
origPar <- par()

data("bullseyeMorphScores", package = 'TreeDistData')
data("bullMoDiScores", package = 'TreeDistData')
data("tdMethods", package = 'TreeDistData')
data("tdAbbrevs", package = 'TreeDistData')

lwd <- 1L
semitransparency <- '44'

SpearmanRho <- function (y) {
  x <- seq_along(y)
  r <- length(y)
  d <- sum((x - rank(y)) ^ 2)
  # Return:
  rho <- 1 - (6 * d / (r * (r ^ 2 - 1)))
  # CI calculation:
  # 1.06 from 10.1093/biomet/64.3.645
  # ci <- tanh(atanh(rho) + (c(upper = 1, lower = -1) * 1.06 / sqrt(r-3)))
  # c(rho = rho, ci)

Spear <- function (scoreList) {
  vapply(scoreList, function (allScores) {
    allScores[, c('mast', 'masti'), ] <- -allScores[, c('mast', 'masti'), ]
      rhos <- apply(allScores, 3L, function (scores) {
        apply(scores, 2, SpearmanRho)
      rbind(mean = rowMeans(rhos),
            'Std. Err.' = apply(rhos, 1, sd) / sqrt(dim(rhos)[2]))
    matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = dim(scoreList[[1]])[2]))
# Note the surprising performance of rf

Successes <- function (scores, gap) {
  rowSums(scores[(10 - gap):1, ] < scores[10:(gap + 1), ])

BinomCI <- function (scores, nScores, gap) {
  vapply(Successes(scores, gap),
         binom::binom.lrt, n = nScores,

MethodLines <- function (method, allScores, gap = 1L,
                         nScores = dim(allScores)[3]) {
  if (! {
    ci <- BinomCI(allScores[, method, ], nScores = nScores, gap = gap)
    datasets <- as.integer(colnames(ci))
    lines(datasets, as.double(ci['mean', ]),
          lwd = lwd, lty = 1, col = TreeDistCol(method))

    pointOrder <- seq_along(datasets)
    polygon(datasets[c(pointOrder, rev(pointOrder))],
            c(ci['upper', ], rev(ci['lower', ])),
            col = paste0(TreeDistCol(method), semitransparency), border = NA)

MethodLegend <- function (methods) {
  legend('topleft', rep('', length(methods)), col = TreeDistCol(methods, 88),
         lwd = 4, lty = 1, bty='n')
  legend('topleft', tdAbbrevs[methods], col = TreeDistCol(methods),
         lwd = lwd, lty = 1, bty='n')

PlotRanks <- function (scoreList, methods, plotTitle = '', yLab = "Spearman's rho") {
  rhos <- Spear(scoreList)
  tipCounts <- dimnames(rhos)[[3]]
  nTip <- as.integer(substr(tipCounts, 0, nchar(tipCounts) - 7L))
  plot(0, 0, type = 'n', xlim = range(nTip), ylim = c(0.3, 1),
       xlab = if(plotTitle == '') 'Number of leaves' else '',
       ylab = yLab, axes = FALSE)
  title(plotTitle, font.main = 1, line = 1)
  axis(1, c(5, 10, 20, 50))

  lapply(methods, function (method) {
    if (! {
      rhoMeans <- rhos['mean', method, ]
      rhoSE <- rhos['Std. Err.', method, ]
      lines(nTip, rhoMeans,
            lwd = lwd,
            col = TreeDistCol(method))
      polygon(c(nTip, rev(nTip)),
              c(rhoMeans + rhoSE, rev(rhoMeans - rhoSE)),
              col = paste0(TreeDistCol(method), semitransparency),
              border = NA

YLabel <- function (lastLegend) {
  ifelse(lastLegend %% 5, '', 'Success rate')

RowTitle <- function (words, font = 2, cex = 1) {
  oPar <- par(mar = rep(0, 4), cex = cex)
  plot(0, 0, type='n', axes=FALSE, xlab='', ylab=NA)
  text(0, 0, words, font = font)


PlotFunc <- function() {
  layout(matrix(c(rep(1, 5), t(cbind(matrix(2:9, 2), c(19, 21))),
                  rep(10, 5), t(cbind(matrix(11:18, 2), c(20, 22)))),
                byrow = T, nrow = 6),
         heights = c(1, 6, 7, 1, 6, 7))
  marTop <- c(1, 2.5, 1.5, 0)
  marBtm <- c(3, 2.5, 1.5, 0)
  par(mar = marTop,
      oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0.3), xpd = NA,
      mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0))
  lastLegend <- 0

