
test_that("Can run the filter", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  np <- 10
  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 10L)
  expect_error(mod$filter(), "Data has not been set for this object")


  ## We can perform the entire particle filter manually with the C++
  ## version, and this will run entirely on the dust generator
  n_data <- length(dat$dat_dust)
  ll <- numeric(n_data)
  hv <- array(NA_real_, c(5L, np, n_data + 1L))
  hi <- matrix(NA_integer_, np, n_data + 1L)
  hv[, , 1] <- mod$state()
  hi[, 1] <- seq_len(np)
  for (i in seq_len(n_data)) {
    weights <- mod$compare_data()
    tmp <- scale_log_weights(weights)
    ll[[i]] <- tmp$average
    idx <- mod$resample(tmp$weights)
    hi[, i + 1] <- idx
    hv[, , i + 1] <- mod$state()
  cmp_log_likelihood <- Reduce(`+`, ll) # naive sum()
  cmp_trajectories <- filter_trajectories_reorder(hv, hi)

  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 10L)
  ans <- mod$filter()
               list(log_likelihood = cmp_log_likelihood,
                    trajectories = NULL,
                    snapshots = NULL))

  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 10L)
  ans <- mod$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE)
               list(log_likelihood = cmp_log_likelihood,
                    trajectories = cmp_trajectories,
                    snapshots = NULL))

test_that("Can run multiple filters at once", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  np <- 10
  pars <- list(list(beta = 0.2, I0 = 5), list(beta = 0.1, I0 = 20))
  mod <- dat$model$new(pars, 0, np, seed = 10L, pars_multi = TRUE)
  seed <- mod$rng_state()
  filter_seed <- mod$rng_state(last_only = TRUE)

  expect_error(mod$filter(), "Data has not been set for this object")
  mod$set_data(dust_data(dat$dat, multi = 2))
  ans <- mod$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE)

  cmp <- list(
    dat$model$new(pars[[1]], 0, np, seed = c(seed[1:320], filter_seed)),
    dat$model$new(pars[[2]], 0, np, seed = c(seed[321:640], filter_seed)))
  for (i in seq_along(cmp)) {
  cmp_res <- lapply(cmp, function(el) el$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE))

  expect_length(ans$log_likelihood, 2)
  expect_equal(dim(ans$trajectories), c(5, 10, 2, 151))

    mod$state()[, , ],
    ans$trajectories[, , , 151])

  # Results not directly comparable as pars_multi has a shared RNG
  # for the filter, but can compare this RNG state
  expect_equal(cmp[[1]]$rng_state(last_only = TRUE),
               cmp[[2]]$rng_state(last_only = TRUE))

test_that("can filter trajectories using index", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  np <- 10
  pars <- list(list(beta = 0.2), list(beta = 0.1))

  mod1 <- dat$model$new(pars, 0, np, seed = 10L, pars_multi = TRUE)
  mod1$set_index(c(1L, 5L))
  mod1$set_data(dust_data(dat$dat, multi = 2))
  ans1 <- mod1$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE)

  mod2 <- dat$model$new(pars, 0, np, seed = 10L, pars_multi = TRUE)
  mod2$set_data(dust_data(dat$dat, multi = 2))
  ans2 <- mod2$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE)

  expect_equal(ans1$log_likelihood, ans2$log_likelihood)
  expect_equal(ans1$trajectories, ans2$trajectories[c(1, 5), , , ])

test_that("log weights scaling calculation is correct", {
  w <- runif(10)
  lw <- log(w)
  res <- cpp_scale_log_weights(lw)

  expect_equal(max(res$weights), 1)
  expect_equal(res$weights, w / max(w))
  expect_equal(exp(res$average), mean(w))

test_that("scale log weights copes with NaN", {
  w <- log(runif(10))

  w[3] <- NaN
  res <- cpp_scale_log_weights(w)
  expect_equal(res$weights[[3]], 0)
  expect_equal(res, scale_log_weights(w))

  w[3] <- NA
  res <- cpp_scale_log_weights(w)
  expect_equal(res$weights[[3]], 0)
  expect_equal(res, scale_log_weights(w))

  w[3] <- -Inf
  res <- cpp_scale_log_weights(w)
  expect_equal(res$weights[[3]], 0)
  expect_equal(res, scale_log_weights(w))

test_that("Can save out state during a run", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  np <- 10
  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 10L)

  time_snapshot <- c(100L, 200L, 400L)

