test_that('1 correlation between rounds gives sensible samples', {
pop <- 1e6
target <- seq(pop)
coverage_1 <- .2
coverage_2 <- .4
correlations <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev'))
correlations$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
round_1 <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', coverage_1, correlations)
round_2 <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', coverage_2, correlations)
expect_equal(sum(round_1), pop * coverage_1, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(round_2), pop * coverage_2, tolerance=.1)
sum(round_1 & round_2),
pop * min(coverage_1, coverage_2),
sum(round_1 | round_2),
pop * max(coverage_1, coverage_2),
test_that('0 correlation between rounds gives sensible samples', {
pop <- 1e6
target <- seq(pop)
coverage_1 <- .2
coverage_2 <- .4
correlations <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev'))
correlations$inter_round_rho('pev', 0)
round_1 <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', coverage_1, correlations)
round_2 <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', coverage_2, correlations)
expect_equal(sum(round_1), pop * coverage_1, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(round_2), pop * coverage_2, tolerance=.1)
sum(round_1 & round_2),
pop * coverage_1 * coverage_2,
sum(round_1 | round_2),
pop * (coverage_1 + coverage_2 - (coverage_1 * coverage_2)),
test_that('1 correlation between interventions gives sensible samples', {
pop <- 1e6
target <- seq(pop)
pev_coverage <- .2
mda_coverage <- .4
correlations <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev', 'mda'))
correlations$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
correlations$inter_round_rho('mda', 1)
correlations$inter_intervention_rho('pev', 'mda', 1)
pev_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', pev_coverage, correlations)
mda_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'mda', mda_coverage, correlations)
expect_equal(sum(pev_sample), pop * pev_coverage, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(mda_sample), pop * mda_coverage, tolerance=.1)
sum(pev_sample & mda_sample),
pop * min(pev_coverage, mda_coverage),
sum(pev_sample | mda_sample),
pop * max(pev_coverage, mda_coverage),
test_that('0 correlation between interventions gives sensible samples', {
pop <- 1e6
target <- seq(pop)
pev_coverage <- .2
mda_coverage <- .4
correlations <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev', 'mda'))
correlations$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
correlations$inter_round_rho('mda', 1)
correlations$inter_intervention_rho('pev', 'mda', 0)
pev_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', pev_coverage, correlations)
mda_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'mda', mda_coverage, correlations)
expect_equal(sum(pev_sample), pop * pev_coverage, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(mda_sample), pop * mda_coverage, tolerance=.1)
sum(pev_sample & mda_sample),
pop * pev_coverage * mda_coverage,
sum(pev_sample | mda_sample),
pop * (pev_coverage + mda_coverage - (pev_coverage * mda_coverage)),
test_that('-1 correlation between interventions gives sensible samples', {
pop <- 1e6
target <- seq(pop)
pev_coverage <- .2
mda_coverage <- .4
correlations <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev', 'mda'))
correlations$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
correlations$inter_round_rho('mda', 1)
correlations$inter_intervention_rho('pev', 'mda', -1)
pev_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', pev_coverage, correlations)
mda_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'mda', mda_coverage, correlations)
expect_equal(sum(pev_sample), pop * pev_coverage, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(mda_sample), pop * mda_coverage, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(pev_sample & mda_sample), 0, tolerance=.1)
sum(pev_sample | mda_sample),
pop * (pev_coverage + mda_coverage),
test_that('correlation between rounds is preserved when adding interventions', {
pop <- 1e6
target <- seq(pop)
pev_coverage_1 <- .2
pev_coverage_2 <- .4
initial <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev'))
initial$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
restored <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev', 'mda'))
restored$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
restored$inter_round_rho('mda', 1)
restored$inter_intervention_rho('pev', 'mda', 1)
restored$restore_state(0, initial$save_state())
round_1 <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', pev_coverage_1, initial)
round_2 <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', pev_coverage_2, restored)
expect_equal(sum(round_1), pop * pev_coverage_1, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(round_2), pop * pev_coverage_2, tolerance=.1)
sum(round_1 & round_2),
pop * min(pev_coverage_1, pev_coverage_2),
sum(round_1 | round_2),
pop * max(pev_coverage_1, pev_coverage_2),
test_that('1 correlation between interventions gives sensible samples when restored', {
pop <- 1e6
target <- seq(pop)
pev_coverage <- .2
mda_coverage <- .2
initial <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev'))
initial$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
restored <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev', 'mda'))
restored$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
restored$inter_round_rho('mda', 1)
restored$inter_intervention_rho('pev', 'mda', 1)
restored$restore_state(0, initial$save_state())
pev_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', pev_coverage, initial)
mda_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'mda', mda_coverage, restored)
