
#' Set tmap mode to static plotting or interactive viewing
#' Set tmap mode to static plotting or interactive viewing. The global option \code{tmap.mode} determines the whether thematic maps are plot in the graphics device, or shown as an interactive leaflet map (see also \code{\link{tmap_options}}. The function \code{tmap_mode} is a wrapper to set this global option. The convenient function \code{ttm} is a toggle switch between the two modes. Tip 1: use \code{tmap_mode} in scripts and \code{ttm} in the console. Tip 2: use \code{ttm} in combination with \code{\link{last_map}} to redraw the last map in the other mode.
#' @param mode one of
#' \describe{
#'    	\item{\code{"plot"}}{Thematic maps are shown in the graphics device. This is the default mode, and supports all tmap's features, such as small multiples (see \code{\link{tm_facets}}) and extensive layout settings (see \code{\link{tm_layout}}). It is recommended for saving static maps (see \code{\link{tmap_save}}).} 
#'    	\item{\code{"view"}}{Thematic maps are viewed interactively in the web browser or RStudio's Viewer pane. Maps are fully interactive with tiles from OpenStreetMap or other map providers. See \code{\link{tm_view}} for options related to the \code{"view"} mode. This mode generates a \code{\link[leaflet:leaflet]{leaflet}} widget, which can also be directly obtained with \code{\link{tmap_leaflet}}. With RMarkdown, it is possible to publish it to an HTML page. 
#'    	There are a couple of contraints in comparison to \code{"plot"}:
#'    	\itemize{
#'    	\item The map is always projected accoring to the Web Mercator projection. Although this projection is the de facto standard for interactive web-based mapping, it lacks the equal-area property, which is important for many thematic maps, especially choropleths (see examples from \code{\link{tm_shape}}).
#'    	\item Small multiples are not supported
#'    	\item The legend cannot be made for aesthetics regarding size, which are symbol size and line width.
#'    	\item Text labels are not supported (yet)
#'    	\item The layout options set with \code{\link{tm_layout}}) regarding map format are not used. However, the styling options still apply.}
#'    	}}
#' @return the mode before changing
#' @example ./examples/tmap_mode.R
#' @seealso \href{../doc/tmap-modes.html}{\code{vignette("tmap-modes")}}, \code{\link{last_map}} to show the last map, \code{\link{tm_view}} for viewing options, and \code{\link{tmap_leaflet}} for obtaining a leaflet widget, and \code{\link{tmap_options}} for tmap options.
#' @export
tmap_mode <- function(mode=c("plot", "view")) {
	current.mode <- getOption("tmap.mode")
	if (is.null( = TRUE)[-1])) {
		message("current tmap mode is \"", current.mode, "\"")
	} else {
		mode <- match.arg(mode)
		if (mode=="plot") {
			message("tmap mode set to plotting")
		} else {
			message("tmap mode set to interactive viewing")

#' @rdname tmap_mode
#' @export
ttm <- function() {
	current.mode <- getOption("tmap.mode")
	tmap_mode(ifelse(current.mode=="plot", "view", "plot"))

#' Set the default tmap style
#' Set the default tmap style, which is contained in the global option \code{} (see also \code{\link{tmap_options}}. The default style (i.e. when loading the package) is \code{"white"}.
#' @param style name of the style. The function \code{tm_style_<style>} should exist and be a wrapper of \code{\link{tm_layout}}. The default style when loading the package is \code{"white"}, which corresponds to the function \code{\link{tm_style_white}}. See \code{\link{tm_layout}} for predefined styles, and \code{\link{style_catalogue}} for creating a catelogue.
#' @return the style before changing
#' @seealso \code{\link{tm_layout}} for predefined styles, \code{\link{style_catalogue}} to create a style catelogue of all available styles, and \code{\link{tmap_options}} for tmap options.
#' @example ./examples/tmap_style.R
#' @seealso \code{\link{tmap_options}} for tmap options
#' @export
tmap_style <- function(style) { <- getOption("")
	if (missing(style)) {
		message("current tmap style is \"",, "\"")
	} else {
		message("tmap style set to \"", style, "\"")

