
# *****************************************************
# LTBI screening
# N Green
# 2018
# gridded plots of the subpopulation sizes over time
# can do this on the raw, fitted, extrapolated or subsample data

# tb is for cases in EWNI only

event_times <- list(tb = cohort$notif_issdt.years,
                    exit_uk = cohort$date_exit_uk1_issdt.years,
                    death = cohort$date_death1_issdt.years)

# append screening subpop
screen <- table(ceiling(cohort$screen_year))
screen <- c(screen, rep(0, 100 - length(screen)))

res <- data.frame(year = 1:100,
                  discount = discount(t_limit = 100))

for (i in seq_len(n.scenarios)) {

  # (average) screened subpop counts
  prop_avoid <- mean(dectree_res[[i]]$subset_pop[ ,'p_LTBI_to_cured'])

  id_avoid <- cohort$id_avoided_tb
  who_avoided <- rows_first_n_ids(id_avoid,

  cohort_screen <- cohort
  cohort_screen$notif_issdt.years[who_avoided] <- Inf

  event_times$tb = cohort_screen$notif_issdt.years

  strat_pop_year <- count_comprsk_events(event_times)

  strat_pop_year <- cbind(t(strat_pop_year), screen)

  # append average costs and discounted costs

  strat_pop_year <-
    data.frame(strat_pop_year, row.names = NULL) %>%
    mutate(tb_diff = c(0, diff(tb)),
           discount = discount(t_limit = n()),
           c_tb = round(means$cost.aTB_TxDx + (means$num_sec_inf * means$cost.aTB_TxDx)/1.035, 2),
           c_screen = round(mean(dectree_res[[i]]$mc_cost), 2),
           t_screen = screen * c_screen,
           t_tb = tb_diff * c_tb,
           dis_tb = as.integer(discount * t_tb),
           dis_screen = as.integer(discount * t_screen))

  names(strat_pop_year)[!names(strat_pop_year) %in% c("year", "discount")] <-
    paste0(names(strat_pop_year)[!names(strat_pop_year) %in% c("year", "discount")], i)

  res <- dplyr::full_join(res, strat_pop_year, by = c("year", "discount"))

          file = pastef(diroutput, 'num-competing-events-by-year_screen.csv'))
n8thangreen/LTBIscreeningproject documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:01 p.m.