
Defines functions readFromDatabaseExtract

Documented in readFromDatabaseExtract

#' Read From original IDEA Database Extract and Flatten (Tidy)
#' Takes MS Access database and updates one of the tables
#' to give a combined full data set with defined list of fields included.
#' The main Access extract (in Excel tabs) is always the same original one but
#' the Patient table (tab in Excel) has been updated
#' and so the latest version of this is joined to the other data.
#' Part of the reason for doing it like this is because don't know how to convert
#' a whole Access database to Excel, only a sheet at a time.
#' ##TODO##
#' @return updated full data set
#' @export
readFromDatabaseExtract <- function(save_filename = "C:/Users/nathan.green/Dropbox/TB/IDEA/output_data/TBdata_prepd_190315.RData"){


  ## read from Excel _COMPLETE_WORKBOOK_ --------------------------------------------------------

  extractNames <- readLines(system.file("extdata", "extractNames.csv", package = "IDEAdectree"))
  Patients <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "patientdata_new_Patients_table.csv", package = "IDEAdectree"))
  patientdata_orig <- loadWorkbook(system.file("extdata", "patientdata_orig.xlsx", package = "IDEAdectree"))

  # Excel workbook as list of data frames
  tab.names <- getSheets(patientdata_orig)
  TBlist <- sapply(1:length(tab.names),
                   function(x) readWorksheet(patientdata_orig,
                                             sheet = x,
                                             header = TRUE,
                                             check.names = FALSE))
  names(TBlist) <- tab.names

  # y <- sapply(TBlist, function(x) x[,intersect(names(x), extractNames])     #do subset of columns before join

  ## extract only columns of interest.
  ## duplicate IDs though for multiple tb treatment entries
  # data <- join_all(TBlist[c("Patients","tb symptoms","tb treatment")], by="PatientStudyID", match="all")
  #same as:
  # data <- join_all(TBlist, by="PatientStudyID", match="all")
  # data <- unique(data[,extractNames])

  ## loss of information but no repeat IDs
  data <- join_all(TBlist,
                   by = "PatientStudyID",
                   match = "first")
  data <- data[ ,extractNames]

  ## update individual Excel _SHEET_ -----------------------------------------------------------

  Patients$PatientStudyID <- toupper(Patients$PatientStudyID)
  data$PatientStudyID <- toupper(data$PatientStudyID)

  patientNames <- intersect(names(Patients), extractNames)
  names <- c("PatientStudyID", setdiff(extractNames, patientNames))
  data  <- merge(x = data[ ,names],
                 y = Patients[ ,patientNames],
                 by = "PatientStudyID")

  # save(data, file = save_filename)
n8thangreen/IDEAdectree documentation built on Feb. 10, 2020, 11:35 a.m.