
# deploy to shiny in root context
#ln -s /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/swedishbirdrecoveries/shiny-apps/birdrecoveries/* .

# library(DBI)
# library(RSQLite)


#shinyServer(function(input, output) {

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  #sex <- birds %>% distinct(ringing_sex) %>% .$ringing_sex
  #age <- birds %>% distinct(ringing_age) %>% .$ringing_age
  #code <- birds %>% distinct(recovery_code) %>% .$recovery_code
  cmin <- function(x) floor(min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
  cmax <- function(x) ceiling(max(x, na.rm = TRUE))

  df <- reactive({


  	b <- birds()

  	#message("birds() has ", nrow(b), " rows")

  	filter_species <- input$species
  	filter_source <- input$source
  	filter_lat_min <- input$lats[1]
  	filter_lat_max <- input$lats[2]
  	filter_lon_min <- input$lons[1]
  	filter_lon_max <- input$lons[2]
  	filter_country <- input$country
  	filter_lang <- input$lang
  	filter_years <- input$years
  	filter_months <- input$months

  	# message(
  	# 	"Species: ", filter_species,
  	# 	"Source: ", filter_source,
  	# 	"Coords lat: ", filter_lat_min, ", ", filter_lat_max,
  	# 	"Coords lon:", filter_lon_min, ", ", filter_lon_max,
  	# 	"Country: ", filter_country,
  	# 	"Months: ", filter_months,
  	# 	"Years: ", filter_years,
  	# 	"Lang: ", filter_lang
  	# )

  	# Optional filters

  	if (length(filter_species) > 0)
  		b <- b %>% filter(name %in% filter_species)

  	if (length(filter_source) > 0)
  		b <- b %>% filter(recovery_source %in% filter_source)

  	if (length(filter_lat_min) > 0 && length(filter_lat_max) > 0)
  		b <- b %>% filter(recovery_lat <= filter_lat_max,
  											recovery_lat >= filter_lat_min)

  	if (length(filter_lon_min) > 0 && length(filter_lon_max) > 0)
  		b <- b %>% filter(recovery_lon <= filter_lon_max,
  											recovery_lon >= filter_lon_min)

  	if (length(filter_country) > 0)
  		b <- b %>% filter(recovery_country %in% filter_country)

  	if (length(filter_months) > 0)
  		b <- b %>% filter([month(recovery_date)] %in% filter_months)

  	if (length(filter_years) > 0)
  		b <- b %>% filter(year(recovery_date) %in% filter_years)

  	hits <- nrow(b)
  	status_swe <- paste0("Nuvarande urval: ", hits,
  		" (visar max 4000 av de senaste återfynden)")
  	status_eng <- paste0("Current selection: ", hits,
  		" (displaying max 4000 of the most recent recoveries)")
  	status <- status_eng
  	if (filter_lang == "Svenska") status <- status_swe
  	message("status: ", status)

  	b <- b %>% arrange(desc(recovery_date)) %>% head(4000)
  	res <- list(status = status, df = b)

  	return (res)

  lang <- reactive({
		if (input$lang == "Svenska") return ("swe")
		if (input$lang == "English") return ("eng")

  birds <- reactive({
  		get(paste0("birdrecoveries_", lang()))
#  	req(input$lang)
#  	if (input$lang == "Svenska") return (birdrecoveries_swe)
#		return (birdrecoveries_eng)


  output$lang <- renderUI({
  	radioButtons(inputId = "lang", width = '300px',
  		inline = TRUE, label = NULL,
		 	choices = c("English", "Svenska"), selected = "English")

  output$species <- renderUI({
#  	req(birds())
    species <- birds() %>% distinct(name) %>% arrange(name) %>% .$name
    sciname <- birds() %>% distinct(sciname) %>% .$sciname
#    if (is.null(species)) return()
    default_species <-
    	birds() %>% filter(sciname == "Erithacus rubecula") %>%
    	select(name) %>% distinct %>% .$name
    selectizeInput("species", label = i18n("name", lang()),
      choices = species, selected = default_species,
      multiple = TRUE,
      options = list(maxItems = 20)#,

