##' Control for adaptive proposals, used in [mcstate::pmcmc_control]
##' for deterministic models.
##' Efficient exploration of the parameter space during an MCMC might
##' be difficult when the target distribution is of high
##' dimensionality, especially if the target probability distribution
##' present a high degree of correlation. Adaptive schemes are used
##' to "learn" on the fly the correlation structure by updating the
##' proposal distribution by recalculating the empirical
##' variance-covariance matrix and rescale it at each adaptive step of
##' the MCMC.
##' Our implementation of an adaptive MCMC algorithm is based on an
##' adaptation of the "accelerated shaping" algorithm in Spencer (2021).
##' The algorithm is based on a random-walk Metropolis-Hasting algorithm where
##' the proposal is a multi-variate Normal distribution centered on the current
##' point.
##' Spencer SEF (2021) Accelerating adaptation in the adaptive
##' Metropolis–Hastings random walk algorithm. Australian & New Zealand Journal
##' of Statistics 63:468-484.
##' @title Adaptive proposal control
##' @param initial_vcv_weight Weight of the initial variance-covariance
##' matrix used to build the proposal of the random-walk. Higher
##' values translate into higher confidence of the initial
##' variance-covariance matrix and means that update from additional
##' samples will be slower.
##' @param initial_scaling The initial scaling of the variance
##' covariance matrix to be used to generate the multivariate normal
##' proposal for the random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. To generate
##' the proposal matrix, the weighted variance covariance matrix is
##' multiplied by the scaling parameter squared times 2.38^2 / n_pars (where
##' n_pars is the number of fitted parameters). Thus, in a Gaussian target
##' parameter space, the optimal scaling will be around 1.
##' @param initial_scaling_weight The initial weight used in the scaling update.
##' The scaling weight will increase after the first `pre_diminish`
##' iterations, and as the scaling weight increases the adaptation of the
##' scaling diminishes. If `NULL` (the default) the value is
##' 5 / (acceptance_target * (1 - acceptance_target)).
##' @param min_scaling The minimum scaling of the variance covariance
##' matrix to be used to generate the multivariate normal proposal
##' for the random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
##' @param scaling_increment The scaling increment which is added or
##' subtracted to the scaling factor of the variance-covariance
##' after each adaptive step. If `NULL` (the default) then an optimal
##' value will be calculated.
##' @param log_scaling_update Logical, whether or not changes to the
##' scaling parameter are made on the log-scale.
##' @param acceptance_target The target for the fraction of proposals
##' that should be accepted (optimally) for the adaptive part of the
##' mixture model.
##' @param forget_rate The rate of forgetting early parameter sets from the
##' empirical variance-covariance matrix in the MCMC chains. For example,
##' `forget_rate = 0.2` (the default) means that once in every 5th iterations
##' we remove the earliest parameter set included, so would remove the 1st
##' parameter set on the 5th update, the 2nd on the 10th update, and so
##' on. Setting `forget_rate = 0` means early parameter sets are never
##' forgotten.
##' @param forget_end The final iteration at which early parameter sets can
##' be forgotten. Setting `forget_rate = Inf` (the default) means that the
##' forgetting mechanism continues throughout the chains. Forgetting early
##' parameter sets becomes less useful once the chains have settled into the
##' posterior mode, so this parameter might be set as an estimate of how long
##' that would take.
##' @param adapt_end The final iteration at which we can adapt the multivariate
##' normal proposal. Thereafter the empirical variance-covariance matrix, its
##' scaling and its weight remain fixed. This allows the adaptation to be
##' switched off at a certain point to help ensure convergence of the chain.
##' @param pre_diminish The number of updates before adaptation of the scaling
##' parameter starts to diminish. Setting `pre_diminish = 0` means there is
##' diminishing adaptation of the scaling parameter from the offset, while
##' `pre_diminish = Inf` would mean there is never diminishing adaptation.
##' Diminishing adaptation should help the scaling parameter to converge
##' better, but while the chains find the location and scale of the posterior
##' mode it might be useful to explore with it switched off.
