
Defines functions lik.ecm find.mle.ecm fitEcm

Documented in fitEcm

#' @title Fit Equal Capture Model (ECM)
#' @description Fits the Equal Capture Model (ECM) to count data to obtain the MLE for population size
#' @param data A two-column data frame with the first column specifiying the capture class (i.e. individuals in class i were caught i times) and the second column specifying the number of individuals in each class
#' @param max.pop The maximum population size
#' @details The ECM model fit by this function assumes that all individuals are equally likely to be "captured". 
#' The value is specified for \code{max.pop} is not likely to matter as long as it is much greater than the maximum likelihood estimate for population size.
#' Note that if the data contains only singletons, the data is not informative and the maximum likelihood estimate for population size will be equal to \code{max.pop}
#' @return an object of class \code{capfit} containing the follow elements:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{model}{The model specified}
#'  \item{likelihood}{The likelihood of the model}
#'  \item{ml.pop.size}{The maximum likelihood estimate for population size}
#'  \item{cap.ind}{The mean number of captures per individual}
#'  \item{sampled.ind}{The total number of individuals in the sample}
#'  \item{sample.size}{Total number of samples in the data set}
#'  \item{max.pop}{The maximum population size specified by \code{max.pop}}
#' }
#' @references Miller C. R., P. Joyce and L.P. Waits. 2005. A new method for estimating the size of small populations from genetic mark-recapture data. Molecular Ecology 14:1991-2005.
#' Pennell, M. W., C. R. Stansbury, L. P. Waits and C. R. Miller. 2013. Capwire: a R package for estimating population census size from non-invasive genetic sampling. Molecular Ecology Resources 13:154-157. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{simEcm}}
#' @export fitEcm
#' @author Matthew W. Pennell
#' @examples
#' ## Simulate data under Equal Capture Model
#' data <- simEcm(n=40, s=150)
#' ## Fit Equal Capture Model to Data
#' res <- fitEcm(data=data, max.pop=200)
#' res
fitEcm <- function(data, max.pop){

    ## get basic info from data
    si <- get.sampling.info(data)

    ## return object if only singletons
    if (all(si$counts == 1)){
        r <- list(model="Two.innate.rates", likelihood=NA,
                  ml.pop.size=max.pop, cap.ind=si$s/si$t, sampled.ind=si$t,
                  sample.size=si$s, max.pop=max.pop)
        class(r) <- c("list", "capfit")

    ml <- find.mle.ecm(si, max.pop)
    lik <- ml$lik - sum(log(seq_len(si$t)))

    r <- list(model="Equal.capture", likelihood=lik,
              ml.pop.size=ml$n, cap.ind=si$s/si$t, sampled.ind=si$t,
              sample.size=si$s, max.pop=max.pop)
    class(r) <- c("list", "capfit")

## find mle
find.mle.ecm <- function(si, max.pop){
    v <- c(si$t:(max.pop - si$t))
    lik <- sapply(v, function(x) lik.ecm(si, x))
    n <- v[which(lik == max(lik))]
    list(lik=max(lik), n=n)

## likelihood function for ecm
lik.ecm <- function(si, n){
    lik <- sum(log(seq_len(n))) + log(1/n) * si$s

    if (si$t != n)
        lik <- lik - sum(log(seq_len(n-si$t)))

mwpennell/capwire documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 11:19 a.m.