
# project: LTBI screening
# N Green
# Dec 2016
# proportion of LTBI become active cases
# with screening for each scenario
# bar plots & box plots

if (!exists("p.complete_treat_scenarios")) {

  # p.complete_treat_scenarios <- read.csv(file = file.choose(), header = FALSE)
  p.complete_treat_scenarios <- read.csv(file = pastef(diroutput, "prob_complete_Tx_given_LTBI_by_who.csv"), header = FALSE)
  names(p.complete_treat_scenarios) <- who_levels
  p.complete_treat_scenarios$scenario <- rownames(p.complete_treat_scenarios)

LTBI_prob_lookup <-
  p.complete_treat_scenarios %>%
  gather("who_inc_Pareek2011", "value", -scenario)

## before screening ##

##TODO: update variable names etc...

# fillin missing years with NA
obs_uk_tb_year <- c(obs_uk_tb_year,
                    rep(0, length(uktb_estimated) - length(obs_uk_tb_year)))

# fillin later years with estimates (exponential)
# activeTBcases <- c(obs_uk_tb_year, uktb_estimated)
obs_uk_tb_year <- rbind(obs_uk_tb_year,

colnames(obs_uk_tb_year) <- seq_len(ncol(obs_uk_tb_year))

png(paste(plots_folder, "/barplot_raw_num_aTB.png", sep = ""))

barplot(height = obs_uk_tb_year,
        ylim = c(0, 150),
        main = "Raw number of active TB cases",
        xlab = "Time in UK (years)", ylab = "Cases")

# including LTBI indiv who have left EWNI -----------------------------------

activeTBcases_UK_nonUK <- rbind("UK observed" = obs_uk_tb_year,
                                "Non-UK estimated" = exituk_tb_year)
                                # "Non-UK estimated" = exituk_tb_year[names(obs_uk_tb_year)])

png(paste0(plots_folder, "/barplot_aTB_with_exituk.png"))

barplot(height = activeTBcases_UK_nonUK,
        main = sprintf("Number of active TB cases\n in %s cohort", year_cohort),
        xlab = "Times since arrival to the UK (years)",
        ylab = "Active TB cases",
        col = c("lightgrey", "darkgrey","lightblue"),
        xlim = c(0,10), ylim = c(0, 270),
        density = c(5,60,20,30), angle = c(10,45,75,11))

legend("topright", legend = c("Observed EWNI", "Estimated EWNI", "Estimated exitted EWNI"),
       density = c(5,60,20), angle = c(10,45,75), fill = c("lightgrey", "darkgrey","lightblue"), bg = "white")

## after screening ##

# e.g.
# basecase?
SCENARIO <- 1#300

p.completeTx <- subset(x = LTBI_prob_lookup,
                       scenario == as.character(SCENARIO) & who_inc_Pareek2011 == "(50,150]",
                       select = value) %>%

activeTBcases_after_screen <- obs_uk_tb_year * (1 - p.completeTx)

png(paste0(plots_folder, "/barplot_raw_num_aTB_screened.png"))

barplot(height = activeTBcases_after_screen,
        main = sprintf("Raw number of active TB cases\n after screening in %s cohort", year_cohort),
        xlab = "Time in UK (years)", ylab = "Cases")

# using density strips
# to show uncertainty

plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 9), ylim = c(0, 170),
     xlab = "Time since arrival in EWNI (years)", ylab = "Number of notified active TB cases", type = "n")
axis(side = 1, at = 1:8)
combined_activeTBcases <- colSums(obs_uk_tb_year) %>% round()
x <- list()

for (i in seq_along(combined_activeTBcases)) {

  x[[i]] <- rbinom(n = 1000, size = combined_activeTBcases[i], prob = 1 - p.completeTx)
  denstrip(x[[i]], colmax = "black", width = 1, at = i, horiz = FALSE, ticks = combined_activeTBcases[i], tlen = 1)

# including LTBI indiv who have left UK -----------------------------------

activeTBcases_UK_nonUK_after_screen <- rbind("UK observed" = activeTBcases_after_screen,
                                             "Non-UK estimated" = exituk_tb_year * (1 - p.completeTx))

png(paste0(plots_folder, "/barplot_aTB_with_exituk_screened.png"))

barplot(height = activeTBcases_UK_nonUK_after_screen,
        main = sprintf("Number of active TB cases after screening\n in %s cohort", year_cohort),
        xlab = "Times since arrival to the UK (years)",
        ylab = "Active TB cases",
        col = c("lightgrey", "darkgrey","lightblue"),
        xlim = c(0,10), ylim = c(0, 270),
        density = c(5,60,20,30), angle = c(10,45,75,11))

legend("topright", legend = c("Observed EWNI", "Estimated EWNI", "Estimated exitted EWNI"),
       density = c(5,60,20), angle = c(10,45,75), fill = c("lightgrey", "darkgrey","lightblue"), bg = "white")