  ## We can perform the entire particle filter manually with the C
  ## version, and this will run entirely on the dust generator
  s <- array(NA_real_, c(5L, np, length(time_snapshot)))

  for (i in seq_along(dat$dat_dust)) {
    to <- dat$dat_dust[[i]][[1]]
    weights <- mod$compare_data()
    tmp <- scale_log_weights(weights)
    idx <- mod$resample(tmp$weights)

    j <- match(to, time_snapshot)
    if (!is.na(j)) {
      s[, , j] <- mod$state()

  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 10L)
  ans <- mod$filter(time_snapshot = time_snapshot)
  expect_equal(ans$snapshots, s)

test_that("Validate time_snapshot", {
  dat <- example_filter()
  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, 10, seed = 10L)

    mod$filter(time_snapshot = c(100.1, 200.1, 400.1)),
    "All elements of 'time_snapshot' must be integer-like")
    mod$filter(time_snapshot = c(100, -200, 400)),
    "'time_snapshot' must be positive")
    mod$filter(time_snapshot = c(100, 400, 200)),
    "'time_snapshot' must be strictly increasing")
    mod$filter(time_snapshot = c(100, 200, 200)),
    "'time_snapshot' must be strictly increasing")
    mod$filter(time_snapshot = c(100, 201, 400)),
    "'time_snapshot[2]' (time 201) was not found in data",
    fixed = TRUE)

test_that("Can partially run filter", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  np <- 10
  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 10L)
  expect_error(mod$filter(), "Data has not been set for this object")


  ## We can perform the entire particle filter manually with the C++
  ## version, and this will run entirely on the dust generator
  n_data <- length(dat$dat_dust)
  ll <- numeric(n_data)
  hv <- array(NA_real_, c(5L, np, n_data + 1L))
  hi <- matrix(NA_integer_, np, n_data + 1L)
  hv[, , 1] <- mod$state()
  hi[, 1] <- seq_len(np)
  for (i in seq_len(n_data)) {
    weights <- mod$compare_data()
    tmp <- scale_log_weights(weights)
    ll[[i]] <- tmp$average
    idx <- mod$resample(tmp$weights)
    hi[, i + 1] <- idx
    hv[, , i + 1] <- mod$state()
  cmp_log_likelihood <- Reduce(`+`, ll) # naive sum()
  cmp_trajectories <- filter_trajectories_reorder(hv, hi)

  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 10L)
  ans <- vector("list", nrow(dat$dat))
  for (i in seq_along(ans)) {
    ans[[i]] <- mod$filter(dat$dat$time[[i]])
  expect_equal(vapply(ans, "[[", 1, "log_likelihood"), ll)

  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 10L)
  ans <- vector("list", nrow(dat$dat))
  for (i in seq_along(ans)) {
    ans[[i]] <- mod$filter(dat$dat$time[[i]], save_trajectories = TRUE)

  expect_equal(vapply(ans, "[[", 1, "log_likelihood"), ll)

  traj <- lapply(seq_along(ans), function(i) {
    ans[[i]]$trajectories[, , i + 1]
  tmp <- lapply(seq_along(ans) + 1, function(i) {
    filter_trajectories_reorder(hv[, , seq_len(i)], hi[, seq_len(i)])[, , i]
  expect_equal(traj, tmp)
  expect_equal(ans[[1]]$trajectories[, , 1], cmp_trajectories[, , 1])

