#' @title LPjmL input preparation
#' @name lpjml_inputs
#' @description Function `lpjml_output` read binary with the output of LPJmL runs and processes them into `dataframes`.
#' @details This function must work with a folder organiyation of the output files of LPJmL
#' @param folder Folder path for the input files
#' @param dataset_info object list containing information about the files that will be used that are going to be extracted.
#' @param plotting \code{True} or \code{False} determing if plots from the data extracted will be plotted for checking.
#' @author Marcos Alves \email{mppalves@gmail.com}
#' @import lpjclass
#' @import raster
#' @import grDevices
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export lpjml_inputs
lpjml_inputs <- function(folder, plotting = T, dataset_info , .grid = grid) {
cells <- dataset_info["cells"][[1]]
wyears <- dataset_info["wyears"][[1]]
temp <- dataset_info["temp"][[1]]
prec <- dataset_info["prec"][[1]]
lwnet <- dataset_info["lwnet"][[1]]
rsds <- dataset_info["rsds"][[1]]
soil <- dataset_info["soil"][[1]]
wet <- dataset_info["wet"][[1]]
co2 <- dataset_info["co2"][[1]]
temp_input <- function(folder, cells, temp, wyears) {
files_list <- list.files(folder)
file <- files_list[grep(temp, files_list)]
tmp <- lpjclass::read.LPJ_input(file.path(folder, file), out_years = paste0("y", wyears), ncells = cells, namesum = T)
tmp <- tmp@.Data / 12
temperature <- array(NaN, dim = c(cells, 1, length(wyears)), dimnames = list(1:cells[[1]], "temperature", wyears))
for (i in 1:length(wyears)) {
temperature[, , i] <- tmp[, i, 1, 1]
prec_input <- function(folder, cells, prec, wyears) {
files_list <- list.files(folder)
file <- files_list[grep(prec, files_list)]
tmp <- lpjclass::read.LPJ_input(file.path(folder, file), out_years = paste0("y", wyears), ncells = cells, namesum = T)
tmp <- tmp@.Data / 12
precipitation <- array(NaN, dim = c(cells, 1, length(wyears)), dimnames = list(1:cells[[1]], "precipitation", wyears))
for (i in 1:length(wyears)) {
precipitation[, , i] <- tmp[, i, 1, 1]
wet_input <- function(folder, cells, wet, wyears) {
files_list <- list.files(folder)
file <- files_list[grep(wet, files_list)]
tmp <- lpjclass::read.LPJ_input(file.path(folder, file), out_years = paste0("y", wyears), ncells = cells, namesum = T)
tmp <- tmp@.Data / 12
wetdays <- array(NaN, dim = c(cells, 1, length(wyears)), dimnames = list(1:cells[[1]], "wetdays", wyears))
for (i in 1:length(wyears)) {
wetdays[, , i] <- tmp[, i, 1, 1]
lwnet_input <- function(folder, cells, lwnet, wyears) {
files_list <- list.files(folder)
file <- files_list[grep(lwnet, files_list)]
temp <- lpjclass::read.LPJ_input(file.path(folder, file), out_years = paste0("y", wyears), ncells = cells, namesum = T)
# divide by 365 to take the average
temp <- matrix(temp / 365, cells, length(wyears))
lwnet <- array(NaN, dim = c(cells, 1, length(wyears)), dimnames = list(1:cells[[1]], "lwnet", wyears))
for (i in 1:length(wyears)) {
lwnet[, , i] <- temp[, i]
rsds_input <- function(folder, cells, rsds, wyears) {
files_list <- list.files(folder)
file <- files_list[grep(rsds, files_list)]
temp <- lpjclass::read.LPJ_input(file.path(folder, file), out_years = paste0("y", wyears), ncells = cells, namesum = T)
# divide by 365 to take the average
temp <- matrix(temp / 365, cells, length(wyears))
rsds <- array(NaN, dim = c(cells, 1, length(wyears)), dimnames = list(1:cells[[1]], "rsds", wyears))
for (i in 1:length(wyears)) {
rsds[, , i] <- temp[, i]
co2_input <- function(folder, cells, co2, wyears) {
files_list <- list.files(folder)
file <- files_list[grep(co2, files_list)]
co2t <- array(NaN, dim = c(cells, 1, length(wyears)), dimnames = list(1:cells[[1]], "co2", wyears))
temp <- read.table(file.path(folder, file))
id <- match(wyears, temp[, 1])
temp <- temp[id, 2]
for (i in 1:length(wyears)) {
co2t[, , i] <- temp[i]
soil_input <- function(folder, cells, soil, wyears) {
files_list <- list.files(folder)
file <- files_list[grep(soil, files_list)]
file.path(folder, file)
sk <- file(file.path(folder, file), "rb")
temp <- readBin(sk, integer(), n = 67420, size = 1)
soil <- array(NaN, dim = c(cells, 1, length(wyears)), dimnames = list(1:cells[[1]], "soil", wyears))
for (i in 1:length(wyears)) {
soil[, , i] <- temp
temp <- temp_input(folder, cells, temp, wyears)
prec <- prec_input(folder, cells, prec, wyears)
wet <- wet_input(folder, cells, wet, wyears)
lwnet <- lwnet_input(folder, cells, lwnet, wyears)
rsds <- rsds_input(folder, cells, rsds, wyears)
co2 <- co2_input(folder, cells, co2, wyears)
soil <- soil_input(folder, cells, soil, wyears)
res <- list(temp, prec, wet, lwnet, rsds, co2, soil)
if (plotting) {
for (i in factor(wyears)) {
png(paste0("Temperature",i,".jpg"),width = 800, height = 600)
plot(rasterFromXYZ(cbind(.grid, temp[, , i])), main = paste("Temperature", i))
for (i in factor(wyears)) {
png(paste0("Preciptation",i,".jpg"),width = 800, height = 600)
plot(rasterFromXYZ(cbind(.grid, prec[, , i])), main = paste("Preciptation", i))
for (i in factor(wyears)) {
png(paste0("Wet days",i,".jpg"),width = 800, height = 600)
plot(rasterFromXYZ(cbind(.grid, wet[, , i])), main = paste("Wet days", i))
for (i in factor(wyears)) {
png(paste0("Long wave radiation",i,".jpg"),width = 800, height = 600)
plot(rasterFromXYZ(cbind(.grid, lwnet[, , i])), main = paste("Long wave radiation", i))
for (i in factor(wyears)) {
png(paste0("Short wave radiation",i,".jpg"),width = 800, height = 600)
plot(rasterFromXYZ(cbind(.grid, rsds[, , i])), main = paste("Short wave radiation", i))
for (i in factor(wyears)) {
png(paste0("Co2 concentration",i,".jpg"),width = 800, height = 600)
plot(rasterFromXYZ(cbind(.grid, co2[, , i])), main = paste("Co2 concentration", i))
for (i in factor(wyears)) {
png(paste0("Soil type",i,".jpg"),width = 800, height = 600)
plot(rasterFromXYZ(cbind(.grid, soil[, , i])), main = paste("Soil type", i))
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