
Defines functions counts2logROR scanSnp procSnps

Documented in counts2logROR procSnps scanSnp

# heterozygous and keep flags of the SNPs
procSnps <- function(rcmat, ndepth=35, het.thresh=0.25, snp.nbhd=250, nX=23, unmatched=FALSE, ndepthmax=1000) {
    # keep only chromsomes 1-22 & X for humans and 1-19, X for mice
    # for other genomes (gbuild = udef) nX is number of autosomes plus 1
    chromlevels <- c(1:(nX-1),"X")
    chr.keep <- rcmat$Chromosome %in% chromlevels
    # keep only snps with normal read depth between ndepth and 1000
    depthN.keep <- (rcmat$NOR.DP >= ndepth) & (rcmat$NOR.DP < ndepthmax)
    # reduce the data frame to these snps
    rcmat <- rcmat[chr.keep & depthN.keep,]
    # output data frame; will use rcmat to return output instead of a new one
    row.names(rcmat) <- NULL # reset row names so that it's 1:nsnps
    rcmat$NOR.RD = 1 - rcmat$NOR.RD/rcmat$NOR.DP
    rcmat$TUM.RD = 1 - rcmat$TUM.RD/rcmat$TUM.DP
    names(rcmat) = c("chrom", "maploc", "rCountN", "vafN", "rCountT", "vafT")
    # make chromosome ordered and numeric
    rcmat$chrom <- as.numeric(ordered(rcmat$chrom, levels = chromlevels))
    # call a snp heterozygous if min(vafN, 1-mafN) > het.thresh
    if (unmatched) {
        if (het.thresh == 0.25) het.thresh <- 0.1
        rcmat$het <- 1 * (pmin(rcmat$vafT, 1 - rcmat$vafT) > het.thresh & rcmat$rCountT >= 50)
    else {
        rcmat$het <- 1 * (pmin(rcmat$vafN, 1 - rcmat$vafN) > het.thresh)
    # scan maploc for snps that are close to one another (within snp.nbhd bases)
    # heep all the hets (should change if too close) and only one from a nbhd
    rcmat$keep <- scanSnp(rcmat$maploc, rcmat$het, snp.nbhd)

scanSnp <- function(maploc, het, nbhd) {
    n <- length(maploc)
    zzz <- .Fortran("scansnp",

# obtain logR and logOR from read counts and GC-correct logR
counts2logROR <- function(out, gbuild, unmatched=FALSE, ugcpct=NULL, f=0.2) {
    out <- out[out$keep==1,]
    # gc percentage
    out$gcpct <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(out))
    # get GC percentages from pctGCdata package
    # loop thru chromosomes
    nchr <- max(out$chrom) # IMPACT doesn't have X so only 22
    for (i in 1:nchr) {
        ii <- which(out$chrom==i)
        # allow for chromosomes with no SNPs i.e. not targeted
        if (length(ii) > 0) {
            if (gbuild == "udef") {
                out$gcpct[ii] <- getGCpct(i, out$maploc[ii], gbuild, ugcpct)
            } else {
                out$gcpct[ii] <- getGCpct(i, out$maploc[ii], gbuild)
    ##### log-ratio with gc correction and maf log-odds ratio steps
    chrom <- out$chrom
    maploc <- out$maploc
    rCountN <- out$rCountN
    rCountT <- out$rCountT
    vafT <- out$vafT
    vafN <- out$vafN
    het <- out$het
    gcpct <- out$gcpct
    # compute gc bias
    ncount <- tapply(rCountN, gcpct, sum)
    tcount <- tapply(rCountT, gcpct, sum)
    pctgc <- as.numeric(names(ncount))
    tscl <- sum(ncount)/sum(tcount)
    gcb <- lowess(pctgc, log2(tcount*tscl)-log2(ncount), f=f)
    jj <- match(gcpct, gcb$x)
    gcbias <- gcb$y[jj]
    # compute cn log-ratio (gc corrected) and baf log odds-ratio
    cnlr <- log2(1+rCountT*tscl) - log2(1+rCountN) - gcbias
    # minor allele log-odds ratio and weights
    lorvar <- valor <- rep(NA_real_, length(maploc))
    if (unmatched) {
        # read count matrix for odds ratio etc
        rcmat <- round(cbind(vafT[het==1]*rCountT[het==1], (1-vafT[het==1])*rCountT[het==1]))
        # folded log of Tukey (with 1/6 correction)
        valor[het==1] <- log(rcmat[,1]+1/6) - log(rcmat[,2]+1/6)
        # variance - approximation using delta method
        lorvar[het==1] <- 1/(rcmat[,1]+1/6) + 1/(rcmat[,2]+1/6)
    } else {
        # read count matrix for odds ratio etc
        rcmat <- round(cbind(vafT[het==1]*rCountT[het==1], (1-vafT[het==1])*rCountT[het==1], vafN[het==1]*rCountN[het==1], (1-vafN[het==1])*rCountN[het==1]))
        # log-odds-ratio (Haldane correction)
        valor[het==1] <- log(rcmat[,1]+0.5) - log(rcmat[,2]+0.5) - log(rcmat[,3]+0.5) + log(rcmat[,4]+0.5)
        # variance of log-odds-ratio (Haldane; Gart & Zweifel Biometrika 1967)
        lorvar[het==1] <- (1/(rcmat[,1]+0.5) + 1/(rcmat[,2]+0.5) + 1/(rcmat[,3]+0.5) + 1/(rcmat[,4]+0.5))
    # put them together
    out$lorvar <- out$valor <- out$cnlr <- out$gcbias <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(out))
    out$gcbias <- gcbias
    out$cnlr <- cnlr
    out$valor <- valor
    out$lorvar <- lorvar
mskcc/facets documentation built on Oct. 15, 2021, 3:12 p.m.