##' @export
adaptive_proposal_control <- function(initial_vcv_weight = 1000,
initial_scaling = 1,
initial_scaling_weight = NULL,
min_scaling = 0,
scaling_increment = NULL,
log_scaling_update = TRUE,
acceptance_target = 0.234,
forget_rate = 0.2,
forget_end = Inf,
adapt_end = Inf,
pre_diminish = 0) {
ret <- list(initial_vcv_weight = initial_vcv_weight,
initial_scaling = initial_scaling,
initial_scaling_weight = initial_scaling_weight,
min_scaling = min_scaling,
scaling_increment = scaling_increment,
log_scaling_update = log_scaling_update,
acceptance_target = acceptance_target,
forget_rate = forget_rate,
forget_end = forget_end,
adapt_end = adapt_end,
pre_diminish = pre_diminish)
class(ret) <- "adaptive_proposal_control"
adaptive_proposal <- R6::R6Class(
public = list(
pars = NULL,
control = NULL,
mean = NULL,
autocorrelation = NULL,
initial_vcv = NULL,
vcv = NULL,
weight = NULL,
iteration = NULL,
included = NULL,
scaling = NULL,
scaling_increment = NULL,
scaling_weight = NULL,
initialize = function(pars, control) {
assert_is(pars, "pmcmc_parameters")
self$pars <- pars
self$control <- control
self$iteration <- 0
self$weight <- 0
self$mean <- pars$mean()
self$initial_vcv <- pars$vcv()
n_pars <- length(self$mean)
self$autocorrelation <-
matrix(0, n_pars, n_pars, dimnames = dimnames(self$initial_vcv))
self$vcv <- update_vcv(self$mean, self$autocorrelation, self$weight)
self$included <- integer()
self$scaling <- control$initial_scaling
self$scaling_increment <- control$scaling_increment %||%
calc_scaling_increment(n_pars, control$acceptance_target,
self$scaling_weight <- control$initial_scaling_weight %||%
5 / (control$acceptance_target * (1 - control$acceptance_target))
propose = function(theta) {
proposal_vcv <-
calc_proposal_vcv(self$scaling, self$vcv, self$weight,
self$initial_vcv, self$control$initial_vcv_weight)
self$pars$propose(theta, vcv = proposal_vcv)
update = function(theta, accept_prob, theta_history, i) {
self$iteration <- self$iteration + 1
if (self$iteration > self$control$adapt_end) {
if (self$iteration > self$control$pre_diminish) {
self$scaling_weight <- self$scaling_weight + 1
is_replacement <- check_replacement(self$iteration, self$control)
if (is_replacement) {
theta_remove <- theta_history[[self$included[1]]]
self$included <- c(self$included[-1L], self$iteration)
} else {
theta_remove <- NULL
self$included <- c(self$included, self$iteration)
self$weight <- self$weight + 1
self$scaling <-
update_scaling(self$scaling, self$scaling_weight, accept_prob,
self$scaling_increment, self$control$min_scaling,
self$autocorrelation <- update_autocorrelation(
theta, self$weight, self$autocorrelation, theta_remove)
self$mean <- update_mean(theta, self$weight, self$mean, theta_remove)
self$vcv <- update_vcv(self$mean, self$autocorrelation, self$weight)
adaptive_proposal_nested <- R6::R6Class(
private = list(
index = NULL
public = list(
pars = NULL,
control = NULL,
mean = NULL,
autocorrelation = NULL,
initial_vcv = NULL,
vcv = NULL,
weight = NULL,
iteration = NULL,
included = NULL,
scaling = NULL,
scaling_increment = NULL,
scaling_weight = NULL,
initialize = function(pars, control) {
assert_is(pars, "pmcmc_parameters_nested")
self$pars <- pars
if (length(control$initial_vcv_weight) == 1) {
control$initial_vcv_weight <-
list(fixed = control$initial_vcv_weight,
varied = control$initial_vcv_weight)
self$control <- control
nms <- pars$names("both")
private$index <- list(fixed = match(pars$names("fixed"), nms),
varied = match(pars$names("varied"), nms))
n_fixed <- length(private$index$fixed)
n_varied <- length(private$index$varied)
n_populations <- length(pars$populations())
self$weight <- list(fixed = 0,
varied = 0)
self$iteration <- list(fixed = 0,
varied = 0)
self$included <- list(fixed = integer(),
varied = integer())
self$mean <- list(fixed = pars$mean("fixed"),
varied = pars$mean("varied"))
self$initial_vcv <- list(fixed = pars$vcv("fixed"),
varied = pars$vcv("varied"))
self$autocorrelation <- list(
fixed = matrix(0, n_fixed, n_fixed,
dimnames = dimnames(self$initial_vcv$fixed)),
varied = lapply(self$initial_vcv$varied,
function(x) {matrix(0, n_varied, n_varied,
dimnames = dimnames(x))}))
self$vcv <- list(
fixed = update_vcv(self$mean$fixed, self$autocorrelation$fixed,
varied = Map(update_vcv, self$mean$varied, self$autocorrelation$varied,
self$scaling <- list(fixed = control$initial_scaling,
varied = rep(control$initial_scaling, n_populations))
self$scaling_increment <- list(
fixed = control$scaling_increment %||%
calc_scaling_increment(n_fixed, control$acceptance_target,
varied = control$scaling_increment %||%
calc_scaling_increment(n_varied, control$acceptance_target,
scaling_weight <- control$initial_scaling_weight %||%
5 / (control$acceptance_target * (1 - control$acceptance_target))