##TODO: binomial confidence interval normal approximation
# do we need n denominator as number of LTBI individuals?
# would the error be too small to make any difference anyway?
# p.completeTx + 1.96*p.completeTx*(1-p.completeTx)/pop_year

## combined before/after screening ##

# in UK only --------------------------------------------------------------

# stack missed and avoided active TB cases
missed_avoided_activeTBcases <- rbind("Missed" = activeTBcases_after_screen,
                                      "Avoided" = obs_uk_tb_year - activeTBcases_after_screen)

# single scenario bar plot

png(paste(plots_folder, "/barplot_aTB_with_avoided.png", sep = ""))

barplot(height = missed_avoided_activeTBcases,
        main = paste("Observed active TB incidence:\n", diroutput, "\n scenario", SCENARIO),
        xlab = "Times since arrival to the UK (years)",
        ylab = "Active TB cases",
        col = c("lightgrey", "darkgrey","lightblue","darkblue"),
        xlim = c(0,10), #ylim = c(0, 270),
        density = c(5,60,20,100), angle = c(10,45,75,11))

legend("topright", legend = c("Observed EWNI", "Estimated EWNI", "Cases avoided EWNI", "Estimated Cases avoided EWNI"),
       density = c(5,60,20,100), angle = c(10,45,75,11), fill = c("lightgrey", "darkgrey","lightblue","darkblue"), bg = "white")

# cumulative counts
# h <- hist(notif_issdt.years, breaks = 0:5, plot = FALSE)
# h$counts <- cumsum(h$counts)
# plot(h)

# including LTBI indiv who have left UK -----------------------------------

# stack missed and avoided active TB cases
missed_avoided_UK_nonUK_activeTBcases <- rbind("Missed UK"  = activeTBcases_after_screen,
                                               "Avoided UK" = obs_uk_tb_year - activeTBcases_after_screen,
                                               "Missed non-UK"  = exituk_tb_year * (1 - p.completeTx),
                                               "Avoided non-UK" = exituk_tb_year * p.completeTx)

windows(rescale = "R")
png(paste(plots_folder, "/barplot_aTB_with_exituk_avoided.png", sep = ""))

barplot(height = missed_avoided_UK_nonUK_activeTBcases,
        main = sprintf("Number of active TB cases\n before and after screening in %s cohort", year_cohort),
        xlab = "Times since arrival to EWNI (years)",
        ylab = "Active TB cases in EWNI",
        col = c("lightgrey", "darkgrey","lightblue","darkblue","red","green"),
        xlim = c(0,10), #ylim = c(0, 270),
        density = c(5,60,20,100), angle = c(10,45,75,11,30,80))

       legend = c("Observed missed EWNI", "Estimated missed EWNI", "Observed cases avoided EWNI", "Estimated cases avoided EWNI", "Estimated cases missed exit EWNI", "Estimated cases avoided exit EWNI"),
       density = c(5,60,20,100), angle = c(10,45,75,11,30,80), fill = c("lightgrey", "darkgrey","lightblue","darkblue","red","green"), bg = "white")

## all scenarios combined ##

p.completeTx_scenarios <- LTBI_prob_lookup %>%
                            filter(who_inc_Pareek2011 == "(50,150]") %>%

counts.scenarios <- matrix(data = obs_uk_tb_year,
                           nrow = n.scenarios,
                           ncol = length(obs_uk_tb_year), byrow = TRUE)

for (i in seq_len(n.scenarios)) {
  counts.scenarios[i, ] <- counts.scenarios[i, ] * p.completeTx_scenarios[i, ]

# all scenarios bar plot
counts.melt <- reshape2::melt(counts.scenarios)

# ggplot2::ggplot(data = counts.melt, aes(x = X2, color = X1, group = X1)) +
#   geom_step(aes(y = value), alpha = .3) +
#   theme(legend.position = "none")
# geom_point(aes(y = value), alpha=.3)

# box and whisker plot
ggplot(data = counts.melt, aes(x = X2, y = value, group = X2)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "point", shape = 5, size = 4) +
  theme_bw() +
  xlab("Times since arrival to the UK (years)") +
  ylab("Active TB cases avoided in EWNI")
n8thangreen/LTBIscreeningproject documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:01 p.m.