
#' Bullseye test results
#' Implementation and results of a 'Bullseye' test, after that proposed by
#' Kuhner and Yamato (2015).
#' @format
#' `bullseyeTrees` is a list with four elements, named `5 leaves`, `10 leaves`,
#' `20 leaves` and `50 leaves`.
#' Each element contains 1\ifelse{html}{ }{,}000 trees with _n_ leaves, randomly sampled
#' (note: *not* from the uniform distribution) using [`ape::rtree()`].
#' The `bullseyeMorph` prefix refers to the 'subsampling' experiment
#' described by Smith (2020); the `bullMoDi` prefix refers to the
#' 'miscoding' experiment.
#' `bull...Inferred` is a list with four elements, named as in `bullseyeTrees`.
#' Each element contains 1\ifelse{html}{ }{,}000 sub-elements.
#' Each sub-element is a list of
#' ten trees, which have been inferred from progressively more degraded datasets,
#' originally simulated from the corresponding tree in `bullseyeTrees`.
#' `bull...Scores` is a list with four elements, named as in `bullseyeTrees`.
#' Each element contains a three dimensional array, in which the first dimension
#' corresponds to the progressive degrees of degradation, labelled according to
#' the number of characters present or the percentage of tokens switched;
#' the second dimension is named with an abbreviation of the tree similarity /
#' distance metric used to score the trees (see 'Methods tested' below),
#' and the third dimension contains 1\ifelse{html}{ }{,}000
#' entries corresponding to the trees in `bullseyeTrees`.
#' Each cell contains the distance between the inferred tree and the generative
#' tree under the stated tree distance metric.
#' @templateVar vignette 07-bullseye
#' @template seeVignette
#' @templateVar nni_t TRUE
#' @template methodsTested
#' @template dataRaw
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Kuhner2015}{TreeDistData}
#' @template methodRefs
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @name bullseye

#' @rdname bullseye
#' @rdname bullseye
#' @rdname bullseye
#' @rdname bullseye
#' @rdname bullseye

#' Distances between random pairs of trees
#' `distanceDistribution25(/50)` are two-dimensional matrices listing the
#' normalized distances between random pairs of bifurcating trees with 25 and
#' 50 leaves drawn from the uniform distribution using
#' [`TreeTools::RandomTree()`] (data object [`randomTreePairs25`]`(/50)`).
#' `pectinateDistances11` reports distances between a pectinate 11-leaf tree
#' and 100\ifelse{html}{ }{,}000 random binary trees.
#' @format
#' Objects of class `matrix` (inherits from `array`) with
#' `r dim(distanceDistribution25)[1]` rows, each corresponding
#' to a tree distance method and is named with its abbreviation
#' (listed in 'Methods tested' below), and
#' 10\ifelse{html}{ }{,}000 (`distanceDistribution25/50`)
#' or 100\ifelse{html}{ }{,}000 (`pectinateDistances11`)
#' columns, listing the calculated distances between each pair of trees.
#' @templateVar nni_t TRUE
#' @template allDistMethods
#' @details
#' # Methods tested
#' - `mafi` (`pectinateDistances11` only): information content of the
#' maximum agreement forest (Smith 2020).
#' @template dataRaw
#' @template methodRefs
#' @seealso Tree pairs between which distances were calculated are available
#' in data objects [`randomTreePairs25`] and [`randomTreePairs50`].
#' @name distanceDistributions
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' @rdname distanceDistributions
#' @rdname distanceDistributions
#' @rdname distanceDistributions

