
Defines functions bargraph.CI

Documented in bargraph.CI

bargraph.CI <-
    function(x.factor, response, group = NULL, split = FALSE,
             xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, col = NULL, angle = NULL, density = NULL,
             lc = TRUE, uc = TRUE, legend = FALSE, ncol = 1,
             leg.lab = NULL, x.leg = NULL, y.leg = NULL, cex.leg = 1,
             bty = "n", bg = "white", space=if(split) c(-1,1),
             err.width=if(length(levels(as.factor(x.factor)))>10) 0 else .1,
             err.col = "black", err.lty = 1,
             fun = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
             ci.fun = function(x) c(fun(x)-se(x), fun(x)+se(x)),
             ylim = NULL, xpd = FALSE, data = NULL, subset = NULL, ...) {
        ## Set up environment
        if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- deparse(substitute(x.factor))
        if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <-deparse(substitute(response))
        subset <- eval(substitute(subset), envir=data)
        if(!is.null(data)) {
            if(!is.null(subset)) data <- subset(data,subset)
            x.factor <- eval(substitute(x.factor), envir=data)
            response <- eval(substitute(response), envir=data)
            group <- eval(substitute(group), envir=data)
        if(is.null(data)) {
            if(!is.null(subset)) {
                x.factor <- x.factor[subset]
                response <- response[subset]
                group <- group[subset]
        subset = NULL

        if(split) {
            ## If more than 1 "y-factor", Return Error Message
            if(length(group[[1]]) > 1) {
                print("Error: Can't split for > 2 group levels")

            split.fn <- function(x, y) {
                val <- levels(group)[[1]]
                ifelse(x==val, y*-1, y)

            response <- split.fn(group, response)

        ## Figure out if we're dealing with 1 or more total groups
        ## (i.e., we always have 1 "x.factor" and we may have 1 or more "group".
        if(is.null(group)) groups = factor(x.factor) else {
            ## If more than 1 "y-factor", combine for plotting
            if(length(group[[1]]) > 1) {
                group <- factor(interaction(group, lex.order=TRUE))
            ## "groups" defines the combination of "x.factor" and "group"
            group <- factor(group) # Do this to drop unused levels
            groups <- list(group,x.factor)
        ## Calculate mean and SE's
        mn.data <- tapply(response, groups, fun)
        CI.dat <- tapply(response, groups, ci.fun)

        ## replace NULL with NaN
        null.fn <- function(x) if(is.null(x[[1]])) rep(NaN,2) else x
        if(!is.null(group)) CI.dat <- apply(CI.dat, c(1,2), null.fn)
        CI.data <-
                    if(is.null(group)) 1 else nrow(mn.data),
        CI.L <- CI.data[1,,]
        CI.H <- CI.data[2,,]
        ## Replace undefined SE with zero.
        ##Note that this will return the warning message:
        ## "zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped"
        replace.NA <- function(x) if(is.na(x)) 0 else x
        if(!is.null(group)) {
            CI.L <- apply(CI.L, c(1,2), replace.NA)
            CI.H <- apply(CI.H, c(1,2), replace.NA)
        else {
            CI.L <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(CI.L, replace.NA)))
            CI.H <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(CI.H, replace.NA)))

        ## Determine y-axis plot region
        if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(0, CI.L), max(0, CI.H))
        ## Plot
        xvals <- barplot(mn.data, ylim=ylim, beside = TRUE, col = col,
                         density=density, angle = angle, space=space,
                         xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xpd=xpd, ...)
        ## Draw CI's
        nlevels.x <- dim(mn.data)[1]
            arrows(xvals, if(lc) CI.L else mn.data, xvals,
                   if(uc) CI.H else mn.data, angle=90, length=err.width, code=3)
        else {
            nlevels.y <- dim(mn.data)[2]
            for(i in 1:nlevels.y)
                arrows(xvals[,i], if(lc) CI.L[,i] else mn.data[,i],
                       xvals[,i], if(uc) CI.H[,i] else mn.data[,i],
                       angle=90, code = 3, col=err.col, lty=err.lty,

        ## Draw legend
        if(!is.null(group)&legend) {
                x = if(is.null(x.leg)) 0.8*max(xvals) else x.leg,
                y = if(is.null(y.leg)) max(ylim) else y.leg,
                legend = if(is.null(leg.lab))
                             levels(as.factor(group)) else leg.lab,
                bty = bty, bg = bg, ncol = ncol,
                fill = if(is.null(col)) gray.colors(nlevels.x) else col,
                density = density, angle = angle, cex=cex.leg)
        invisible(list(xvals=xvals, vals=mn.data, CI=CI.data))
mutualism/sciplot documentation built on July 8, 2023, 2:40 a.m.