
Defines functions empOPW

Documented in empOPW

#' @title Perform Empirical Optimal P-value Weighting
#' @description A function to perform weighted p-value multiple hypothesis test.
#' This function compute the ranks probability of the test statistics by the filter
#' statistics given the effect sizes, and consequently the weights if neighter
#' the weights nor the probabilities are given. Then provides the number of rejected null
#' hypothesis and the list of the rejected pvalues as well as the corresponing
#' filter statistics.
#' @param pvalue a vector of pvalues of the test statistics
#' @param filter a vector of filter statistics
#' @param weight optional weight vector not required
#' @param ranksProb ranks probabilities of the test-groups by the filters given
#' the mean effect. Note that, for each group of tests ranks probbaility would
#' be the same.
#' @param mean_testEffect mean test effect of the true alterantives
#' @param alpha significance level of the hypothesis test
#' @param tail right-tailed or two-tailed hypothesis test. default is right-tailed test.
#' @param delInterval interval between the \code{delta} values of a sequence.
#' Note that, \code{delta} is a LaGrange multiplier, necessary to normalize the weight
#' @param group Integer, number of groups. Default is NULL. If one wants to use
#' a fixed number of group then should use max.group = NULL
#' @param max.group maximum number of groups to be used to split the p-values,
#' default is five. Note that, it is better to keep approximately 1000 p-values
#' per group.
#' @param h_breaks number of breaks to be used for the histogram, default is 71
#' @param effectType type of effect sizes; c("continuous", "binary")
#' @param method type of methods is used to obtain the results; c("BH", "BON"),
#' Benjemini-Hochberg or Bonferroni
#' @param ... Arguments passed to internal functions
#' @details If one wants to test \deqn{H_0: epsilon_i = 0 vs. H_a: epsilon_i > 0,}
#' then the \code{mean_testEffect}  and \code{mean_filterEffect} should be mean
#' of the test and filter effect sizes, respectively. This is called hypothesis
#' testing for the continuous effect sizes.\cr
#' If one wants to test \deqn{H_0: epsilon_i = 0 vs. H_a: epsilon_i = epsilon,}
#' then \code{mean_testEffect} and \code{mean_filterEffect} should be median or
#' any discrete value of the test and filter effect sizes. This is called hypothesis
#' testing for the Binary effect sizes, where \code{epsilon} refers to a fixed value.\cr
#' The main goal of the function is to compute the probabilities of the ranks from
#' the pvalues ranked by the filter statistics, consequently the weights.
#' Although \code{weights} \code{ranksProb} are optional, \code{empOPW} has the
#' options so that one can compute the probabilities and the weights externally
#' if necessary (see the examples).\cr
#' Internally, \code{empOPW} function compute the \code{ranksProb} and consequently
#' the weights, then uses the p-values to make conclusions about hypotheses.
#' Although \code{ranksProb} is not required to the function,
#' One can compute \code{ranksProb} empirically by using the function
#' \code{\link{prob_rank_givenEffect_emp}}.\cr
#' The function internally compute \code{mean_testEffect} from the test statistics,
#' which is obtainde from the p-values.\cr
#' It is better to see different combinations of groups and h_breaks to optimize
#' the rejections. The number of p-values per group could be approximately 1000.\cr
#' One must need to provide either the number of groups or the maximum number of
#' groups. If both or only the max.group is given then the max.group will be used
#' to obatian the optimal group;otherwise, the number of groups will be determined
#' by the group.
#' @author Mohamad S. Hasan
#' @export
#' @import tibble tibble
#' @import limma propTrueNull
#' @seealso \code{\link{prob_rank_givenEffect_emp}} \code{\link{weight_binary}}
#' \code{\link{weight_continuous}}
#' @return \code{totalTests} total number of hypothesis tests evaluated
#' @return \code{nullProp} estimated propotion of the true null hypothesis
#' @return \code{opGroup} Integer, optimal number of groups
#' @return \code{ranksProb} probability of the ranks given the mean filter effect,
#' p(rank | ey = mean_filterEffect)
#' @return \code{group_wgt} Numeric vector of group weights (normalized)
#' @return \code{weight} Numeric vector of normalized weight for all tests
#' @return \code{rejections} total number of rejections
#' @return \code{rejections_list} list of rejected pvalues and the corresponding
#' filter statistics
#' @examples
#' library(OPWeight)
#' # generate pvalues and filter statistics
#' m = 10000
#' set.seed(123)
#' filters = runif(m, min = 0, max = 2.5)          # filter statistics
#' H = rbinom(m, size = 1, prob = 0.1)             # hypothesis true or false
#' tests = rnorm(m, mean = H * filters)            # Z-score
#' pvals = 1 - pnorm(tests)                        # pvalue
#' # general use
#' results <- empOPW(pvalue = pvals, filter = filters, effectType = "continuous",
#'                                               method = "BH")
#' # supply the mean test effect externally
#' library(qvalue)
#' nullProp = qvalue(p = pvals, pi0.method = "bootstrap")$pi0
#' m0 = ceiling(nullProp*m)
#' m1 = m - m0
#' et = mean(sort(tests, decreasing = TRUE)[1:m1])
#' results2 <- empOPW(pvalue = pvals, filter = filters, mean_testEffect = et,
#'                tail = 2, effectType = "continuous", method = "BH")
#' # supply the ranks probability externally
#' grp = 5
#' probs = prob_rank_givenEffect_emp(pvalue = pvals, filter = filters, group = grp,
#'                                h_breaks = 101, effectType = "continuous")
#' results3 <- empOPW(pvalue = pvals, filter = filters, ranksProb = probs,
#'                  effectType = "continuous", tail = 2, method = "BH")
#' # supply weight externally
#' wgt <- weight_continuous(alpha = .05, et = et, m = grp, ranksProb = probs)
#' results4 <- empOPW(pvalue = pvals, filter = filters, weight = wgt,
#'                         effectType = "continuous", alpha = .05, method = "BH")
# # function to apply empOPW methods on data
# internal parameters:-----
# m = number of hypothesis test
# nullProp = proportion of true null hypothesis
# m0 =  number of the true null tests
# m1 = number of the true alternative tests
# test =  compute test statistics from the pvalues if not given
# test_effect_vec = estiamted number of the true alternaitve test statistics
# mean_testEffect = mean test effect sizes of the true alternaive hypotheis
# grp =  number of groups
# ranksProb = probailities of the ranks given the mean effect size
# wgt = weights
# Data = create a data set
# OD = odered by covariate
# odered.pvalues = odered pvalues for all tests
# padj = adjusted pvalues for FDR uses

