
#' End Sentence
#' @param string Input string
#' @return `string`, punctuated with a final full stop (period).`
#' @examples {
#' EndSentence("Hello World")
#' # "Hello World."
#' }
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @export
EndSentence <- function (string) {
  ret <- gsub("\\s*\\.?\\s*\\.$", ".", paste0(string, '.'), perl=TRUE)
  ret <- gsub("(\\.[\"'])\\.$", "\\1", ret, perl=TRUE)
  ret <- gsub("([!\\?])\\.$", "\\1", ret, perl=TRUE)

#' Decode MorphoBank text
#' Converts strings from MorphoBank notes into a format compatible with Latex / bookdown
#' @param string String to process
#' @return A string with new lines and punctuation reformatted
#' @export
#' @author Martin R. Smith
MorphoBankDecode <- function (string) {
  string <- gsub("^n", "  \n", string, fixed=TRUE)
  string <- gsub("''", "'", string, fixed=TRUE)
  string <- gsub(" - ", " -- ", string, fixed=TRUE)
  string <- gsub("(\\d)\\-(\\d)", "\\1--\\2", string, perl=TRUE)
  string <- gsub("(\\d) ?um\\b", "\\1 \u{03BC}m", string, perl=TRUE)
  string <- gsub(" [recoded as neomorphic]",
                 " Inapplicable tokens in this neomorphic character have been replaced with the absent token, following @Brazeau2018", string, fixed=TRUE)

  # Return:

#' Print States
#' Prints a summary of the character states for a given character
#' @template statesParam
#' @return Text listing the states, ready for inclusion in a markdown source document
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @export
PrintStates <- function (states) {
  states <- gsub("^'(.*)'$", "\\1", states)
  tokens <- seq_along(states) - 1L
  if (states[1] == "") {
    states <- states[-1]
    tokens <- tokens[-1]
    transformational <- TRUE
  } else {
    transformational <- FALSE
  cat(paste0(" > ", tokens, ": ", states, "  \n"))
  cat("> ", if (transformational) "Transformational" else "Neomorphic", "character.  \n>\n")

#' Print State Notes
#' @param notes Named character vector, with names corresponding to terminal taxa,
#' and values corresponding to character coding notes for each taxon in turn.
#' This matches the format given by `ReadNotes(filename)[[character_number]][[2]]`.`
#' @param taxaNames Character vector specifying names of taxa.
#' @param taxaItalic Character vector corresponding to taxaNames, but using
#' `_`underscores`_` to denote italic text where required.
#' @param charId Character or integer identifying the character, for use in the
#' resultant div's ID attribute.
#' @template FormatParam
#' @return Text listing the character coding notes for each taxon, ready for inclusion in a markdown source document
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @export
#' @examples {
#' \dontrun{
#'   notes <- ReadNotes(filename)
#'   character_1_notes <- notes[[1]]
#'   cat("Character 1")
#'   PrintStateNotes(character_1_notes[[2]])
#'   }
#' }
PrintStateNotes <- function (notes, taxaNames=NULL, taxaItalic=taxaNames,
                             charId=character(0), Format=I) {
  PrintThisNote <- function (note) {
    afflictedTaxa <- names(note)[note]
    if (is.null(taxaNames)) {
      taxaNames <- taxaItalic <- afflictedTaxa
    master <- afflictedTaxa[1]
    cat(paste0("<div class='state-note' id='", master, "-coding-", charId, "'><span class='state-note-taxon'>",
               paste(taxaItalic[taxaNames %in% afflictedTaxa], collapse=', '),
               ":</span> ", Format(notes[master]), "</div>  \n  \n"))

  DuplicateOf <- function (x) {
    duplicates <- duplicated(x)
    masters <- x[!duplicates]
    vapply(masters, function (d) x == d, logical(length(x)))

  if (length(notes) > 0) {
    cat('  \n<div class="state-notes">')
  if (length(notes) == 1) {
    onlyOne <- TRUE
    names(onlyOne) <- names(notes)
  } else {
    notes <- notes[order(names(notes))]
    duplicates <- DuplicateOf(toupper(notes))
    apply(duplicates, 2, PrintThisNote)
  if (length(notes) > 0) {
    cat('</div>  \n  \n')

