
Defines functions agk.test prep_hAh hAhr_test hAh_test

Documented in agk.test hAhr_test hAh_test prep_hAh

##' Test restrictions on coefficients of MIDAS regression
##' Perform a test whether the restriction on MIDAS regression coefficients holds.
##' @param x MIDAS regression model with restricted coefficients, estimated with \code{\link{midas_r}}
##' @return a \code{htest} object
##' @author Virmantas Kvedaras, Vaidotas Zemlys
##' @references Kvedaras V., Zemlys, V. \emph{Testing the functional constraints on parameters in regressions with variables of different frequency} Economics Letters 116 (2012) 250-254
##' @seealso hAhr_test
##' @examples
##' ##The parameter function
##' theta_h0 <- function(p, dk, ...) {
##'    i <- (1:dk-1)
##'    (p[1] + p[2]*i)*exp(p[3]*i + p[4]*i^2)
##' }
##' ##Generate coefficients
##' theta0 <- theta_h0(c(-0.1,0.1,-0.1,-0.001),4*12)
##' ##Plot the coefficients
##' plot(theta0)
##' ##Generate the predictor variable
##' set.seed(13)
##' xx <- ts(arima.sim(model = list(ar = 0.6), 600 * 12), frequency = 12)
##' ##Simulate the response variable
##' y <- midas_sim(500, xx, theta0)
##' x <- window(xx, start=start(y))
##' ##Fit restricted model
##' mr <- midas_r(y~fmls(x,4*12-1,12,theta_h0)-1,list(y=y,x=x),
##'               start=list(x=c(-0.1,0.1,-0.1,-0.001)))
##' ##Perform test (the expected result should be the acceptance of null)
##' hAh_test(mr)
##' ##Fit using gradient function
##' ##The gradient function
##' theta_h0_gradient<-function(p, dk,...) {
##'    i <- (1:dk-1)
##'    a <- exp(p[3]*i + p[4]*i^2)
##'    cbind(a, a*i, a*i*(p[1]+p[2]*i), a*i^2*(p[1]+p[2]*i))
##' }
##' mr <- midas_r(y~fmls(x,4*12-1,12,theta_h0)-1,list(y=y,x=x),
##'               start=list(x=c(-0.1,0.1,-0.1,-0.001)),
##'               weight_gradients=list())
##' ##The test will use an user supplied gradient of weight function. See the
##' ##help of midas_r on how to supply the gradient.
##' hAh_test(mr)
##' @details  Given MIDAS regression:
##' \deqn{y_t=\sum_{j=0}^k\sum_{i=0}^{m-1}\theta_{jm+i} x_{(t-j)m-i}+u_t}
##' test the null hypothesis that the following restriction holds:
##' \deqn{\theta_h=g(h,\lambda),}
##' where \eqn{h=0,...,(k+1)m}.
##' @export
##' @import numDeriv
##' @importFrom stats pchisq
hAh_test <- function(x) {
  prep <- prep_hAh(x)

  unrestricted <- x$unrestricted

  se2 <- sum(residuals(unrestricted)^2) / (nrow(x$model) - prep$dk)
  A0 <- (diag(prep$dk) - prep$P %*% tcrossprod(prep$Delta.0, prep$P)) / se2
  STATISTIC <- t(prep$h.0) %*% A0 %*% prep$h.0

  names(STATISTIC) <- "hAh"
  METHOD <- "hAh restriction test"
  PARAMETER <- prep$dk - length(coef(x))
  names(PARAMETER) <- "df"

    statistic = STATISTIC, parameter = PARAMETER,
    p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD
  class = "htest"
##' Test restrictions on coefficients of MIDAS regression using robust version of the test
##' Perform a test whether the restriction on MIDAS regression coefficients holds.
##' @param x MIDAS regression model with restricted coefficients, estimated with \code{\link{midas_r}}
##' @param PHI the "meat" covariance matrix, defaults to \code{vcovHAC(x$unrestricted, sandwich=FALSE)}
##' @return a \code{htest} object
##' @author Virmantas Kvedaras, Vaidotas Zemlys
##' @references Kvedaras V., Zemlys, V. \emph{The statistical content and empirical testing of the MIDAS restrictions}
##' @seealso hAh_test
##' @examples
##' ##The parameter function
##' theta_h0 <- function(p, dk, ...) {
##'    i <- (1:dk-1)
##'    (p[1] + p[2]*i)*exp(p[3]*i + p[4]*i^2)
##' }
##' ##Generate coefficients
##' theta0 <- theta_h0(c(-0.1,0.1,-0.1,-0.001),4*12)
##' ##Plot the coefficients
##' plot(theta0)
##' ##Generate the predictor variable
##' set.seed(13)
##' xx <- ts(arima.sim(model = list(ar = 0.6), 600 * 12), frequency = 12)
##' ##Simulate the response variable
##' y <- midas_sim(500, xx, theta0)
##' x <- window(xx, start=start(y))
##' ##Fit restricted model
##' mr <- midas_r(y~fmls(x,4*12-1,12,theta_h0)-1,
##'               list(y=y,x=x),
##'               start=list(x=c(-0.1,0.1,-0.1,-0.001)))
##' ##The gradient function
##' theta_h0_gradient <-function(p, dk,...) {
##'    i <- (1:dk-1)
##'    a <- exp(p[3]*i + p[4]*i^2)
##'    cbind(a, a*i, a*i*(p[1]+p[2]*i), a*i^2*(p[1]+p[2]*i))
##' }
##' ##Perform test (the expected result should be the acceptance of null)
##' hAhr_test(mr)
##' mr <- midas_r(y~fmls(x,4*12-1,12,theta_h0)-1,
##'               list(y=y,x=x),
##'               start=list(x=c(-0.1,0.1,-0.1,-0.001)),
##'               weight_gradients=list())
##' ##Use exact gradient. Note the
##' hAhr_test(mr)
##' @details  Given MIDAS regression:
##' \deqn{y_t=\sum_{j=0}^k\sum_{i=0}^{m-1}\theta_{jm+i} x_{(t-j)m-i}+u_t}
##' test the null hypothesis that the following restriction holds:
##' \deqn{\theta_h=g(h,\lambda),}
##' where \eqn{h=0,...,(k+1)m}.
##' @export
##' @importFrom MASS ginv
##' @import sandwich
hAhr_test <- function(x, PHI = vcovHAC(x$unrestricted, sandwich = FALSE)) {
  prep <- prep_hAh(x)