test_that("can run filter in deterministic mode", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  pars <- list(exp_noise = Inf)

  mod <- dat$model$new(pars, 0, 1, deterministic = TRUE, seed = 1L)

  n_data <- length(dat$dat_dust)
  ll <- numeric(n_data)
  hv <- array(NA_real_, c(5L, n_data + 1L))
  hv[, 1] <- mod$state()
  for (i in seq_len(n_data)) {
    hv[, i + 1] <- mod$run(dat$dat_dust[[i]][[1]])
    ll[[i]] <- mod$compare_data()
  cmp_log_likelihood <- Reduce(`+`, ll) # naive sum()

  ## Quick check
  mod$update_state(pars = pars, time = 0)
  expect_equal(hv, drop(mod$simulate(c(0, dat$dat[, "time"]))))

  mod$update_state(pars = pars, time = 0)
  res <- mod$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE)
  expect_equal(res$log_likelihood, res$log_likelihood)
  expect_equal(drop(res$trajectories), hv)

test_that("filter validates time", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  np <- 10
  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 10L)

    "'time_end' must be non-negative (was given -100)",
    fixed = TRUE)
    "'time_end' was not found in data (was given 6)",
    fixed = TRUE)
    "'time_end' must be larger than curent time (30; given 12)",
    fixed = TRUE)

test_that("can partially run filter in deterministic mode", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  pars <- list(exp_noise = Inf)

  mod <- dat$model$new(pars, 0, 1, deterministic = TRUE, seed = 1L)
  mod$update_state(pars = pars, time = 0)
  cmp <- mod$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE, time_snapshot = c(20, 40))

  mod$update_state(pars = pars, time = 0)
  res1 <- mod$filter(100, save_trajectories = TRUE, time_snapshot = c(20, 40))
  res2 <- mod$filter(600, save_trajectories = TRUE)

  expect_equal(res1$log_likelihood + res2$log_likelihood, cmp$log_likelihood)

  expect_equal(res1$trajectories[, , 1:26], cmp$trajectories[, , 1:26])
  expect_equal(res2$trajectories[, , 27:151], cmp$trajectories[, , 27:151])

  expect_equal(res1$snapshots, cmp$snapshots)

test_that("Can quit filter early", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  pars <- list(exp_noise = Inf)

  mod <- dat$model$new(pars, 0, 1, deterministic = TRUE, seed = 1L)

  ll <- numeric(nrow(dat$dat))
  for (i in seq_along(ll)) {
    ll[i] <- mod$filter(dat$dat$time[[i]])$log_likelihood
  ll <- cumsum(ll)

  mod$update_state(pars = pars, time = 0)
  res <- mod$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE, min_log_likelihood = -100)

  expect_equal(res$log_likelihood, -Inf)
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 600)

  ## Trajectories zerod after the point where we fail
  expect_true(all(res$trajectories[, , which(ll < -100) + 1] == 0))
  expect_false(any(res$trajectories[, , min(which(ll < -100))] == 0))

test_that("Can exit nested filter early", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  pars <- list(list(beta = 0.2, exp_noise = Inf),
               list(beta = 0.1, exp_noise = Inf))
  mod <- dat$model$new(pars, 0, 1, seed = 1L, deterministic = TRUE,
                       pars_multi = TRUE)
  mod$set_data(dust_data(dat$dat, multi = 2))

  ll <- matrix(0, nrow(dat$dat), 2)

  for (i in seq_len(nrow(ll))) {
    ll[i, ] <- mod$filter(dat$dat$time[[i]])$log_likelihood
  ll <- apply(ll, 2, cumsum)

  ## If we provide a single number, it's the sum:
  mod$update_state(pars = pars, time = 0)
  res <- mod$filter(min_log_likelihood = -300, save_trajectories = TRUE)

