
Defines functions check_collars check_collars.krsp

Documented in check_collars

#' Check radio collars
#' Check that radio collars have been correctly entered into the trapping table.
#' @param con Connection to KRSP database
#' @param grid character; one or more grids to search. Defaults to all grids.
#' @param year integer; year to search within. Defaults to current year.
#' @section Checks:
#' The following checks have been implemented:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item All trapping records with \code{radio} = 1 (new collar), 2 (collar
#'     on), 3 (collar change), or 4 (collar removed) should have a radio collar
#'     frequency in the \code{collar} field.
#'   \item Radio collar frequencies should all be 6 digits with no decimal. If a
#'     decimal is used the frequency will get rounded to the nearest integer,
#'     e.g. 150.231 -> 150.
#'   \item Any squirrel with \code{radio} = 2 (collar on), 3 (collar change) or
#'     4 (collar removed) should have a previous record with \code{radio} = 1
#'     (new collar).
#'   \item All squirrels that currently have no collar (\code{radio = 5}), but
#'     previously had a collar (\code{radio = 1-3}), should have record for a
#'     collar removal (\code{radio = 4}).
#' }
#' @return A data frame of records that failed the checks.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' con <- krsp_connect()
#' check_collars(con, grid = "KL", year = 2014)
check_collars <- function(con, grid, year) {

#' @export
check_collars.krsp <- function(con, grid, year = current_year()) {
  # assertion on arguments
  assert_that(inherits(con, "src_mysql"),
              missing(grid) || valid_grid(grid),
              valid_year(year, single = TRUE))
  year_arg <- as.integer(year)

  # query for most recent trapping record
  if (missing(grid)) {
    grid_str <- ""
  } else {
    grid_str <- paste0("s.gr IN ('", paste(grid, collapse = "','"), "') AND ")
  recent_query <- sprintf(
      t.id, t.squirrel_id, t.date,
      t.taglft, t.tagrt,
      t.color_left, t.color_right,
      t.locx, t.locy, t.radio
      trapping t
      INNER JOIN squirrel s
        ON t.squirrel_id = s.id
      (t.squirrel_id, t.date) IN (
        SELECT squirrel_id, MAX(date) as max_date
        FROM trapping
        WHERE YEAR(date) = %i
        GROUP BY squirrel_id)
      AND t.squirrel_id IN (
        SELECT DISTINCT squirrel_id
        FROM trapping WHERE radio IN (1,2,3,4));", grid_str, year_arg)

  # suppressWarnings to avoid typcasting warnings
    collars <- tbl(con, "trapping") %>%
      mutate_(year = ~ year(date)) %>%
      # find missing collar weight
      filter_(~ !is.na(squirrel_id),
              ~ radio %in% c(1, 2, 3, 4),
              ~ year == year_arg) %>%
      select_("id", grid = "gr", "year", observer = "obs",
              "squirrel_id", "date",
              "radio", "collar")
    recent <- krsp_sql(con, recent_query)
  # filtering
  if (!missing(grid)) {
    grid_arg <- grid
    # if-statment required due to dplyr bug with filter and %in%
    if (length(grid) == 1) {
      collars <- filter_(collars, ~ grid == grid_arg)
    } else {
      collars <- filter_(collars, ~ grid %in% grid_arg)
  # collect results
  collars <- collect(collars) %>%
    mutate_(date = ~ lubridate::ymd(date)) %>%
    select_("id", "grid", "year", "observer",
            "squirrel_id", "date", "radio", "collar")
  recent <- recent %>%
      color_left = ~ ifelse(is.na(color_left) | color_left == "",
                            "-", color_left),
      color_right = ~ ifelse(is.na(color_right) | color_right == "",
                             "-", color_right),
      taglft = ~ ifelse(is.na(taglft) | taglft == "", "-", taglft),
      tagrt = ~ ifelse(is.na(tagrt) | tagrt == "", "-", tagrt),
      locx = ~ ifelse(is.na(locx) | locx == "", "-", locx),
      locy = ~ ifelse(is.na(locy) | locy == "", "-", locy),
      colours = ~ paste(color_left, color_right, sep = "/"),
      tags = ~ paste(taglft, tagrt, sep = "/"),
      loc = ~ paste(locx, locy, sep = "/")) %>%
    select_("squirrel_id", "date", "colours", "tags", "loc", "radio")

  # check frequency present and valid
  results <- collars %>%
    filter_(~ !grepl("^[0-9]{6}$", collar)) %>%
    mutate_(check = ~ "check_collars_frequency")

