
gwfa.cv_uniquenesses.calc <- function(bw, x, dp.locat,k, scores, elocat=NULL, robust, kernel, adaptive, p, theta, longlat, dMat,
                                    vars,  n.obs = NA,fm, rotate, oblique.scores, timeout, foreach) {

 ##This function is based on GWmodel::gwpca.cv.

  data <- x
  if (is(data, "Spatial")) {
    p4s <- proj4string(data)
    dp.locat <- coordinates(data)
  else if (is(data, "data.frame") && (!missing(dMat)))
    data <- data
  else stop("Given data must be a Spatial*DataFrame or data.frame object")
  if (missing(elocat)) {
    ep.given <- FALSE
    elocat <- coordinates(data)
  else {
    ep.given <- T
    if (is(elocat, "Spatial")) {
      espdf <- elocat
      elocat <- coordinates(espdf)
    else if (is.numeric(elocat) && dim(elocat)[2] == 2)
      elocat <- elocat
    else {
      warning("Output loactions are not packed in a Spatial object,and it has to be a two-column numeric vector")
      elocat <- dp.locat
  data <- as(data, "data.frame")
  dp.n <- nrow(data)
  ep.n <- nrow(elocat)
  if (missing(dMat)) {
    DM.given <- F
    DM1.given <- F
    if (dp.n + ep.n <= 10000) {
      dMat <- gw.dist(dp.locat = dp.locat, rp.locat = elocat,
                      p = p, theta = theta, longlat = longlat)
      DM.given <- T
  else {
    DM.given <- T
    DM1.given <- T
    dim.dMat <- dim(dMat)
    if (dim.dMat[1] != dp.n || dim.dMat[2] != ep.n)
      stop("Dimensions of dMat are not correct")
  if (missing(vars))
    stop("Variables input error")
  if (missing(bw) || bw <= 0)
    stop("Bandwidth is not specified incorrectly")
  len.var <- length(vars)
  col.nm <- colnames(data)
  var.idx <- match(vars, col.nm)[!is.na(match(vars, col.nm))]
  if (length(var.idx) == 0)
    stop("Variables input doesn't match with data")
  x <- data[, var.idx]
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  var.nms <- colnames(x)
  var.n <- ncol(x)
  if (len.var > var.n)
    warning("Invalid variables have been specified, please check them again!")

  temp0 <- tryCatch({ R.utils::withTimeout( 
    fa(x %>% data.frame() %>% 
         dplyr::select(vars) ,nfactors=k, n.obs = nrow(x), fm=fm,rotate=rotate, scores=scores, oblique.scores=oblique.scores, residuals=T),
    error=function(e){ NULL})
  if(foreach==TRUE) {
      cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
      cv <- foreach(i= 1:ep.n, .combine = "cbind") %dopar% {
        if (DM.given)
          dist.vi <- dMat[, i]
        else {
          if (ep.given)
            dist.vi <- gw.dist(dp.locat, elocat, focus = i,
                               p, theta, longlat)
          else dist.vi <- gw.dist(dp.locat, focus = i, p = p,
                                  theta = theta, longlat = longlat)
        wt <- gw.weight(dist.vi, bw, kernel, adaptive)
        wt[i] <- 0
        use <- wt > 0
        wt <- wt[use]
        if (length(wt) <= 5) {
          expr <- paste("Too small bandwidth at location: ",
          warning(paste(expr, "and the results can't be given there.",
                        sep = ", "))
        temp1 <- wfa(x=data, wt, factors=k, scores=scores, n.obs = length(wt), fm, rotate,oblique.scores=oblique.scores, timeout=timeout)
          out <-  NA
        } else {
          out <- tryCatch({ sum((temp0$uniquenesses - temp1$uniquenesses))**2 },
  cv <- c()
  for (i in 1:ep.n) {

    if (DM.given)
      dist.vi <- dMat[, i]
    else {
      if (ep.given)
        dist.vi <- gw.dist(dp.locat, elocat, focus = i,
                           p, theta, longlat)
      else dist.vi <- gw.dist(dp.locat, focus = i, p = p,
                              theta = theta, longlat = longlat)
    wt <- gw.weight(dist.vi, bw, kernel, adaptive)
    wt[i] <- 0
    use <- wt > 0
    wt <- wt[use]
    if (length(wt) <= 5) {
      expr <- paste("Too small bandwidth at location: ",
      warning(paste(expr, "and the results can't be given there.",
                    sep = ", "))

    temp1 <- wfa(x=data, wt, factors=k, scores=scores, n.obs = length(wt), fm, rotate,oblique.scores=oblique.scores, timeout=timeout)
      cv[i] <- NA
    } else{
    cv[i] <- sum((temp0$uniquenesses - temp1$uniquenesses))**2
  cv %>% as.numeric() %>% mean(.,na.rm=TRUE)
naru-T/gwfa documentation built on May 14, 2019, 6:01 a.m.