
Defines functions split_raster get_bbox_asp process_shapes

process_shapes <- function(shps, g, gm, data_by, allow.crop, interactive) {
	pasp <- gm$asp
	if (gm$legend.only) pasp <- 0
	if (identical(pasp, 0)) pasp <- gm$shape.lasp
	nx <- length(shps)
	shp_names <- vapply(g, function(i)i[[1]], character(1))
	names(shps) <- shp_names
	point.per <- vapply(shps, function(s) if (is.null(s)) "" else attr(s, "point.per"), character(1))
	line.center <- vapply(shps, function(s) if (is.null(s)) "" else attr(s, "line.center"), character(1))
	# get master shape and info
	shp <- shps[[gm$shape.masterID]]
	args <- gm$shape.bb_args
	# in case x is search query
	if (!is.null(args$x)) {
		if (inherits(args$x, c("stars", "sf"))) {
			args$projection <- gm$shape.master_crs
			args$current.projection <- NULL
		} else if (is.character(args$x)) {
			args$projection <- gm$shape.master_crs
			args$current.projection <- .crs_longlat
		} else if (inherits(args$x, c("bbox", "sf", "sfc", "stars", "sp", "Raster"))) {
			crs <- sf::st_crs(args$x)
			if (!is.na(crs)) {
				args$projection <- if (interactive) gm$shape.master_crs else gm$shape.orig_crs
				args$current.projection <- crs
			} else {
				args$projection <- NULL
				args$current.projection <- NULL	
		} else if (interactive) {
			args$projection <- gm$shape.master_crs
			args$current.projection <- gm$shape.orig_crs
		} else {
			args$projection <- NULL
			args$current.projection <- NULL

	# define bounding box
	longlat <- sf::st_is_longlat(shp)
	group_by <- any(gm$shp_nr != 0)
	free_coords <- group_by && gm$free.coords
	drop_shapes <- group_by && gm$drop.units
	diff_shapes <- free_coords || drop_shapes
	diff_asp <- free_coords && (gm$shp_nr[gm$shape.masterID] != 0)
	inside_bbox <- group_by && gm$inside.original.bbox
	if (diff_shapes) {
		if (is.na(pasp) && diff_asp) pasp <- gm$shape.lasp
		#shp_by_names <- gm$shp_name[gm$shp_nr != 0]
		data_by <- data_by[gm$shp_nr != 0]
		shps_by <- shps[gm$shp_nr != 0]

		nplots <- nlevels(data_by[[1]])
		shps_by_splt <- mapply(function(s_by, d_by) {
			if (inherits(s_by, "sf")) {
				s_by2 <- split(s_by, f = d_by, drop=FALSE)	 # split_shape
				lapply(s_by2, function(s2) {
					if (nrow(s2)>0) s2$tmapID2 <- 1L:length(s2$tmapID)
			}  else {
				split_raster(s_by, f = d_by, drop=FALSE)
		}, shps_by, data_by, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
		# needed when drop_shapes = FALSE
		shps <- lapply(shps, function(s) {
			if (inherits(s, "sf")) s$tmapID2 <- s$tmapID
	if (free_coords) {
		# find maximum bbox
		shp.by.bbox <- sapply(shps_by, attr, which="bbox")
		shp.by.bbox <- c(apply(shp.by.bbox[1:2,,drop=FALSE], MARGIN = 1, min), apply(shp.by.bbox[3:4,,drop=FALSE], MARGIN = 1, max))
		shp.by.bbox <- get_bbox_asp(shp.by.bbox, gm$inner.margins, longlat, pasp=NA, interactive=interactive)$bbox
		bboxes <- do.call("mapply", c(list(FUN=function(...){
			x <- list(...)
			bbx <- sapply(x, st_bbox)
			#bbx <- sapply(x, attr, which="bbox")
			#if (is.null(bbx[[1]])) return(NULL)
			if (any(is.na(bbx))) return(NULL)
			bbx <- c(apply(bbx[1:2,,drop=FALSE], MARGIN = 1, min), apply(bbx[3:4,,drop=FALSE], MARGIN = 1, max))
			if (inside_bbox) {
				bbx <- c(pmax(bbx[1:2], shp.by.bbox[1:2]),
						 pmin(bbx[3:4], shp.by.bbox[3:4]))
			if (!("x" %in% names(args))) args$x <- bbx
			bbox <- do.call("bb", args)  #get_bbox_lim(bbx, relative, bbox, xlim, ylim, ext)
			if (any((bbox[3:4] - bbox[1:2]) < 1e-8)) bbox <- bb(cx = bbox[1], cy = bbox[2], width = 1, height = 1)
			bbox_asp <- get_bbox_asp(bbox, gm$inner.margins, longlat, pasp, interactive=interactive)$bbox
			if (inside_bbox) {
				if (bbox_asp[1] < shp.by.bbox[1]) bbox_asp[c(1,3)] <- bbox_asp[c(1,3)] + (shp.by.bbox[1] - bbox_asp[1])
				if (bbox_asp[2] < shp.by.bbox[2]) bbox_asp[c(2,4)] <- bbox_asp[c(2,4)] + (shp.by.bbox[2] - bbox_asp[2])
				if (bbox_asp[3] > shp.by.bbox[3]) bbox_asp[c(1,3)] <- bbox_asp[c(1,3)] - (bbox_asp[3] - shp.by.bbox[3])
				if (bbox_asp[4] > shp.by.bbox[4]) bbox_asp[c(2,4)] <- bbox_asp[c(2,4)] - (bbox_asp[4] - shp.by.bbox[4])
		}), shps_by_splt, list(SIMPLIFY=FALSE)))
		bbx_notnull <- which(!sapply(bboxes, is.null))
		if (!length(bbx_notnull)) stop("Nothing to plot", call. = FALSE)
		bbx <- bboxes[[bbx_notnull[1]]]
		if (length(bbx_notnull) > 1) {
			same_bbx <- (all(vapply(bboxes[bbx_notnull], function(b) all(b==bbx), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))))
		} else {
			same_bbx <- TRUE
		sasp <- get_asp_ratio(bbx, is.projected = !longlat)
		inner.margins <- gm$inner.margins
	} else {
		shp.bbox <- attr(shp, "bbox")
		if (!("x" %in% names(args))) args$x <- shp.bbox
		if (!("asp.limit" %in% names(args))) args$asp.limit <- 10

