
Defines functions cliff.delta.formula cliff.delta.default cliff.delta .bsearch.partition

Documented in cliff.delta cliff.delta.default cliff.delta.formula

## Data from:
##     M.Hess, J.Kromrey. 
##     Robust Confidence Intervals for Effect Sizes: 
##     A Comparative Study of Cohen's d and Cliff's Delta Under Non-normality and Heterogeneous Variances
##     American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 12 - 16, 2004
## Available at: http://www.coedu.usf.edu/main/departments/me/documents/cohen.pdf
## Kristine Y. Hogarty and Jeffrey D. Kromrey
## Using SAS to Calculate Tests of Cliff's Delta
## Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual SAS(R) Users Group International Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, 1999
## Availabel at: http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi24/Posters/p238-24.pdf

.bsearch.partition <- function(x, a, b=1, e=length(a) ){
  n = length(x);
  low = rep(NA,n)
  L = rep(b,n)
  H = rep(e,n)
  i0 = seq(n)
    #M = (L+H) %/% 2
    M = as.integer((L+H) / 2)
    left = x <= a[M]
    H[left] = M[left]
    L[!left] = M[!left]+1
    if( all(H<=L) ) {
    below = a[H] == x
    below[is.na(below)] = FALSE
    if(!any(below)) break;
    H[below] = H[below] + 1
    L.clean = L
    L.clean[L.clean<1] = NA
    above = a[L.clean] >= x
    above[is.na(above)] = FALSE
    if(!any(above)) break
    L[above] = L[above] - 1
    H[H==L] = L[H==L] + 1
  H[H>length(a)+1] = length(a)+1

cliff.delta <- function(d, ... ) UseMethod("cliff.delta")

cliff.delta.default <- function( d, f, conf.level=.95, 
                         use.unbiased=TRUE, use.normal=FALSE, return.dm=FALSE, ...){
  same_levels <- function(f1,f2){
    if(is.factor(f1) & is.factor(f2)){
      l1 = levels(f1);
      l2 = levels(f2);
        return( all(l1==l2) )
  if( "character"%in%class(f)| (is.factor(f) & !same_levels(d,f))){
    ## it is data and factor
      stop("Data d and factor f must have the same length")
    if( "character" %in% class(f)){
      f = factor(f)
        warning("Factor with multiple levels, using only those effectively present in data");
        stop("Factor should have exactly two effective levels");
    tc = split(d,f)
    treatment = tc[[1]]
    control = tc[[2]]
    ## it is treatment and control
    treatment = d
    control = f

  if(conf.level>.9999 | conf.level<.5) stop("conf.level must be within 50% and 99.99%")
  treatment = sort(treatment)
  control = sort(control)
  n1 = length(treatment)
  n2 = length(control)
    stop("Cannot compute Cliff delta value with less than 3 values")
  rescale.factor = (n1*n2-1)/(n1*n2);

  if(!return.dm & is.factor(treatment) & is.factor(control)){ ## use factor algorithm
    ft = table(treatment) / n1
    fc = table(control) / n2
    ## Note: in principle they should share the same levels
    lt = seq_along(levels(treatment))
    lc = seq_along(levels(control))
    dm_L = sign(outer(lt,lc,FUN="-"))
    d_i.C = dm_L %*% fc
    d_.jC = t(dm_L) %*% ft
    d =  as.numeric( t(d_i.C) %*% ft )
    d. = ifelse(abs(d)==1,d*rescale.factor,d)
    d_i. = rep(d_i.C,ft*n1) 
    d_.j = rep(d_.jC,fc*n2) 
    SSR = t((dm_L-d.)^2 %*% (fc*n2)) %*% ft *n1 
    ## not a factor
    if(return.dm){ ## explicitly compute dominance matrix
      dominance = sign(outer(treatment, control, FUN="-")) 
      row.names(dominance) = treatment
      colnames(dominance) = control
      d = mean(dominance)
      d. = ifelse(abs(d)==1,d*rescale.factor,d)

