
Defines functions process_fill check_poly_sizes check_fill_specials

check_fill_specials <- function(x, g, gt, shpcols, data, nx) {
	if (attr(data, "treat_as_by")) {
		is.colors = FALSE
		nx = length(x)
	} else if (attr(data, "kernel_density") && !("col" %in% g$call) && "level" %in% shpcols) {
		is.colors <- FALSE
		x <- "level"
	} else if (!all(x %in% shpcols)) {
		# check for direct color input
		is.colors <- all(valid_colors(x))
		if (is.colors) {
			x <- do.call("process_color", c(list(col=col2hex(x), alpha=g$alpha), gt$pc))
			for (i in 1:nx) data[[paste("COLOR", i, sep="_")]] <- x[i]
			x <- paste("COLOR", 1:nx, sep="_")
		} else if (x[1]=="MAP_COLORS") {
			palette <- if (is.null(g$palette)) {
			} else if (g$palette[1] %in% c("seq", "div", "cat")) {
			} else g$palette
			map_coloring_args <- g$extra_args[names(g$extra_args) %in% names(formals("map_coloring"))]
			mapcols <- do.call("map_coloring", args = c(list(x=attr(data, "NB"), palette=palette, contrast = g$contrast), map_coloring_args))
			mapcols <- do.call("process_color", c(list(col=mapcols, alpha=g$alpha), gt$pc))
			for (i in 1:nx) data[[paste("COLOR", i, sep="_")]] <- mapcols
			x <- paste("COLOR", 1:nx, sep="_")
		} else {
			stop("Fill argument neither colors nor valid variable name(s)", call. = FALSE)
	} else {
		is.colors <- FALSE
	list(x = x,
		 nx = nx,
		 data = data,
		 is.colors = is.colors)

check_poly_sizes <- function(g, data, nx, islist, show.warnings) {
	# process areas
	if (is.null(g$area)) {
		area_var <- "SHAPE_AREAS"
	} else {
		area_var <- g$area
	areas <- data[[area_var]]
	if (any(is.na(areas)) || any(is.infinite(areas))) {
		if (g$convert2density && show.warnings) {
			warning("Some polygon areas cannot be determined. Therefore, density values cannot be calculated for these polygons.", call. = FALSE)
		#areas_na_inf <- is.na(areas) | is.infinite(areas)
		#areas[areas_na_inf] <- mean.default(areas[!areas_na_inf])
	areas_prop <- as.numeric(areas/sum(areas, na.rm=TRUE))
	isnan = is.nan(areas_prop)
	if (all(isnan)) {
		list(areas = areas, sel = rep(TRUE, length(areas)))
	} else {
		if (any(isnan)) areas_prop[isnan] = g$thres.poly
		sel = areas_prop >= g$thres.poly
		if (all(!sel) && show.warnings) warning("all relative area sizes are below thres.poly", call. = FALSE)
		list(areas = areas, sel = sel)

process_fill <- function(data, g, gt, gby, z, interactive) {
	## aesthetics
	xs <- list(fill = g$col)
	process_aes(type = "fill", xs, "xfill", "fill", data, g, gt, gby, z, interactive)
mtennekes/tmap documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 7:49 p.m.