
Defines functions construct_tree get_source_filters get_data_type_filters get_spectrum_region_filters get_region_filters get_level_labels get_year_filters get_quarter_label get_quarter_filters get_area_id_filter_default get_selected_mappings get_comparison_barchart_selections get_calibrate_barchart_defaults get_barchart_defaults get_area_level_filter get_comparison_plot_filters get_calibrate_plot_output_filters get_model_output_filters read_long_indicator_filters read_wide_indicator_filters get_area_level_filters get_indicator_filters get_survey_filters get_age_labels get_sex_filters construct_filter get_age_filters

Documented in construct_tree get_selected_mappings read_long_indicator_filters read_wide_indicator_filters

get_age_filters <- function(data) {
  ## Assuming data is a data frame with age_group
  filters <- get_age_labels(unique(data$age_group))
  sorted_filters <- filters[order(filters$age_group_sort_order), ]
  construct_filter(sorted_filters, "age_group", "age_group_label")

construct_filter <- function(data, id, name) {
  lapply(rownames(data), function(row_number) {
    list(id = scalar(as.character(data[row_number, id])),
         label = scalar(data[row_number, name]))

get_sex_filters <- function(data) {
  sexes <- unique(data$sex)
  lapply(sexes, function(sex) {
      id = scalar(sex),
      label = scalar(to_upper_first(sex))

get_age_labels <- function(age_group) {
  age_groups <- naomi::get_age_groups()
  groups <- age_groups$age_group %in% age_group
  missing_ids <- setdiff(age_group, age_groups$age_group)
  if (length(missing_ids) > 0) {
    stop(t_("FILTERS_MISSING_AGE_GROUP", list(group = collapse(missing_ids))))
             c("age_group", "age_group_label", "age_group_sort_order")]

get_survey_filters <- function(data) {
  survey_ids <- sort(unique(data$survey_id), decreasing = TRUE)
  lapply(survey_ids, function(survey_id) {
    list(id = scalar(survey_id),
         label = scalar(survey_id))

get_indicator_filters <- function(data, type) {
  ## Input data either long or wide format
  get_filters <- switch(
    "anc" = read_wide_indicator_filters,
    "programme" = read_wide_indicator_filters,
    "survey" = read_long_indicator_filters,
    stop(t_("FILTERS_CANT_GET_INDICATOR", list(type = type))))
  get_filters(data, type)

get_area_level_filters <- function(data) {
  levels <- unique(data$area_level)
  lapply(levels, function(level) {
      id = scalar(as.character(level)),
      label = scalar(data[data$area_level == level, "area_level_label"][1])

#' Read filters from wide format data
#' Expect input data with headers like
#' x, y, z, prevalence, art_cov
#' So a column for each separate indicator. For the data type we have look
#' for the list of possible indicators from the metadata. If that indicator
#' exists in the metadata return it as a possible filter with ID and name.
#' @param data Wide format data
#' @param type The type of data set
#' @return Indicator filters
#' @keywords internal
read_wide_indicator_filters <- function(data, type) {
  metadata <- naomi::get_metadata()
  type_metadata <- metadata[metadata$data_type == type, ]
  present_indicators <- type_metadata[
    type_metadata$value_column %in% colnames(data), ]
  construct_filter(present_indicators, "indicator", "name")

#' Read filters from long format data
#' Expect input data with headers like
#' x, y, z, indicator, value
#' Where indicator columns describes the type of indicator the value is for.
#' For the data type we have look for the list of possible indicators from the
#' metadata. If that indicator exists in the metadata return it as a possible
#' filter with ID and name.
#' @param data Long format data
#' @param type The type of data set
#' @return Indicator filters
#' @keywords internal
read_long_indicator_filters <- function(data, type) {
  metadata <- naomi::get_metadata()
  type_metadata <- metadata[metadata$data_type == type, ]
  indicator_column <- unique(type_metadata$indicator_column)
  present_indicators <- type_metadata[
    type_metadata$indicator_value %in% data[[indicator_column]], ]
  construct_filter(present_indicators, "indicator", "name")

get_model_output_filters <- function(data) {
      id = scalar("area"),
      column_id = scalar("area_id"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_AREA")),
      options = json_verbatim("null"),
      use_shape_regions = scalar(TRUE)
      id = scalar("quarter"),
      column_id = scalar("calendar_quarter"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_PERIOD")),
      options = get_quarter_filters(data)
      id = scalar("sex"),
      column_id = scalar("sex"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_SEX")),
      options = get_sex_filters(data)
      id = scalar("age"),
      column_id = scalar("age_group"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_AGE")),
      options = get_age_filters(data)