		bbox <- do.call("bb", args)  #bbox <- get_bbox_lim(shp.bbox, relative, bbox, xlim, ylim, ext)

		bbox_asp <- get_bbox_asp(bbox, gm$inner.margins, longlat, pasp, interactive=interactive)
		bbx <- bbox_asp$bbox
		if (drop_shapes) bboxes <- rep(list(bbx), nplots)
		same_bbx <- TRUE
		sasp <- bbox_asp$sasp
		inner.margins <- bbox_asp$inner.margins
		bboxes <- list(bbx)
		#shp_by_name <- ""

	if (drop_shapes) {
		shps_by_ind <- ifelse(gm$shp_nr==0, 0, cumsum(gm$shp_nr!=0))
		shps2 <- lapply(1:nx, function(i){
			pp <- point.per[i]
			lc <- line.center[i]
			x <- if (gm$shp_nr[i]==0) {
				lapply(1:nplots, function(j) shps[[i]])
			} else {
			mapply(function(shp2, bb2){
				if (is.null(shp2)) return(NULL)
				if (!allow.crop) {
					attr(shp2, "bbox") <- bb2
					attr(shp2, "point.per") <- pp
					attr(shp2, "line.center") <- lc
				y <- sf::st_crop(shp2, bb(bb2, ext=-1.01))
				if (is.null(y)) y <- shp2
				attr(y, "bbox") <- bb2
				attr(y, "point.per") <- pp
				attr(y, "line.center") <- lc
			}, x, bboxes, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	} else {
		shps2 <- mapply(function(x, shp_nm, pp, lc){
			if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)

			## try to crop the shape file at the bounding box in order to place symbols and text labels inside the frame. Use a little wider bounding box to prevent polygons following cropbb(bbx, ext=-1.01)
			if (diff_shapes) {
				lapply(bboxes, function(bb2){
					if (is.null(bb2)) return(NULL)
					if (!allow.crop) {
						attr(x, "bbox") <- bb2
					y <- sf::st_crop(x, bb(bb2, ext=-1.01))
					if (is.null(y)) y <- x
					attr(y, "bbox") <- bb2
					attr(y, "point.per") <- pp
					attr(y, "line.center") <- lc
			} else {
				if (!allow.crop) {
					attr(x, "bbox") <- bbx
			 	y <- sf::st_crop(x, bb(bbx, ext=-1.01))
				#y <- x
				# y <- tryCatch({
				# 	y <- sf::st_crop(x, bb(bbx, ext=-1.01))
				# 	if (is.null(y)) x else y
				# }, error=function(e) {
				# 	x	
				# })
			 	attr(y, "bbox") <- bbx
				attr(y, "point.per") <- pp
				attr(y, "line.center") <- lc
		}, shps, names(shps), point.per, line.center, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	if (diff_shapes) {
		shps2 <- lapply(1:nplots, function(i)lapply(shps2, function(j) {
	if (inherits(shp, "sf")) {
		## determine automatic legend position based on polygon centers
		co <- get_centroids(shp)
		xn <- (co[,1]-bbx[1])/(bbx[3]-bbx[1])
		yn <- (co[,2]-bbx[2])/(bbx[4]-bbx[2])
		legend_pos <- which.max(c(
			min(sqrt((xn^2) + (yn^2)), na.rm = TRUE),
			min(sqrt((xn^2) + ((1-yn)^2)), na.rm = TRUE),
			min(sqrt(((1-xn)^2) + ((1-yn)^2)), na.rm = TRUE),
			min(sqrt(((xn-1)^2) + (yn^2)), na.rm = TRUE)))
	} else {
		legend_pos <- 2