  ## Look at the I compartment (always nonzero), drop particle index,
  ## first parameter set (arbitrary) and discard first point to align
  ## with ll calculation:
  expect_equal(which(res$trajectories[1, , 1, -1] != 0),
               which(rowSums(ll) >= -300))
  expect_equal(res$log_likelihood, rep(-Inf, 2))
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 600)

  ## If we provide two numbers it's the one reached second:
  mod$update_state(pars = pars, time = 0)
  min <- c(mean(ll[35:36, 1]), mean(ll[55:56, 2]))
  res <- mod$filter(min_log_likelihood = min,
                    save_trajectories = TRUE)
  expect_equal(which(res$trajectories[1, , 1, -1] != 0),
               which(apply(t(ll) >= min, 2, any)))

  ## And again, but finish with the first particle
  mod$update_state(pars = pars, time = 0)
  min <- c(mean(ll[75:76, 1]), mean(ll[55:56, 2]))
  res <- mod$filter(min_log_likelihood = min,
                    save_trajectories = TRUE)
  expect_equal(which(res$trajectories[1, , 1, -1] != 0),
               which(apply(t(ll) >= min, 2, any)))

test_that("min_log_likelihood must be a sensible length", {
  dat <- example_filter()
  mod <- dat$model$new(list(), 0, 1, seed = 1L, deterministic = TRUE)
    mod$filter(min_log_likelihood = rep(-300, 2)),
    "'min_log_likelihood' must have length 1 (but given 2)",
    fixed = TRUE)

test_that("min_log_likelihood must be a sensible length (nested)", {
  dat <- example_filter()
  pars <- list(list(beta = 0.2), list(beta = 0.1))
  mod <- dat$model$new(pars, 0, 1, seed = 1L, deterministic = TRUE,
                       pars_multi = TRUE)
  mod$set_data(dust_data(dat$dat, multi = 2))
    mod$filter(min_log_likelihood = rep(-300, 3)),
    "'min_log_likelihood' must have length 1 or 2 (but given 3)",
    fixed = TRUE)

test_that("stop the simulation if likelihood becomes impossible", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  ## Tweak the data so that it returns impossible at some point
  d <- dat$dat_dust
  d[[25]][[2]]$incidence <- -5

  np <- 10
  mod <- dat$model$new(list(exp_noise = -Inf), 0, np, seed = 10L)
  res <- mod$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE)
  expect_equal(res$log_likelihood, -Inf)
  expect_equal(which(res$trajectories[1, 1, ] != 0), 1:25)

test_that("can run deterministic multiparameter", {
  dat <- example_filter()

  pars <- list(list(exp_noise = Inf, I0 = 5),
               list(exp_noise = Inf, I0 = 20))

  data <- dat$dat[1:5, ]

  ## Run one at a time:
  mod1 <- dat$model$new(pars[[1]], 0, 1, deterministic = TRUE, seed = 1L)
  mod1$update_state(pars = pars[[1]], time = 0)
  ans1a <- mod1$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE)
  mod1$update_state(pars = pars[[2]], time = 0)
  ans1b <- mod1$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE)

  mod2 <- dat$model$new(pars, 0, 1, deterministic = TRUE, seed = 1L,
                        pars_multi = TRUE)
  mod2$set_data(dust_data(data, multi = 2))
  mod2$update_state(pars = pars, time = 0)
  ans2 <- mod2$filter(save_trajectories = TRUE)

  expect_identical(ans2$trajectories[2, 1, 1, ],
                   ans1a$trajectories[2, 1, ])
  expect_identical(ans2$trajectories[2, 1, 2, ],
                   ans1b$trajectories[2, 1, ])

    ans2$trajectories[, , , 1],
    cbind(c(1000, 5, 0, 0, 0),
          c(1000, 20, 0, 0, 0)))
    mod2$state()[, , ],
    ans2$trajectories[, , , nrow(data) + 1])
mrc-ide/dust documentation built on May 11, 2024, 1:08 p.m.