get_calibrate_plot_output_filters <- function(data) {
      id = scalar("spectrum_region"),
      column_id = scalar("spectrum_region_code"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_AREA")),
      options = get_spectrum_region_filters(data)
      id = scalar("quarter"),
      column_id = scalar("calendar_quarter"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_PERIOD")),
      options = get_quarter_filters(data)
      id = scalar("sex"),
      column_id = scalar("sex"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_SEX")),
      options = get_sex_filters(data)
      id = scalar("age"),
      column_id = scalar("age_group"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_AGE")),
      options = get_age_filters(data)
      id = scalar("type"),
      column_id = scalar("data_type"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_DATA_TYPE")),
      options = get_data_type_filters(data)

get_comparison_plot_filters <- function(data) {
      id = scalar("area"),
      column_id = scalar("area_id"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_AREA")),
      options = json_verbatim("null"),
      use_shape_regions = scalar(TRUE)
      id = scalar("quarter"),
      column_id = scalar("calendar_quarter"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_PERIOD")),
      options = get_quarter_filters(data)
      id = scalar("sex"),
      column_id = scalar("sex"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_SEX")),
      options = get_sex_filters(data)
      id = scalar("age"),
      column_id = scalar("age_group"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_AGE")),
      options = get_age_filters(data)
      id = scalar("source"),
      column_id = scalar("source"),
      label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_DATA_TYPE")),
      options = get_source_filters(data)

get_area_level_filter <- function(data) {
    id = scalar("area_level"),
    column_id = scalar("area_level"),
    label = scalar(t_("OUTPUT_FILTER_DETAIL_LEVEL")),
    options = get_area_level_filters(data)

get_barchart_defaults <- function(output, output_filters) {
    indicator_id = scalar("prevalence"),
    x_axis_id = scalar("age"),
    disaggregate_by_id = scalar("sex"),
    selected_filter_options = list(
      area = get_area_id_filter_default(output),
      quarter = get_selected_mappings(output_filters, "quarter")[2],
      sex = get_selected_mappings(output_filters, "sex", c("female", "male")),
      age = get_selected_mappings(output_filters, "age",

get_calibrate_barchart_defaults <- function(filters) {
    indicator_id = scalar("prevalence"),
    x_axis_id = scalar("spectrum_region"),
    disaggregate_by_id = scalar("type"),
    selected_filter_options = list(
      quarter = get_selected_mappings(filters, "quarter")[2],
      sex = get_selected_mappings(filters, "sex")[1],
      age = get_selected_mappings(filters, "age", "Y015_049"),
      spectrum_region = get_selected_mappings(filters, "spectrum_region"),
      type = get_selected_mappings(filters, "type")

get_comparison_barchart_selections <- function(output, filters) {
  area_default <- get_area_id_filter_default(output)
  five_year_age_groups <- get_selected_mappings(
    filters, "age", naomi::get_five_year_age_groups())
  all_sexes <- get_selected_mappings(filters, "sex")
  both <- get_selected_mappings(filters, "sex", "both")
  female <- get_selected_mappings(filters, "sex", "female")
  survey_quarter <- get_selected_mappings(filters, "quarter")[2]
  source = get_selected_mappings(filters, "source")
  fifteen_to_49 <- get_selected_mappings(filters, "age", "Y015_049")
      indicator_id = scalar("prevalence"),
      x_axis_id = scalar("age"),
      disaggregate_by_id = scalar("source"),
      selected_filter_options = list(
        area = area_default,
        quarter = survey_quarter,
        sex = both,
        age = five_year_age_groups,
        source = source
      indicator_id = scalar("art_coverage"),
      x_axis_id = scalar("age"),
      disaggregate_by_id = scalar("source"),
      selected_filter_options = list(
        area = area_default,
        quarter = survey_quarter,
        sex = both,
        age = five_year_age_groups,
        source = source
      indicator_id = scalar("art_current"),
      x_axis_id = scalar("sex"),
      disaggregate_by_id = scalar("source"),
      selected_filter_options = list(
        area = area_default,
        quarter = survey_quarter,
        sex = all_sexes,
        age = get_selected_mappings(filters, "age", "Y015_999"),
        source = source
      indicator_id = scalar("anc_prevalence_age_matched"),
      x_axis_id = scalar("sex"),
      disaggregate_by_id = scalar("source"),
      selected_filter_options = list(
        area = area_default,
        quarter = survey_quarter,
        sex = female,
        age = fifteen_to_49,
        source = source
      indicator_id = scalar("anc_art_coverage_age_matched"),
      x_axis_id = scalar("sex"),
      disaggregate_by_id = scalar("source"),
      selected_filter_options = list(
        area = area_default,
        quarter = survey_quarter,
        sex = female,
        age = fifteen_to_49,
        source = source