#' Print Naughty Inapplicables
#' Prints a warning message when an inapplicable token is found in a neomorphic character.
#' @template statesParam
#' @return A warning message for inclusion in a markdown documnet.
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @export
PrintNaughtyInapplicables <- function (states) {
  if (any(states == '-'))
    cat("  \n Oh dear! <mark>**You included the inapplicable token in a neomorphic character!**</mark>",
        "  \n That's unlikely to be a good idea:",
        "  see Brazeau, Smith & Guillerme (2019, Systematic Biology).",
        "  \n Unless you are very sure that you understand the consequences, ",
        "you should mark the character as Transformational by setting State 0 to",
        "`[Transformational character]`, or re-code: \n\n - ",
        paste(names(states[states == '-']), collapse="  \n - "))

#' Link to MorphoBank project
#' @param id Integer corresponding to the project's MorphoBank identifier.
#' A global default can be set using `options(MorphoBankProject=1234)`.
#' @param linkText Text to appear in link, once project is live.
#' @param checkAccess Logical specifying whether to display a notice if the
#'                    project is not yet available to the public.
#' @return `MorphoLink()` returns text providing a link to the project,
#' or if the project is not yet publicly available,
#' a note instructing password holders how to log in.
#' @export
MorphoLink <- function (id = getOption('MorphoBankProject'),
                        linkText = paste('project', id),
                        checkAccess = TRUE) {

  taxaRoot <- "http://morphobank.org/index.php/Projects/Taxa/project_id/"
  linkStatus <- ifelse(checkAccess,
                       attr(curlGetHeaders(paste0(taxaRoot, id), verify = FALSE), 'status'),

  if (linkStatus == 200) {
    paste0('[', linkText, '](https://morphobank.org/permalink/?P', id, ')')
  } else {
    paste("<mark>[This dataset has not yet been released to the public.",
    "If you have been given a password, access the dataset by",
    "[logging in to MorphoBank](https://morphobank.org/index.php/LoginReg/form)",
    "using the project ID `", id,
    "` as your e-mail address, and the password you have been given.]</mark>")

#' Print character heading
#' Prints a character heading using markdown syntax at an appropriate level in
#' the hierarchy.
#' @param char Character string specifying the definition of the character
#' @param charNo Character string identifying the character's number
#' @param prevElements,thisElements,nextElements Character description,
#' decomposed into its constituent hierarchichal elements
#' @param forceDisplay Character vector specifying character descriptions to always
#' print as a header when an exact match is encountered.
#' @template FormatParam
#' @return A heading for the character in markdown format
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @export
#' @examples {
#'   PrintCharacterHeading("Tail: Colour", 1, "NONE",
#'   c("Tail", "Colour"), c("Tail", "Colour", "Patterning"))
#' }
PrintCharacterHeading <- function (char, charNo, prevElements='*NONE*',
                                   thisElements=strsplit(char, ": ")[[1]],
                                   forceDisplay = character(0),
                                   Format = I) {
  thisDepth <- length(thisElements)
  nextDepth <- length(nextElements)

  Header <- function (level, content) paste0("  \n", paste0(rep('#', level), collapse=''), " ", content, "  \n")
  PrintDivision <- function (parts) cat(Header(2L, paste(
    Format(thisElements[1:parts]), collapse=': ')))
  PrintCharacter <- function () {
    cat(Header(3L, paste0("[", charNo, "] ", paste0(Format(
      thisElements[if(thisDepth < 4) thisDepth else 3:thisDepth]),
      collapse=': '), " {-}")))
  PrintSoloCharacter <- function () {
    cat(Header(2L, paste0(paste(
      Format(thisElements), collapse=': ')," [", charNo, "] ")))

  if ( # Reasons to print a heading
    (char %in% forceDisplay ||
     thisElements[1] != prevElements[1])
  ) {
    if ( # Reasons to print a Solo character
      (thisElements[1] != nextElements[1] &&
       thisElements[1] != prevElements[1]) ||
      (thisDepth == 2L && nextDepth > 1L &&
       prevElements[1] == thisElements[1] &&
       nextElements[1] == thisElements[1]) ||
      (thisDepth == 1L && nextDepth > 1L &&
       nextElements[1] == thisElements[1])
    ) {
    else if ( # Reasons to print a top-level heading
      thisDepth == 1L ||
      (nextDepth > 1L && (thisElements[2] != nextElements[2]))
    ) {
    } else {
  } else { # Just print the character
ms609/MorphoBank documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:04 p.m.