empOPW <- function(pvalue, filter, weight = NULL, ranksProb = NULL,
                   mean_testEffect = NULL, alpha = .05, tail = 1L,
                   delInterval = .001, group = NULL, max.group = 5L,
                   h_breaks = 71L, effectType = c("continuous", "binary"),
                   method = c("BH", "BON"), ... )
    # formulate a data set-------------
    Data = tibble(pvalue, filter)
    data_omit_na <- Data[which(!is.na(Data$pvalue)),]
    OD <- data_omit_na[order(data_omit_na$filter, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    OD_pvalue <- OD$pvalue

    # compute the number of tests------------
    message("estimate the number of true null hypothesis")
    m = length(OD_pvalue)
    nullProp = propTrueNull(p = OD_pvalue, method = "hist")
    m0 = ceiling(nullProp*m)
    m1 = m - m0

    #check whether weight is provided------------
        wgt <- weight
    } else {

        # estimate the mean test effect size-------------
            mean_testEffect <- mean_testEffect
        } else {

            # compute test statistics from the pvalues---------
            test <- qnorm(pvalue/tail, lower.tail = FALSE)
            test[which(!is.finite(test))] <- NA

            # estimate the true alterantive test effect sizes----------------
            if(m1 == 0){
                test_effect_vec <- 0
            } else {
                test_effect_vec <-  sort(test, decreasing = TRUE)[1:m1]

            # compute mean test effect----------
            if(effectType == "continuous"){
                mean_testEffect <- mean(test_effect_vec, na.rm = TRUE)
            } else {
                mean_testEffect <- median(test_effect_vec, na.rm = TRUE)

        # finding group-----------
        message("finding optimal number of groups")
        if(is.null(group) & is.null(max.group)){

            stop("either group or max.group must be provided")

        } else if(!is.null(group) & is.null(max.group)){

            grp <- group

        } else {

            # find optimal number of groups ----------
            if(max.group <= 10){
                grp_seq <- seq(5, max.group, 1)
            } else if(max.group <= 30) {
                grp_seq <- seq(5, max.group, 2)
            } else {
                grp_seq <- round(seq(5, max.group, 5))

            op_grp <- sapply(grp_seq, optimal_group, pvalue = OD$pvalue,
                        filter = OD$filter, h_breaks = h_breaks, m = m, m1 = m1,
                        alpha = alpha, mean_testEffect = mean_testEffect,
                        effectType = effectType, method = method)

            grp <- op_grp[[1, which.max(op_grp[2,])]]

        message("computing ranks probabilities")
        # compute the ranks probability of the tests given the mean effect
        ranksProb <- prob_rank_givenEffect_emp(pvalue = pvalue, filter = filter,
                    group = grp, h_breaks = h_breaks, effectType = effectType)

        message("computing weights")
        if(effectType == "continuous"){
            wgt = weight_continuous(alpha = alpha, et = mean_testEffect,
                                    m = grp, ranksProb = ranksProb)
        } else {
            wgt = weight_binary(alpha = alpha, et = mean_testEffect, m = grp,
                                m1 = m1/m*grp, ranksProb = ranksProb)

    grpSize <- ceiling(m/grp)
    wgt_all = rep(wgt, each = grpSize)[1:m]

    message("comparing pvalues with thresholds")
    if(method == "BH"){
        padj <- p.adjust(OD_pvalue/wgt_all, method = "BH")
        OD <- add_column(OD, padj)
        rejections_list = OD[which((padj <= alpha) == TRUE), ]
    } else {
        rejections_list = OD[which((OD_pvalue <= alpha*wgt_all/m) == TRUE), ]

    # outputs--------------
    n_rejections = dim(rejections_list)[1]

    return(list(totalTests = length(pvalue), nullProp = nullProp, opGroup = grp,
                ranksProb = ranksProb, group_wgt = wgt, weight = wgt_all,
                rejections = n_rejections, rejections_list = rejections_list))
mshasan/empOPW documentation built on March 1, 2021, 4:19 a.m.