expect_equal(sum(pev_sample), pop * pev_coverage, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(mda_sample), pop * mda_coverage, tolerance=.1)
sum(pev_sample & mda_sample),
pop * min(pev_coverage, mda_coverage),
sum(pev_sample | mda_sample),
pop * max(pev_coverage, mda_coverage),
test_that('0 correlation between interventions gives sensible samples when restored', {
pop <- 1e6
target <- seq(pop)
pev_coverage <- .2
mda_coverage <- .2
initial <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev'))
initial$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
restored <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev', 'mda'))
restored$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
restored$inter_round_rho('mda', 1)
restored$inter_intervention_rho('pev', 'mda', 0)
restored$restore_state(0, initial$save_state())
pev_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', pev_coverage, initial)
mda_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'mda', mda_coverage, restored)
expect_equal(sum(pev_sample), pop * pev_coverage, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(mda_sample), pop * mda_coverage, tolerance=.1)
sum(pev_sample & mda_sample),
pop * pev_coverage * mda_coverage,
sum(pev_sample | mda_sample),
pop * (pev_coverage + mda_coverage - (pev_coverage * mda_coverage)),
test_that('-1 correlation between interventions gives sensible samples when restored', {
pop <- 1e6
target <- seq(pop)
pev_coverage <- .2
mda_coverage <- .2
initial <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev'))
initial$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
restored <- CorrelationParameters$new(pop, c('pev', 'mda'))
restored$inter_round_rho('pev', 1)
restored$inter_round_rho('mda', 1)
restored$inter_intervention_rho('pev', 'mda', -1)
restored$restore_state(0, initial$save_state())
pev_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'pev', pev_coverage, initial)
mda_sample <- sample_intervention(target, 'mda', mda_coverage, restored)
expect_equal(sum(pev_sample), pop * pev_coverage, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(mda_sample), pop * mda_coverage, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sum(pev_sample & mda_sample), 0, tolerance=.1)
sum(pev_sample | mda_sample),
pop * (pev_coverage + mda_coverage),
test_that("rcondmvnorm has correct distribution", {
pop <- 1e6
# These are completely arbitrary values. The statistics from the simulated
# sample will get compared back to this.
means <- c(-5, 7, 0, 0.3)
variance <- c(0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 0.2)
correlation <- matrix(0, ncol=4, nrow=4)
correlation[1,2] <- correlation[2,1] <- -0.6
correlation[1,3] <- correlation[3,1] <- 0.4
correlation[1,4] <- correlation[4,1] <- 1
correlation[2,3] <- correlation[3,2] <- 0
correlation[2,4] <- correlation[4,2] <- 0.1
correlation[3,4] <- correlation[4,3] <- 0.5
covariance <- outer(variance, variance) * correlation
diag(covariance) <- variance
# These are indices of variables that get simulated together.
wy.ind <- c(1, 3)
xz.ind <- c(2, 4)
# Simulate from the MVN for a subset of the dimensions. We intentionally pass
# in a subset of the mean and covariance matrices, as the rest of the
# parameters are not needed and may not be known. `dependent.ind` is relative
# to the subsetted mean and covariance, and therefore is set the first two
# indices as opposed to `wy.ind`.
wy <- rcondmvnorm(pop, means[wy.ind], covariance[wy.ind, wy.ind], given=NULL,
dependent.ind=c(1,2), given.ind=NULL)
expect_equal(dim(wy), c(pop, 2))
expect_equal(apply(wy, 2, mean), means[wy.ind], tolerance=0.001)
expect_equal(cov(wy), covariance[wy.ind, wy.ind], tolerance=0.001)
# Now simulate some more, but conditional on the existing values.
# The call to rcondmvnorm needs all the mean and covariance parameters,
# including the ones that have already been simulated.
xz <- rcondmvnorm(pop, means, covariance, given=wy,
dependent.ind=xz.ind, given.ind=wy.ind)
expect_equal(dim(xz), c(pop, 2))
expect_equal(apply(xz, 2, mean), means[xz.ind], tolerance=0.001)
expect_equal(cov(xz), covariance[xz.ind, xz.ind], tolerance=0.001)
# Stitch the variables back together and make sure the covariance across the
# separately simulated values match the expected one.
values <- cbind(wy[,1], xz[,1], wy[,2], xz[,2])
expect_equal(apply(values, 2, mean), means, tolerance=0.001)
expect_equal(cov(values), covariance, tolerance=0.001)
# This would usually be considered an uninteresting edge case, since null
# variance just yields a constant vector. The way we use the function in the
# simulation though, a null variance is actually the default and most common
# case, as it is used where the different rounds of an intervention have no
# correlation.
# We need to make sure the other variables are still correctly simulated.
test_that("rcondmvnorm allows null variance of given variables", {
pop <- 1e6
means <- c(-5, 7, 0)
variance <- c(0.3, 0, 0.9)
correlation <- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=3)
correlation[1,3] <- 0.4
correlation[3,1] <- 0.4
covariance <- outer(variance, variance) * correlation
diag(covariance) <- variance
# These are indices of variables that get simulated together.
y.ind <- 2
xz.ind <- c(1,3)
# Simulate one dimension. Because its variance was null, the result is a
# constant vector.
y <- rcondmvnorm(pop, means, covariance, given=NULL,
dependent.ind=y.ind, given.ind=NULL)
expect_equal(as.vector(y), rep(means[y.ind], pop))
# Simulate the rest. The original dimension has no influence on the result.
xz <- rcondmvnorm(pop, means, covariance, given=y,
dependent.ind=xz.ind, given.ind=y.ind)
xyz <- cbind(xz[,1], y, xz[,2])
expect_equal(apply(xyz, 2, mean), means, tolerance=0.001)
expect_equal(cov(xyz), covariance, tolerance=0.001)
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