSE)
  # 5.Mean Absolute Error
  if ("MAE" %in% M) MAE <- mean(AE, na.rm = N)
  # 6.Median Absolute Error
  if ("MdAE" %in% M) MdAE <- median(AE, na.rm = N)
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------
  # II. Measures based on percentage Error
  # 7.Mean Absolute Percentage Error
  if ("MAPE" %in% M) MAPE <- mean(100 * APE, na.rm = N)
  # 8.Median Absolute Percentage Error
  if ("MdAPE" %in% M) MdAPE <- median(100 * APE, na.rm = N)
  # 9.Root Mean Square Percentage Erorr
  if ("RMSPE" %in% M) RMSPE <- sqrt(mean(PEs, na.rm = N))
  # 10.Root Median Square Percentage Error
  if ("RMdSPE" %in% M) RMdSPE <- sqrt(median(PEs, na.rm = N))
  # ----------------------------------------------
  # III. Symmetric errors
  # The MAPE and MdAPE have the disadvantage that they
  # put a heavier penalty on positive errors than on negative errors.
  # This observation led to the use of the so called "symmetric"
  # measures (Makridakis, 1993).
  # 11.Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error
  if ("sMAPE" %in% M) sMAPE <- mean(sAPE, na.rm = N)
  # 12.Symmetric Median Absolute Percentage Error
  if ("sMdAPE" %in% M) sMdAPE <- median(sAPE, na.rm = N)
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------
  # IV. Measures based on relative errors
  # An alternative way of scaling is to divide each error by
  # the error obtained using another standard method of forecasting (benchmark method).
  # 13. Symmetric Mean Relative Absolute Error
  if ("sMRAE" %in% M) sMRAE <- mean(sRAE, na.rm = N)
  # 14. Symmetric Median Relative Absolute Error
  if ("sMdRAE" %in% M) sMdRAE <- median(sRAE, na.rm = N)
  # 15.Geometric Mean Relative Absolute Error
  # geometric mean function for positive values
  # gm_mean = function(z) exp(mean(log(z[z > 0]), na.rm = N))
  # GMRAE <- gm_mean(RAE) 
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------
  # V. Scaled measures
  ASE <- function(FUN = c("mean", "median")) {
    meanT <- function(z) mean(z, na.rm = TRUE)   # mean() function
    scale <- apply(abs(t(diff(t(u)))), 1, meanT) # compute a scale factor for each time series
    SE    <- sweep(E, 1, scale, FUN = "/")       # scaled errors
    aSE   <- abs(SE)
    f <- get(FUN)
    f(aSE, na.rm = N)
  # 16.Mean Absolute Scaled Error
  if ("MASE" %in% M) MASE <- ASE("mean")
  # 17.Median Absolute Scaled Error
  if ("MdASE" %in% M) MdASE <- ASE("median")
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------
  # Absolute errors and square errors tell the same thing. Because we do not 
  # want to receive the same information multiple times we do not export
  out <- data.frame(ME,   MAE,  MAPE,  sMAPE,  sMRAE,  MASE, # means
                    MdE, MdAE, MdAPE, sMdAPE, sMdRAE, MdASE, # medians
                    MSE, RMSE, RMSPE, RMdSPE)                # squared errors
  out <- out[, M]
  out <- as.matrix(out)
  colnames(out) <- M
mpascariu/MortalityForecast documentation built on Sept. 28, 2020, 2:40 p.m.