  output$source <- renderUI({
 # 	req(birds())
    source <- birds() %>% distinct(recovery_source) %>% .$recovery_source
  #  if (is.null(source)) return()
    selectizeInput("source", label = i18n("recovery_source", lang()),
      choices = source, multiple = TRUE,
      options = list(maxItems = 20)#,

  output$country <- renderUI({
    country <- birds() %>% distinct(recovery_country) %>% arrange(recovery_country) %>% .$recovery_country
    if (is.null(country)) return()
    selectizeInput("country", label = i18n("recovery_country", lang()),
      choices = country, multiple = TRUE,
      options = list(maxItems = 20)#,


  output$months <- renderUI({ <- c("Januari", "Februari", "Mars", "April", "Maj",
  		"Juni", "Juli", "Augusti", "September", "October", "November", "December")

  	month_choices <-
  	names(month_choices) <-
 		if (lang() == "swe") names(month_choices) <-

  	selectizeInput("months", label = i18n("ui_recovery_month", lang()),
  		choices = month_choices, multiple = TRUE,
  		options = list(maxItems = 12))

	output$years <- renderUI({
		y <- sort(unique(year(birdrecoveries_eng$recovery_date)),
							decreasing = TRUE)
		selectizeInput("years", label = i18n("ui_recovery_year", lang()),
			choices = y, multiple = TRUE,
			options = list(maxItems = 20))

  output$lats <- renderUI({
    lat_min <- cmin(birds()$recovery_lat)
    lat_max <- cmax(birds()$recovery_lat)
    sliderInput("lats", i18n("recovery_lat",
			 	lang()), lat_min, lat_max,
				value = c(lat_min, lat_max), step = 1)

  output$lons <- renderUI({
    lon_min <- cmin(birds()$recovery_lon)
    lon_max <- cmax(birds()$recovery_lon)
    sliderInput("lons", i18n("recovery_lon", lang()), lon_min, lon_max,
                value = c(lon_min, lon_max), step = 1)

  output$birdmap <- renderLeaflet({

  	out <- df()$df

    # attempt to do specifically requested popup detail strings formatting
		pop <-
			out %>%
			select(name, recovery_details,
				ringing_date, ringing_country,
				ringing_province, ringing_majorplace, ringing_minorplace,
				recovery_date, recovery_country,
				recovery_province, recovery_majorplace, recovery_minorplace) %>%
			mutate_all(.funs = function(x) recode(as.character(x), .missing = "")) %>%
			mutate(ringing_loc = if_else(ringing_country == "Sverige" | ringing_country == "Sweden",
				paste(ringing_province, ringing_majorplace, ringing_minorplace),
				paste(ringing_country, ringing_province, ringing_majorplace, ringing_minorplace))) %>%
			mutate(recovery_loc = if_else(recovery_country == "Sverige" | recovery_country == "Sweden",
				paste(recovery_province, recovery_majorplace, recovery_minorplace),
				paste(recovery_country, recovery_province, recovery_majorplace, recovery_minorplace)))

    popup_content <- #htmltools::htmlEscape(
      paste(sep = "",
      "<b>", i18n("name", lang()), ":</b> ", pop$name, "<br/>",
      "<b>", i18n("recovery_details", lang()), ":</b> ", pop$recovery_details, "<br/>",
      "<b>", i18n("ringing_date", lang()), ":</b> ", pop$ringing_date, "<br/>",
     # " ", pop$ringing_majorplace, ", ", pop$ringing_minorplace, "", "<br/>",
      " ", pop$ringing_loc, "<br/>",
      "<b>", i18n("recovery_date", lang()), ":</b> ", pop$recovery_date, "<br/>",
#      " ", pop$recovery_majorplace, ", ", pop$recovery_minorplace, "", "<br/>",
      " ", pop$recovery_loc, "<br/>",

    map <-
    	leaflet(data = out) %>%
#       addProviderTiles("Stamen.TonerLite", group = "Gray") %>%
#      addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldGrayCanvas", group = "Gray") %>%
#      addProviderTiles("OpenStreetMap.BlackAndWhite", group = "Black & White") %>%
    	addTiles(urlTemplate = "//{s}{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png", options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 18), group = "Gray", layerId = "test") %>%
      #  addMarkers(~longitude, ~latitude, popup = ~as.character(dgr), group = "Individual") %>%
      addMarkers(~recovery_lon, ~recovery_lat, popup = popup_content,
                 clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(), group = "Clustered") #%>%
#      addLayersControl(
#        baseGroups = c("Gray", "Black & White"),
        #    overlayGroups = c("Individual", "Clustered"),
#        options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
#      )

