##' Run a SMC^2. This is experimental and subject to change. Use at
##' your own risk.
##' @title Run SMC^2
##' @param pars A [`smc2_parameters`] object containing
##' information about parameters (ranges, priors, proposal kernel,
##' translation functions for use with the particle filter).
##' @param filter A [`particle_filter`] object
##' @param control A [mcstate::smc2_control] object to control the
##' behaviour of the algorithm
##' @return A `smc2_result` object, with elements
##' * `pars`: a matrix of sampled parameters (n_parameter_set long)
##' * `probabilities`: a matrix of probabilities (`log_prior`, `log_likelihood`,
##' `log_posterior` and `weight`). The latter is the log posterior
##' normalised over all samples
##' * `statistics`: interesting or useful statistics about your sample,
##' including the `ess` (effective sample size, over time),
##' `acceptance_rate` (where a regeneration step was done, the acceptance
##' rate), `n_particles`, `n_parameter_sets` and `n_steps` (inputs to
##' the simulation). The `effort` field is a rough calculation of the
##' number of particle-filter runs that this run was worth.
##' @export
##' @example man-roxygen/example-smc2.R
smc2 <- function(pars, filter, control) {
assert_is(pars, "smc2_parameters")
assert_is(filter, "particle_filter")
assert_is(control, "smc2_control")
obj <- smc2_engine$new(pars, filter, control)
smc2_engine <- R6::R6Class(
private = list(
pars = NULL,
filter = NULL,
state = NULL,
n_steps = NULL,
## Monitoring
acceptance_rate = NULL,
ess = NULL,
step_current = 0L,
control = NULL,
tick = NULL
public = list(
initialize = function(pars, filter, control) {
private$pars <- pars
private$filter <- filter
private$control <- control
theta <- pars$sample(control$n_parameter_sets)
log_prior <- pars$prior(theta)
log_likelihood <- rep(0.0, control$n_parameter_sets)
inputs <- filter$inputs()
seed <- dust::dust_rng_distributed_state(inputs$seed,
filters <- vector("list", control$n_parameter_sets)
pars_model <- pars$model(theta)
for (i in seq_len(control$n_parameter_sets)) {
inputs$seed <- seed[[i]]
f <- particle_filter_from_inputs(inputs)
filters[[i]] <- f$run_begin(pars_model[[i]], control$save_trajectories)
private$state <- smc2_state(filters, theta, log_prior, log_likelihood)
private$n_steps <- nrow(inputs$data)
private$acceptance_rate <- rep(NA_real_, private$n_steps)
private$ess <- rep(NA_real_, private$n_steps)
private$tick <- pmcmc_progress(private$n_steps, control$progress)
step = function() {
t <- private$step_current + 1L
step_ll <- vnapply(private$state$filter, function(f) f$step(t, TRUE))
private$state$log_likelihood <- private$state$log_likelihood + step_ll
private$state$log_posterior <- private$state$log_posterior + step_ll
private$state$log_weights <- private$state$log_weights + step_ll
private$state$weights <-
ess <- sum(private$state$weights)^2 / sum(private$state$weights^2)
private$step_current <- t
private$ess[private$step_current] <- ess
ess_crit <- private$control$degeneracy_threshold *
if (ess < ess_crit) {
kernel <- self$vcv() * private$control$covariance_scaling
run = function() {
for (i in seq_len(private$n_steps)) {
vcv = function() {
cov.wt(private$state$pars, wt = private$state$weights)$cov
resample = function() {
## Resample from the parameter sets according to their weights
kappa <- particle_resample(private$state$log_weights)
private$state$pars <- private$state$pars[kappa, ]
private$state$log_prior <- private$state$log_prior[kappa]
private$state$log_likelihood <- private$state$log_likelihood[kappa]
private$state$log_posterior <- private$state$log_posterior[kappa]