self$scaling_weight <- list(fixed = scaling_weight,
varied = scaling_weight)
propose = function(theta, type) {
if (type == "fixed") {
proposal_vcv <-
calc_proposal_vcv(self$scaling[[type]], self$vcv[[type]],
self$weight[[type]], self$initial_vcv[[type]],
} else if (type == "varied") {
proposal_vcv <-
Map(calc_proposal_vcv, self$scaling[[type]], self$vcv[[type]],
self$weight[[type]], self$initial_vcv[[type]],
self$pars$propose(theta, type, vcv = proposal_vcv)
update = function(theta, type, accept_prob, theta_history, i) {
idx <- private$index[[type]]
if (type == "fixed") {
theta_type <- theta[idx, 1, drop = TRUE]
} else {
theta_type <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(theta)), function(j)
theta[idx, j, drop = TRUE])
self$iteration[[type]] <- self$iteration[[type]] + 1
if (self$iteration[[type]] > self$control$adapt_end) {
if (self$iteration[[type]] > self$control$pre_diminish) {
self$scaling_weight[[type]] <- self$scaling_weight[[type]] + 1
is_replacement <-
check_replacement(self$iteration[[type]], self$control)
if (is_replacement) {
theta_remove <- theta_history[[self$included[[type]][1]]]
if (type == "fixed") {
theta_remove <- theta_remove[idx, 1, drop = TRUE]
} else {
theta_remove <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(theta_remove)), function(j)
theta_remove[idx, j, drop = TRUE])
self$included[[type]] <- c(self$included[[type]][-1L], i)
} else {
if (type == "fixed") {
theta_remove <- NULL
} else {
theta_remove <- rep(list(NULL), length(theta_type))
self$included[[type]] <- c(self$included[[type]], i)
self$weight[[type]] <- self$weight[[type]] + 1
if (type == "fixed") {
self$scaling[[type]] <-
update_scaling(self$scaling[[type]], self$scaling_weight[[type]],
accept_prob, self$scaling_increment[[type]],
self$autocorrelation[[type]] <- update_autocorrelation(
theta_type, self$weight[[type]], self$autocorrelation[[type]],
self$mean[[type]] <- update_mean(
theta_type, self$weight[[type]], self$mean[[type]], theta_remove)
self$vcv[[type]] <- update_vcv(
self$mean[[type]], self$autocorrelation[[type]], self$weight[[type]])
} else if (type == "varied") {
self$scaling[[type]] <-
update_scaling(self$scaling[[type]], self$scaling_weight[[type]],
accept_prob, self$scaling_increment[[type]],
self$autocorrelation[[type]][] <- Map(
update_autocorrelation, theta_type, self$weight[[type]],
self$autocorrelation[[type]], theta_remove)
self$mean[[type]][] <- Map(
update_mean, theta_type, self$weight[[type]], self$mean[[type]],
self$vcv[[type]] <-
Map(update_vcv, self$mean[[type]], self$autocorrelation[[type]],
qp <- function(x) {
outer(x, x)
calc_scaling_increment <- function(n_pars, acceptance_target,
log_scaling_update) {
if (log_scaling_update) {
A <- -qnorm(acceptance_target / 2)
scaling_increment <-
(1 - 1 / n_pars) * (sqrt(2 * pi) * exp(A^2 / 2)) / (2 * A) +
1 / (n_pars * acceptance_target * (1 - acceptance_target))
} else {
scaling_increment <- 1 / 100
calc_proposal_vcv <- function(scaling, vcv, weight, initial_vcv,
initial_vcv_weight) {
n_pars <- nrow(vcv)
if (weight == 0) {
weighted_vcv <- initial_vcv
} else {
weighted_vcv <-
((weight - 1) * vcv + (initial_vcv_weight + n_pars + 1) * initial_vcv) /
(weight + initial_vcv_weight + n_pars + 1)
2.38^2 / n_pars * scaling^2 * weighted_vcv
check_replacement <- function(iteration, control) {
is_forget_step <- floor(control$forget_rate * iteration) >
floor(control$forget_rate * (iteration - 1))
is_before_forget_end <- iteration <= control$forget_end
is_forget_step & is_before_forget_end
update_scaling <- function(scaling, scaling_weight, accept_prob,
scaling_increment, min_scaling,
acceptance_target, log_scaling_update) {
scaling_change <- scaling_increment * (accept_prob - acceptance_target) /
if (log_scaling_update) {
pmax(min_scaling, scaling * exp(scaling_change))
} else {
pmax(min_scaling, scaling + scaling_change)
update_autocorrelation <- function(theta, weight, autocorrelation,
theta_remove) {
if (!is.null(theta_remove)) {
if (weight > 2) {
autocorrelation <-
autocorrelation + 1 / (weight - 1) * (qp(theta) - qp(theta_remove))
} else {
autocorrelation <- autocorrelation + qp(theta) - qp(theta_remove)
} else {
if (weight > 2) {
autocorrelation <-
(1 - 1 / (weight - 1)) * autocorrelation + 1 / (weight - 1) * qp(theta)
} else {
autocorrelation <- autocorrelation + qp(theta)
update_mean <- function(theta, weight, mean, theta_remove) {
if (!is.null(theta_remove)) {
mean <- mean + 1 / weight * (theta - theta_remove)
} else {
mean <- (1 - 1 / weight) * mean + 1 / weight * theta
update_vcv <- function(mean, autocorrelation, weight) {
if (weight > 1) {
vcv <- autocorrelation - weight / (weight - 1) * qp(mean)
} else {
vcv <- 0 * autocorrelation
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