#' Evaluating tree distance metrics by cluster recovery
#' An effective measure of tree distance will recover clusters of similar
#' trees.  These datasets contain the results of tests modelled on those
#' in Lin _et al._ (2012).
#' I used three approaches to generate clusters of similar trees, and tested
#' each metric in its ability to recover these clusters (Lin _et al._, 2012).
#' For the first test, I generated 500 datasets of 100 binary trees with
#' _n_ = 40 leaves.
#' Each set of trees was created by randomly selecting two _k_-leaf
#' 'skeleton' trees, where _k_ ranges from 0.3 _n_ to 0.9 _n_.
#' From each skeleton, 50 trees were generated by adding each of the remaining
#' _n_ - _k_ leaves in turn at a uniformly selected point on the tree.
#' For the second and third test, each dataset was constructed by selecting at
#' random two binary 40-leaf trees.
#' From each starting tree, I generated 50 binary trees by conducting _k_
#' leaf-label interchange (LLI) operations (test two) or _k_ subtree prune and
#' regraft (SPR) operations (test three) on the starting tree.
#' An LLI operation swaps the positions of two randomly selected leaves,
#' without affecting tree shape; an SPR operation moves a subtree to a new
#' location within the tree.
#' For each dataset, I calculated the distance between each pair of trees.
#' Trees where then partitioned into clusters using five methods,
#' using the packages \pkg{stats} and \pkg{cluster}.
#' I define the success rate of each distance measure as the proportion of
#' datasets in which every tree generated from the same skeleton was placed
#' in the same cluster.
#' @format A three-dimensional array.
#' Rows correspond to the clustering methods:
#' - `spc`: spectral clustering
#' - `pam`: partitioning around medioids
#' - `h...`: hierarchical clustering using:
#'  `h.cmp`, complete;
#'  `h.sng`, single; and
#'  `h.avg`, average linkage.
#' Columns correspond to distance metrics; see 'Methods tested' below.
#' Slices correspond to values of _k_:
#' - `linTestOneResults`: _k_ = 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
#' - `linTestTwoResults`: _k_ = 10, 20, 30, 40
#' - `linTestSPRResults`: _k_ = 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
#' @templateVar vignette 06-lin-cluster-recovery
#' @template seeVignette
#' @templateVar nni_t FALSE
#' @template methodsTested
#' @template dataRaw
#' @template methodRefs
#' @references \insertRef{Lin2012}{TreeDistData}
#' @name linTests

#' @rdname linTests
#' @rdname linTests
#' @rdname linTests

#' Mean distances between random pairs of trees
#' A three-dimensional array listing the distances between
#' 1\ifelse{html}{ }{,}000
#' random pairs of trees drawn from the uniform distribution using
#' `RandomTree(nTip, root = TRUE)`.
#' Distances were calculated using [`AllDists()`]; see the documentation at
#' there for details of methods and their normalization.
#' Rows are named with abbreviations of the tree comparison metrics tested
#' (see 'Methods tested' below).
#' Columns list the summary statistics of calculated tree distances: the
#' minimum (`min`),
#' 1%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50% (i.e. median), 75%, 90%, 95%, 99% percentiles,
#' maximum (`max`), mean (`mean`) and standard deviation (`sd`).
#' The third dimension lists the number of leaves in the trees compared.
#' @templateVar vignette 09-expected-similarity
#' @template seeVignette
#' @template dataRaw
#' @templateVar nni_t FALSE
#' @template allDistMethods
#' @template methodRefs
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' Pairs of random trees
#' Lists of 10\ifelse{html}{ }{,}000 pairs of binary trees
#' drawn from the uniform distribution using [`TreeTools::RandomTree()`].
#' @seealso
#' The distances between these pairs of trees are recorded in
#' the data objects [`distanceDistribution25`] and  [`distanceDistribution50`].
#' Corrrelation of these distances with differences in tree balance,
#' measured using the total cophenetic index (Mir _et al._ 2013),
#' are recorded in [`balance25`] and [`balance25`].
#' @template dataRaw
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Mir2013}{TreeTools}
#' @name randomTreePairs
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' @rdname randomTreePairs
#' @rdname randomTreePairs

#' Correlation between tree distances and tree balance
#' The balance of each tree in the lists [`distanceDistribution25`] and
#' [`distanceDistribution50`] was quantified using the total cophenetic
#' index (Mir _et al._ 2013).
#' The difference in balance for each pair of trees was then correlated with
#' the distance between those trees, and the r² value recorded.
#' @template dataRaw
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Mir2013}{TreeTools}
#' @name treeBalance
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' @rdname treeBalance
#' @rdname treeBalance