  # create collar timeline
  rc_new <- collars %>%
    filter_(~ radio == 1) %>%
    distinct_("squirrel_id", "date") %>%
    rename_(date_new = "date")
  rc_off <- collars %>%
    filter_(~ radio == 4) %>%
    distinct_("squirrel_id", "date") %>%
    rename_(date_off = "date")
  # combine rc new and rc off
  timeline <- left_join(rc_new, rc_off, by = "squirrel_id") %>%
    # find rc off closest to rc new
    mutate_(date_off = ~ if_else(date_off < date_new, as.Date(NA), date_off)) %>%
    group_by_("squirrel_id", "date_new") %>%
    arrange_("squirrel_id", "date_new", "date_off") %>%
    do(utils::head(., 1)) %>%
    # find rc new closest to rc off
    mutate_(date_diff = ~ as.integer(date_off - date_new),
            date_diff = ~ if_else(date_diff < 0, NA_integer_, date_diff)) %>%
    group_by_("squirrel_id", "date_off") %>%
    mutate_(date_to = ~ if_else(date_diff == min(date_diff),
                                 date_off, as.Date(NA))) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate_(date_off = ~ date_to) %>%
    select_("squirrel_id", "date_new", "date_off")

  # rc removed without rc new
  results <- collars %>%
    filter_(~ radio == 4) %>%
    anti_join(timeline, by = c("squirrel_id", date = "date_off")) %>%
    mutate_(check = ~ "check_collars_rcnew") %>%

  # rc new without rc off, based on subsequent rc new
  results <- timeline %>%
    group_by_("squirrel_id") %>%
    mutate_(rank = ~ dense_rank(date_new)) %>%
    filter_(~ (is.na(date_off) & rank != max(rank))) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select_("squirrel_id", date = "date_new") %>%
    inner_join(collars %>% filter_(~ radio == 1),
               by = c("squirrel_id", "date")) %>%
    mutate_(check = ~ "check_collars_rcoff") %>%
    bind_rows(results, .)
  # now fill in gaps in timeline assuming date off is day before next rc new
  timeline <- timeline %>%
    group_by_("squirrel_id") %>%
    mutate_(date_lead = ~ (lead(date_new, 1, order_by = date_new) - 1),
            date_off = ~ coalesce(date_off, date_lead,
                                  lubridate::ymd("99991231"))) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select_("squirrel_id", "date_new", "date_off")

  # collar records missing an rc new entry
  results <- collars %>%
    filter_(~ radio %in% c(2, 3)) %>%
    select_("id", "squirrel_id", "date") %>%
    left_join(timeline, by = "squirrel_id") %>%
    mutate_(has_new = ~ !(is.na(date_new) | date < date_new | date > date_off)) %>%
    group_by_("id") %>%
    summarize_(has_new = ~ any(has_new)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    filter_(~ !has_new) %>%
    distinct_("id") %>%
    inner_join(collars, by = "id") %>%
    mutate_(check = ~ "check_collars_rcnew") %>%

  # check for missing rc off record, signaled by non-collar records
  # find radio collars not removed that have a trapping record showing no collar
  results <- recent %>%
    filter_(~ (is.na(radio) | radio == 5)) %>%
    distinct_("squirrel_id", "date") %>%
    inner_join(timeline, by = "squirrel_id") %>%
    # cases with no rc removed
    filter_(~ date_off == lubridate::ymd("99991231")) %>%
    # ensure that last trap comes after rc new
    filter_(~ date > date_new) %>%
    # select original collar record
    select_("squirrel_id", date = "date_new") %>%
    inner_join(collars %>% filter_(~ radio == 1),
               by = c("squirrel_id", "date")) %>%
    mutate_(check = ~ "check_collars_rcoff") %>%
    bind_rows(results, .)

  # convert radio codes to names
  results <- tibble(radio_code = as.character(1:5),
                    radio = c("new collar", "collar on", "collar change",
                              "collar removed", "no collar")) %>%
    inner_join(results %>% rename_(radio_code = "radio"), by = "radio_code") %>%
    left_join(recent %>% select_("squirrel_id", "colours", "tags", "loc"),
              by = "squirrel_id") %>%
    select_("check", "id", "grid", "year", "observer",
            "squirrel_id", "colours", "tags", "loc",
            "date", "radio", "collar") %>%
    arrange_("grid", "year", "check", "date") %>%
mstrimas/krsp documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:16 a.m.