Man pages for mzytnicki/srnadiff
Finding differentially expressed unannotated genomic regions from RNA-seq data

annotRegAccessors for the 'annotReg' slot of an srnadiffExp object
bamFilesAccessors for the 'bamFiles' slot of an srnadiffExp object
chromosomeSizesAccessors for the 'chromosomeSizes' slot of an srnadiffExp...
countMatrixAccessors for the 'countMatrix' slot of an srnadiffExp object
coveragesAccessors for the 'coverages' slot of an srnadiffExp object
normFactorsAccessors for the 'normFactors' slot of an srnadiffExp object
parametersAccessors for the 'parameters' slot of an srnadiffExp object
plotRegionsPlot the coverage information surrounding genomic regions
readAnnotationReads and parses GFF/GTF files
regionsExtracts differentially expressed regions of an srnadiffExp...
sampleInfoAccessors for the 'sampleInfo' slot of an srnadiffExp object
srnadiffFinding differentially expressed unannotated genomic regions...
srnadiffDefaultParametersList of srnadiff default parameters.
srnadiffExampleExample constructor
srnadiffExpInfrastructure for sRNA-Seq experiment and differential...
mzytnicki/srnadiff documentation built on March 7, 2023, 2:18 a.m.