#' Beautify RMarkdown tables
#' This function beautifys RMarkdown tables in terms of columnwidths, alignment,
#' missing columns and rows. It is called by the beautifyR RStudio addin.
#' @import stringr
#' @import stringi
#' @param inputstring Charactervector of length 1 containing a RMarkdown table.
#' @export
beautifyR <- function(inputstring){
# split table at "\n"
lns <- as.list(stringr::str_split(inputstring, "\n", simplify = TRUE))
# ignore empty lines
lns <- lns[unlist(lapply(lns, function(x) {x != ""}))]
lns <- gsub("^ | $", "", lns)
# ignore markdown comments (and keep backup)
commentsBU <- data.frame(com = lns[grepl("<!--.*-->", lns)],
whichLine = grep("<!--.*-->", lns),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
lns <- lns[!grepl("<!--.*-->", lns)]
# split lines at "|"
cells <- lapply(stringr::str_split(lns, "\\|"), function(x) {
x[x != ""]
# count number of cells in each row
ncolumns <- lapply(cells, length)
maxColumns <- do.call(max, ncolumns)
# if no or false alignment row is given return left-aligned and show warning
if (any(stringr::str_detect(cells[[2]], "[^:-[[:blank:]]]"))) {
cells <- append(cells, list(rep(":-", maxColumns)), 1)
message("Fomatting indicator row 2 (e.g. :----) contains invalid values or is not available
left alignment assumed for all columns")
# extract or assume the column alignment (left, center, right)
align <- extractAlignment(cells, maxColumns)
# remove spaces at beginning and end of cells
cells <- lapply(cells, function(x) {
gsub("^[[:blank:]]*|[[:blank:]]*$", "", x)
# extract maximum characters per column
chars <- lapply(cells, stri_width)
maxChars <- sapply(1:maxColumns, function(x) {
# chars[-c(2)] will exclude the formatting line from the determination of
# the column width
do.call(max, lapply(chars[-c(2)], `[`, x))
# Increase too low number of chars
maxChars[is.na(maxChars)| maxChars < 3] <- 3
## build output table
# pad cells
cellsPadded <- padCells(cells, align, maxChars, maxColumns)
# refine formatting row (2nd)
cellsPaddedRefined <- refineFormatting(cellsPadded, align)
# combine lines
linesout <- lapply(cellsPaddedRefined, function(x) {
paste(x, collapse = " | "),
# recursively iterate if something got messed up
# !! possible source of stack overflow !!
# nocommentlines <- linesout[sapply(linesout, grepl, "<!--.*-->")]
if (length(unique(sapply(linesout, stri_width))) != 1){
tmp <- paste(unlist(linesout), collapse = "\n")
tmp <- beautifyR(tmp)
linesout <- as.list(stringr::str_split(tmp, "\n"))
# insert comments from input
if (nrow(commentsBU) > 0) {
for (i in 1:nrow(commentsBU)) {
linesout <- append(linesout, list(commentsBU[i, 1]), commentsBU[i, 2] - 1)
# create output string
out <- paste(unlist(linesout), collapse = "\n")
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