  unrestricted <- x$unrestricted

  nyx <- nrow(x$model)
  nkx <- ncol(x$model) - 1
  II <- diag(nkx) - prep$XtX %*% prep$Delta.0
  A0 <- ginv(nyx * ginv(t(prep$P)) %*% II %*% PHI %*% t(II) %*% ginv(prep$P))

  STATISTIC <- t(prep$h.0) %*% A0 %*% prep$h.0

  names(STATISTIC) <- "hAhr"
  METHOD <- "hAh restriction test (robust version)"
  PARAMETER <- prep$dk - length(coef(x))
  names(PARAMETER) <- "df"

    statistic = STATISTIC, parameter = PARAMETER,
    p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD
  class = "htest"

##' Calculate data for \link{hAh_test} and \link{hAhr_test}
##' Workhorse function for calculating necessary matrices for \link{hAh_test} and \link{hAhr_test}. Takes the same parameters as \link{hAh_test}
##' @param x \code{midas_r} object
##' @return a list with necessary matrices
##' @author Virmantas Kvedaras, Vaidotas Zemlys
##' @seealso hAh_test, hAhr_test
prep_hAh <- function(x) {
  unrestricted <- x$unrestricted
  if (is.null(unrestricted)) stop("Unrestricted model cannot be estimated due to the lack of degrees of freedom, testing the restriction is not possible")

  D0 <- x$gradD(coef(x))

  X <- x$model[, -1]

  XtX <- crossprod(X)

  dk <- ncol(XtX)

  if (nrow(D0) != dk) stop("The gradient dimensions are incorrect. Number of rows does not equal number of unrestricted coefficients")

  P <- chol(XtX)

  cfur <- coef(unrestricted)

  h.0 <- P %*% (cfur - x$midas_coefficients)

  Delta.0 <- D0 %*% tcrossprod(ginv(crossprod(D0, XtX) %*% D0), D0)

  list(P = P, XtX = XtX, dk = dk, Delta.0 = Delta.0, h.0 = h.0)

##' Andreou, Ghysels, Kourtellos LM test
##' Perform the test whether hyperparameters of normalized exponential Almon lag weights are zero
##' @param x MIDAS regression object of class \code{\link{midas_r}}
##' @return a \code{htest} object
##' @author Virmantas Kvedaras, Vaidotas Zemlys
##' @references Andreou E., Ghysels E., Kourtellos A. \emph{Regression models with mixed sampling frequencies} Journal of Econometrics 158 (2010) 246-261
##' @export
##' @importFrom stats lm
##' @examples
##' ##' ##Load data
##' data("USunempr")
##' data("USrealgdp")
##' y <- diff(log(USrealgdp))
##' x <- window(diff(USunempr),start=1949)
##' t <- 1:length(y)
##' mr <- midas_r(y~t+fmls(x,11,12,nealmon),start=list(x=c(0,0,0)))
##' agk.test(mr)
agk.test <- function(x) {
  weight_names <- sapply(x$term_info, "[[", "weight_name")
  nealmon_indices <- grep("nealmon", weight_names)

  if (length(nealmon_indices) == 0) stop("This test can be only used for regressions with normalized Exponential Almon lag weights")
  X <- x$model[, -1]
  y <- x$model[, 1]

  Xa <- lapply(x$term_info, function(ti) {
    if (ti$weight_name == "nealmon") {
      apply(X[, ti$midas_coef_index], 1, mean)
    else {
      X[, ti$midas_coef_index, drop = FALSE]
  Xa <- do.call("cbind", Xa)

  ustar <- residuals(lm(y ~ Xa - 1))
  u <- residuals(x)

  w <- x$maps$coef[names(x$weights)]
  w <- lapply(x$term_info[nealmon_indices], "[[", "coef_map")
  r <- sum(sapply(w, length))

  S.LS <- sum(ustar^2)
  S.M <- sum(u^2)

  STATISTIC <- (S.LS - S.M) / S.LS
  names(STATISTIC) <- "agk"
  METHOD <- "Andreou, Ghysels, Kourtellos LM test"
  names(PARAMETER) <- "df"

    statistic = STATISTIC, parameter = PARAMETER,
    p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD
  class = "htest"
mpiktas/midasr documentation built on Aug. 24, 2022, 2:32 p.m.