  RowTitle('Subsampling experiment')
  gap <- 2L
  firstMethods <- c('cid', 'pid', 'msid', 
                    'qd', 'icrf',
                    'jnc2', 'jco4', 'nye', 'rf')
  # NB: All NNI estimates plot very close together.
  #     MAST * MASTI are indistinguishable
    secondMethods <- c('cid', 'ms', 'path', 'kc', 'es', 'mast',
                       'tbr_u', 'tbr_l', 'spr', 'nni_l')
  notPlotted <- colnames(bullseyeMorphScores[[1]])[
    !colnames(bullseyeMorphScores[[1]]) %in% c(firstMethods, secondMethods)]
  for (nTip in names(bullseyeMorphScores)) {
    par(mar = marTop)
    plot(0, 0, type='n', xlim = c((1L + gap) * 200, 2000), ylim = c(0, 1),
         axes = FALSE,
         xlab = '',
         #xlab = 'Size of larger dataset (bp)',
         ylab = YLabel(lastLegend))
    title(paste0('(', letters[lastLegend <- lastLegend + 1L], ') ', nTip),
          font.main = 1, line = 1)

    allScores <- bullseyeMorphScores[[nTip]]
    allScores[, c('mast', 'masti'), ] <- -allScores[, c('mast', 'masti'), ]
    lapply(firstMethods, MethodLines, allScores = allScores, gap = gap) -> XX
    if (nTip == '5 leaves') MethodLegend(firstMethods)
    if (nTip == '10 leaves') legend('topleft', c('Mean', 'Std. Err.'),
                                 col=paste0('#000000', c('', semitransparency)),
                                 lwd = c(1, 4), lty = 1, bty='n', inset=c(0, 0))

    par(mar = marBtm)
    plot(0, 0, type='n', xlim = c((1L + gap) * 200, 2000), ylim = c(0, 1),
         axes = FALSE,
         xlab = 'Size of larger dataset (bp)',
         ylab = YLabel(lastLegend - 1L))
    lapply(secondMethods, MethodLines, allScores = allScores, gap = gap) -> XX
    if (nTip == '5 leaves') MethodLegend(secondMethods)


  lastLegend <- lastLegend + 1L # For Accuracy panels

  RowTitle('Miscoding experiment')
  gap <- 1L
  for (nTip in names(bullMoDiScores)) {
    par(mar = marTop)
    plot(0, 0, type = 'n',
         xlim = c(as.integer(rownames(bullMoDiScores[[1]])[10 - gap]), 0),
         #xlab = '% errors in better dataset',
         xlab = '',
         axes = FALSE,
         ylim = c(0, 1), ylab = YLabel(lastLegend))
    title(paste0('(', letters[lastLegend <- lastLegend + 1L], ') ', nTip),
          font.main = 1, line = 1)

    allScores <- bullMoDiScores[[nTip]]
    allScores[, c('mast', 'masti'), ] <- -allScores[, c('mast', 'masti'), ]
    lapply(firstMethods, MethodLines, allScores = allScores, gap = gap) -> XX

    par(mar = marBtm)
    plot(0, 0, type = 'n',
         xlim = c(as.integer(rownames(bullMoDiScores[[1]])[10 - gap]), 0),
         xlab = '% errors in better dataset',
         axes = FALSE,
         ylim = c(0, 1), ylab = YLabel(lastLegend - 1L))
    lapply(secondMethods, MethodLines, allScores = allScores, gap = gap) -> XX


  #RowTitle('Accuracy of ranking')
  #RowTitle('(e) Subsampling experiment', 0, 0.8)
  #RowTitle('(j) Miscoding experiment', 0, 0.8)

  #marTop <- c(1, 2.5, 1.5, 0)
  par(mar =  c(1, 4.5, 1.5, 0))
  PlotRanks(bullseyeMorphScores, firstMethods, '(e) Ranking accuracy   .')
  PlotRanks(bullMoDiScores, firstMethods, '(j) Ranking accuracy   .')
  #marBtm <- c(3, 2.5, 1.5, 0)
  par(mar =  c(3, 4.5, 1.5, 0))
  PlotRanks(bullseyeMorphScores, secondMethods, '')
  PlotRanks(bullMoDiScores, secondMethods, '')


Figure 3. Results of 'bullseye' test. (a–d), success rate for each tree distance metric when comparing pairs of datasets differing in size by 400 base pairs; (f–i), success rates when comparing pairs of datasets differing by 2% in proportion of erroneous tokens; (e, j), accuracy of each method in ranking trees inferred from progressively degraded datasets according to the degree of dataset degradation.


bA <- bullseyeMorphScores[['50 leaves']]['1400', , ]
bB <- bullseyeMorphScores[['50 leaves']]['1000', , ]
bC <- bullMoDiScores[['50 leaves']]['4', , ]
bD <- bullMoDiScores[['50 leaves']]['8', , ]
invert <- c('mast', 'masti')
bA[invert, ] <- -bA[invert, ]
bB[invert, ] <- -bB[invert, ]
bC[invert, ] <- -bC[invert, ]
bD[invert, ] <- -bD[invert, ]
ret <- cbind(subsampling50 = rowSums(bA < bB),
             miscoding50 = rowSums(bC < bD),
             subsamplingAccuracy = round(Spear(bullseyeMorphScores)['mean', , '50 leaves'], 3),
             miscodingAccuracy = round(Spear(bullMoDiScores)['mean', , '50 leaves'], 3)
# nni_t contains NAs, which are not ignored, so values are misleading
ret <- ret[!rownames(ret) %in% 'nni_t', ] 

dimnames(ret) <- list(tdMdAbbrevs[rownames(ret)], 
                      c("Subsampling: Success rate (50\U00A0leaves)",
                        "Miscoding: Success rate (50\U00A0leaves)",
                        "Subsampling: Accuracy (\U03C1)",
                        "Miscoding: Accuracy (\U03C1)"))
.TDDTable(DT::datatable, ret)

ms609/TreeDistData documentation built on June 30, 2024, 7:21 p.m.