
Defines functions convert_days_to_week

Documented in convert_days_to_week

##' Converts a matrix of daily counts into weekly counts, using the
##' ISOweek standard, provided that a deparate data frame is 
##' appointed from which to extract the actual dates corresponding to each
##' row of the matrix.
##' This is an internal function of the package vetsyn, made available as an 
##' exported funciton in order to allow users to take advantage of the 
##' function retro_summary() from the package. That function
##' generates a markdown file with R code that can be useful for users
##' during restrospective analysis of syndromic data. When those R codes are run
##' manually by the user, this function may be needed. 
##' @rdname convert_days_to_week-methods
##' @docType methods
##' @param counts.df a matrix with rows corresponding to daily counts, and
##' columns corresponding to syndromic groups
##' @param dates.df a data frame where the first column contain dates
##' @param date.format the date format in the dates variable, by default Y-m-d.
##' @export 
##' @import ISOweek
##' @examples
##' data(lab.daily)
##' my.syndromic <- raw_to_syndromicD (id=lab.daily$SubmissionID,
##'                                   syndromes.var=lab.daily$Syndrome,
##'                                   dates.var=lab.daily$DateofSubmission,
##'                                   date.format="%d/%m/%Y")
##' weekly <- convert_days_to_week(my.syndromic@@observed; my.syndromic@@dates)

convert_days_to_week <- function(counts.df,
                                 dates.df,date.format="%Y-%m-%d") {

  dates.vector <- as.Date(dates.df[,1],format = date.format)
  week <- substr(as.character(date2ISOweek(dates.vector)),1,8)
  year <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(date2ISOweek(dates.vector)),1,4))
  synd.week<- aggregate(counts.df,by=list(week=week, year=year),sum)
nandadorea/vetsyn documentation built on April 30, 2022, 1:15 a.m.