#' Get selected id-label mapping from list of filter options or column mappings
#' Gets the id to label mapping of a particular type matching a set of IDs.
#' If ids are NULL then this returns all options.
#' @param mappings The full set of output filters or column mappings
#' @param type The type of column to get mappings for, area, age, sex, quarter
#' @param ids Set of IDs to return, or NULL for all options
#' @param key The key to use for individual options. For filter mappings this
#'   is "options" for column mapping this is "value"
#' @return The selected mappings
#' @keywords internal
get_selected_mappings <- function(mappings, type, ids = NULL, key = "options") {
  selected <- NULL
  for (mapping in mappings) {
    if (mapping$id == type) {
      selected <- mapping[[key]]
  if (is.null(selected)) {
    stop(t_("MAPPING_NO_MATCHING", list(type = type)))
  if (!is.null(ids)) {
    keep_mapping <- vapply(selected, function(mapping) {
      mapping$id %in% ids
    }, logical(1))
    selected <- selected[keep_mapping]

get_area_id_filter_default <- function(output) {
  ## We expect the areas to be returned in order - return the first region
  ## level as the default
  option <- output[1, c("area_id", "area_name")]
      id = scalar(option$area_id),
      label = scalar(option$area_name)

get_quarter_filters <- function(data) {
  calendar_quarters <- unique(data$calendar_quarter)
  calendar_quarters <- sort(calendar_quarters, decreasing = TRUE)
  lapply(calendar_quarters, function(quarter) {
    list(id = scalar(as.character(quarter)),
         label = scalar(get_quarter_label(quarter)))

get_quarter_label <- function(calendar_quarter) {

get_year_filters <- function(data) {
  years <- unique(data$year)
  years <- sort(years, decreasing = TRUE)
  lapply(years, function(year) {
    list(id = scalar(as.character(year)),
         label = scalar(as.character(year)))

get_level_labels <- function(json) {
  labels <- lapply(json$features, function(feature) {
    display <- feature$properties$display %||% TRUE
    list(id = scalar(feature$properties$area_level),
         area_level_label = scalar(feature$properties$area_level_label),
         display = scalar(as.logical(display)))

get_region_filters <- function(json) {
  cols <- list(area_id = NA_character_,
               parent_area_id = NA_character_,
               area_sort_order = NA_real_,
               area_name = NA_character_)
  extract <- function(name, default) {
      vapply(json$features, function(x)
        x$properties[[name]] %||% default, default)
    error = function(e) {
      expected_type <- class(default)
              list(name = name, type = expected_type)))
  hierarchy_table <- data_frame(Map(extract, names(cols), cols))
  colnames(hierarchy_table) <- c("id", "parent_id", "sort_order", "label")


get_spectrum_region_filters <- function(data) {
  regions <- unique(data[, c("spectrum_region_code", "spectrum_region_name")])
  regions <- regions[order(regions$spectrum_region_code), ]
  lapply(seq_len(nrow(regions)), function(row_no) {
    row <- regions[row_no, ]
    list(id = scalar(as.character(row$spectrum_region_code)),
         label = scalar(as.character(row$spectrum_region_name)))

get_data_type_filters <- function(data) {

get_source_filters <- function(data) {
  sources <- sort(unique(data$source), decreasing = TRUE)
  lapply(sources, function(source) {
    list(id = scalar(source),
         label = scalar(source))

#' Create an ordered tree from a data frame.
#' Will create a tree as a nested list from a data frame with specified order.
#' @param data Data frame with at minimum id, parent id and sort order columns
#' to construct tree from.
#' @param id_column Index of column containing IDs.
#' @param parent_id_column Index of column containing parent IDs.
#' @param sort_order_column Index of column containing sort orders.
#' @return The tree represented as a list.
#' @keywords internal
construct_tree <- function(data, id_column = 1, parent_id_column = 2,
                           sort_order_column = 3) {
  root_node <- is.na(data[, parent_id_column])
  if (sum(root_node) != 1) {
    stop(t_("FILTERS_INCORRECT_TREE", list(n = sum(root_node))))
  build_immediate_children <- function(current_node_id) {
    current_node <- data[, id_column] == current_node_id
    children_ids <- which(data[, parent_id_column] == data[current_node, id_column])
    children <- data[children_ids, ]
    ordered_ids <- children[order(children$sort_order), id_column]
    tree <- lapply(data[current_node, -c(parent_id_column, sort_order_column),
                        drop = FALSE], scalar)
    tree$children <- lapply(ordered_ids, build_immediate_children)

  build_immediate_children(data[root_node, id_column])
mrc-ide/hintr documentation built on May 1, 2024, 5:33 a.m.