            d_i. = apply(dominance,1,mean)
      d_.j = apply(dominance,2,mean)
      SSR = sum( (dominance-d.)^2 )
    }else{ ## uses row partitioning algorithm
      algorithm="Row partitioning"
      partitions = .bsearch.partition(treatment,control)
      partitions[,2] = n2 - partitions[,2] + 1L
      partitions[partitions[,1]>n2,1] = n2
      d_i. = partitions %*% c(1L,-1L) / n2
      d = mean(d_i.)
      d. = ifelse(abs(d)==1,d*rescale.factor,d)
      pb = sum(partitions[,1])
      pa = sum(partitions[,2])
      partitions = .bsearch.partition(control,treatment)
      partitions[,2] = n1 - partitions[,2] + 1L
      partitions[partitions[,1]>n1,2] = n1
      d_.j = partitions %*% c(-1L,1L) / n1
      #     d_.j = rep(NA,n2)
      #     for(i in 1:n2){
      #       d_.j = sum(partitions[,1]>=i) -sum(partitions[,1]<n2-i)
      #     }
      SSR = pb * (1-d.)^2 + (as.double(n1)*n2-pa-pb)*d.^2 + pa*(1+d.)^2 
  ## Compute variance
    # method 1: unbiased estimate:
    S_d = ( n2^2 * sum( (d_i. - d.)^2) + n1^2*sum( (d_.j-d.)^2) - SSR ) / (as.numeric(n1)*n2*(n1-1)*(n2-1))
    # method 2: consistent estimate
    S_i. = sum( (d_i.-d.)^2 ) / (n1-1);
    S_.j = sum( (d_.j-d.)^2 ) / (n2-1);
    S_ij = SSR / ( ( n1-1)*(n2-1 ) ) ### Cliff 1996
    # The three variance terms should be:
    # 0.2669753,  0.447, and  1.0055556, respectively.
    #S_ij = SSR / ( n1*n2-1 )  ## Long et al 2003
    S_d = ( (n2-1)*S_i. + (n1-1)*S_.j + S_ij) / ( as.double(n1) * n2)
    ## assume a normal distribution
    Z = -qnorm((1-conf.level)/2)
    ## assume a Student t distribution See (Feng & Cliff, 2004) 
    Z = -qt((1-conf.level)/2,n1+n2-2)
  conf.int = c(
    ( d. - d.^3 - Z * sqrt(S_d) * sqrt((1-d.^2)^2+Z^2*S_d )) / ( 1 - d.^2+Z^2*S_d),
    ( d. - d.^3 + Z * sqrt(S_d) * sqrt((1-d.^2)^2+Z^2*S_d )) / ( 1 - d.^2+Z^2*S_d)
  names(conf.int) = c("lower","upper")
    conf.int[2] = 1
    conf.int[1] = -1
    warning("The samples are fully disjoint, using approximate Confidence Interval estimation")
  mag.levels = c(0.147,0.33,0.474) ## effect sizes from (Hess and Kromrey, 2004)
  magnitude = c("negligible","small","medium","large")
    estimate = d,
    conf.int = conf.int,
    var = S_d,
    conf.level = conf.level,
    magnitude = factor(magnitude[findInterval(abs(d),mag.levels)+1],levels = magnitude,ordered=T),
    method = "Cliff's Delta",
    algorithm = algorithm,
    variance.estimation = if(use.unbiased){ "Unbiased"}else{"Consistent"},
    CI.distribution = if(use.normal){ "Normal"}else{"Student-t"}
    res$dm = dominance;
  res$name = "delta"
  class(res) <- "effsize"

cliff.delta.formula <-function(formula, data=list(),conf.level=.95, 
                                use.unbiased=TRUE, use.normal=FALSE, 
                               return.dm=FALSE, ...){
#cliff.delta.formula <-function(f, data=list(),...){
  mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
     stop("Fomula must be a variable vs a factor")
  x <- mf[[2]]
  y <- mf[[1]]
  vals = split(y,x)
  x = vals[[1]]
  y = vals[[2]]
  res = cliff.delta.default(x,y,conf.level, use.unbiased, use.normal, return.dm)

# test_cliff.delta <- function(){
#   treatment = c(10,10,20,20,20,30,30,30,40,50)
#   control = c(10,20,30,40,40,50)
#   res = cliff.delta(treatment,control,use.unbiased=F,use.normal=T)
#   print(res)
##Cliff's Delta
##delta estimate: -0.25 (small)
##95 percent confidence interval:
##  inf        sup 
##-0.7265846  0.3890062 
# }
mtorchiano/effsize documentation built on Oct. 15, 2021, 3:19 p.m.