#' Distances between unrooted seven-leaf trees
#' Distances between each possible pairing of the 945 unrooted seven-leaf trees
#' (equivalent to rooted 6-leaf trees).  Following Kendall and Colijn (2016).
#' Each list entry is named with the abbreviation of the corresponding tree
#' distance method (see 'Methods tested' below).
#' Each item in the list contains a 945×945 matrix reporting the distance
#' between each pair of seven-leaf trees.  The first 630 trees are pectinate
#' (tree shape 0), the final 315 are balanced (tree shape 1).
#' @templateVar nni_t TRUE
#' @template allDistMethods
#' @examples
#' library('TreeTools', quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' # Pectinate unrooted tree shape:
#' plot(UnrootedTreeWithShape(0, 7))
#' # Balanced unrooted tree shape:
#' plot(UnrootedTreeWithShape(1, 7))
#' @template dataRaw
#' @template methodRefs
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' Shape effect
#' Results of tests exploring the influence of tree shape on reconstructed
#' tree distances.
#' For each of the four binary unrooted tree shapes on eight leaves, I labelled
#' leaves at random until I had generated 100 distinct trees.
#' I measured the distance from each tree to each of the other 399 trees.
#' @templateVar vignette 05-tree-shape
#' @template seeVignette
#' @format A list of length `r length(shapeEffect)`.
#' Each entry of the list is named according to the abbreviation of the
#' corresponding method (see 'Methods tested' below).
#' Each entry is itself a list of ten elements.  Each element contains a numeric
#' vector listing the distances between each pair of trees with shape _x_ and
#' shape _y_, where:
#' `x = 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4`
#' and
#' `y = 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4`.
#' As trees are not compared with themselves (to avoid zero distances), elements
#' where _x_ = _y_ contain 4\ifelse{html}{ }{,}950 distances,
#' whereas other elements contain 5\ifelse{html}{ }{,}050
#' distances.
#' @templateVar nni_t TRUE
#' @template methodsTested
#' @template methodRefs
#' @template dataRaw
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' Tree distance and SPR moves
#' Datasets testing whether separating trees by increasingly many moves
#' results in a corresponding increase in their distance.
#' I generated a chain of 100 50-leaf trees, starting from a pectinate tree
#' and deriving each tree in turn by performing an SPR operation on the previous
#' tree.
#' A consistent measure of tree similarity should correlate with the number of
#' SPR operations separating a pair of trees in this chain.
#' This said, because one SPR operation may counteract some of the difference
#' introduced by a previous one, perfect correlation is unlikely.
#' @format A list of length 21.
#' Each entry is named according to the corresponding tree distance method; see
#' 'Methods tested' below.
#' Each member of the list is a 100 × 100 matrix listing the distance
#' between each pair of trees in the SPR chain (see 'Details'),
#' numbered from 1 to 100.
#' @templateVar vignette 08-spr-walking
#' @template seeVignette
#' @templateVar nni_t TRUE
#' @template methodsTested
#' @template methodRefs
#' @template dataRaw
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' Method parameters
#' Metadata for methods examined in this package.
#' `tdAbbrevs` lists abbreviations for each method, using expressions to allow
#' formatting of text when plotted.
#' `tdPlotSequence` lists the 20 methods discussed in the main article,
#' in the sequence in which they are plotted in figures.
#' `tdMdAbbrevs` uses markdown formatting.
#' `tdBoxAbbrevs` uses line breaks to fit abbreviations in an approximately
#' square bounding box.
#' `tdCol` provides each method with a suitable plotting colour.
#' `TDFunctions` lists for each method a function that will calculate the
#' distance between two trees or lists of trees.
#' `TDPair` lists for each method a function to calculate the distance
#' between one tree (`tr`) and another tree (`ref`).
#' @template dataRaw
#' @name TreeDistMethods

#' @rdname TreeDistMethods

#' @rdname TreeDistMethods

#' @rdname TreeDistMethods

#' @rdname TreeDistMethods

#' @rdname TreeDistMethods

#' @rdname TreeDistMethods

#' @rdname TreeDistMethods

#' @rdname TreeDistMethods
ms609/TreeDistData documentation built on June 30, 2024, 7:21 p.m.