#' Options for tmap
#' Get or set global options for tmap. The behaviour is similar to \code{\link[base:options]{options}}: all tmap options are retrieved when this function is called without arguments. When arguments are specified, the corresponding options are set, and the old values are silently returned.
#' The following tmap options exist:
#' \describe{
#' \item{tmap.unit}{This is the default value for the \code{unit} argument of \code{\link{tm_shape}}. It specifies the unit of measurement, which is used in the scale bar and the calculation of density values. By default (when loading the package), it is \code{"metric"}. Other valid values are \code{"imperial"}, \code{"km"}, \code{"m"}, \code{"mi"}, and \code{"ft"}.}
#' \item{}{This option determines the current style. See \code{\link{tmap_style}} for details.}
#' \item{tmap.mode}{This options determines the current mode. See \code{\link{tmap_mode}} for details.}
#' \item{tmap.limits}{This option determines how many facets (small multiples) are allowed for per mode. It should be a vector of two numeric values named \code{facets.view} and \code{facets.plot}. By default (i.e. when loading the package), it is set to \code{c(facets.view = 4, facets.plot = 64)}}
#' }
#' @param ... tmap options, using name = value. See below for the available tmap options. Alternatively, a named list can be provided.
#' @example ./examples/tmap_options.R
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{tmap_mode}}, \code{\link{tmap_style}}
tmap_options <- function(...) {
	gen_opts <- c("tmap.unit", "", "tmap.mode", "tmap.limits")
	lay_args <- names(formals("tm_layout"))
	lay_opts <- paste("tmap.layout", lay_args, sep = ".")
	all_opts <- c(gen_opts, lay_opts)
	opts <- options()
	args <- list(...)
	if (length(args)==0) {
		opts[intersect(all_opts, names(opts))]
	} else {
		if (is.list(args[[1]])) args <- args[[1]]	
		if (length(args)==0) {
			opts[intersect(all_opts, names(opts))]
		} else {
			sel <- names(args) %in% lay_args
			names(args)[sel] <- paste("tmap.layout", names(args)[sel], sep = ".")
			if (!all(names(args) %in% all_opts)) stop("incorrect option names")
			if ("tmap.unit" %in% names(args)) check_unit(args$tmap.unit)
			if ("" %in% names(args)) check_style(args$
			if ("tmap.mode" %in% names(args)) check_mode(args$tmap.mode)
			if ("tmap.limits" %in% names(args)) args$tmap.limits <- check_limits(args$tmap.limits)


tmap_options_reset <- function() {
	lay_args <- names(formals("tm_layout"))
	lay_opts <- paste("tmap.layout", lay_args, sep = ".")
	to_be_reset <- as.list(intersect(names(options()), lay_opts))
	a <- list(NULL)
	lst <- vector("list", length(lay_opts))
	names(lst) <- lay_opts
	options(c(list(tmap.unit="metric","white", tmap.mode="plot", tmap.limits=c(facets.plot=64, facets.view=4)), lst))


check_style <- function(style) {
	obs <- c(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), ls("package:tmap"))
	fname <- paste("tm_style", style, sep="_")
	if (!fname %in% obs) stop("current style \"" , style, "\" unknown, i.e. the function \"" , fname, "\" does not exist.", call. = FALSE)

check_mode <- function(mode) {
	if (!mode %in% (c("plot", "view"))) stop("incorrect mode", call. = FALSE)

check_limits <- function(limits) {
	if (!is.vector(limits)) stop("limits should be a vector", call. = FALSE)
	if (!is.numeric(limits)) stop("limits should be a numeric vector", call. = FALSE)
	if (!(length(limits)==2)) stop("limits should consist of two numbers", call. = FALSE)
	if (is.null(names(limits))) {
		names(limits) <- c("facets.plot", "facets.view")
	} else {
		if (!setequal(names(limits), c("facets.plot", "facets.view"))) stop("incorrect limits names: should be facets.view and facets.plot")
		limits <- limits[c("facets.plot", "facets.view")]

check_unit <- function(unit) {
	if (!unit %in% c("metric", "imperial", "km", "m", "mi", "miles", "ft", "feet")) stop("incorrect unit", call. = FALSE)
mtennekes/tmap documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 7:49 p.m.