	#units <- do.call(tmaptools::projection_units, c(list(x=gm$shape.master_crs, latitude=mean(bbx[c(2,4)])), gm$shape.units_args))
	shape.unit <- ifelse(gm$shape.unit=="metric", "km", ifelse(gm$shape.unit=="imperial", "mi", gm$shape.unit))
	if (longlat) {
		latitude <- mean.default(bbx[c(2,4)])
		bbxll <- c(xmin=0, ymin=latitude, xmax=1, ymax=latitude)
		ad <- suppressWarnings({approx_distances(bbxll, projection=gm$shape.master_crs)})
		to <- as.numeric(units::set_units(ad$hdist, as_units(shape.unit), mode = "standard"))
	} else {
		ad <- suppressWarnings({approx_distances(bbx, projection=gm$shape.master_crs)})
		if (is.na(gm$shape.master_crs)) {
			to <- ad$hdist
		} else {
			to <- as.numeric(units::set_units(units::set_units(1, attr(ad$hdist, "units")$numerator, mode = "standard"), as_units(shape.unit), mode = "standard"))	


	units <- list(projection=gm$shape.master_crs, unit=shape.unit, to=to, projected = !longlat)
	#units <- tmaptools::get_shape_units(projection=gm$shape.master_CRS, latitude=mean(bbx[c(2,4)]), target.unit = gm$shape.units_args$unit)
	attr(shps2, "info") <-
		list(shape.sasp = ifelse(is.na(pasp), sasp, pasp),
			 shape.bbx = bbx,
			 shape.bboxes = bboxes,
			 shape.same_bbx = same_bbx,
			 shape.legend_pos = legend_pos,
			 shape.diff_shapes = diff_shapes,
			 shape.inner.margins = inner.margins,

get_bbox_asp <- function(bbox, inner.margins, longlat, pasp, interactive) {
	# extend bounding box for asp ratio
	bbrange <- bbox[3:4] - bbox[1:2]
	xspan <- 1 - inner.margins[2] - inner.margins[4]
	yspan <- 1 - inner.margins[1] - inner.margins[3]
	bbmarg <- inner.margins[c(2,1,4,3)]
	bbmarg[c(1,2)] <- -bbmarg[c(1,2)]
	bbx <- bbox + rep(bbrange/c(xspan, yspan), 2) * bbmarg
	xlim <- bbx[c(1,3)]
	ylim <- bbx[c(2,4)]
	sasp <- get_asp_ratio(bbx, is.projected = !longlat)
	if (interactive) return(list(bbox=bbox, sasp=sasp, inner.margins= rep(0,4)))
	if (!is.na(pasp)) {
		if (pasp > sasp) {
			## landscape map
			xdiff <- if (longlat) diff(ylim) * pasp / cos((mean.default(ylim) * pi)/180) else diff(ylim) * (pasp)
			bbx[c(1,3)] <- mean.default(xlim) + (xdiff * c(-.5, .5))
		} else {
			## portrait map
			ydiff <- if (longlat) (diff(xlim) * cos((mean.default(ylim) * pi)/180)) / pasp else diff(xlim) / (pasp)
			bbx[c(2,4)] <- mean.default(ylim) + (ydiff * c(-.5, .5))
	# recalculate inner.margins (needed for design.mode)
	bb_diff <- (bbx-bbox) / (bbx[3:4] - bbx[1:2])
	inner.margins.new <- c(-bb_diff[2], -bb_diff[1], bb_diff[4], bb_diff[3])

	list(bbox=bbx, sasp=sasp, inner.margins=inner.margins.new)

split_raster <- function(r, f, drop=TRUE) {
	if (!is.factor(f)) {
		if (get("tmapOptions", envir = .TMAP_CACHE)$show.warnings) warning("f is not a factor", call. = FALSE)
		f <- as.factor(f)
	bbx <- attr(r, "bbox")
	lev <- if (drop) {
		intersect(levels(f), f)	
	} else levels(f)
	x <- lapply(lev, function(l){
		m <- matrix(as.numeric(!is.na(f) & f==l), ncol=nrow(r), nrow=ncol(r), byrow = TRUE)
		cls <- colSums(m)
		rws <- rev(rowSums(m))
		xrng <- range(which(cls!=0))
		yrng <- range(which(rws!=0))
		xrng[1] <- xrng[1] - 1
		yrng[1] <- yrng[1] - 1
		xlim <- xrng / nrow(r)
		ylim <- yrng / ncol(r)
		attr(r, "bbox") <- st_bbox(c(xmin = unname(bbx[1] + (bbx[3] - bbx[1]) * xlim[1]), 
									 ymin = unname(bbx[2] + (bbx[4] - bbx[2]) * ylim[1]), 
									 xmax = unname(bbx[1] + (bbx[3] - bbx[1]) * xlim[2]), 
									 ymax = unname(bbx[2] + (bbx[4] - bbx[2]) * ylim[2])), crs = st_crs(r))
mtennekes/tmap documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 7:49 p.m.