## TODO: At this point we need to be ready to update our partial
## runs; after resampling if they've changed. This requires a
## full update of the state, unfortunately. We have to grab
## everything and do this all at once, but once working we can
## do this somewhat more space-efficiently if this causes too
## many problems by updating any index behind the current.
filter_state <- lapply(private$state$filter, function(x)
list(state = x$model$state(),
log_likelihood = x$log_likelihood,
history = x$history))
for (i in seq_along(private$state$filter)) {
s <- filter_state[[i]]
private$state$filter[[i]]$model$update_state(state = s$state)
private$state$filter[[i]]$log_likelihood <- s$log_likelihood
private$state$filter[[i]]$history <- s$history
## This should not really need doing as it will be reset later
## on if this has been called?
private$state$log_weights <- private$state$log_weights[kappa]
propose = function(kernel) {
pars <- private$pars$propose(private$state$pars, kernel)
pars_model <- private$pars$model(pars)
## Calculate log prior for the proposed parameter sets
log_prior <- private$pars$prior(pars)
log_likelihood <- rep(-Inf, length(log_prior))
filter <- vector("list", length(private$state$filter))
## NOTE: This could be done sequentially or concurrently. However,
## as we'll move to getting the particle filter set up to run with
## combinations of parameter sets soonish this is written to support
## that way.
for (i in seq_along(filter)) {
if (is.finite(log_prior[[i]])) {
filter[[i]] <- private$state$filter[[i]]$fork_smc2(pars_model[[i]])
log_likelihood[[i]] <- filter[[i]]$log_likelihood
smc2_state(filter, pars, log_prior, log_likelihood)
update = function(proposed) {
pr <- exp(proposed$log_posterior - private$state$log_posterior)
accept <- runif(length(pr)) < pr
reject <- !accept
if (any(accept)) {
private$state$pars[accept, ] <- proposed$pars[accept, ]
private$state$log_prior[accept] <- proposed$log_prior[accept]
private$state$log_likelihood[accept] <- proposed$log_likelihood[accept]
private$state$log_posterior[accept] <- proposed$log_posterior[accept]
private$state$filter[accept] <- proposed$filter[accept]
private$state$log_weights[] <- 0
private$acceptance_rate[private$step_current] <- mean(accept)
results = function() {
weight <- scale_log_weights(private$state$log_posterior)$weights
probabilities <- cbind(
log_prior = private$state$log_prior,
log_likelihood = private$state$log_likelihood,
log_posterior = private$state$log_posterior,
weight = normalise(weight))
pars <- private$state$pars
## The total number of filter steps we have taken; each time we
## resample we have to catch up *and* run the current set. We'd
## normalise this by dividing by n_steps (total number of full
## runs) and multiplying by n_parameter_sets (number of
## replicates) to get the equivalent number of complete runs of
## the particle filter (and that is roughly equal to the number
## of pmcmc steps)
acc <- private$acceptance_rate
effort <- sum(ifelse(is.na(acc), 1L, seq_along(acc) + 1L)) /
private$n_steps * nrow(pars)
## TODO: Still don't get the trajectories out here
ret <- list(pars = pars,
probabilities = probabilities,
statistics = list(
ess = private$ess,
acceptance_rate = private$acceptance_rate,
n_particles = private$filter$n_particles,
n_parameter_sets = nrow(pars),
n_steps = private$n_steps,
effort = effort))
class(ret) <- "smc2_result"
smc2_state <- function(filter, pars, log_prior, log_likelihood) {
list(filter = filter,
pars = pars,
log_prior = log_prior,
log_likelihood = log_likelihood,
log_posterior = log_prior + log_likelihood,
log_weights = rep(0, length(filter)),
weights = rep(1, length(filter)))
##' @export
predict.smc2_result <- function(object, n = NULL, ...) {
w <- object$probabilities[, "weight"]
i <- sample.int(length(w), n %||% length(w), replace = TRUE, prob = w)
object$pars[i, , drop = FALSE]
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