		#map$height <- "100%"
		#map$sizingPolicy$defaultHeight <- "100%"

  output$table <- DT::renderDataTable({
  	# show a subset of relevant columns
    out <- df()$df %>%
    	select(modified_date, name, sciname, ringing_age,
    				 ringing_date, ringing_country, ringing_province,
    				 recovery_date, recovery_country, recovery_province,
    headings <- purrr::map_chr(names(out),
	 		function(x) i18n(x, lang()))
    names(out) <- headings
  }, options = list(scrollX = TRUE, pageLength = 5,
  									lengthChange = FALSE, rownames = FALSE))

  output$dl <- downloadHandler("birdrecoveries.csv",
    contentType = "text/csv", content = function(file) {
    write.csv(df()$df, file, row.names = FALSE)

  output$tab_box <- renderUI({
  			title = "",
   			id = "tabset1", height = "100%", width = 12,
  			tabPanel(ifelse(lang() == "swe", "Karta", "Map"),
  				#tags$head(tags$style(HTML(" #mapbox { height:85vh !important; } "#))),
 # 				leafletOutput("birdmap", width = "100%"))),
 				tabPanel(ifelse(lang() == "swe", "Tabell", "Table"),
 				tabPanel(ifelse(lang() == "swe", "Info", "About"),

  output$test_UI <- renderUI({
#  		tabItem(tabName = "menu1", uiOutput("menu1_UI")),
#  		tabItem(tabName = "latest", leafletOutput("birdmap", height = "100%", width = "100%")),
#  		tabItem(tabName = "about", uiOutput("menu2_UI")),
  		tabItem(tabName = "all", box(
  			#tags$head(tags$style(HTML(" #mapbox { height:85vh !important; } "))),
  		id = "mapbox", width = 12, leafletOutput("birdmap", width = "100%"))) #, height = "100%"))

  output$body_UI <- renderUI ({
  	p("Default content in body outsite any sidebar menus.")

  output$menu1_UI <- renderUI ({
  	res <- includeHTML("www/about_eng.html")
  	fluidRow(box(res, width = 12))

  output$menu2_UI <- renderUI ({
  	message("Lang is: ", lang())
  	if (input$lang != "Svenska") {
  		res <- includeHTML("www/about_eng.html")
  	} else {
  		res <- includeHTML("www/about_swe.html")
  	fluidRow(box(res, width = 12))

  output$mytabitems <- renderUI({
  			tabName = 'menu1'
  			, tags$a(
  				id = "mydiv", href = "#", 'click me',
  				onclick = 'Shiny.onInputChange("mydata", Math.random());')
	  	tabItem(tabName = "about",
				if (lang() != "swe") {
				} else {
			tabItem(tabName = "latest",
				h2("Latest tab content")
	  	tabItem(tabName = "all",
				#leafletOutput("birdmap", width = "100%", height = "100%")

  output$mytabs <- renderUI({
  	myTabs <- list(
	  	tabPanel(title = i18n("ui_tab_map_label", lang()),
#				helpText(i18n("ui_tab_map_help", lang())),
				leafletOutput("birdmap", width = "100%", height = "100%")
	#   	tabPanel(i18n("ui_tab_table_label", lang()),
	# 			helpText(i18n("ui_tab_table_help", lang())),
	# 			br(),
	# 			dataTableOutput("table")
	#   	),
				# tabPanel(i18n("ui_tab_download_label", lang()),
				# 	helpText(i18n("ui_tab_download_help", lang())),
				# 	fluidRow(p(class = "text-center",
				# 	 				 downloadButton("dl", label = i18n("ui_tab_download_help", lang())))
				# 	)
				# ),
		  	tabPanel(i18n("ui_tab_about_label", lang()),
					helpText(i18n("ui_tab_about_help", lang()))  #,
					# if (lang() != "swe") {
					# 	includeHTML("www/about_eng.html")
					# } else {
					# 	includeHTML("www/about_swe.html")
					# }
  	), myTabs)
mskyttner/swedishbirdrecoveries documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:53 a.m.