c4a_plot_CR = function(p, dark = FALSE, title = FALSE, sort = FALSE, lines_WCAG = TRUE, lines_equiluminance = TRUE) {
cr = colorspace::contrast_ratio(p)
if (sort) {
id = order(cr)
cr = cr[id]
p = p[id]
if (dark) {
cr = 21 / cr
bc = "#000000"
fc = "#FFFFFF"
lc1 = "gray70"
lc2 = "gray80"
} else {
bc = "#FFFFFF"
fc = "#000000"
lc1 = "gray70"
lc2 = "gray30"
# to plot y axis from 1 instead of 0
cr = cr - 1
if (lines_WCAG) {
crWCAG = 7.2
} else {
crWCAG = 0
if (lines_equiluminance) {
crm = get_CR_matrix(p)
els = which(crm <= 1.2)
if (length(els)) {
eldf = data.frame(c1 = (els-1) %/% length(p) + 1,
c2 = (els-1) %% length(p) + 1)
eldf = eldf[eldf$c1 < eldf$c2, ]
eldf$cr1 = cr[eldf$c1]
eldf$cr2 = cr[eldf$c2]
# find 3rds
eldf$c3 = lapply(1:nrow(eldf), function(i) NULL)
eldf$cr3 = lapply(1:nrow(eldf), function(i) 0)
eldf$red = FALSE
for (i in 1:nrow(eldf)) {
partner1 = eldf$c2[which(eldf$c1 == eldf$c1[i])]
partner2 = eldf$c2[which(eldf$c1 == eldf$c2[i])]
partners = intersect(partner1, partner2)
if (length(partners)) {
eldf$c3[[i]] = partners
eldf$cr3[[i]] = cr[partners]
c123 = unique(c(eldf$c1[i], eldf$c2[i], partners))
eldf$red[setdiff(which(eldf$c1 %in% c123 & eldf$c2 %in% c123), i)] = TRUE
eldf = eldf[!eldf$red, ]
eldf$cr_ceiling = 0
for (i in 1:nrow(eldf)) {
eldf$cr_ceiling[i] = max(c(eldf$cr1[i], eldf$cr2[i], eldf$cr3[[i]])) + 0.2
crmax = max(cr, eldf$cr_ceiling, crWCAG)
} else {
crmax = max(cr, crWCAG)
eldf = NULL
} else {
crmax = max(cr, crWCAG)
eldf = NULL
if (identical(title, TRUE)) {
title = paste0("Contrast ratio with ", ifelse(dark, "black", "white"))
} else if (identical(title, FALSE)) {
title = ""
opt = par(bg = bc, col.axis = fc, col.lab = fc, col.main = fc, col.sub = fc)
#mar = par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
ylim = c(0, ceiling(crmax))
co = barplot(cr,
main = title,
col = NA,#p,
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
ylim = ylim,
border = NA,
names.arg = p,
yaxt = "n",
las = 1)
brks = pretty(c(0, ceiling(crmax)), n = 7)
if (lines_WCAG) {
brks = sort(c(brks, 2, 3.5, 6))
labs = brks + 1
if (lines_WCAG) {
labs[labs == 3] = paste0("A - ", labs[labs == 3])
labs[labs == 4.5] = paste0("AA - ", labs[labs == 4.5])
labs[labs == 7] = paste0("AAA - ", labs[labs == 7])
axis(2, at = brks, labels = labs, las = 2)
if (lines_WCAG) {
labelX = 0#co[nrow(co), 1] + (co[nrow(co), 1] - co[nrow(co) - 1, 1]) * .5
buffer = 0.15
abline(h = 2, col = lc1, lty = "solid", lwd = 2)
abline(h = 3.5, col = lc1, lty = "solid", lwd = 2)
abline(h = 6, col = lc1, lty = "solid", lwd = 2)
#text(x = labelX, y = 2 + buffer, labels = "A", col = "black", adj = 1, cex = 0.8)
#text(x = labelX, y = 3.5 + buffer, labels = "AA", col = "black", adj = 1, cex = 0.8)
#text(x = labelX, y = 6 + buffer, labels = "AAA", col = "black", adj = 1, cex = 0.8)
barplot(cr, col = p, add = TRUE, ylab = "", xlab = "", yaxt = "n")
if (!is.null(eldf)) {
for (i in 1:nrow(eldf)) {
cs = c(eldf$c1[i], eldf$c2[i], eldf$c3[[i]])
crs = c(eldf$cr1[i], eldf$cr2[i], eldf$cr3[[i]])
crc = eldf$cr_ceiling[i]
lines(x = co[c(cs[1], tail(cs, 1)), 1], y = c(crc, crc), lty = "dotted", lwd = 3, col = lc2)
for (i in 1:length(cs)) {
lines(x = co[c(cs[i], cs[i]), 1], y = c(crs[i], crc), lty = "dotted", lwd = 3, col = lc2)
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