
Defines functions table_costeffectiveness table_tb_avoided_wide table_tb_avoided

#' Table of Cost-Effectiveness Statistics
#' Take \code{BCEA} package oject as input and
#' creates a summary table.
#' 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000 willingness to pay
#' @param bcea_obj Pre-calculated output from BCEA package (class(bcea))
#' @param wtp_threshold
#' @param folder text string
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
table_costeffectiveness <- function(bcea_obj,
                                    wtp_threshold = 20000,
                                    folder = NA) {

  out <-
    if (bcea_obj$n.comparisons == 1) {
                   list("percentile_5th" = quantile(x = ib[k == wtp_threshold, ], probs = 0.05),
                        "EINB" = eib[k == wtp_threshold],
                        "percentile_95th" = quantile(x = ib[k == wtp_threshold, ], probs = 0.95),
                        "ceac_WTP15000" = ceac[k == 15000],
                        "ceac_WTP20000" = ceac[k == 20000],
                        "ceac_WTP25000" = ceac[k == 25000],
                        "ceac_WTP30000" = ceac[k == 30000])))

                   list("percentile_5th" = apply(ib[k == wtp_threshold, , ], 2, quantile, probs = 0.05),
                        "EINB" = eib[k == wtp_threshold, ],
                        "percentile_95th" = apply(ib[k == wtp_threshold, , ], 2, quantile, probs = 0.95),
                        "ceac_WTP15000" = ceac[k == 15000, ],
                        "ceac_WTP20000" = ceac[k == 20000, ],
                        "ceac_WTP25000" = ceac[k == 25000, ],
                        "ceac_WTP30000" = ceac[k == 30000, ])))

  if (!is.na(folder)) {
    write.csv(x = out,
              file = paste(folder, "costeffectiveness_table.csv", sep = "/"))


#' table_tb_avoided_wide
#' @param dectree_res
#' @param folder text string
#' @return EWNI and total 5%, 50% and 95% quantiles
#' @export
#' @examples
table_tb_avoided_wide <- function(dectree_res,
                                  folder = NA) {

  n_tb_screen_all <- map(dectree_res, "n_tb_screen_all")
  n_tb_screen_uk <- map(dectree_res, "n_tb_screen_uk")

  out <- NULL
  QUANTILES <- c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95)

  for (i in seq_along(n_tb_screen_all)) {

    diseasefree_all <- subset(n_tb_screen_all[[i]],
                              status == "disease-free",
                              select = "n") %>% unlist()

    diseasefree_uk <- subset(n_tb_screen_uk[[i]],
                             status == "disease-free",
                             select = "n") %>% unlist()

    out <- rbind(out, c(diseasefree_uk %>% quantile(probs = QUANTILES),
                        diseasefree_all %>% quantile(probs = QUANTILES)))


  colnames(out) <- paste(c("EWNI","EWNI","EWNI",
                           "Total","Total","Total"), colnames(out))

  if (!is.na(folder)) {
    write.csv(x = out,
              file = paste(folder, "tb_avoided_table.csv", sep = "/"))


#' table_tb_avoided
#' @param dectree_res
#' @param folder text string
#' @return EWNI and total 5%, 50% and 95% quantiles
#' @export
#' @examples
table_tb_avoided <- function(dectree_res,
                             folder = NA) {

  tb_all <-
    dectree_res %>%
    map("n_tb_screen_all") %>%
                .id = "scenario") %>%
    group_by(scenario, status) %>%
    summarise(L95 = quantile(n, 0.05),
              mean = mean(n),
              U95 = quantile(n, 0.95)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(status == "disease-free") %>%
    mutate(X2 = "tb_all") %>%
    select(-status) %>%
    select(scenario, X2, everything())

  tb_uk <-
    dectree_res %>%
    map("n_tb_screen_uk") %>%
                .id = "scenario") %>%
    group_by(scenario, status) %>%
    summarise(L95 = quantile(n, 0.05),
              mean = mean(n),
              U95 = quantile(n, 0.95)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(status == "disease-free") %>%
    mutate(X2 = "tb_uk") %>%
    select(-status) %>%
    select(scenario, X2, everything())

  out <- rbind(tb_all, tb_uk)

  if (!is.na(folder)) {
    write.csv(x = out,
              file = paste(folder, "tb_avoided.csv", sep = "/"))

n8thangreen/LTBIscreeningproject documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:01 p.m.